Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

- 11 Stench of Fear - 2014-11-01 06:43

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2014 - 11

Stench of Fear - 2014-11-01 06:43

For now you dress in poverty;

The freedom to do as you please.

Be rich, be poor, be rebellious.

Live your choice with ease.

Constraint will show its lovely face,

And all the world will mourn.

Provoking God, they'd dressed themselves,

With mocking crowns, their heads adorned.

What choice is then, given to men?

Neither rich or poor will be.

But all will bow with stench of fear,

Giving Glory, for Glory is he.

By His Grace

Hide These Here - 2014-11-01 07:22

Like all men did I wander, through a dusty blowing land.

Unable to know just where I go, my sight reduced to my trembling hand.

But one Great moment appeared to me, the Holy One came near.

He gave me precious things to own, and bid me "Hide these here".

So all the days I've left to own, are filled with placing dearly:

The proclamation that He Is, and guides so very nearly.

By His Grace

At the Door - 2014-11-01 14:05

If you leave me like I am, I'll be filthy, naked and poor.

The fear of that assails me, so I lay me at your door.

Oh wretched me!  Oh Glorious you!  The rumors MUST be true!

Or I will die a dreadful death; forsaken by even you.

Now I will to cause my hands to bleed by knocking on your door.

What great surprise comes to my eyes you demand not such a war.

"Stand tall my child, and enter in.  My body was torn for you.

Come taste and see that I AM good; my promises are true."

Oh sweet One!  Now I find that rest my soul has so long for.

For all you ask is a broken heart, as we lay at your door.

By His Grace

The Calendar of Alarms - 2014-11-03 05:51

We set the alarm to wake up.  All day long the calendar is filled with alarms to remind us; to provoke us to do what we should.

The calendar of life begins with birth.  Millions of alarms are set during the course of our life.

Have you set the alarm in your life for the day that comes to all men?

". . . each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment" (Hebrews 9: 27)

By His Grace

"The Righteous State" - 2014-11-03 22:12

We could write about the joy and war of walking in "The Way".

But what a waste of words for those who pleasure all the day.

The quiet joy of righteousness they know no thing about.

Just mention "Thanks through holiness",  you'll see them shudder and pout.

For what they need to hear will fall on plugged up ears.

They consider such great words as only from their peers.

But shall we hold the pen in place,

Though such refuse to run the race?

Perhaps tis not to them we write,

But those who seek with all their might.

The audience is not the question.

We simply write God's clear Salvation.

They cannot say amen to such,

As love the way of man so much.

But there are those who hunger still.

We write that they may have their fill.

For none will have eternal part,

But those clean hands and purified heart.

No sin will never enter in.

Beautiful wretches!  Let them begin!

Lovely souls with hearts contrite.

Lacking hope and void of might!

Their beds awash with tears of fright,

From crying all throughout the night!

Come repentent ones and taste

Forgiveness and "The Righteous state".

By His Grace
The Profitable Child | Words From There.
(2014-11-04 08:51:52)

[…] ← “The Righteous State” […]

The Profitable Child - 2014-11-04 08:51

I considered myself wealthy.  So much that I could not spend all that I had.  So desire was conceived in me to raise up the child.

I am no amoeba.  And I have no partner in "The love".  So I ask the Holy One to give me a child.

His response was quick and the child was born far before its time.  It was born in the night when my strength was spent.  So I put the child to rest and went to rest myself.

In the morning I woke to see my child in the daylight.  With my mind and eyes sharpened, the vision came much clearer.  To the eyes of man this child is ugly, misshapen and obscure.  But to my eyes of love and desire it is beautiful to behold.

There is no place of nursing.  The child is able to fend for itself.  The birthing was longer than the child's maturity took.  So I gave it clothing and set it on its way.

My desire for a child was not that I may have a place to love, but that my Lord may benefit from my life.

So now the child is set among the many.  Let it be gawked at.  Let it find ridicule.  Or let it be embraced and cherished.  The child belongs to the Lord.

He has given me my desire that he may have his.  And in our mutual desire, many others prosper also.

As oddly as the child was conceived, so is its name.  As is its state of letting go, so is the place it remains.  Maturity, prominence, acceptance or rejection, who cares?  Let those who love him benefit.

This is the name of the child:  http://hiwaychristian.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/the-righteous-state/

By His Grace

Humility Takes Hard Work - 2014-11-04 09:36

Will a man take pride in being a Christian; lording it over others in his own mind?  It would do well for him to remember his humble beginnings.

He himself did not ask for salvation.  By the provoking and unveiling of God, by this alone he has perceived.  Before the Lord touched him he did not even know to ask.   How then can the pride of man accompany the Christian faith?

