Eleven airport tenants participated in the RSAT, providing their essential perspective to the discussions.
Since the last RSAT was held (in May, 2015) Addison Airport recorded seven pilot deviations, one vehicle deviation, and one operational incident. These were reviewed by Tower personnel and discussed by the group. From these discussions, a Runway Safety Action Plan (RSAP) proposing ways to mitigate operational hazards was produced.
In another closely related matter, about a year ago Addison Airport was asked by FAA to participate in a grant-funded Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) study, which we did. The RIM study is a nationwide program that is focused on identifying causal factors that are common to many runway incursions (a runway incursion is the improper or unauthorized presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian on a runway). Airport geometry is a particular area of focus. On August 24th, the RIM study team visited Addison to discuss findings and additional steps that could be taken to reduce potential hazards at Addison. The team concluded that Addison has already done just about as much as can practically be done to address the issues.