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PR & RD Department - Guidelines already issued on preparation of decentralized District Plans – Further instructions in respect of Backward Region Grant Fund and Non-Backward Region Gant Fund Districts – Orders Issued.



G.O. Ms.No. Dated:18-04-2008

Read the following:-

1. BRGF Guide lines, circulated by Ministry of Panchayat Raj, Government of India.

2. G.O. Ms No. 354, dated 24-07-07, PR&RD (Elections and Rules) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

3. G.O. Ms. No. 449, dated 03-10-2007, PR&RD (Elections and Rules) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

4. G.O. Ms. No. 448, dated 03-10-2007, PR&RD (Elections and Rules) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

5. D.O. Letter No 11019 /504 / 07 – Poll. -1, dated 01.11.2007, from the Ministry of Panchayat Raj, Government of India.

6. D.O. Letter No. 26193/ Pts. II (A)/07 dated 21.01.2008 from the Special Chief Secretary, PR & RD, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

7. D.O. Letter No.79/APARD/CDP & A/2007 dated 04.02.2008 from the Commissioner AMR APARD.

8. D.O. Letter No.79/APARD/CDP & A/2007 dated 05.02.2008 from the Commissioner AMR APARD.

9. G.O.Ms.74, dated 01.03.08 PR&RD (PTS.IIA), Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.


In the references 1st to 8th read above, detailed guidelines have been issued for preparation and monitoring of decentralized District Plans in respect of Backward Region Grant Fund and Non- Backward Region Grant Fund districts. However to bring about further clarity, the following instructions are given in addition to the guidelines already issued.

Following Functionaries/Departments/Institutions will undertake the activities as shown against each:
1. Commissionerate of Panchayat Raj and Rural Employment is the nodal department at the state level, responsible for supervision over the preparation and implementation of District Plans (rural) in all the Districts. The department will be responsible for:

  • Release of funds,

  • Inter-se distribution of funds among the ZPPs, MPPs and Gram Panchayats,

  • Issue of Administrative sanctions,

  • Audit of Accounts including taking up of social audit,

  • Replies to Audit objections at the State level etc.,

  • Review of Implementation at state level,

  • Monitoring & Evaluation at state level – Monitoring may be undertaken separately with the field level functionaries viz. CEOs of ZP and MPDOs for (a) plan preparation and (b) for the plan implementation,

  • Clarifications on issues arising out of plan preparation, issue of administrative instructions,

  • Obtaining Utilization Certificates from the implementing agencies after communicating a suitable format,

  • Operation of Development fund and deciding on the incentive policy to motivate and promote pro-activeness and encourage innovative ideas and methods in sensitizing and empowering people in making use of grass root level planning,

  • To constitute a separate cell in CPR&RE’s office for preparation and maintenance of a computerized database of all Panchayats, including a database of Panchayat Bank Accounts to which BRGF development grants are credited. The cell will also maintain details of Utilization Certificates from each Panchayat,

  • Positioning of staff at the Gram Panchayat level where the post of Secretary Gram Panchayat is vacant and appoint Computer Assistants to help in preparation of plans at Mandal level on outsourcing basis. The 5% development fund may be utilized for payment of salaries to the above and

  • Any other such responsibility which is not specified above but falls within the powers and jurisdiction of the Authority of the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad.

2. Commissionerate of Municipal Administration shall be the nodal department at the state level, responsible for supervision over preparation and implementation of District Plans (urban) in all the Urban Local Bodies in the State and its responsibilities are as indicated below:

  • Release of funds,

  • Issue of guidelines for inter-se distribution among the Urban Local Bodies, and distribution of funds,

  • Issue of Administrative sanctions,

  • Audit of Accounts including taking up of social audit,

  • Replies to Audit objections at the State level etc.,

  • Review of Implementation,

  • Monitoring & Evaluation – Monitoring may be undertaken separately for (a) plan preparation and (b) for plan implementation with the help of the Regional Directors of Municipal Administration concerned and Municipal Commissioners,

  • Clarifications on issues arising out of plan preparation, issue of administrative instructions,

  • Obtaining Utilization Certificates from the implementing agencies after communicating a suitable format for the same and

  • Any other such responsibility which is not specified above but falls within the powers and jurisdiction of the Authority of the Commissioner & Director, Municipal Administration.