But isn't this a perplexing ritual?  It is as if a caustic liquid that cannot be contained.  No sooner do we seal the leak, and judgment of others comes from another place.  Even the maturity of a man does not repair what lacks.

From the day of our birth in Christ, to the day we are received, we will find fault with ourselves if we look.  It is wise then to humbly consider ourselves every moment we are in this place.

Only with holy, God born, introspection, can a man stem this flood of sin.  We not only need the Living God's Son for the sake of the day of judgement, we desperately need him for every breath.

What is not of God will be stripped away.  What does not belong to God will not inhabit his kingdom.  Sobriety, prayer, humility, and righteous doing is required.  A man should never be able to say to himself, "I have arrived!  I am mature!" (Certainly not while in this place of testing).

Renewing a mind of humility is a detestable work to the flesh.  But it is primary among the things of God. 

It is impossible to command a man to be humble.  The best we can do is remind.  If there is choice in Christ, is it is to go to him and ask.  And we know those who ask in truth, receive.

By His Grace

The Duty of Grace - 2014-11-04 11:20

Resourcefulness is born by the union of ingenuity and necessity.  When an impasse is encountered such a child will prosper.

As our body encounters limitations in this world, so it is with our faith in the Spirit.  There is room for resourcefulness.  Such is the duty of Grace.

By His Grace

Heros Succeed - 2014-11-05 08:54

Who can speak fluently of the glorious challenge that lay before for the people of God?  All that is holy is expected, and rightly so, to cover us as if we are dressed in pure light.

Discretion, willing obedience, mercy beyond the ability of man, faithfulness in prayer regardless our current understanding, and a laying down of all that is wicked, these are things placed upon us by the King of kings and Holy Lord.

He is faultless and true in all his Holy way.  And his expectations are not too much.  For he is willing to grant all that is necessary for us to achieve.  It is we who are unwilling and frail.  Yet the expectations remain.

We are ambassadors of the One who dispenses life!  It is then appropriate that our attitude match the expectations.

How many billions have tried and failed?  How very rare that one succeeds. 

The world has its set of heroes; those who have met the expectations of the world and surpass them.  These are also rare indeed.  But the expectations of the world are small compared to those of God.  If only a handful meet the world's expectations, how many less meet those of God's?

Let us make every effort to rectify obedience.  Let us make every effort to add to our love for the Holy One of God. 

We have only one day.  We are not promised beyond the sunset.  Thousands will die today, sealing what they have done.  Will it be me?  Will it be you?  Which of us can know?

Make every effort to enter in: to do, to become and to glorify the one who has purchased us by His Holy Blood.  This is the expectation of God.  And it is placed squarely on the shoulders of those who profess the name of Christ Jesus.

May God have mercy and grant glory among all his people.  May the testimony of each one of us be that God is Holy!

By His Grace

Shining Folly - 2014-11-06 07:32

It has come and stolen what is precious.  But no one seems to notice.  The treasury of man has been ransacked while the guards were sleeping.

Even making this proclamation requires that the story be told of the things that have been stolen.  For humanity has forgotten its used to own a precious gift.

A man was walking down the street.  In his pocket he had 7 golden coins.  His hand would not leave his pocket while he walked about in public.  This is how lovingly he protected his wealth.

A stealthy creature, dressed in white, stepped out of an alley in front of him.  With beaming smile he addressed the man.  "I am pleasantly rich and have chosen you, that I may grant you the desire of your heart".  So the creature spoke to the man.

Because the creature was lovely, and the offer so desired, the man stopped to listen.  "What do you offer and how much do you require?" 

With entrancing eyes and a beautiful smile, the creature produced a shining large coin.  Its beauty was magnificent and it seemed to hum in the hands of the creature.  The man's heart was set ablaze with desire. "This coin is rare indeed.  It has been mined from a place where only three men have ever been able to reach.  But because I have chosen you, all I require are 7 gold coins."

Without another thought the 7 coins in the man's pocket were exchanged.  With best wishes they parted company and the man left for his duties.

He could have spent the 7 gold coins that were in his pocket.  He could have thrived well for the rest of his life on what property he did own.  But he exchanged it for a worthless plug of metal. 

For two reasons it is worthless.  Because it is not the currency of the land, no one will exchange it for goods.  And because the man thinks it is more precious than his very life, he will not part with it.  So the man is ruined though he does not perceive it.

To poverty he plunged before he took the first step away from the creature. Man has exchanged a very valuable resource for the things that do not last.

In the days before technology men believed in deity.  This is the time of which is written, "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship." (Galatians 4: 4)

With what will man today reach to purchase the things that last forever?  He has exchange his wealth for shining folly.

