Funded by the European Union

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Social Workers in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries

Guidelines for Sub-Grant Applicants

Budget lines and

Reference: EuropeAid/135811/DH/ACT/Multi

Deadline for submission of application:

March 31, 2017, 18.00 local time



1.1.Background and Introduction

Every child deserves to live with a loving and nurturing family. Yet, millions of children across the world grow up out of homes.

Social protection of children in Armenia is considered one of the priorities in recent years. Despite this fact, child poverty according to a UNICEF study, in the country remains quite high - 41%, while the overall poverty rate in the country is 33.7%1. The type of social protection programs for children and families and their coverage are accessible to only a limited number of children.

Only one percent out of more than 400,000 children living in poverty receive state support services. In particular, those services are provided in residential care institutions. In addition, according to a recent Oxfam report, the state poverty benefit system targets only 60 percent of poor families2. Other state programs for child and family support such as allowances for child birth, working mothers with children under two years of age, etc. make up only about 2 percent of the expenditures on children. In fact, the state support services for children are mainly care in residential institutions, which is known as an extreme measure; it is expensive and does, according to a UNICEF study, not meet the best interests of children.3

Starting from 2000, the government of Armenia takes measures to reform the child and family protection system. Currently, the government of Armenia has started deinstitutionalization of children and enhancement of family-type care alternatives, in particular development of foster care. In this regard, Ministry of Labor and Social Issues (MoLSI) and Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) undertook deinstitutionalization of about 22 care institutions in the next five year period where more than 500 children are cared. The number of institutionalized children has been significantly reduced, however the family support programs that could prevent the institutionalization of children and help families to meet physical, emotional and developmental needs of their children, continue to be fragmental and episodic. State family support services exist only in two regions (marzes) of Armenia, while there is a big lack of such services also in other marzes.

The biggest segment of family support services are provided by CSOs, church, charity and diaspora-based organizations that apply different methodologies. Some of them adopted social work methodology, while others continue operating as simple philanthropic services and are not specialized to bring changes in the lives of families, even though they make a significant financial investment.

Although local authorities (Commission on Trusteeship and Guardianship - CoTG) are authorized to deal with the problems of families, in particular of the families with minors, they cannot fulfil their duties due to the lack of resources, methodological shortcomings and lack of cooperation with other major players. Only few CoTG are successful in achieving positive progress, but there is no so-called regulated approach and program available for families and children in general as evidenced by FAR, CPN, UNICEF and other agents of the sphere.

Given the fact that there are limited family support services and coordinated approaches, the return of those children to their families remains risky.

It is internationally recognized that strengthening families and households of vulnerable children is the most effective way of achieving desirable long-term outcomes in preventing family separations. Family preservation approach is a strength-based, family-focused care aimed at helping vulnerable families improve family functioning while keeping children safe. It builds upon the belief that many children can be safely protected within their own homes when parents are provided with needed services and support that empower them to improve their lives. The approach also encompasses more expanded care systems and increased inter-agency/sectorial cooperation that ensure families are connected with the community resources. The overall goal of family preservation is to enhance vulnerable families’ ability to meet child’s developmental needs and provide nurturing home through supporting their skill-building and securing access to resources to cope with life stressors, thereby contributing to family’s self-sufficiency and reduced reliance upon external interventions.

Social work is a profession dedicated to helping individuals, families and communities address life challenges and enhance wellbeing. Social workers play a central role in identifying, assessing, and strengthening vulnerable families throughout the globe. In many countries, it is their professional mandate to protect children from abuse and neglect, intervene when families are dysfunctional, and work with them to overcome crisis situations and support their strengthening.

Similarly, in Armenia the newly appointed case managers in state social services are authorised to conduct situation analysis of families/children and based on that offer customized solutions. CoTGs and the Child Protection Units are entitled to provide services on one hand and making decisions on the other hand, however they have not yet adopted relevant social work approaches that would allow to respond to multidimensional problems of their clients through individualized and needs based methods which are necessary for the upgrading of life quality of their beneficiaries. This is the reason why numerous issues in the area of child protection remain unaddressed despite the many stakeholders in place.