3. Commissioner, AMR-APARD is the coordinating agency for capacity building activities in all the districts as detailed in the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Panchayat Raj, Government of India and by the Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The objectives of the training component of Capacity building are as follows:

  1. Upgrading the knowledge and skills of all the elected representatives of Panchayat and Municipalities to discharge their responsibilities better,

  2. Orient key officials associated with functions devolved to Panchayat and who are working under or closely with them to effectively serve and facilitate the Panchayat in the performance of devolved functions,

  3. Improve functioning of the Gram Sabha, particularly through building the capability of pressure groups such as SHGs and CBOs in Grama Sabhas more meaningfully,

  1. Master trainers and ToTs are to be trained in order that they in turn will help in organizing necessary training to the Sarpanches, Panchayat Secretaries, and Planning Volunteers from each Village. Master Trainers and the ToTs also do the handholding at Village and Mandal levels.

APARD has to constitute a cell exclusively for coordinating the plan preparation in all the PRIs in the state and to facilitate plan preparation.

4. District Planning Committee will enter into an MOU with the TSIs assigned to the district. The DPC may meet once in a month for review of implementation of PRI and ULB plans. The DPC may separately undertake monitoring of (a) plan preparation in the first instance and (b) the plan implementation for periodical review and evaluation.

5. Chief Executive Officer Zilla Parishad is in-charge of the District Planning exercise in all the Panchayat Raj Institutions under the Zilla Praja Parishad and is the convener of the Technical Advisory Group at the District level. He will be responsible for monitoring and review of preparation, scrutiny, consolidation and effective implementation of Plans for all the three tiers of PRIs in the District. He may have to organize interactive sessions at the district level with the former and present peoples’ representatives, community based organizations, official functionaries, stake holder committees, NGOs and the like. They may have to be sensitized on district planning, participative process and motivate them to take part in the planning process – a privilege conferred on them. This exercise shall help in identifying the critical gaps at the district level and also the felt needs that are to be focused upon while drafting the plan at the district level. He is also responsible for the inter-se distribution of BRGF funds among all the PRIs in the district and issue of Administrative sanctions, Audit of Accounts including taking up of social audit, Submission of replies to Audit objections at the District level etc.,
6. Mandal Praja Parishad Development Officer is in-charge of the planning exercise in all the Panchayat Raj Institutions under the Mandal Praja Parishad and is the convener of the Technical Advisory Group at the Mandal level. He will be responsible for monitoring and review of preparation, scrutiny, consolidation and effective implementation of Plans for all the PRIs in the Mandal. He may have to organize interactive sessions at the Mandal level with all the former and present peoples’ representatives, community based organizations, official functionaries, stake holder committees and the like. They may have to be sensitized on decentralized planning, participative process and motivate them to take part in the planning process – a privilege conferred on them. This exercise shall help in identifying the critical gaps at the Mandal level and also the felt needs that are to be focused upon while drafting the plan at the Mandal level. He is also responsible for inter-se distribution of BRGF funds among all the Gram Panchayat as per the guidelines given elsewhere in this and issue of Administrative sanctions, Audit of Accounts including taking up of social audit, submission of replies to Audit objections at the Mandal level etc.,
7. Regional Director, Municipal Administration / the senior most Municipal Commissioner among all the Municipalities in the District shall be responsible for coordinating, monitoring and review of the preparation, scrutiny, consolidation and implementation of Plans for all the Wards and Municipalities in the District.
8. Municipal Commissioner is in-charge of the planning exercise in his Municipality and is the Member of the Technical Advisory Group at the Mandal level. He also have to organize interactive sessions in the Municipality as indicated to the MPDO and help in promoting the participation of all the stake holders, peoples’ representatives, official functionaries and the like. This exercise shall help in identifying the critical gaps at the Municipality level and also the felt needs that are to be focused upon while drafting the plan at Municipality level. He is also responsible for inter-se distribution of BRGF funds

among all the Wards as per the guidelines given elsewhere in this and issue of Administrative sanctions, Audit of Accounts including taking up of social audit, submission of replies to Audit objections at the Municipality level etc.,