God's people yearn to see a love for the living God displayed in all men.  But they will not listen because they have exchanged their wealth for that which will not last.

By His Grace

Actions Not Words - 2014-11-06 09:06

God does not watch the words of men, to see if they desire him.

But to man's actions his eyes are cast, to see if the man's desire will last.

By His Grace

Stupidity is Not Your Friend - 2014-11-06 11:26

They asked Charles to give the prayer at the Thanksgiving meal.  The only reason he was given the honor, is that he is the only one of them that attends church more than twice a year.

They all bowed their heads, and Charles cut loose.

"Good family.  Good meat. Good god! Let's eat!"  Chuckles were heard, and the family left a "holy" things behind.

Was their conscience cleared by some stupid and ignorant prayer?  One might wonder, "What conscience?".

As is the way with all men, everyone around that table will eventually die.  Such moments as those will be carried with every one of them.

As they stand before the Most High God to be judged, they will immediately sprout a conscience.  Stupidity and ignorance will no longer be their friends.

Here comes Thanksgiving, give it a thought.

By His Grace

Legitimate Complaints? - 2014-11-06 13:51

7 days of creation.  And on the seventh day God rested from his work.

7 plagues of God's vengeance.  And on the seventh plague God will establish peace for eternity.

We are told in Revelation, that men will curse God for the plagues that are sent upon them.  Their cursing will reflect a very curious attitude.

"This is our place how dare you disturb it!  These are our children!  These are our things!  What right do you have to take away our lives?"

What a very curious look into the heart of rebellion.

If this is your place, produce the one who made it.  If these are truly your children produce your ability to make a soul.  If you want to question God's rights, produce your proof of sovereignty.

If you want freedom, submit to God in Christ Jesus His Holy and Righteous Son.  If you want slavery to eternal loss, continue as you are.

By His Grace

From My Point of View - 2014-11-07 17:20

From my point of view, God is indescribably great. 

Some may call my point of view theology.  But in saying that, I think they would have a hard time nailing down what I believe.  Even I would have a hard time finding supporting scriptures.  But then I'm not a scholar.  And my knowledge of Scripture is usually pointed in the direction of application, not theology.

What I believe has come to me by Bible reading, faith, prayer and diligent observation of God moving in my life. 

In the way of Bible reading, I am relatively fluent.  But there are certainly masters of the art.  I may well remember what it says, but I likely can't tell you chapter and verse.

I say faith.  I'm afraid you need a microscope to find mine.  If faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, how much can I hope to brag.  The Rockies are still where I found them.  The Appalachians are still filled with trails to hike.  And there are still enough hills in America to hide gigantic wheat fields.

As far as prayer is concerned, I am no prayer warrior.  I am more the man who will pray as he knows, and ask to be taught.  It is here that God has revealed enough to make me able to walk as a Christian. 

I am no prophet as some define Prophets.  And I am no teacher, but for the fact that we all teach by the way we act.

And as far as diligent observation goes, I see with what bleak eyes God has chosen to give me.  I watch the wind blow.  I listen to the words men speak.  I take note of the way of men as opposed to the way of God.  And I even listen to the birds.

All of this was written to admit I know nothing.  All of this was written to avoid a war of words and ideas.

With all that said let's get back to the idea of how great God is.

We are a product of an answer to an accusation.  The accusation is that God demands too much and does not provide sufficiently.  (this is the specific belief that may draw conflict)

How great is God?  God is so great that he allowed an enemy to amass, in a place that he willingly created. 

God is so great that he entered this mass of enemy.  He assumed their form and there was nothing beautiful about him that he should be desired.

God is so great that he willingly taught this enemy about a way to live instead of die.  All this he has done knowing what would happen. 

God is so great that he allowed his enemy to take him by force. 

God is so great that he did not complain while they mocked and beat him. 

God is so great that he allowed them to strip him of all his glory.  He let them flogg him to the point that he was no longer recognizable as a man.  And in this he made no complaint or accusation.

And here is the crowning achievement of the greatness of God:  that when the Word of God assumed his place as the rightful King of kings, he reached down to his mass of enemy, and continually offers salvation for those who hate him.

Yes God is great!  Men may dispute his existence.  But for those who believe, he is the supreme power of salvation.

Oh how my soul wants to continue.  There are so very many reasons why God is great.  But I'll leave this to stand. 

May the spirit of God strengthen, convict and convert as the will of God dictates.


By His Grace

Sweet Dreams are Made of These - 2014-11-08 11:18

I was at a truck stop scanning in my papers while I listened to a song that was playing.  The song is "sweet dreams are made of these", by the Eurythmics.

I've heard that song hundreds of times before.  But the power of what she was saying dawned on me like the rising Sun.