The regional project “Social Workers In Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries” (SWIC), funded by the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation and implemented by Hilfswerk Austria International (HWA) in cooperation with four local partners, the Armenian Association of Social Workers (AASW), the Georgian Association of Social Workers (GASW), the Azerbaijan Social Work Public Union (ASWPU) and the Nursing Association of the Republic of Moldova (NARM), strives to contribute to the social well-being of vulnerable groups, amongst them families and children at risk, in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova by developing and strengthening the concept of and access to social work in the four project countries. Also, multi-stakeholder dialogues are promoted on a national, regional and local level.

Within the scope of the SWIC project, support to smaller CSOs, preferably from regions outside the capitals/big urban areas, to strengthen their capacities and role in the local development of the social sector is addressed through a targeted Sub-Grant Programme (SGP).

Within this Sub-Grant Programme, the local SWIC project partners, i.e. the Associations of Social Workers and related professions, assume a key role by acting as centers of competence for social work to empower local organisations through training / consulting and at the same time as Contracting Party (Donor) by awarding specific grants to local CSOs and social service deliverers.

1.2.Objectives of the Sub-Grants Programme and priority issues

The overall objective of the Sub-Grants Programme is to support local CSOs to engage in social reforms and contribute to social protection and family preservation practice. This encompasses strengthening and promoting the role of local civil society organizations (CSOs) in the European Neighbourhood Region to support ongoing reforms, particularly, family strengthening component, through social work practice, increased community participation and inter-agency, inter-sectorial and/or inter-disciplinary partnership.
More precisely, the SGP has the following specific objectives:

  • Build up comprehensive community social work capacities by introducing needs-based family support concepts and models;

  • Promote CSO role in social policy making processes at local regional and/or national levels through increased community participation and inter-agency, inter-disciplinary partnership;

  • Encourage formation of CSO networks on family preservation in order to use synergies and stimulate peer-learning, coaching and peer-mentoring;

  • Improve awareness of, or engage relevant stakeholders in addressing family preservation programs

  • Promote a positive image and credibility of the social protection system.

The expected results are as follows:

  • Local CSOs role in policy-making processes and policy dialogue, and as watchdog and monitoring players is strengthened

  • CSOs have increased capacity and resources to support the production of evidence on key issues on family strengthening policy and service delivery issues on local, regional and/or national level and are able to draft recommendations based on findings

  • Community-based family support concepts and models are introduced/adapted and piloted

  • CSO networks that facilitate co-ordination and lobbying policy on family strengthening policy processes are created and/or reinforced on local, regional and/or national level and active.

  • Stakeholders are aware of family strengthening policy issues

  • Social workers working in CSOs in remote regions are aware of service offers in different governmental and non-governmental organizations to promote family strengthening and show increased horizontal and inter-sectorial cooperation by referring beneficiaries to these offers upon need


2.1.Financial Allocation provided by the Contracting Party

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 180,000.00. The Contracting Party reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Size of grants:

Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

  • minimum amount: EUR 20,000

  • maximum amount: EUR 45,000

Additional Funds (Co-Financing):
Contributions from candidates to the planned Action (in cash or in kind) are encouraged, but are not obligatory. Relevant and verifiable contributions will be assessed favourably during the evaluation of the grant applications (see point 4.2 of these Guidelines).
Contributions in kind mean the provision of goods or services to Sub-Grant Beneficiaries free of charge by a third party (such as goods, equipment, buildings (own or rented), work rendered (by oneself and other workers on a voluntary basis), etc.). If contributions in kind are suggested by the Sub-Grant Beneficiary as co-financing, such contributions must not exceed:

a) either the costs actually borne and duly supported by accounting documents;

b) or the costs generally accepted on the concerned market of reference.

