General works 1 Århus. Moesgård museum. Lanks Silkevejen: Nomader og byfolk I Sibirien og Centralasien

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Ars Libri

Kouymjian Armenian Archiive and Library

Partial catalogue


1 ÅRHUS. MOESGÅRD MUSEUM. Lanks Silkevejen: Nomader og byfolk i Sibirien og Centralasien. / Along the Silk Road: Nomads and Townspeople in Siberia and Asia. Authors: O.M. Bronnikova, J. Damm, T. Emeljanova, L.B. Ermolov, V.R. Janborisov, V.P. Kurylev, T.A. Popova, R.R. Rakhimov, G.N. Simakov, N.Z. Sjakhanova, N.L. Zjukovskaja. 144pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Århus, 1990.
2 ABDUSHELISHVILI, M.G. Antropologiia drevnego i sovremennogo naseleniia Gruzii. 207pp. Illus. 4to. Buckram.

Tbilisi (Izdatel’stvo “Metsniereba”), 1964.

3 ABEGHEAN, SUREN M. Khawarman gisher: Ban gruats enterts‘anut‘yan kam asmunk‘ogh gusanneri hamar. 238, (2)p. Wraps.

Erevan (Grakanut‘ean Aruesti Tangarani Hratarakch‘ut‘iwn), 1996.

4 ABGARYAN, G.V. Matenadaran. 86, (4)pp., 18 color plates. Text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Erevan (Hayastani Petakan Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1962.

5 ABGARYAN, G.V. The Matenadaran. 46, (4)pp., 18 color plates. Text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j.

Erevan (Armenian State Publishing House.), 1962.

6 ABRAHAMIAN, A.G. Hayots‘ gir ev krch‘u‘yun. / Armianskoe pis’mo i pis’mennost’. 371, (3)pp. Illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Erevan (Erevani Hamalsarani Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1973.

7 ABRAHAMIAN, LEVON HM. Mother Tongue: Linguistic Nationalism and the Cult of Translation in Postcommunist Armenia. (Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies. Working Paper Series.) 26pp. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Berkeley (University of California), 1998.

8 ABRAHAMOWICZ, ZYGMUNT. Katalog dokumentów tureckich: Dokumenty do dziejów Polski i krajów osciennych w latach 1455-1672. / Catalogue des documents turcs: Documents concernant la Pologne et les pays voisins de 1455 à 1672. Edited by Ananiasz Zajaczkowski. (Katalog Rekopisów Orientalnych ze Zbiorów Polskich. Vol. I, Part 1.) 361, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Warszawa (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe), 1959.

9 ABRAHAMYAN, A.G. Gladzori Hamalsarane: Hamarot urvagits. / Gladzorskii Universitet: Kratkii ocherk. 84, (4)pp., 16 plates. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j.

Erevan ("Hayastan" Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1983.

10 ABRAHAMYAN, A.G. Hayastane vagh feodalizmi shrjanum. (Hay zhoghovrdi patmut‘yun. 2.) 204pp. Buckram.

Erevan (Erevan Hamalsarani Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1959.

11 ABRAHAMYAN, S.G. Ardi hayereni deranunnere. / Mestoimeniia sovremennogo armianskogo iazyka. 354pp. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSR Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1956.

12 ABRAHAMYAN, S.G., ET AL. Hayeren lezui dasagirk‘: Hnziwnabanut‘iwn, ughghagrut‘iwn, baragitut‘iwn, K‘erakahut‘iwn. [By] S.G. Abrahamyan, B.Y. Verdyan, V.A. Kosyan. 441pp. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Erevan (Loys Hratkch‘), 1966.

13 ABRAHAMYAN, V. A.. Hay hamk‘arut‘yunnere Andrkovkasi k‘aghak‘nerum (18-20rd dari skizbe). / Tsekhovye organizatsii armian remeslennikov v gorodakh Zakavkaz’ia. 251, (3)pp. 48 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Erevan (Hayastan Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1971.

14 ABULAZE, ILIA. K‘art‘uli ceris nimusebi: Paleograp‘iuli albomi. 2. sevisebuli gamoc‘ema. xv, (1), 415, (1)pp. 164 plates, 8 figs. Sm. folio. Cloth.

T‘bilisi (Gamomc‘emloba “Mec‘niereba”), 1973.