9. Chief Planning Officer will assist the District Planning Committee with all the necessary information collected and compiled by his office from time to time as part of his departmental duty and also to provide the necessary assistance to the DPC as he is the key person at the district level designated for the planning activity. Besides discharging all the duties and responsibilities entrusted to him by the DPC he will be responsible for consolidating the plans relating to the Panchayat Raj Intuitions and Urban Local Bodies at District level and for the preparation of integrated draft development plan for the district as a whole. The Chief Planning Officer would also help in conducting concurrent and post evaluation studies in the district as directed by DPC/Government from time to time. One of the Assistant Director’s along with suitable assistance may be assigned separately to help in matters relating to decentralized planning in the District.
10. District Resource Persons (ZP Training Cell) are responsible for coordination and monitoring of the plan preparation duly appraising the District Collector and the CEO from time to time. They have to plan and coordinate the training activities in the District in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad. They would assist the authorities concerned in monitoring the plans.
11. Technical Support Institutes (TSIs) are responsible to facilitate preparation of district plans in the districts indicated against each. They would provide all the necessary assistance in preparing the actual draft plan.

S. No.


Allotted Districts












Ranga Reddy




























12. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) have to be constituted at the district level for vetting the Mandal plans, Zilla Parishad plans, and ULB plans and at the Mandal level for vetting the Gram Panchayat Plans.
At the district level Technical Advisory group is headed by the District Collector. Chief Executive Office, Zilla Parishad, District Panchayat Officer, Chief Planning Officer, Project Director, (DWMA), Project Director, (DRDA), Municipal Commissioner (Head Quarters)/RJD (Municipal Administration) if located at the District Head quarters and two DRPs working in ZP training cell will be core group members. The CEO (ZP) will be the convener of Technical Advisory Group. The District Collector will co-opt the line department district heads dealing with various developmental departments and professional experts on planning and economics who are available in the Universities or PG centers located in the district. The Collectors may take the services of any reputed technocrats, scientists or planners who or in service or retired. To be concise, the District Collectors may constitute the technical advisory group in such a manner that it will guide the DPC in preparation of effective and implement-able plans for the district.

Similarly, the District Collector may constitute Technical Advisory Groups at Mandal level with MPDO as Convener, MRO, EO (PR&RD), MEO, AE (PR), AE (RWS), AE

(Transco), Agriculture Officer, MO (PHC), PO (ICDS), MVO, ASO, Area Coordinator (DRDA) etc., as Members and any other officer dealing with a specific subject or technical experts as other Members.
The functions of the TAGs are:

  1. Ensuring that PRI and ULB plans are in accordance with the mandatory guidelines issued by Government particularly in subsidy limits, sectoral guidelines, priorities to various groups, ineligible categories for assistance etc.

  2. Ensuring that the plans are in accordance with prevailing technical guidelines.

  3. Verifying whether the estimates are appropriate and the phasing is reasonable.

The TAGs do not have any power over PRIs and ULBs to change the priority or to force to take up a particular scheme or work. Any dispute regarding acceptance of a scheme at the Mandal / Municipality / Corporation TAG may be referred to the District TAG for decision.

The TAG should go through every project in detail, visit sites if required and make suitable recommendations to the DPC. In case the TAG identifies any problem with Local Government projects it should hold discussions with the elected head and the implementing officer concerned of the Local Government and sort out matters across the table. No plan, which does not have the required allocation for the mandatory schemes, should be forwarded to DPC. The appraisal of projects by Technical Advisory Group should be done scrupulously to ensure quality of the projects
13. Master Trainers and ToTs Trained by APARD will help in organizing necessary training to the Sarpanches, Panchayat Secretaries, and Planning Volunteers from each Village. Master Trainers and the ToTs also do the handholding at Village and Mandal levels.
14. A team of 3 Planning volunteers for each of the Gram Panchayats is to be constituted from among the people of the Gram Panchayat in order to facilitate the planning process at the Gram Panchayat level. They are also to be trained at the Mandal level along with the Gram Sarpanch so that they undertake the training of Ward members in their villages besides undertaking the planning process in their village. The MPDO in consultation with the Gram Panchayat will enlist the services of the planning volunteers. The team comprising the planning volunteers and the Village Secretary are responsible for the plan preparation at the village level. At the village level interactive sessions with all the peoples’ representatives including ward members, community based organizations, stake holder committees etc., are to be held to sensitize them on grass root level planning, participative process and motivate them to feel free to express on the critical gaps, felt needs of the village and also to take part in the Grama Sabha and thus in the planning process. After the interactive session and with the felt needs identified, the Grama Sabha has to be conducted by the Sarpanch and the felt needs are to be discussed with due consideration of the set goals for the district. Once the Grama Sabha is conducted and the needs and requirements are listed the Gram Panchayat will meet and finalize the village plan with the necessary prioritization.
15. Plan preparation: Envisioning and Stock Taking Exercise by DPC:

  1. Envisioning Exercise by DPC:

The District Planning committee has to analyze the strengths and deficiencies of the district in core sectors and assess the backwardness of the District as per the guidelines issued in the GO 1st cited. While analyzing the backwardness one or more of

the following criterion as may be relevant and appropriate to the District may be taken in to consideration.

  • Frequency of Vulnerability to Floods, Cyclones, Adverse seasonal conditions, Extent of area prone often to droughts

  • Extent of Low fertility status of soils due to Salinity, alkalinity, nutrient deficiency etc.,

  • Frequency of occurrence of caste conflicts, number of atrocities (group/individual), land disputes, denial of minimum wages

  • Extent of Rate of deforestation

  • Access to Basic minimum services like Education, Drinking water, Sanitation, Nutrition, Health, Connectivity etc., measurable in terms of

    • Literacy: (6-14 Yrs.) Net enrolment ratio, drop out ratio, retention rate with special focus on SC/STs and girl child education, Teacher & Pupil ratio, Student & Class room ratio

    • Adult Education: (15-35 Yrs). Literacy rate, with special focus on SC/ST and Women Literacy

    • Drinking water: Number of Partially covered habitations and habitations with no safe drinking water sources ie., Areas affected with water quality problems like fluoride, salinity, turbidity, microbial content etc., and per capita availability of safe drinking water with special focus on SC/ST.

    • Sanitation: Percentage of APL & BPL House holds having ISLs and the Number of Villages where open defecation takes place

    • Nutrition: Average population served by Anganwadi centres, Number of malnourished children (0-6 yrs) measured in terms of Grades I, II, III, IV., and Number of anganwadi centres having own buildings, drinking water facility, toilets etc.,

    • Health: Population served by PHC,/ Sub centers, No of Health workers, ANMs and ICDS workers, Average number of doctors and paramedical staff for PHC/ Sub center, Birth Rate, Death rate, Immunization, Infant mortality rate (IMR) below 1 year and 1-5 years, Maternity Mortality Rate, Institutional Deliveries

    • Connectivity: No of villages having all weather roads with population ranging from 0-500, 501-1500, 1500-5000 and 5000.

b) Stock Taking Exercise:

The stocktaking exercise in the district may be taken up as follows:-

  1. The basic secondary data available with various departments may be brought together for each panchayat, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad and for municipalities. The line departments, especially the district Chief Planning Officer should take a lead role in this. Some of the essential items of data available with various departments as listed below may be integrated at the respective tier of PRI and Urban Local Body. Relevant Data collection proformae for Gram Panchayat/Mandal Parishad/ Zilla Parishad are appended in the Annexures 2 to 4.

Sl. No

Description of Data available

Official Concerned


Census 2001, Ration Card and MPHS Data



Live stock census

JD, Animal Husbandry


Agricultural Land Holdings census

JD Agriculture





Drinking Water Habstat



Core Net work of Roads



Education (DISE)/SSA



0-6 child data base

PD, W& Ch. W


Literacy Data

DD, Adult Education





NRHM data





  1. Determination of the position of the district regarding the availability of government provided services/schemes/infrastructure from data available with various implementing agencies in the district.

  1. By analyzing the data, a vision document for rest of the XI Plan period has to be prepared by the district planning committee keeping in view the Millennium Development Goals, Bharat Nirman Goals and the priorities under INDIRAMMA. The vision document should cover HRD, Infrastructure and Development in productive sector. The DPC may hold formal interactions with MPs, MLAs, MLC’s and with Elected Representatives, Technical Advisory Groups and official functionaries of PRIs and Urban local bodies and other key stakeholders on the vision document and with the Technical Support Institutions and then finalize the vision document. The document should clearly identify the root causes for backwardness/development shortcomings and address issues hindering the development. Adequate focus on achieving the millennium development goals, suitably contextualized to the District and Sub-District situation will help in ameliorate the situation.

