From Southern Cross to

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From Southern Cross to Aurora: A Brief history of advances in Antarctic terrestrial Magnetic research, 1898-1914.
Aurora Symposium: S.A. Museum-University of Adelaide, February 2014.
Andrew Atkin, Gateway Antarctica, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.

The turn of the twentieth century was a period of intense exploration and scientific activity on, and around the Antarctic continent. Most campaigns combined exploration and science in a comfortable alliance that produced results in both arenas. A core activity for most scientific programs was research into terrestrial magnetism, touted to be of mercantile interest (through the improvement of navigational charts) and intellectual inquiry (as the sources of the earth’s magnetic field were still a mystery). Douglas Mawson’s AAE (Aurora expedition 1911-14) represented the zenith of quality research in the field, especially in comparison to the modest beginnings during Borchgrevink’s Southern Cross expedition (1898-99).

In accord with the museum’s “Science and Collaboration” symposium theme, this presentation compares the work and practice of two journeys undertaken in the interests of geomagnetic science and notes the development of research in the discipline across some key expeditions between 1898 and 1914. It compares the work on sledge journeys of the Royal Geographic Society’s (Captain Scott’s) Discovery expedition (1901-04) and that of Mawson’s Australasian Antarctic Expedition (Aurora). Scott’s expedition was well funded, was sponsored by the Royal Society, had a custom-built ship as a floating magnetic observatory, had the most modern instruments and enjoyed a long preparation time. This paper investigates the elements that led to the conclusion that, although Mawson’s expedition did not enjoy all these key advantages, it produced superior results in the discipline of terrestrial magnetism. Improvements in quality of the Antarctic research into terrestrial magnetism through the so-called “Heroic Era” are explained.
Background to early research into terrestrial magnetism
There is a very long history of involvement in magnetic research by intellectuals and the Royal Navy in particular. For example Edmund Halley (Astronomer Royal and Captain R.N.) led two expeditions to the South Atlantic for magnetic science and produced a chart of the globe for the year 1700 showing lines of equal magnetic declination (isogons). A century later the polymath Alexander von Humboldt surveyed magnetism in Central and South America between 1799 and 1804, at more than one hundred locations and determined that magnetic intensity increased with increasing latitude on land, as well as at sea. He used a site in the Peruvian Andes as his reference station as it was on the magnetic equator (McConnell, 2005, p. 353). During the same years Matthew Flinders (Captain R.N, navigator and hydrographer) surveyed the coast of New Holland (Australia) and took thousands of observations including details of compass bearings, date, time, ship's heading, magnetic dip and geographic latitude and longitude. He noticed that the iron on board ship caused deviation and showed that swinging the ship around the points of the compass and recording the apparent declination on each heading could allow compensation to be made at sea (Gurney, 2004, p. 153; Mawer, 2006, p. 12). John Churchman (1753-1805) had also proposed this solution in 1796 (Jonkers, 2003, p. 169). On his return to England (after incarceration by the French) in 1812, Flinders proposed the Admiralty carry out a series of experiments related to deviation after which he devised a solution known as the “Flinders bar”, which was composed of soft iron and placed vertically and below the ship’s compass in the binnacle (Gurney, 2004, p. 171).

Alexander von Humboldt later joined the lobby agitating for the expansion of magnetic research in Britain and for James Clark Ross’s Antarctic expedition with it’s associated network of observatories. His influence in Britain shifted the focus of magnetic research away from the north magnetic pole and introduced a broader approach: “Consideration of the magnetic field as a cosmic phenomenon helped to broaden the subject and break down the barriers which the narrower interests of the Navy might have imposed” (Cawood, 1979).

There were two stimuli for magnetic research: commercial and intellectual. The mercantile products of scientific magnetic research at sea were charts showing magnetic features that assisted navigators in the days of sail. Secondly, scientific intellectual inquiry was informed by better determination of the location of the magnetic pole, data to assist solving the causes of terrestrial magnetism, confirmation of the global synchronicity of secular and diurnal changes in magnetic elements and finally, the synchronicity of magnetic disturbances and their relationship to magnetic storms on the sun and the appearance of auroras. With a few exceptions, systematic observations had been confined to the northern hemisphere prior to 1900 and the first and only voyages to the proximity of the south magnetic pole were those of Ross, Wilkes and d’Urville around 1840. No systematic long term magnetic observing had been undertaken on those voyages so around the start of the twentieth century Antarctica was a blank sheet in terms of research into magnetism. Also at that time, although the phenomena associated with terrestrial magnetism could be described, the source or cause was unknown. The connection between observable solar activity and so-called “disturbances” in earth’s the magnetic signature were known, but not understood.

The elements of terrestrial magnetism
There are three elements of terrestrial magnetism of interest to physicists that could be determined using the instruments available in 1900. These are declination, dip and intensity. Declination is the angular difference between true (or geographic) north and the magnetic meridian at any place on the surface of the globe. Declination is also referred to as “variation” by mariners. This is the simplest measure of a locality’s ambient magnetic field and instruments have been available to make determination of variation since before the time of Halley’s Paramour voyages between 1698 and 1701. Charts showing lines of equal magnetic variation, isogonic lines, indicate the magnetic meridian at any place on the chart. The isogons converge toward the magnetic poles and this type of chart was of some use in practical navigation.
As the source attracting the magnetised needle appears to be within the earth, not on its surface, a measure known as magnetic dip is used to describe the angle that the magnetised needle makes with the horizontal when free to move vertically and is aligned along the local magnetic meridian. This angle is also referred to as inclination. Charts of lines of equal magnetic dip are called isoclinal lines and the magnetic equator is found along the line of zero dip. The magnetic pole is the locality where the dip is 90° causing the dip needle to point directly downward as shown in the image of the dip circle in the University of Queensland physics museum collection (item number 63).