2.2.Eligibility of applicants (i.e. lead applicant and co-applicant(s))

Eligible applicants can either apply alone (without partners) or act together with other partners.
The access to the SGP funds is open in equal conditions for the following entities who comply with all of below mentioned criteria:

      1. Lead applicant

In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant must:

  • be a legal person

  • be non-profit-making and

  • be civil society organisations, such as non-governmental non-profit organisations and independent foundations, community-based organisations and private-sector non-profit agencies, institutions and organisations and networks thereof

  • be registered in Armenia

  • have demonstrable experience of implementing at least two projects, each with a min. project budget of at least 33% of the requested grant amount, preferably related to the social field, in Armenia within the last 5 years, thereof at least one mainly targeting one or several regions outside the capital,

  • have the capacity to enter into a legal agreement (be able to sign a contract), and

  • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s), if any, not acting as an intermediary.

Smaller CSOs registered in regions outside the capital are particularly encouraged to apply.

Potential applicants may not participate in calls for proposals or be awarded grants if they are in any of the situations listed below:

  • have a legal dispute or debts that could materially affect the institution’s ability to undertake the project;

  • organisations with record of conviction for fraud and other corrupt practices;

  • organisations under liquidation;

  • organisations based on political and partisan interest;

  • international organisations and their local branches / representative offices.

      1. Group application (co-applicant(s))

Several organisations can come together informally to work on a project and submit a group application. In this case,

  • all applicants of this group must nominate one of the organisations as leader (“lead applicant”), to act on behalf of all those involved;

  • the lead applicant should fill in the application for the group (in accordance with the co-applicants);

  • all applicants of this group must accept that the grant will be paid to the lead applicat, who will be responsible for meeting the conditions of the grant;

  • all applicants must provide written consent for the application from all the members of the consortium (signed mandate in the grant application form). When applying as a group of organisations, you must clearly describe the roles of the different group members during the implementation of your proposed project,

  • co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself with the exception of demonstrable project experience: Co-applicants can, but are not required to provide evidence on one or several successfully implemented projects. Instead, they are obligatorily required to prove that min. two employees that will be involved in the Action on behalf of the co-applicant have been involved in the coordination or implementation of donor-funded projects for min. 6 months each by indicating the names of the suggested employees, the name of the projects they have been involved, their function in these projects, the implementing organisations, contact data of referees, donors and duration of their involvement in the Grant Application Form,

  • at least one applicant (lead applicant or co-applicant) of the group must be registered outside the capital.

Where it is not specified otherwise the lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) are hereinafter jointly referred to as "applicant(s)".

      1. Number of applications and grants per applicant

The lead applicant may not submit more than 1 application under this call for proposals.

The lead applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this call for proposals.

The lead applicant may not be a co-applicant in another application at the same time.

A co-applicant may not be the co-applicant in another application at the same time.

A co-applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this call for proposals.

2.3.Eligible actions: Actions for which an application may be made

2.3.1What is an action

An action is composed of a set of activities.


The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 8 months nor exceed 10 months.

The SGP can only be implemented during the implementation period of the SWIC project, i.e. latest until 31.3.2018. Any financing under the SGP is made only after the date on which Grant Agreements are concluded between the Contracting Party and the Sub-Grant Beneficiary.

2.3.3Geographic Focus / Location

Actions shall take place in one or several regions of Armenia, outside of the capital.

2.3.4Sectors or Themes

Inter-agency / Inter-sectorial cooperation on community level with a special focus on social work to strengthen family preservation

2.3.5Activities the sub-grant will support

Criteria for eligible activities and actions are based on the principles described in the general and specific objectives detailed in section 1.2 above.