The Major Sectors coming with in the purview of District Planning committee are:

- Agriculture including Agricultural Extension

  • Animal Husbandry, Dairying and poultry

  • Fisheries

  • Drinking water

  • Poverty alleviation programmes

  • Education including primary and secondary schools

  • Health including hospitals and PHCs and Dispensaries

  • Women and child development

  • Welfare of the weaker sections and in particular of the SC/ST, including handicapped

  • Communication-Roads and bridges

  • Sanitation, including drainage

  • Solid waste management.

Action need to be taken to form six sub-committees of DPC as per the Government orders 3rd cited, and help of these sub-committees may be taken in the preparation of vision document.
c) Prioritization of Sectors/Schemes:

The DPC may prioritize one or more sectors/schemes depending on the vision and goals set for overcoming the district’s backwardness. The DPC shall critically analyze the achievements and gaps under various schemes meant for economic and social development in the following broad areas.

  1. Infrastructure Development

  2. Human Resources Development

  3. Productivity sector

The major schemes/programmes implemented by Government of India and State Governments include Bharat Nirman, ARWS, RGGVY, PMGSY and the Flag ship programmes viz. 1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 2) National Rural Health Mission 3) Integrated Child Development Services 4) Total Sanitation Campaign 5) Mid Day Meals 6) Drinking water and Sanitation Mission 7) NREGA and 8) JNNURM.

The DPC shall analyze the progress under above sectors and schemes over the last 3 years and identify thrust areas to be included in the plan. The thrust areas for the district could be,

  1. Construction of Anganwadi centers and providing drinking water facilities in Anganwadi centers

  2. Construction of Gram Panchayat Office Buildings and providing drinking water facilities in Anganwadi Centers

  3. Construction of Health Sub Centers

  4. Construction of RLU buildings

  5. Electrification of un electrified SC/ST habitations

  6. Construction of Welfare Hostel Buildings

If any PRI or ULB feels that there is a pressing need for any other work than the above thrust areas, they may include such needs in the plan as a special case duly obtaining approval from DPC. The DPC shall communicate these thrust areas which are to be included in the plan to the PRIs and ULBs and also canvass among various elected representatives. The vision document at district level shall be prepared based on the priorities emerging out of the above analysis.

d) Circulation of Vision Document:

The vision document prepared for the district shall be widely circulated among all PRI’s and ULB’s for initiating discussions among all sections of the society. Sufficient copies of the vision document shall also be made available in local language for public access.

16. PRI/ULB and District Plans:

Based on the vision document and following the same participatory

process, the needs may be prioritized and goals set for a four-year period for preparation of perspective plan for the balance period of XI five year plan i.e. from 2008-09 to 2011-12 in the manner indicated below:
17. Draft Plan at Gram Panchayat Level:

For preparation of draft plan at Gram Panchayat level wide consultations have to be held with various Stake Holder Groups / Community Based Organizations at Panchayat level, felt needs identified and these felt needs and the vision should be taken up for discussions in the Gram Sabha. Thus, after felt needs are identified and prioritized the recommendations of the Gram Sabha shall be placed before the Gram Panchayat and got approved. While identifying the felt needs priority should be given to the thrust areas identified by DPC which could be:

  1. Construction of Anganwadi centers and providing drinking water facilities in Anganwadi centers

  2. Construction of Gram Panchayat Office Buildings

  3. Construction of Health Sub-Centers

  4. Construction of RLU buildings

  5. Electrification of un-electrified SC/ST habitations

  1. Construction of Welfare Hostel Buildings

  2. Any other item as per the felt needs of the people

Programmes and activities which extend to two or more gram Panchayat or which can not be implemented at Gram Panchayat level may be forwarded to the Mandal Parishad for considering and incorporating into the Mandal Praja Parishad Plan. The Gram Panchayat may also forward interfacial needs relating to the ULBs, if any to the MPP. The MPP can forward such issues to the DPC through ZP so that DPC can workout solutions at the District Level. The Gram Panchayat Plans should also provide an estimate of the community contribution that can be mobilized for the purpose of implementing the development plan.