Everyone is looking for something.  That must mean we are all compelled to search.  And she's right.

The variety of religions in the world range from obedience to what they call holy law, to the abuse of self and others.  Regardless, men search as a compulsion.  This is proof that there is something to be found.  Even the atheist searchs diligently to disavow the search.  But his activity proves there is something to be disavowed.

How happy then is the one who finds it?  How secure in his way, does his life become?  And what great peace should overshadow him 24 /7?

Christ is the answer.  He is the one that is provoking the search.  The errant things men do are caused by their misunderstanding. 

If you would have what everyone is looking for, search diligently into the things of Christ Jesus.  You are compelled to search. Why not search what is true?

If a man can't find the truth he'll create his own series of lies.  But I testify that the Living God is alive among his people in Christ Jesus.

By His Grace

Inexpensive Poverty - 2014-11-09 10:06

It affects us all; the infection of want.  And a world of commerce which lowers the prices of goods aids in its own decline.

The rich get richer, while the poor become more greedy.  Empty houses fill up with shining objects.  Thus lives are lit on fire with trouble.  Thus invisible greed takes shapes we can hold. 

Financial ruin brings poverty back home.  But this time poverty lives in a house filled with shining objects, and greedy eyes.  But it is not just shining objects which bring poverty.  Moral decay is worse.

A society that does not divide between righteousness and sin, is bound to bring eternal poverty.  The lust for women is set on fire by inexpensive clothing, jewelry, perfumes, and makeup.  The lust for the man who has a nice car, clothing, house, and purchased social position, sets ablaze the wayward wife's desire.  And all of this a godless society promotes with abandon.

The children learn early that divorce is an option.  No longer are they taught to work out their troubles.  Mommy and daddy prove that righteousness can be attained through the back door.  The children are taught to bind quitting with their vows.  The word "vow" becomes diluted and worthless.  The once stable world spins out of control.

The wicked man never wonders why he does what he does.  The greedy man simply reaches for "more" to massage his aching conscience.  But time moves by and the cost increases.  Time goes by, and the expense of poverty increases exponentially.

The life span of a man does not give him the luxury of finding righteousness by mistake.  As if we stumble over a stack of 100 dollar bills as we walk down the street.  The odds of finding righteousness by happenstance are billions to one.

Blessed is the man who is concerned by his wickedness.  Blessed is the man who wakes in the night for fear of what he has done.  Blessed is the one who allows himself to feel burning and consuming regret.  Blessed is the man who panics for the sake of his wrongdoing.  This one has the potential of learning to do what is right.

Blessed are those who have never tasted wantonness.  Those beautiful souls who have patiently endured with what they have.  Blessed is the one who considers greed a sin, and keeps his hands to himself.

The proverb still rings true:  every man will reap what he has sown.  But a godless world teaches that this is a lie.

By His Grace

Divorce - 2014-11-09 11:33

"It's too hard to stay here."   So says the one who thinks divorce is an option.  They think the pain of abuse is too much.  They think the lure of lust is worth travail.

My friend, you have no idea what waits for you in the night.  You know nothing about the pain you will feel when you look at your children's faces.  You have no idea how painful it will be to remember your former spouse.  You have no idea what you are throwing away.

The joy of one year will fade with explosive quickness.  You will never be a part of the next family you try to join.  You will always belong where you were!

But you will not listen to my words.  Though they are the words of one who knows, you will not hear them.  You have already made up your mind in some fantasy you embraced.

And if you are foolish enough you will continue to embrace this fantasy, regardless the regret your heart gives you, you will be faced with a severe choice.  Your heart is cold and callous now.  Foolishness will turn it to stone.

You will not love with open heart.  You will love by ritual and habit.  You are cutting yourself deeply and the scar will never leave.

You married for the wrong reasons.  You think your ignorance gives you license.  What you are purchasing is a license to death. 

You should stay and learn.  You should clear the rubble and work to build a strong foundation.  Once you have made the step, you cannot go back.  And you will soon desire to go back.

The warning has been made, what would you do?

By His Grace

God Born Habits Rescue From Dereliction - 2014-11-09 19:48

I was just thinking of the things that the Lord Jesus has taught me over the years.  Above all other lessons, the lesson of creating habits has been the most useful.

He has caused me to make a habit of doing the things that don't normally need to be done.  So that when they do need to be done, they are just a natural extension of my normal day. 

By this he has also taught me to notice when things are not right.  If I go about my tasks in a habitual manner I notice when a piece of it is missing.

By this he has taught me to be a somewhat righteous worker.  I mean, the habits he has taught me to employ, are the habits I am told I must use by those who pay my wage.  I make less mistakes.  I don't cut corners.  And by the habits, I generally make a good use of time.