The following types of activity are eligible for financial support through sub-granting, whereby winning applications will cover at least 2 out of the below stated activities:

  1. conducting analyses/surveys/data collection on existing community support / social services and social service providers as well as inter-agency / inter-sectorial cooperation to strengthen family preservation on local or regional level and potential gaps;

  2. developing concepts and recommendations how to solve identified issues/problems/gaps;

  3. testing these concepts in practice (piloting services): This activity is a non-obligatory activity. However, when chosen by the applicant(s), a professional social worker with social work degree as consultant or practitioner has to be involved obligatorily;

  4. developing and organizing information campaigns and advocacy measures on Action topics (through print/internet/radio/TV/others for specific target audience and stakeholders;

  5. organizing policy dialogue / round tables on inter-agency / inter-sectorial cooperation and community support services to strengthen family preservation on a local and/or regional level;

  6. building coalitions or conducting networking activities on local inter-agency / inter-sectorial cooperation and community support services to strengthen family preservation.

For each chosen activity, applicants have to obligatorily incorporate a Social Work component, e.g. by analyzing social work specific issues in the context of family strengthening and preservation or improved inter-sectorial cooperation, by demonstrating how Social Work can contribute to improvements in before stated areas, etc.

2.3.6Actions and activities the sub-grant will NOT support

  • Actions that fall outside areas outlined above,

  • actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses;

  • actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses;

  • actions concerned only with one-off conferences. Conferences can only be funded if they form part of a wider range of activities to be implemented in the life-time of the SWIC project;

  • actions supporting individual political parties;

  • actions including proselytism.


The applicants must take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation has financed or co-financed the action and that the project has been carried out in partnership with AASW and HWA.

2.5.Eligibility of Costs: Costs that can be included

Only ‘eligible costs’ can be covered by a grant. The budget is both a cost estimate and an overall ceiling for ‘eligible costs’. The categories of costs that are eligible and non-eligible are indicated below:

2.5.1Eligible Costs

Eligible Direct Costs

  1. Human Resources

    1. Salaries (gross salaries including social security charges and other related costs, local staff) of all project staff members with an employment contract.

    2. Per diems for local missions/travel. Per diems cover accommodation, meals, local travel within the place of mission and sundry expenses and shall be calculated based on the applicable most recent local legislation.

  2. Travel expenses and vehicle costs for project related activities

    1. By public transport (bus, train), contracted transport companies or office vehicles

  3. Equipment and supplies (if duly justified, i.e. for specific project-related activities)

    1. Furniture

    2. Computer equipment

    3. Other

  4. Other costs, services for conducting project activities

    1. Costs of conducting and printing publications, studies, research

    2. National external experts

    3. Translation, interpreters

    4. Costs of conferences/seminars/trainings/other events (room rent, equipment, catering, hand-out materials, etc.)

    5. Expenses for visibility actions.

Eligible indirect costs

Indirect costs refer to the following: overhead for Action management, such as rent of project office and electricity/heating/maintenance of office, communication (phone/mobile phone/Internet fees), bank charges and financial services, office supplies etc.

The indirect costs incurred in carrying out the action will be covered by flat-rate funding (i.e. by applying a percentage of the eligible direct costs fixed ex ante), but the total must not exceed 7 % of the estimated total eligible direct costs. The applicant may be asked to justify the percentage requested before the contract is signed. However, once the flat rate has been fixed in the grant contract, no supporting documents need to be provided.

2.5.2Ineligible costs

The following costs are not eligible:

  • Debts and debt service charges (interest);

  • provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;

  • costs declared by the beneficiary(ies) and financed by another action or work programme receiving a European Union (including through EDF) grant;

  • purchases of land or buildings;

  • currency exchange losses;

  • credit to third parties;

  • salary costs of the personnel of governmental state and local administrations.


3.1.Application’s Content

3.1.1Application package

To participate in the grant competition, the applicant organization, which meets the requirements of paragraph 2.2, must complete and submit the project proposal package.

The Application package is comprised of the proposal itself and annexes.

