Hello again / Hallo wieder mal January 2001 Since I passed my leaving examinations as industrial merchant

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Hello again / Hallo wieder mal January 2001
Since I passed my leaving examinations as industrial merchant, I am preparing this anniversary catalogue containing the largest mailoder assortment I ever had (This January for me has also the meaning of ten years Kalemegdan Disk). On the last pages you will find a new East European cheapies section, also I offer some Yugoslavian singles to be sold out.
With the next bigger deliveries space won´t reach anymore in a 50 grams printed matter, because I don´t want to present you bigger parts of this catalogue in A6 size and the mailing of more than 50 grams especially abroad is definitely too expensive. Still I don´t know how to handle this uncomfortable situation. Anyway, in the meantime you can receive my catalogues also by email - as Word for Windows or Word Pro documents. Please let me know, if you prefer this way.
Nevertheless I still will have to solve the problem with my selfmade Yugoslavian special letters È, É, Ê, Ë, Ì, Í, Î and Ï which will be shown on your monitors as E and I with different accents (Ð und Ñ I usually write as Dj and dj). During the next months I also hope to find the time to build up my own web-site. All prices still are stated in German marks at least until the end of 2001 (1 Euro = 1,95583 DM).

Nachdem ich meine Abschlußprüfungen zum Industriekaufmann hinter mich gebracht habe, widme ich mich seitdem der Vorbereitung dieses Jubiläumskataloges, dem bislang umfangreichsten in 15 Jahren Schallplattenhandel (Gleichzeitig bedeutet der Januar 2001 für mich auch zehn Jahre Kalemegdan Disk). Neu ist diesmal ein osteuropäischer Ausverkaufsteil auf den letzten Seiten und die YU Rock Ausverkaufssektion enthält nun auch Singles.
Mit den nächsten größeren Lieferungen wird mir der Platz in einem 50 Gramm Druckerzeugnis endgültig nicht mehr reichen, da ich Euch und mir größere Teile im A6 Format wirklich nicht zumuten möchte. Und jenseits der 50 Gramm wird das Verschicken vor allem ins Ausland definitiv zu teuer. Zwar weiß ich noch nicht, welche Konsequenzen das nach sich ziehen wird, es besteht allerdings die Möglichkeit, den Katalog per Email als Word for Windows oder als Word Pro Dokument zu verschicken. Wer bereits jetzt auf Email-Listen umsteigen möchte, möge mir das bitte mitteilen.
Allerdings gilt es hier noch das Problem mit meinen selbstgebastelten jugoslawischen Sonderzeichen zu lösen, die bei Euch als E und I mit verschiedenen Akzenten angezeigt werden und nicht als È, É, Ê, Ë, Ì, Í, Î und Ï (Ð und Ñ habe ich sowieso schon immer als Dj und dj dargestellt). In den nächsten Monaten werde ich mich hoffentlich auch endlich dem Aufbau meiner Homepage widmen können. Sämtliche angegebenen Preise bleiben mindestens noch bis zum Ende 2001 in DM (ein Euro enspricht 1,95583 DM).

Best wishes for the forthcoming 100 years
Mit besten Wünschen für die kommenden 100 Jahre

Contents - Inhalt
Terms of payment and delivery, Gradings 2 Zahlungs- und Versandbedingungen, Bewertungen

Abbreviations 3 Abkürzungen

Mixed Yugoslavian Tapes 3 Gemischte jugoslawische Kassetten

New Yugoslavian CDs 4 Neue jugoslawische CDs

Other New CDs 10 Sonstige neue CDs

New Books & Videos 10 Neue Bücher & Videos

New Yugoslavian LPs 10 Neue jugoslawische LPs

Other New LPs 11 Sonstige neue LPs

Second Hand Yugoslavian LPs & Singles 11 Gebrauchte jugoslawische LPs & Singles

Second Hand Yugoslavian LPs & Singles (Cheapies) 21 Gebrauchte jugoslawische LPs & Singles