You may think that man can learn this by himself.  Perhaps.  But that is not the general rule is it?  And why would anyone think that?  Are they trying to avoid a relationship with the living God?  Likely.

There is so much more to say about how the Lord Jesus has rescued me from folly and the insanity of dereliction.  But if a man will approach him, and ask to be taught the things that matter.  The Lord will show him these things.

If you too could have these, why would you not ask him?

By His Grace

Be a Willing Disappointment - 2014-11-09 22:21

The letter to the Hebrews, in the New Testament, tells us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.  Because of the context, we often associate that great crowd with humanity.

Though it is true that no man lives in complete isolation from his brother, it is also true that the great cloud of witnesses comprises far more than the men who live on this planet.

There will be testimony in eternity for what we have done.  The Angels witness our actions.  The Trinity is personally witness to every single detail.  And let us not forget the enemy.  Even the demons notice.

Doing what is right is often a severe irritation to humanity.  But those we irritate here, are considerably few, in comparison to those who will witness the totality of our life.

Let us therefore consider the majority.  If we need a provocation to do what is right, let us live a life of innocent irritation.  When they cuss and yell and scream and squirm, let us not understand the reason why.  Let us set our focus on the majority of witnesses.

And if you need further provocation to do what is right, let us mention the one who has irritated us. 

As we love doing what is right, we are not tempted to do what is wrong.  And if we cannot be tempted or averted from our love, we may be sure we are irritating the one who has irritated us.  Fine, let us be a willing disappointment!

By His Grace

Pure Water - 2014-11-10 09:31

He lifts the veil, and a man sees.  His hand glides through sin to lift it from the man's face.  Forgiveness comes with strength in hand.  Compassion is the clothing of the Great Physician.

Pride rests strong on the eyelids of the wicked.  Though they try to perceive the holy things of God, their eyes are too heavy to open.  Sealed, as if with the dust of sleep, their eyes are stuck shut.  But even this their pride cannot perceive.

What does God require of man, that he may open the eyes?  Believe.  God simply requires that we cast away our own knowledge.  He requires that we be willing to learn.

A proud man sees the ways of this world and thinks he knows.  In his folly he can produces reason for the things that are.  But he cannot produce proof as to why.  The sleep of pride restrains his strength.  He is blind and cannot walk without stumbling.

But let belief grow.  Let a man read the Holy words of God and believe.  God reveals in wise measure, according to a man's willingness.  A revealing does come.

God watches the response.  Does tiny wisdom retain pride?  Or does it produce humility?  When the latter is true, roots are set into the soil of eternity that the man may begin to grow.

In his compassion God restrains the unveiling,  lest the winds of temptation destroy what is built.  As a man sees, he is accountable.  As a man knows he must do.

Believe to the fullest you can.  Humble yourself as far as you will.  You will see a receiving come to you. 

Let your roots seek the pure water.  Dig and thrust through the water you have found.  There is purity to be had.  What is pure among men is full of fault before God.

Do you see?  Give thanks and search for more.  Praise God with your actions.  For out the mouth of man comes many beautiful things, even while he himself is full of abhorrent behavior.

He is able to teach and to console.  He is able to raise from the dead even while you think you live.  And when life comes, he shows us the difference.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

By His Grace

The Single Arrow - 2014-11-11 01:59

A man has only one faith.  It is not possible that he should have many.  For as his faith is pointed, so the man becomes.

Give an archer a single arrow.  Place the target 100 yards away.  Now tell him that if he does not hit the bull's eye, you will kill him. 

With the target the size of a 25 cent coin, the variable wind and heat, the skill of the archer, and the executioner standing near, the odds are slim the man will see the next sunrise.

Our faith can be likened to the arrow.  In this, every man is an archer.

The man draws his arrow of faith and sets it in the string of action.  He pulls back hard on his bow of hope.  After taking careful aim he lets it fly.  Will it hit the mark?

It depends on what he was shooting for.  The target makes all the difference.  Even the very best of marksman will fail if they do not know where the bullseye is.

How difficult is it to hit the mark for eternal life?  Let everyone understand we are not shooting for a target 100 yards away.  For faith is the substance of things unseen.

Straighten your arrow and point it toward the stars.  Wait until your place on earth points specifically at the Holy Throne of God.  Then at the right moment, and with all your possible strength, release your faith.

What's the chances it will find the mark?  Will the Holy One watch it skitter across the throne room floor and land at his footstool?

Do we need Jesus?  Go ahead and say no.  If your faith is to find the mark of eternity it must arrive at the footstool of God. 

