First World War Galleries Table of contents

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First World War Galleries
Table of contents

Introduction 2

1.Hope and Glory 3

A Maritime Nation 4

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Never greater 5

Clouds in the international sky 7

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2.Why War?


3.Shock 11

Europe’s Hour of Destiny 11

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A Dastardly Slaughter 18

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A very gallant little army 23

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Arsonists! Murderers! 26

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4.Your country needs you 30

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The only thing that is right 33

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Come along boys 36

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A purpose to help 41

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5.Deadlock 49

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Digging, digging, digging 51

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The cold-blooded science 55

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The possibility of death 56

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Gassed 64

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6.World War 70

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England must at least lose India 72

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Other alternatives 75

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Exceedingly dangerous 78

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When the carcase is ready to be cut up 80

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Saving France 83

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7.Feeding the Front 85

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Irritating, unnecessary and useless restrictions 92

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Munitions, more munitions, always more munitions 94

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8.Total War 101

The big efforts must be ours 101

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Going into battle 105

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A costly apprenticeship 109

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The decision bought nearer 116

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Oh God, they’re dead!


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9.At All Costs 119

The man the nation wants 120

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The whole nation’s war 125

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In a panic 136

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Ireland’s battle is now 142

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Playing her last card 145

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Neutral no longer! 149

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10.Life at the Front 153

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11.Machines against Men 181

The day of the rifleman is done 182

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Extraordinary hardships 192

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The most frightful nightmare 195

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12.Breaking Down 197

The war cannot go on 198

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We are men and not beasts 201

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Faces like masks 204

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13.Seizing Victory 211

Hell breaks loose 212

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Now is the time to act with boldness 215

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Peace at any price 218

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14.War Without End 221

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The future of the world 225

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This museum 227

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Introduction to the e-book
This is the large print for our First World War Galleries.
The content appears in order of the sections of the Galleries. To orientate yourself, please reference the table of contents which lists the sections.
Introduction to the First World War Galleries.
These galleries are about the First World War. The ‘Great War’, as people called it at the time, lasted for over four years and cost millions of lives.
In Britain, everyone was affected by the Great War, whether they were fighting or on the home front.
In these galleries, men, women and children who experienced the war will tell you their stories.
They will help show you:

They will do this in their own words and through the objects they gave to this museum.

Getting around
The galleries contain 14 story areas. They highlight the breadth and variety of our unique First World War collections.
You are halfway round when you reach the Total War story area, which looks at the 1916 Battle of the Somme.
If you would like a break at any time, please feel free to leave and come back later.

1.Hope and Glory

As the twentieth century dawned, Britain was one of the greatest powers on Earth. This small island nation ruled over a vast global empire. Its shipping dominated world trade. Its navy guarded the seas.
Yet Britain's society was deeply divided. Many of its men, women and children were not able to enjoy the benefits of living in a rich, industrial nation.

Despite its wealth, power and global influence, the British Empire was less secure than it appeared. Other countries were now challenging Britain.

On mainland Europe, old rivalries and new ambitions created tensions. But few people expected these would lead to a world war.

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