The project proposal includes:

  1. Information about the applicant(s)

  2. Summary of the Action (max. 2 pages)

  3. Background and description of pre-action situation (max. 1 page)

  4. Description of the Action (3 - 5 pages)

  5. Project Management and Organizational structure (max 1 page)

  6. Sustainability of the project (max 1 page)

  7. Action plan for implementing the Action

  8. Budget

  9. Applicants’ previous project / Project references / Project or social work experience

  10. Completed, signed and stamped mandate by each co-applicant(s) (if applicable)

  11. Signed and stamped statement by the lead applicant

  12. Checklist for the full application form

  13. Annexes to be attached to the proposal (documents or copies).

Required annexes:

  1. Copy of the registration certificate of each applicant organization;

  2. Copy of the approved charter/bylaw/articles of association of each applicant organization;

  3. If co-financing is provided: Written statement on the amount, type and sources of co-financing contribution within the framework of the project, which has to be approved (signed and sealed) by an official representative of the applicant organization and, if third parties are involved, by a legal representative of this third party;

  4. Copy of the latest accounts (profit and loss account and balance sheet for the last financial year which the accounts have been closed) or the latest financial statement submitted to local tax authorities of each applicant. Recent fiscal statement (not older than 30 days) of each applicant organization issued by a competent local authority (from fiscal / local administration authorities ) (proving that neither of the applicants has any outstanding debts in front of tax or other authorities or financial institutions)

Electronic version of the Application package can be downloaded from the AASW website, as well as asked and received via e-mail from

Applications must be submitted in accordance with the application instructions in the Grant Application Form annexed to these Sub-Grant Guidelines (Annex A). Please complete the application form carefully and as clearly as possible so that it can be assessed properly. No other annexes except the ones indicated should be sent or will be taken into consideration for evaluation.

The grant Application should be typed in English or Armenian (Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins, single line spacing) on a PC and printed. If the grant Application is prepared in local language, then the “Summary of the Action” (point 2 of the SGP-Grant Application Form) has to be submitted in English; if the grant Application is prepared in English, then the “Summary of the Action” has to be prepared in local language. Hand-written applications will not be accepted.

Any error related to the points listed in the checklist of the Grant Application Form or any major inconsistency in the application (e.g. if the amounts in the budget worksheets are inconsistent) may lead to the rejection of the application.

The complete Sub-Grant Application package should include:

  • the printed Application (1 original and 1 copy) in A4 size (including filled-in checklist and signed declaration by the (lead) applicant and, if applicable, mandate by each co-applicant), each bound, as well as required annexes (one copy)

  • and electronic versions of all of them (to be submitted on an electronic medium or sent via e-mail to the following address:

In case of differences between the copy documents the original version prevails. The electronic file must contain exactly the same application as the paper version.

3.2.Where and how to send Applications

The Sub-Grant Application package must be submitted in a sealed envelope by registered mail, private courier service or by hand-delivery (a signed and dated certificate of receipt will be given to the deliverer) to the address below: The envelope must bear the full name and address of the (lead) applicant and the words “Not to be opened before the opening session”.

The electronic versions must be submitted together with the submission of the project proposal or no later than the deadline for submission (if sent to e-mail address).

Postal address and for hand delivery / private courier service

AASW Yerevan office (activity address)

Attn.: Ms. Manane Petrosyan

Armenian Association of Social Workers

Address: 64, Karapet Ulnetsi, 0069 Yerevan, Armenia

Applications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax), by e-mail only or delivered to other addresses will be rejected.

Applicants must verify that their application is complete using the checklist in the grant application form. Incomplete applications may be rejected.

3.3.Deadline for Submission of Applications

The deadline for the submission of applications is 31st of March 2017 as evidenced by the date of dispatch, the postmark or the date of the deposit slip. In the case of hand-deliveries, the deadline for receipt is at 18:00 local time as evidenced by the signed and dated receipt. Any application submitted after the deadline will be rejected.