But first it must travel the length of the sky.  It must pass through the orbit of the moon.  Let your imagination see it whistle through the vacuum of space, to the edge of the universe.  After that it must travel through the very fabric of heaven itself.  Where in heaven, is the Holy throne of the Most High God?

Whats the chances any man can hit that mark?  God has not given men wisdom to write that number.

Does every man need Christ Jesus?  You bet your life we do!

For as the Apostle Peter said, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”  (Acts 4)

By His Grace

The True War - 2014-11-12 04:02

It is not against The Righteousness of God that a man finds himself at war.  The war finds itself in the battlefield of willingness.


The Righteousness of God is established forever.  It wars against no one.


But let a man perceive the truth of life's singular and constant war.  It is waged without weapons or blood.


God stands firm in His Glorious Righteous ways.  It is the man who finds his own limit.


What then?  Where will a man stand on that Great and Horrible day?


His willingness alone dictates his position among the great throng.


Was he willing to lay down selfish desire?  To what extent that appeared, the man will find his place before Him.


The Righteousness of God is as the battlefield itself.  But the vicious war is attended to by the man and his willingness.

Not a Single One - 2014-11-12 04:27

They assemble at dawn.  Each one taking his place along the benches provided.  The thickness of the wall dictates how many will assemble.  There is then, a fixed limit.

What do they do?  They pour out wisdom mixed with mercy.  If they preach, it is a quiet whisper.  Let the passing crowd listen as they will.

Let a man stop and ask.  Let him ask for advice or judgment in a matter.  This one has a right to expect truth from these aging men poised to serve.


Mercy clothed them as they made their way.  Their own failings accompanied mercy's making.

The Righteousness of God is ever-present.  Let mercy attend their dispensing of truth.

Which one of them can perform the entire Law of God?  The answer is "not a single one".

Are those who pass by any more able than those who sit in the city gate?  The answer is "not a single one".


Then let mercy attend those who pass, just as it attends those who sit waiting to serve.

Let justice be dispensed with understanding.  Let wisdom be filtered through a man's own willingness.


The dance of men moves with Grace, to the sound of God's mercy.

Listen, you wise of God.  Listen to the sound of Love.

Dance with your partner, who strives alongside you in fear.

Learn to restrain your own feet, lest you step on the toes of your brother.


Such is the wisdom dispensed in the Gate of the Gospel; "the Good news of Peace from God".

"Enter in to the store house of Righteousness.  Enter in among the Holy Army of God.

But let it be known that all who enter in will stand.  For the Master is able to make them stand.

Be merciful, my lovely servants; those who dispense the wisdom of God.  Be merciful to those who pass you by.

For they too will, some day, take their place in your well-worn benches."

The Summation of Service in Christ - 2014-11-12 04:43

Among men, mercy is first; over shadowed by the Righteousness of God.



How should a summation contain more words?

You Don't Know - 2014-11-12 19:14

You don't know what you're doing

When you avoid the things of God.

When you count them as trash on Wednesday;

"Castaway! I'm glad it's  gone".

Somehow you think it's your duty,

To stay God the length of your arm.

You toss away His riches,

For you think he means you harm.

Then you flounder in your poverty;

Embracing hopeless travail.

When all he wants is to lift you up;

To silence your muted wail.

How great the riches of Christ in us.

How marvelous his love.

When once, like you,

We thought little too

Of God's gift sent down from above.

But let our soul find him near,

And there's no dam to stop the tears.

He chases out all our frantic fears.

Unspeakable, is the way he loves.

He appears without our asking.

We find our heart free of trouble.

No longer caught up in wasting;

We are freed from all our rubble.

But you don't know what joy you miss,

As you forsake his gentle kiss.

How can I urge you more than this?

His love is free for taking.

By His Grace

Deep Enough to Dream - 2014-11-13 00:32

"Deep enough to dream"
by Chris Rice

Lazy summer afternoon
Screened in porch and nothin' to do
I just kicked off my tennis shoes
Slouchin' in a plastic chair
Rakin' my fingers through my hair
I close my eyes and I leave them there
And I yawn, and sigh, and slowly fade away

Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors

I have never seen
Deep enough to join a billion people
For a wedding feast
Deep enough to reach out and touch
The face of the One who made me
And oh, the love I feel, and oh the peace
Do I ever have to wake up

Awakened by a familiar sound

A clumsy fly is buzzin' around
He bumps the screen and he tumbles down
He gathers about his wits and pride
And tries again for the hundredth time
'Cause freedom calls from the other side
And I smile and nod
, and slowly drift away

Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors

I have never seen
Deep enough to join a billion people
For a wedding feast
Deep enough to reach out and touch
The face of the One who made me
And oh, the love I feel, and oh the peace
Do I ever have to wake up