15 ACHEMIAN, SHAHE. Ts‘uts‘ak Astuatsashunch‘ Mateani hayeren dzeragirnerun. / Grand catalogue des manuscrits arméniens de la Bible. (Armenian Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation/Haykakan matenashar Galust Kiwlpenkean Himnarkut‘ean.) cxxviii, 1073pp. Folio. Leatherette.

Lisboa (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), 1992.

16 HAKHVERDYAN, LEVON. Klasikan ev mer orere: VARDAN AHCEMIANI arveste. ./ Klassika i nashi dni: Iskusstvo Vartana Adzhemiana. 191, (5)pp., 27 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Erevan (Haykakan SSR GA Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1962.

17 ADALIAN, ROUBEN PAUL. From Humanism to Rationalism: Armenian Scholarship in the Nineteenth Century. (University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies.) ix, (1), 110pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth.

Atlanta (Scholars Press), 1992.

18 ADONTZ, NICOLAS. Histoire d’Arménie: Les origines du Xe siècle au VIe (av. J.C.). Préface de René Grousset. xv, (1), 441, (3)pp., 1 lrg. folding map. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Browned.

Paris (Union Générale Arménienne de Bienfaisance, Fonds Melkonian), 1946.

19 AFANASYAN, SERGE. L’Arménie, l’Azerbaïdjan et la Géorgie de l’indépendance à l’instauration du pouvoir soviétique 1917-1923. 265pp. 2 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Paris (Éditions L’Harmattan), 1981.

20 AGAIAN, TS.P. Velikii Oktiabr’ i bor’ba trudiashchikhsia Armenii za pobedu sovetskoi vlasti. 447, (3)pp., 8 plates. Text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram.

Erevan (Izdatel’stvo AN Armianskoi SSR), 1962.

21 AGAIAN, TS.P., ET AL. Armianskaia SSR. [By] Ts.P. Agaian, S.V. Kharmandarian, G.A. Avetisian. 71pp. Wraps.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960.

22 AGAT‘ANGEGHOS. History of the Armenians. [By] Agathangelos. Translation and commentary by R.W. Thomson. xcvii, (3), 527pp., 1 folding map. 4to. Cloth. Parallel texts in Armenian and English.

Albany (State University of New York Press), 1976.

23 AGBABIAN, MIHRAN S. A New Beginning for a New Generation: Recollections. 269pp., 32 color plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Oakland (American University of Armenia Corporation), 2002.

24 AGHAIAN, TSATUR PAVELI. Hay zhoghovrodi azatagrakan payk‘ari patmut‘yunits‘. / Iz istorii osvoboditel’noi bor’by armianskogo naroda. 868, (4)pp. Sm. sq. 4to. Buckram.

Erevan (HSSH Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1976.

25 [AGHAYAN, E.B., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Rus-hayeren bararan. / Russko-armianskii slovar’. 4 vols. Lrg. 4to. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSH Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1954-1958.

26 [AIVAZIAN, K.V., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Armianskaia i russkaia srednevekovye literatury. / Hay ev rus mijnadaryan grakanut‘yunner. 442, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Leatherette.

Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1982.

27 [AIVAZIAN, K.V., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Armianskaia i russkaia srednevekovye literatury. / Hay ev rus mijnadaryan grakanut‘yunner. 527, (5)pp. Sm. 4to. Buckram.

Erevan (Izdatel’stvo AN Armianskoi SSR), 1986.

28 AKHMANOVA, O.S. Slovar’ lingvisticheskikh terminov. 606, (2)pp. Buckram.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Sovetskaia ntsiklopediia”), 1966.

29 AKINEAN, NERSES. Skewrayi Awetarane 1197 t‘uakanen Lvovi hay Ark‘episkoposarani gradaranin mej. / Das Skevra-Evangeliar vom Jahre 1197, aufbewahrt im Archive des Armenischen Erzbistums Lemberg. (Niwt‘er hay aruesti, hnagitut‘tian ew manrankarch‘ut‘ian patmut‘ian hamar./ Materialien zur Geschichte der armenischen Kunst, Paläographie und Miniaturmalerei. 2.) 23pp. 18 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Wien (Mkhit‘arean Tparan), 1930.