3.4.Further Information about the Sub-Grants Programme and Applications

Questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of full applications to the address listed below, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals:

E-mail address:

The Contracting Party has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions received after this date. Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for the submission of applications.

To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants or an Action.

No individual replies will be given to questions. All questions and answers as well as other important notices to applicants during the course of the evaluation procedure, will be given in written and published on the website, It is therefore advisable to consult the abovementioned website regularly in order to be informed of the questions and answers published.


Applications will be examined and evaluated by representatives of the SWIC project team with the assistance of external assessors. All actions submitted by applicants will be assessed according to the following steps and criteria.

4.1.STEP 1: Opening & Administrative Checks of Conformity and Eligibility

The project proposal will be considered for competition, if it meets the following requirements and criteria:

    • The proposal package is sealed and has all the necessary inscriptions before the opening procedure.

    • The proposal package is complete and all the necessary documents (including annexes) are submitted;

    • the submitted Application corresponds to the set format;

    • the applicant meets the requirements of the SGP competition stated in paragraph 2.2 (i.a. legal status, years and place of registration, previous project experience, financial situation);

    • the amount of the grant are in line with the requirements of the SGP competition (as stated in paragraph 2.1);

    • the application is submitted within the deadline.

If the examination of the application reveals that the proposed action does not meet the eligibility criteria or if any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect, the application may be rejected on this sole basis and the application will not be evaluated further.

The results of this check are documented for each application individually.

The applications that pass this check will undergo a more detailed technical and financial evaluation.

4.2.STEP 2: Technical and Financial Evaluation of the Application

Eligible project proposals will be evaluated by a specially established SGP Evaluation Committee, which will consist of min. 5 members representing Hilfswerk Austria International, the Armenian Association of Social Workers and other independent external state and non-state experts.

All members of the SGP Evaluation Committee must sign a Declaration of Impartiality and Confidentiality.

The quality of the applications, including the proposed budget and capacity of the applicants, will be evaluated using the evaluation criteria in the evaluation grid below. An application can receive an overall score of 100 points.

The evaluation criteria are divided into sections and subsections. Each subsection will be given a score between 1 and 5 as follows: 1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = adequate; 4 = good; 5 = very good.

Evaluation Grid


Maximum Scores

  1. Experience of the applicant and operational capacity


    1. Do the applicants (lead and any co-applicant(s)) have relevant technical experience in the social sector?


    1. Do the applicants (lead and any co-applicant(s)) have a proven track-record of activities outside the capital?


    1. Do the applicants (lead and any co-applicant(s)) have sufficient experience of project management and/or management capacity (including staff, equipment, and ability to handle the budget for the Action)?


    1. Do the applicants (lead and any co-applicant(s)) have relevant experience in community mobilization, stakeholder management, social work relevant practice and/or advocacy and lobbying?


  1. Relevance of the Action


    1. How relevant to the particular needs and situation of the target region(s) / community(ies) is the proposal?


    1. How clearly defined and well-chosen are the target groups, final beneficiaries and other stakeholders? Have their needs been clearly defined and does the proposal address them appropriately?


    1. Does the Action address the specific subthemes/sectors/areas as defined in paragraph 2.3.4 of the Guidelines for the call?


    1. Do actions take place mainly in one or several regions of the target country outside of the capital?


  1. Description of the Action


    1. Are the objectives and expected results of the Action feasible and consistent?


    1. Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical and consistent with the objectives and expected results?


    1. Does the proposal incorporate and sufficiently address the obligatory Social Work component in its activities as defined in 2.3.5 of the Guidelines for the call?


    1. Is the action plan clear and feasible?


  1. Project Management and Organizational Structure


    1. Is the distribution of responsibilities among the different actors and among the team clear and feasible?


    1. Does the project reflect involvement or network activities with relevant stakeholders (i.e. consultations and other activities with local and regional authorities, etc.)?


  1. Sustainability and Impact of the Action


    1. Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable:

  • financially (how will the activities be financed after the funding ends?)