18. Draft Plan at Mandal Parishad Level:

At the Mandal level, the Mandal Parishad shall consolidate all the Gram Panchayat Plans and based on the suggestions received from Gram Panchayat and its own priorities the Mandal Parishad shall finalize its own Plan. Before finalizing the Draft Development Plan for the Mandal, wide consultations have to be held with various Mandal level Stake Holder Committees/ Community Based Organizations to identify the issues and felt needs. Programmes and activities which extend to two or more Mandals or which cannot be implemented at the Mandal Level may be forwarded to the Zilla Parishad for inclusion in Zilla Parishad Plan. In respect of requests from Gram Panchayats pertaining to ULBs, the MPP shall forward the same to the DPC with their specific comments/recommendations so that the inter-facial issues between PRIs and ULBs are resolved by the DPC.

19. Draft Plan at Zilla Parishad Level:

At the district level, the ZP consolidates all the Mandal Plans and based on the Mandal Plans and its own priorities the Zilla Parishad shall finalize its own plan. While finalizing the Draft (rural) Plan for the District consultations may be held with district level Stake Holders Committees/Community Based Organizations to ascertain the issues to be addressed in the draft development plan. The plan thus prepared shall be forwarded to the District Planning Committee for finalization.

20. Draft Urban Plans:

A similar exercise may be undertaken in Urban Local bodies. Each municipality/municipal corporation may be asked to give separate proposals for inclusion in the District Plan. Requests/Felt needs of the Gram Panchayat shall be given due consideration.

21. Thrust areas :

The draft plan proposals of each PRI/ULB, shall be in accordance with the goals set in the district vision document for various sectors.

22. Resources for Plan:

The plan will integrate multiple programmes that are in operation in the district concerned and therefore address backwardness through a combination of resources that flow in to the district.

While preparing the draft plan in accordance with guidelines stated above, the concerned PRI / ULB will take into account the district component of the departmental plans as also the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and the Externally Aided Projects that have been assigned to it for implementation. In addition, the physical integration of the District Plan with the elements of the State Plan that are being implemented in the

geographical area of the district would need to be given close attention. The resources and outlays in respect of these items of State Plan located in the district (but not implemented through the local bodies) would not, however, be included in the Plan Resources and outlays of the Local Bodies.

More specifically, the funds under the flagship programs 1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 2.)National Rural Health Mission 3) Integrated Child Development Services 4) Total Sanitation Campaign 5) Mid Day Meals 6) Drinking water and Sanitation Mission 7) NREGA and 8) JNNURM schemes and funds under other major schemes like Bharat Nirman, ARWS, RGGVY, PMGSY shall invariably be brought into the fold of District Plan and a clear matching of these funds with the prioritized felt needs is to brought out in the plan.

The PRI/ULB component of the District Plan would emerge out of the following sources of funds:-

a. Own resources available for development

b. State Finance Commission grants

c. Twelfth Finance Commission grants

d. BRGF funds and any other untied funds

e. Grants in respect of Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

f. Grants for State Plan schemes assigned for implementation through


g. Grants for Externally supported schemes assigned for implementation through Local Governments.

h. Estimated contribution by the communities themselves.
The Annual plan proposals should indicate the detailed deployment of funds received from the above different sources for a specific subject in each of the districts of the state.
23. While taking up financial projection for preparation of plans for 2008-09 to 2011-12, the average of the allocations for last three years preceding the financial year may be taken with a step up of 10% every year. Eg. For the preparation of plan for the year 2008-09, in a particular sector / Department / scheme, the average of allocation for the years 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 may be taken and stepped up by 10%.
24. The DPC will consolidate the two streams – the Panchayat plans and the Municipal plans, integrate them with the departmental plans for the district and prepare the perspective plan for the balance period of XI five year plan i.e. from 2009-10 to 2011-12 and the Annual Plan for the year 2008-09. The DPC shall identify the common issues arising between various PRIs and ULBs and take necessary steps to address them in the district plans. Eg. Pollution extending in to neighboring rural areas from urban areas, taking up marketing facilities for the rural produce etc.

25. Special component plan, Tribal Sub plan, Gender Plans and Disaster Management Plans with in the district plan to be shown separately

  1. A separate sub plan for SC/STs shall be prepared with in the plan of each Panchayat/ULB showing the scheme wise allocations for SC/STs

  2. Schemes benefiting SC/STs should be allocated funds atleast in proportion of the population of these communities in the jurisdiction for which the plan has been prepared

  1. Amenities such as schools, Anganwadi, health sub centers etc. should be provided on priority in those villages that have a substantial SC/ST population.