30 AKURGAL, EKREM (EDITOR). The Art and Architecture of Turkey. 268pp. 179 plates, 78 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Slipcase. Texts by E. Akurgal, S. Eyice, A. Kuran, O. Arik, D. Kuban, G. Öney, Ü. Erghinsoy, F. Cagman.

New York (Rizzoli), 1980.

Marmor/Ross I485
31 ALEXANDER, EDWARD. A Crime of Vengeance: An Armenian Struggle for Justice. v, 218, (2)pp., 1 map. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Lincoln, Nebraska (, 2000.

32 ALEXANDER, J.J.G. The Decorated Letter. 118pp. 40 color plates, 30 text illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York (Braziller), 1978.

33 ALEXANDER, J.J.G. Italian Renaissance Illuminations. 118, (2)pp. 40 color plates, 19 text illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York (George Braziller), 1977.

34 ALIBEGASHVILI, GAIANE VLADIMIROVNA. Khudozhestvennyi printsip illiustrirovaniia Gruzinskoi rukopisnoi knigi XI-nachala XIII vekov. 166, (6)pp., 58 plates (3 color). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. French-language summary.

Tbilisi (Izdatel’stvo “Metsniereba”), 1973.

35 ALPAGO NOVELLO, ADRIANO, ET AL. The Armenians. 2000 years of art and architecture. [By] Adriano Alpago Novello, Giulio Jeni, Agopik Manoukian, Alberto Pensa, Gabriella Uluhogian, B. Levon Zekiyan. 288pp. 192 illus. (100 color). Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j.

New York (Rizzoli), 1986.

36 ALTOUNYAN, TAQUI. In Aleppo Once. Drawings by Nicholas Stephens. vii, (1), 196pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

London (John Murray), 1969.

37 AMALYAN, HAYK MESROPI. Mijnadaryan Hayastani barharanagrakan howshardzannere. / Leksikograficheskie pamiatniki srednevekovoi Armenii (V-XV vv.). [I]: V-XV d.d. 238, (2)pp. Cloth.

Erevan (Haykakan SSH Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1966.

38 AMAMDZHIAN, SH.G. Igraia, chis’! Angliiskii iazyk v kartinkakh dlia detei doshkol’nogo vozrasta. Third edition, revised. 223, (1)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Moskva (“Prosveshchenie”), 1986.

39 AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR THE INDEPENDENCE OF ARMENIA. Armenian Revolt Against Soviet Rule. 31pp. Wraps.

N.p., n.d.

40 AMIRANASHVILI, SH. Gruzinskaia miniatiura. 71, (7)pp., 126 plates (partly in color). Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Slipcase. English-language summary. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Iskusstvo), 1966.

41 AMIRANASHVILI, SH. Istoriia gruzinskogo iskusstva. 459, (7)pp., 13 color plates. 75 text figs. Lrg. 4to Cloth. D.j.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1963.

42 AMUSIN, I.D. Nakhodki u Mertvogo Moria. 100, (2)pp. 15 illus. hors texte. Wraps.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1964.

43 ANANIA SHIRAKATS‘I. Anania Shirakats‘u lusni parberashrjannere. Tpagrut‘yan patrastets‘ A.G. Abrahamian./ Tablitsy lunnogo kruga Ananiia Shirakatsi. 108, (2)pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. English-language summary.

Erevan ( Erevani Petakan Hamalsarani Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1962.

44 ANASHID ‘ARABIYAH./ ARABIC SONGS. [Baqat al-alhan/Garlands of Melodies]. 60pp. Illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Jerusalem (Rabitat al-Thaqafah al-Amrikiyah al-Israiliyah), 1961.

45 ANASYAN, H.S. Hetazotakan aknarkner. / Kurze Forschungen und Abhandlungen. Vol. I [all published?] (Azgayin matenadaran. 226.) 168pp. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Wien (Mkhit‘arian Tparan), 1984.

46 L’ANGLETERRE ET LES ARMÉNIENS (1839-1904). 48pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Undated reprint of the The Hague (M. van der Beek), 1918 edition, edited by Bayram Kodaman.

[Isparta (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiat Fakültesi Dekani), n.d.].

47 ANKARA. FOREIGN POLICY INSTITUTE. The Armenian Issue in Nine Questions and Answers. (On the Armenian Question. Publication no. 3.) 39pp. 4to. Wraps.