  • institutionally (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local ‘ownership’ of the results of the action?)


    1. Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects (replication, extension, information sharing, etc.)?


  1. Budget


    1. Are the activities appropriately reflected in the budget?


    1. Are the main means proposed for the implementation of the Action (equipment, materials, and supplies) sufficiently explained and is their procurement justified in relation to the objectives and expected results?


    1. Is the ratio between the proposed estimated expenses and the expected results satisfactory?


    1. Do(es) the applicant(s) provide relevant and verifiable (supplementary documentation) co-financing to the Action in cash or in kind? Are the sources and types of co-financing sufficiently explained and justified?


Maximum total score


If the total score is less than 40 points, the application will be rejected. If the total score for section 1 is less than 12 points, the application will be rejected.

In case of doubts on compliance, the Evaluation Committee may decide to issue a request for further proofs to the lead applicant.

The Contracting Party also reserves the right to pay a visit to applicants and conduct on-site verification of the premises / places where the project is planned to be implemented in order to review on site the resources and assumptions described in the Application.

Provisional selection: After the evaluation, a table will be drawn up listing the applications ranked according to their score. The highest scoring applications will be provisionally selected until the available budget for this call for proposals is reached. In addition, a reserve list will be drawn up following the same criteria.

4.3.STEP 3: Notification of the Applicants

The lead applicants will be informed in writing of the SGP Evaluation Committee’s decision concerning their application and, if rejected, the reasons for the negative decision.

The Contracting Party reserves the right to request adaptations / refinements of the Applications in order to increase its feasibility or sustainability based on recommendations of the SGP Evaluation Committee. If the provisionally selected applicant agrees to the proposed changes, the amendments of the Grant Application form will be made in writing and the procedure of signing the small grant contract initiated.

Those applicants that were selected by the SGP Evaluation Committee but refuse to accept the grant and/or those applicants that were conditionally selected by the Evaluation Committee but refuse to make the requested changes, will be replaced by the next best placed application on the reserve list that falls within the available budget for this call for proposals.

4.4.STEP 4: Finalization and Signing of Sub-Grant Agreements

Following the decision to award a grant and any adjustments / refinements undertaken, the awardee(s) will sign a Sub-Grant Agreement with the Contracting Party, i.e. the Armenian Association of Social Workers


Sub-Grant Beneficiaries have the responsibility to ensure that they conduct the proposed activities and deliver the products (including reporting requirements, see paragraph 5.1) according to what is stipulated in their Applications, the acton plans and approved budgets as well as according to the Sub-Grant Agreement terms and conditions.

5.1.Reporting and payment arrangements

An initial pre-financing payment of 50% of the maximum grant amount stated in the signed Sub-Grant Agreement will be transferred to the Sub-Grant Beneficiary.

For the Sub-Grant Beneficiary to be able to receive a further pre-financing payment of up to 45% of the maximum grant amount stated in the signed Sub-Grant Agreement after the first half of the implementation period of the sub-grant project has expired, they will have to submit and have the following approved:

    1. Financial Report with accompanying supplementing documents on all expenses that are shown in the financial report by using the financial report template and observing the instructions provided by the Contracting Party

    2. Payment request for further pre-financing

    3. Progress narrative report by using the narrative report template provided by the Contracting Party

The balance of the final amount of the sub-grant (i.e. up to 5%) will be settled after submitting the final financial and narrative report according to the specifications in the Sub-Grant Agreement, the proof on co-financing, if any, and the final payment request and its approval by the Contracting Party. If the total eligible costs of the Sub-Grant Action are less than the estimated costs according to the Sub-Grant Agreement, the Sub-Grant shall be limited to the amount obtained by applying the maximum percentage of funding by the Contracting Party, as stated in the Sub-Grant Agreement, to the eligible costs of the Sub-Grant Action approved by the Contracting Party.