The notional points known as the “Geomagnetic Poles” are points that best fit an antipodal magnetic dipole, a theoretical arrangement only that is of no utility in research into terrestrial magnetism (Mawer, 2006, p. 157). The north and south magnetic poles are not antipodal and their locations are constantly changing.

“Intensity” represents the strength of the magnetic field of the earth. The total magnetic intensity may be calculated for any locality and time, then expressed as a single number by combining the vectors of horizontal and vertical intensity. Although determination of the direction of the vectors was possible, determination of the absolute field strength was not possible until the invention of the magnetometer by Gauss in 1832 (Jonkers, 2003, p. 26). Previously, relative field strength in the horizontal plane could be determined by the rate of oscillation of a compass needle but comparison was rarely valid as each needle had a unique magnetic signature.

“Deviation” is a mariner’s term to describe the measure of the influence on ships compasses caused by ferrous materials in the ship’s fabric or its cargo. Hard iron in ships is permanently magnetised and soft iron can vary in its magnetic polarity and strength over time. Deviation changes according to the ship’s direction and the heeling angle. “Swinging” the ship is the process that determines the values of compensation for deviation required, according to direction of travel. Mariners also refer to “compass error”, an angular value that combines the variation and the deviation to provide an angle that may be applied by the helmsman to stay on a true course.
Chronology of Antarctic Expeditions Performing Magnetic Research 1898-1914
To provide context, the following table summarizes the key expeditions to the Antarctic during the so-called “Heroic Era”. Most performed at least some form of magnetic survey as part of normal navigational practice and many included magnetic research at sea, on the Antarctic bases and in the field. This paper focuses on certain early expeditions to the East Antarctic and in particular, the Ross Sea region, adjacent to the magnetic pole. The expeditions of particular interest are Carsten Borchgrevink’s Southern Cross, Robert Falcon Scott’s Discovery, Ernest Shackleton’s Nimrod and Mawson’s Aurora. This does not imply that others (such as Drygalski’s Gauss and Scott’s Terra Nova) did not make significant contributions to magnetic science.


Expedition Name



Field of Operation


Belgian Antarctic Expedition

Adrien de Gerlache


Antarctic Peninsula and Bellingshausen Sea

Southern Cross

British Antarctic Expedition

Carsten Borchgrevink


Cape Adare, the Ross Sea and the face of the Ross Ice Shelf


British National Antarctic Expedition

Robert Falcon Scott (R.N.)


Ross Sea region


Swedish South Polar Expedition

Otto Nordenskjöld


Antarctic Peninsula


German South Polar Expedition

Erich von Drygalski.


Crozet and Kerguelen Islands then along the Indo-Atlantic Coastal Antarctica


Scottish National Antarctic Expedition

William Speirs Bruce


Antarctic Peninsula


French Antarctic Expedition

Jean-Baptiste Charcot


Antarctic Peninsula


British Antarctic Expedition

Ernest Shackleton


Ross Sea and overland towards South Pole


Second French South Polar Expedition

Jean-Baptiste Charcot


Antarctic Peninsula


Norwegian Antarctic Expedition

Roald Amundsen


Ross Ice Barrier and overland to the South Pole

Terra Nova

British Antarctic Expedition

Robert Falcon Scott (R.N.)


Ross Sea region and overland to the South Pole

Kainan Maru

Japanese Antarctic Expedition

Nobu Shirase


Ross Sea region in the first season of 1910-11, then King Edward VII Land


German South Polar Expedition

Wilhelm Filchner


Weddell Sea


Australasian Antarctic Expedition

Douglas Mawson


Macquarie Island, and coastal continental Antarctica between 90° E and 158° E

Endurance and Aurora

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Ernest Shackleton


Endurance in the Weddell Sea and Aurora in the Ross Sea

It’s important to understand the distinction between the different types of observing and data collection during the period under consideration.

Firstly there was the routine of making observations at sea. James Clark Ross affirms the priority of the “at sea” magnetic observing program for the Erebus and Terror (1839-43) in the introduction to the account of his voyages to Antarctica:
We are not to expect from observations at sea the precision of which they are susceptible on land. Nonetheless, it has been ascertained that not only the Declination, but the Inclination and Intensity, can be observed, in moderate circumstances of weather and sea, with sufficient correctness, to afford most useful and valuable information, if patience be bestowed, and proper precautions adopted…it will be needless further to insist on the necessity of making a daily series of magnetic observations, in all the three particulars above-mentioned, whenever weather and sea will permit, an essential feature of the business of the voyage, in both ships. Magnetic observations at sea, will of course, be affected by the ship’s magnetism, and this must be eliminated to obtain results of any service.

(Ross, 1847, xxxiii)

The dip circle illustrated below (that used by Amundsen during his North-West passage transit on Gjøa, (1903 -06) is similar to those instruments used by Ross at sea for the determination of dip and intensity.

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