Ankara, 1982.

48 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. KELSEY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY. The Art of the Ancient Weaver: Textiles from Egypt (4th-12th Century A.D.). March-July 1980. 35pp. 37 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1980.

49 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. KELSEY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Islamic Art from The University of Michigan Collections. [By] Priscilla Parsons Soucek. Feb.-April 1978. vii, (1), 60pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1978.

50 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MUSEUM OF ART. The Meeting of Two Worlds: The Crusades and the Mediterranean Context. [By] Christine Verzár Bornstein, Priscilla Parsons Soucek. With: Emma Alexander, Vicky Clark, Andrew Ehrenkreutz, Vladimir Goss, Marjorie Panadero. Edited by Clifton Olds. May-Sept. 1981. 103pp. 61 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1981.

51 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MUSEUM OF ART. Persian Art Before and After the Mongol Conquest. April-May 1959. Introduction by Oleg Grabar. 72pp. 59 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1959.

52 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MUSEUM OF ART. Sasanian Silver: Late Antique and Early Mediaeval Arts of Luxury from Iran. Aug.-Sept. 1967. Texts by Charles H. Sawyer, Martha Carter, Oleg Grabar. 158pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1967.

53 ANTELIAS. KAT‘OGHIKOSUT‘IWN HAYOTS‘ METSI TANN KILIKIOY. Alpom Metsi Tann Kilikioy Kat‘oghikosut‘ean ew dprevank‘in. / Album of the Holy See of the Cilician Catholicate and Its Seminary. (28)ff., 34 plates. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps., spiral-bound.

Antelias, 1959.

54 ANTELIAS. MATHAF KIKILIYA. Musée Cilicie./ Mathaf Kikiliya. 20, 20pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in French and Arabic.

Antelias, [1988].

55 [ANTONYAN, L.A. & HOVHANNISYAN, M.E. (EDITORS).] Namakner p‘ark‘i ev anmahut‘yan. Pis’ma slavy i bessmertiia. 505, (3)pp. Cloth. D.j.

Erevan ("Hayastan" Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1969.

56 ANTREASSIAN, JACK. Armenia: Reflections in Verse. (20)pp. 2 plates. Wraps.

New York (Ashod Press), 1986.

57 ANTREASSIAN, JACK. The Confessions of Kitchoonie. (4), 95pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

New York (Ashod Press), 1979.

58 ANTREASSIAN, JACK (EDITOR). Ararat: A Decade of Armenian-American Writing. (1), 442pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York (Armenian General Benevolent Union of America), 1969.

59 APÉLIAN, ALBERT S. The Antiochians: A Novel. 312pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. (rubbed). Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

New York (Vantage Press), 1960.

60 ARAK‘ELYAN, VARAG. Hayereni sharahyusut‘yun. / Sintaksis armianskogo iazyka. (Hayereni gitakan k‘erakanut‘yan harts‘er. 13.) 2 vols. 502, (2)pp.; 466, (2)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSH GA Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1958-1964.

61 ARAK‘ELYAN, VARAG. Zhamanakakits‘ hayereni holovneri ew holovakan kapakts‘ut‘yunneri imastayin arumnere. / Smyslovye znacheniia padezhei i predlogov sovremennogo armianskogo iazyka. 298, (2)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSR GA Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1957.

62 ARAMYAN, AIDA. Zhamanakakits‘ hayereni dzaynavornere (p‘ordzarakan usumnasirut‘yun). / Glasnye sovremennogo armianskogo iazyka (eksperimental’noe issledovanie). 141, (1)pp., 12 charts (6 lrg. folding). Lrg. 8vo. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSR GA Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1962.

63 [ARASLY, H. (EDITOR).] Kitabi Dada Gorgud. 174, (2)pp. Illus. 4to. Buckram. D.j.

Baku (Azarbaijan Dovlat Nashriiiaty), 1962.

64 ARAX, MARK. In My Father’s Name: A Family, a Town, a Murder. 399, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j.

New York (Simon & Schuster), 1996.

65 ARJOMAND, SAID AMIR. The Turban for the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran. (Studies in Middle Eastern History.) xii, 283pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

New York/Oxford (Oxford University Press), 1989.

66 ARLEN, MICHAEL. Babes in the Wood. A relaxation intended for those who are always travelling but never reaching a destination. (6), 305pp. Cloth (dull).