'Cause peace is pouring over my soul

See the lambs and the lions playin'
I join in and I drink the music
Holiness is the air I'm breathin'
My faithful heroes break the bread
And answer all of my questions
Not to mention what the streets are made of
My heart's held hostage by this love

And these brilliant colors I have never seen

I join a billion people for a wedding feast
And I reach out and touch the face of the One who made me
And oh, the love I feel, and oh the peace
Do I ever have to wake up

Do I ever have to wake up

Do I ever have to wake up
Do I really have to wake up now

By His Grace

What's in a Name - 2014-11-13 11:37

Do you realize there are millions of people who do not know who Isaiah is?  When they see the name Job, they think of employment.  Abel is only what they can do.  Methuselah only hangs around in the English language as an expression of impatience.

Yet these men are with God for eternity.  And every eye will see the one who saved them.  And the willingly ignorant won't know why.

If you are afraid of men, and keep the gospel to yourself, at least mention such wonderful people.  For without the work of God in them, you would not have the Gospel as you do.

If you find yourself so full of fear that you are too ashamed to speak of Jesus, at least educate.

Men talk about Gandhi, Hitler, Socrates, Plato and other such names.  And there is no offense taken. 

How small is man and how great is Jesus.  Why are we so ashamed of his holy name?

By His Grace

Respite not Despite - 2014-11-13 17:08

I have a dear friend who has gone on a cruise today.  She gets tan while I get cold.  But I am very happy for her.

She carries a lot of weight on her shoulders, in her normal routine.  There seems to be no respite from the burden.  But she carries on despite the great troubles.

But when she is offered this few days of respite from the war, she comes back an entirely different person.

In Christ, when we are offered forgiveness, is it sure, and given by the one who is able to give.  He gives this forgiveness of sins for the sake of comfort and increased faith. 

Before it comes (This powerful expression of his love) we hold to our faith, but we are in the midst of a war.  When it comes there is joy.

But here the forgiveness of sins is like the cruise to my friend.  If she went on the cruise and did not enjoy herself, rather worried about the time when she returns, her respite from trouble would be worthless.

Is the forgiveness of Christ worthless in our trouble?

It is meant to build us up and to give us health and joy.  But many, including myself, have reserved their joy for heaven.  They have carried on serving Christ Jesus despite their gloom.  This is not the intent of our Lord.

When you get a warm day in winter, rejoice.  When you get a cool day in summer, likewise rejoice.  When forgiveness comes, with power, rejoice!

Among men it is truly better to give than to receive.  Before Christ we are the receivers only.  Humility breeds joy.

By His Grace

To Marvel is no Proof at All - 2014-11-14 09:12

What value is the man who only marvels at Christ Jesus?  We are told that every man who ever lived will do that.  Even the most vile of humanity will bow his knee and give glory to Christ Jesus.

What can be said of the man who marvels and obeys?  We are told there are few who will ever do that.  What makes the difference between the few and the many?

We can do nothing without him.  And what we do is an extension of who we have become.  What can be said then of the man who marvels, yet becomes nothing?

If I see a king and marvel at the things he has, I need give him no respect in order to marvel.  But if I adore the king, I think it right and just that he should be adorned in royalty.  Yet how can I adore him if I do not know him?

The wicked man may look on the riches of the king and desire them out of greed or envy.  But the righteous servant will love the king, and rightly desire him to be blessed.

The wicked man will be a difficult citizen of the land.  But the righteous man will be a blessing to the one who rules.  True righteousness then, is not a product of citizenship.  True Christianity is not a membership in a club.

As such things are so here, they will be vastly more so in heaven.  If you do not love the Lord Jesus, it would be good for you to fall in prayer and confess.  Let him dress you in love, as he reveals who he is.

The wicked man will never hear, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant".  But the one who is taught to love the Holy Lord,  can look forward to such a kiss in his ear.

This transformation is not something a man can conjure up from his own mind.  If that were so, the ingenuity of man would make the few many.  It must be received; it must be revealed from the Lord Himself.

No man has ever truly loved a woman he has never met.  How can a man be married to no one?  But let the man meet the woman who rings true in his soul, and he will love her unto death.  A willing love is provided by true respect.

This provokes the difference between religion and "The Faith".  This provokes those coveted words from the Holy One on that great day.  This makes the difference between the few and the many.

By His Grace

Embarrassing - 2014-11-14 09:56

At times I am embarrassed,

That I am what I am.

For I am of humanity;

That fault filled breed called man.

For as my brother's wayward,

I too have filthy hands.

Let separation be too long,

And I need reprimand.

My brothers of flesh, are just a mirror

Of this God provoked hermit.