  2. The women should also be given due weightage in the preparation of the District Plan. The women component of the plan may be separately shown as gender plan.

  3. Disaster Management Plans: The Disaster Management plans may also be prepared for the districts and integrated with the district plan.

Strict time lines have to be adhered to for preparation of Plans and submit them to the High Power Committee headed by the Chief Secretary of the State. The District Collectors are requested to adhere to these dates scrupulously. The time lines worked out are annexed. The district collectors may ensure that the plans reach the High Power Committee by 20-04-2008 without fail.

For supervision, management and monitoring of the programme, the Standing committees constituted within such bodies under legal provision may be strengthened.

For BRGF Districts the planning process continues to be the same but they will be getting special central assistance as grant towards:

  1. Capacity building of Panchayats/ULBs enabling preparation of plans for economic development and social justice and

  2. Meet the critical gaps in the infrastructure like Construction of gram Panchayat buildings, Anganwadi Centers, health sub centers, etc.,

It is however emphasized that BRGF is only to fill the critical gaps and to be supplemented only when there is no alternative to it to undertake the work that is prioritized out of the felt needs of people.

26. Allocation and apportionment of BRGF Funds:

Following districts are covered under BRGF:

1. Adilabad

2. Anantapur

3. Chittoor

4. Kadapa

5. Karimnagar

6. Khammam

7. Mahaboobnagar

8. Medak

9. Nalgonda

10. Nizamabad

11. Ranga Reddy

12. Vizianagaram

13. Warangal

From out of the allocated funds under BRGF to the State, 5% of the funds may be retained at the State level to support AMR-APARD for supporting the special cell created for coordination and monitoring the preparation of district plans under BRGF and to utilize the services for a limited period by outsourcing in Panchayats where the posts of Panchayat Secretaries are vacant: 1% of the funds will be retained at State level “towards incentive grant” to the PRIs basing on the efforts made by the PRIs for mobilization of local resources through taxation or the entrepreneurial activities or initiatives.

Out of the remaining amount the apportionment of funds among PRIs and ULBs will be done on the proportion of Rural and Urban Population in the district. MA &UD Department will develop guidelines for allocation of resources among the Municipalities. Among the PRIs allocation will be done among the three tiers of Panchayats in the ratio of 50:30:20 (GPs: MPs: ZPs) which is followed under SGRY. For distribution of funds inter-se among Panchayat at sub-district level, 50% of the grant made for that tier of PRI has to be allocated on population basis and the remaining 50% is allocated on the basis of proportion of SC and ST population to the total population in that PRI.
For the year 2007-08, BRGF Plans for the thirteen districts were prepared and submitted to the Government of India after approval by the State level High Power

Committee headed by the Chief Secretary. GOI have approved the plans and allocated 90% of the funds towards the first installment. The funds have been allocated to the PRIs in the ratio of 50:30:20 (GPs: MPs: ZPs).

Regarding allocation of BRGF funds to ULBs for the year 2007-08, the required funds out of the planned Budget for 2007-08 for ULBs shall be released from the 5% development fund soon after the MA&UD Department obtains and submits the consolidated master plan for infrastructure strengthening in respect of municipalities which are not covered under any scheme as already decided in the High Power committee.
The Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department shall however issue detailed guidelines for preparation and submission of plans for the years 2008-09 to 2011-12 and arrange to submit the district plans to the DPC for necessary consolidation at the district level, so that the district plan comprise the Urban component also from 2008-09 onwards.
27. No special bodies, management committees, societies etc. shall be set up for implementing the BRGF at any Panchayat level or ULB level.
28. Plans once approved by the State High Power Committee cannot be altered at any stage.



The Commissioner, PR & RE, Hyderabad.

The Commissioner, AMR-APARD, Hyderabad.

All the District Collectors.

All the Chief Executive Officers

All District Panchayat Officers.

Copy to
The P.S. to M. (PR)

The P.S. to Principal Secretary to Govt, MA&UD Dept,

The Commissioner, Municipal Administration, Hyderabad.

//Forwarded By Order//


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