Garden City, New York (Doubleday, Doran & Company), 1929.

67 ARLEN, MICHAEL. The Crooked Coronet and Other Misrepresentations of the Real Facts of Life. 306pp. Cloth. First edition.

Garden City, New York (Doubleday, Doran & Co.), 1937.

68 ARLEN, MICHAEL J. Exiles. 226pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Second printing.

New York (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), 1970.

69 ARLEN, MICHAEL. The Flying Dutchman. ix, (3), 302pp. Cloth.

New York (Doubleday, Doran & Company), 1939.

70 ARLEN, MICHAEL. The Green Hat. 303pp. Cloth.

New York (George H. Doran Company), 1924.

71 ARLEN, MICHAEL. The London Venture. With drawings by Michel Sevier. 197pp. Cloth (slightly worn).

New York (George H. Doran Company), 1920.

72 ARLEN, MICHAEL. May Fair. Being an entertainment purporting to reveal to gentlefolk the real state of affairs existing in the very heart of London during the fifteenth and sixteenth years of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth.... 319, (7)pp. Cloth.

London (W. Collins Sons & Co.), 1925.

73 ARLEN, MICHAEL. May Fair. Being an entertainment purporting to reveal to gentlefolk the real state of affairs existing in the very heart of London during the fifteenth and sixteenth years of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth.... 319, (7)pp. Cloth.

New York (George H. Doran), 1925.

74 ARLEN, MICHAEL J. Passage to Ararat. 293pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j.

New York (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), 1975.

75 ARLEN, MICHAEL. “Piracy.” A romantic chronicle of these days. 327pp. Cloth.

New York (George H. Doran Company), 1923.

76 ARLEN, MICHAEL. Say Goodbye to Sam. (2), 234pp. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. First edition.

New York (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), 1984.

77 ARLEN, MICHAEL. These Charming People. 302pp. Cloth (slightly worn).

New York (George H. Doran Company), 1924.

78 ARLEN, MICHAEL. Young Men In Love. 317pp. Cloth.

New York (George H. Doran Company), 1927.

79 (ARLEN, MICHAEL) KEYISHIAN, HARRY. Michael Arlen. (Twayne’s English Authors Series. 174.) 150pp. Frontis. Cloth.

Boston (Twayne Publishers/ G.K. Hall & Co.), 1975.

80 ARMEN, GARBIS. Erkir u arterkir 21-rd daru semin. 272pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Ottawa (The Author), 1992.

81 ARMEN, GARBIS. The Future of Armenian Architecture in North America. A research study. 93pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps., GBC-bound. Mimeograph.

Ottawa (The Author), 2000.

82 ARMENIA: THE CONTINUING TRAGEDY. (Background Information [Commission of the Churches on International Affairs]. 1984/1.) 55pp. Frontis. Wraps.

Geneva/New York (Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, World Council of Churches), 1984.


London (Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co.), 1918.


New York (Diocese of the Armenian Church of America), 1973.

85 ARMENIANS IN AMERICA: CELEBRATING THE FIRST CENTURY. A publication of the Armenian Assembly of America on the occasion of the national tribute for Governor George Deukmejian, Boston, Massachusetts, October 10, 1987. 95pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

N.p. (Armenian Assembly of America), 1987.

86 L’ARMÉNIE ET BYZANCE: HISTOIRE ET CULTURE. (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série Byzantina Sorbonensia. 12.) xiv, 242pp., 24 plates (6 color). Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Paris (Centre de Recherches d’Histoire et de Civilisation Byzantines), 1996.

87 ARMENUSP. CADERNOS DE CULTURA ARMÊNIA. Vol I [all published to date]. 190pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas), 2001.

88 ARMSTRONG, H.C. Grey Wolf: Mustafa Kemal. An intimate study of a dictator. 352pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

London (Arthur Baker, Ltd.), 1937.

89 ARNOLD, THOMAS W. Painting in Islam. A study of the place of pictorial art in Muslim culture. With a new introduction by B.W. Robinson. 159, (1)pp. 64 illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York (Dover), 1965.

90 ARPEE, LEON. The Armenian Awakening. A history of the Armenian church, 1820-1860. xi, (1), 235pp. Frontis. Cloth.

Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press/ T. Fisher Unwin), 1909.