Staring at the Son too long,

Anoints with traits but counterfeit.

Attributing His righteousness

To all the men I meet.

I'm often disillusioned,

By filthy wayward feet.

Severity of sin not counted,

I am just like they.

By their mouths and actions;

Their refusal to obey.

Then let this shame provoke

my earnest, thoughtful hope;

And let me remember well.

As I was once like they,

Upon this revelation,

Difference is:

Much harder apart to tell.

By His Grace

Promises - 2014-11-15 03:44

A man says, "I am a man of my word".  This one means well, but I would rather be a man of God's Word.

If I boast that I am able to keep my promises, I trust in myself and I will fail.  Sickness and misfortune, forgetfulness and sloth, crouch behind the corner and wait for a weak moment.   The one who boast in his own ability does not understand his own frail nature.

But if I trust the one who is the Living Word I will never fail.

The man who boast in His righteousness, boasts from the perspective of this world.  The man who trust in God, boasts that God alone is good.

I am a man of God's Word.  You will find fault with me.  But you will not find fault in the one I trust.  I do not ask you to trust me.  Even I do not trust me!

By His Grace

Mark 1: 35 - 2014-11-15 04:21

3 to 4, that precious time of day.

When all the hunters have gone to bed;

The place where but a few remain.

The dogs have spent their barking.

Machinery has fell silent.

The drunks are fast asleep.

Now it's time for me to seek

The Lord.

By His Grace

Glory Rejected - 2014-11-15 04:59

While we sleep in stupor,

The angels sing his name;

While man thinks to relegate,

His Glory among the shame.

Oh man you do not realize

You are left alone.

Rebellion are the words you sing;

"Reject His Mighty Throne".

Countless many angels,

Creatures great and small,

All of Heaven spends its time,

Exalting the Lord of all.

You think it's odd, a man should love

The God of heaven and earth.

And all your tiny siblings,

You teach from day of birth;

"Reject the Lord.  Believe the lie.

Be counted with all of us.

United we stand

Rejected is He.

Stop making such a fuss."

Reject me too.  Oh please do;

This isolated me!

For I hear and see His glory

From sea to shining sea.

Allegiance you demand from me.

You will not own my own.

To death he has secured me,

To praise His Mighty Throne.

By His Grace

The Common Cold - 2014-11-16 22:53

The appropriate stench of man,

The nose cannot detect.

But let a man smell the stench of another,

And his neck will go erect.

The stench he should be smelling,

Should be his very own.

But breezes blowing perfectly,

He leaps to his righteous throne:

"How dare you air your filthiness

To all the rest of us?

Go bathe yourself in righteousness,

Prevent your putrid gust!"

It's coldness of the heart, you see,

That causes the nose to stuff up.

Ah, if man would only warm himself

With a serving from Christ's own cup.

By His Grace

Civil Minded Christians - 2014-11-17 18:43

A man may hate another man, this I can understand.  After all we are a wicked and hopeless breed.  War and murder are not alien to the thoughts of man.

But I am taken back by the venomous hatred of those who have turned away from the gospel.  They are not like those who have rejected the gospel without inspecting it closely.  They looked close enough to gain understanding.  But since they have rejected Christ, their hatred has become demonic.

Such people become obsessed with the demise of Christianity.  They would be better able to destroy the earth with a shovel; heaving scoop by scoop into the oblivion of outer space.  Such hatred makes no sense at all.  In the language of men we would call this stupid.  In the language of God we would call it demonic.

But I do not mention this that I might cast a shadow on the parade of backslidden, foolish men.   Rather, I mention this as a warning to all Christians. 

Do not be fooled by the siren call of the world.  They will tell you, "You can still have your Christianity, only play in the sandbox with us".  If you do that, you are headed to unmovable rocks. 

You will ship wreck your faith.  You will become the haunt of every demon who desires you.  In the end you will do the will of the enemy of God.

These men who despise God, to near insanity, were once like you.  They looked into the things of Christ with desire.  But when they found the world easier to pallet, they turned away.

You may think that can't happen to you; you are such a civil minded heart.  The civil mind you have now is given to you by God himself.  Embrace the world and you may well lose it.

By His Grace

Lightning in the Snow - 2014-11-17 20:22

I had heard it was true, but I had never seen it. 

But what is that to me; what do I know?

Lightning in the snow.

I am in the winter of my life.

It came to me without asking.

I did not ask for this storm.

But it has proved to me what I did not know.

Lightning in the snow.

Men live out their days and die.

Mostly quietly fade away.

But some with godly knowing.

There is lightning while it's snowing.

Such lives are driven by great, wonderous power.

Such lives become full of "Knowing".

There is lightning while it's snowing!

By His Grace

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