The Contracting Party reserves the right to ask for additional financial and narrative reports on a monthly or bimonthly basis upon need.

5.2.Monitoring and Evaluation

Periodic monitoring will be performed by the Contracting Party and/or other SWIC project staff during the implementation process and after the suspension of the SGP financing. In addition, a final evaluation will be conducted by an external expert after the implementation period of the SWIC project.

Sub-Grant Beneficiaries shall fully cooperate with the project team and offer the monitoring officer(s) / the evaluator(s) all the documentation and other information that may be requested by him/her in relation with the project activity. Furthermore they will grant the project team access to all project-relevant sites and facilities to check the status of purchased equipment/inventories and project progress.

Monitoring / Evaluation will cover broadly the following:

5.2.1Monitoring in-payments – expenditures from the SGP funds and the financial and/or non-financial contribution by Sub-Grant Beneficiaries and their being in line with the budget and payment schedule;

5.2.2Monitoring activities - the nature, type and timing of activities carried out;

5.2.3Monitoring usage and maintenance of any equipment or and assets bought from SGP funds (if applicable);

5.2.4Monitoring involvement of staff and partners in the project’s implementation as originally planned;

5.2.5Monitoring results – number of service sessions rendered, number of round tables held, etc.


The Contracting Party may be requested by the donors of the SWIC project to organize a financial audit of activities supported within the Sub-Grants Programme. The audit may take place during the implementation period of the SWIC project as well as up to 5 years after the termination of the SWIC project.

The Sub-Grant Beneficiary obliges itself to keep all grant related documents for at least 7 years from the end of the grant. The auditor in charge shall be entitled to have access to any relevant registers, documents and materials and project facilities of the Sub-Grant Beneficiary to be subjected to the audit, to take copies or obtain extracts from these over the entire documents retention period.


6.1.Early termination or suspension

If a Sub-Grant Beneficiary continually fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Sub-Grant Agreement, the Contracting Party may terminate or suspend all or a portion of the current sub-grant. It is hoped that the pre-award preparation and project implementation partnership between the Contracting Party and the Sub-Grant Beneficiary organisation will avoid the necessity of sub-grant termination or suspension. However, it will be resorted to if all other attempts to resolve problems fail.

The termination means that the Sub-Grant Beneficiary shall be obliged to reimburse all the funds that were spent on purchasing of assets or to transfer back these assets.

6.2.Closing down of Sub-grants

In the case of a positive assessment by SWIC project staff of the project implemented by the Sub-Grant Beneficiary based on a final monitoring and the evaluation of the final narrative and financial report as well as the final payment request, the final amount of the Contracting Party’s contribution will be determined and transferred to the Sub-Grant Beneficiary.

In case of a positive assessment, the Contracting Party will also sign at the end of the SWIC-project the final Hand-over Certificate of the goods previously transmitted to the Sub-Grant Beneficiary for temporary use, whereby the property title of the goods will be transferred to the Sub-Grant Beneficiary.


Task/Action (what?)

Responsibility (who?)

Date (when / until when?)

Deadline for Applicants to register for information sessions via e-mail



Information sessions


01.03.2017 in Yerevan

03.03. 2017 in Lori

06.03.2017 in Armavir

the exact time and place will be announced under . Prior registration is obligatory.

Deadline for requesting any clarifications from the Contracting Authority



Last date on which clarifications are issued by the Contracting Authority



Deadline for submission of Applications


31.03.2017, 18.00 local time

Notification of award



Contract signature

AASW / Sub-Grant Beneficiary


Expected project start

Sub-Grant Beneficiary



Annex A

Grant Application Form (Word format)

Annex B

Budget (Excel format)

1.1 Social Snapshot and Poverty in Armenia, 2016

2 Monitoring Report on the family Benefits SP program, Oxfam, 2016

3 Towards Alternative Child Care Services in Armenia: Costing Residential Care Institutions and Community Based Services, UNICEF

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