91 ARPEE, LEON. A Century of Armenian Protestantism, 1846-1946. 96pp. Wraps.

New York (The Armenian Missionary Association of America), 1946.

92 ARSHARUNI, A.M. Hay t‘ateragitakan mtk‘i patmut‘yunits‘. / Iz istorii armianskoi teatrovedcheskoi mysli. 139pp. Illus. 12mo. Buckram.

Erevan (Haykakan SSR GA Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1956.

93 ARSHARUNI, A.M. Hay zhoghovrdakan t‘aterakhagher. 339, (1)pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Erevan (Haypethrat), 1961.

94 ARSLAN, ANTONIA. Skylark Farm. 275pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j.

New York (Alfred A. Knopf), 2006.

95 ARSLAN, ANTONIA & PISANELLO, LAURA. Hushèr: La memoria. Voci italiane di sopravvisuti armeni. 162pp. Illus. Wraps.

Milano (Guerini e Associati), 2001.

96 ARTAMONOV, S.D. XVII-XVIII dd. artasahmanyan grakanut‘yan patmut‘yun. 595pp. Sm. 4to. Boards.

Erevan (Erevani Hamalsarani Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1986.

97 ARTINIAN, HARRY. The Godless & the Infidels. Memoirs of a rascal boy during World War I. vi, 125pp. 4to. Wraps.

San Jose (Writers Club Press), 2000.

98 [ARUTIUNIAN, VAAN NAZARETOVICH.] Haikakan SSH kerparveste. / Iskusstvo Armianskoi SSR./ The Art of Soviet Armenia. 36, (37)pp., 70 color plates. 12mo. Boards (foot of spine torn). Parallel texts in Armenian, Russian, and English.

Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Avrora”), [1972].

99 ARUTIUNIAN, VARAZDAT MARTIROSOVICH. Ejmiatsin. 47, (3)pp., 14 plates. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Armenian, Russian and French.

Erevan ("Sovetakan Grogh" Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1978.

100 ARUTIUNIAN, VARAZDAT MARTIROSOVICH. Hay zhoghovrdi chartarapetakan zharangut‘yune (hamarot patmakan aknark). 30, (1)pp., 13 plates. Wraps.

Erevan, 1979.

101 [ARUTIUNIAN, VARAZDAT MARTIROSOVICH.] Monuments d’Arménie de la préhistoire au XVIIe siècle. / Hayastani hushardzanner..../ Monuments of Armenia.... lvi, 264pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in French, Armenian, and English.

Beirut (Association Culturelle Vahan Tékéyan), 1975.

102 ARZOOMANIAN, RAFFI. Four Plays: Lady Esther, The Coop, The Moths, Ellis Island 101. 205pp. 4to. Wraps.

New York (Ararat Press), 1980.

103 ARZOUMANIAN, ZAVEN. The Origins of Armenian Christianity. Armenians in America. (Studies in Armenian History.) 39pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Philadelphia (The Author), 1978.

104 ARZOUMANIAN, ZAVEN. The Origins of the Armenian Christianity. Fourth edition. (2), 23pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in English and Armenian.

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105 ARZRUNI, SAHAN. A Treasury of Armenian Chants. / [Oskep‘orik]. (4), iv, 169pp. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

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106 ASHJIAN, ARTEN. Mesrob Mashtotz, the Great Vartabed. 32pp. Illus. Wraps.

N.p. (The Armenian Church Youth Organization of America), 1962.

107 ASHJIAN, MESROB. The Etchmiadzin Chronicles. Recorded by missionaries and merchants, diplomats and scholars. 867, (3)pp. 96 color illus. hors texte. 176 figs. Sm. stout folio. Boards. Summaries in Spanish, Russian, German, French, and Armenian.

N.p. (Moughni Publishers), 2003.

108 ASHJIAN, MESROB. St. Nerses of Lambron: Champion of the Church Universal. His Synodal discourse with English translation and annotations. (10), 134pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

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109 ASHJIAN, SARKIS (TRANSLATOR). Great American Short-Stories. 239, (1)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

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111 ASLANIAN, A.A., ET AL. Armeniia. Avtory: A.A. Aslanian, A.B. Bagdasarian, L.A. VAlesian, S.M. Dul’ian. (Sovetskii Soiuz.) 341, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

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