Second Hand East European LPs 23 Gebrauchte osteuropäische LPs

Second Hand East European LPs (Cheapies) 22 Gebrauchte osteuropäische LPs (Ausverkauf)

Terms of payment and delivery / Zahlungs- und Versandbedingungen
You can order by writing or phoning to Kalemegdan Disk, Thomas Werner, Geuderstr. 13, D-90419 Nürnberg. Telephone 0911/5874354, Fax 0911/9330151 (from abroad: +49911/), Email: kalemegdan@odn.de. All prices are set-sale prices in German marks (1 Euro = 1,95583 DM). If you order for more than 400 or 1000 DM, you will get 10 or 15% discount. All records must be paid in advance by postal international money order or cash in a registered letter. If you pay by cheque (only in Euro or DM), you have to add 20 DM for bank charges!

Postage in Europe 12 DM for a small parcel (maximum 2 kg = 6 - 7 records). Postage for parcels on request. Overseas and larger orders: I will tell you the different possibilities, when I know the weight of your order.

Bestellungen können schriftlich oder telefonisch bei Kalemegdan Disk, Thomas Werner, Geuderstr. 13, D-90489 Nürnberg, Telefon 0911/5874354, Fax 0911/9330151 (Auslandsvorwahl +49911), Email: kalemegdan@odn.de erfolgen. Alle Preise sind Festpreise in DM (1 Euro = 1,95583 DM). Ab 400 DM Bestellwert gebe ich 10% Rabatt, ab 1000 DM 15%. Versand nur gegen Vorkasse als Scheck oder Bargeld im eingeschriebenen Brief, aus dem Ausland per Postanweisung (International money order) oder ebenfalls bar. Banküberweisungen auf Anfrage.

Porto innerhalb Deutschlands 7 DM als Päckchen bis 2 kg und 11 DM als Paket bis 4 kg, innerhalb Europas 12 DM als Päckchen bis 2 kg (6 - 7 LPs), Paketporto auf Anfrage.

Gradings / Bewertungen
All Yugoslavian records are graded acousticly (record / cover), if three gradings are stated: Side A / Side B / Cover. The condition of the records includes the press-quality: the records play exactly as they are graded. Therefore I grade many LPs in top condition not better than "vg+" and my gradings are - as you probably know - strict.

m = absolutely without surface noise, vg = a few disturbing noises, often because of the pressing, g = stronger disturbing noises, some scratches, w = a lot of disturbing noises, strong scratches, f = more or less unplayable. So don´t be scared of "vg"!
The covers here offered are also seldom better than "vg" because of the thinner cardboard, the often missing working up (lac, cellophane) and the careless treatment through Yugoslavian record buyers and listeners. So you will see worn corners and edges, records appearing in outlines on the covers, damages left behind by price tickets, torn cover backs, edges pasted over with adhesive tapes or short messages written down by owners or musicians.

m = like new, without any defects, vg = with slight damages, often because of the age, g = with some of the damages described above, w = definitively in a bad shape, often also torn, f = ruined.

The records are listed in the following order: Number, sound carrier, year of the first publication, group, title, outfit of the record, edition, record company, condition and price.

Sämtliche jugoslawische Platten sind akkustisch bewertet (Platte / Cover), sind drei Bewertungsangaben aufgeführt, bedeutet dies A-Seite / B-Seite / Cover. Neben dem Erhaltungszustand habe ich auch die Preßqualität mit einbezogen: Die Platten spielen so, wie sie eingestuft sind. Deshalb bewerte ich viele LPs im Topzustand nicht besser als "vg+" und meine Bewertungen sind bekanntlich streng.

m = absolut ohne Fremdgeräusche, vg = leichte Störgeräusche, oft pressungsbedingt, g = ständige Störgeräusche, leichtere Kratzer, w = kräftiges Knistern, schwerere Kratzer, f = Ohren und Nadel nicht mehr zuzumuten. Keine Angst also vor "vg"!
Auch die angebotenen Cover sind selten besser als "vg", was sich durch den etwas dünneren Karton, die fehlende weitere Verarbeitung (Lackierungen oder Cellophanierung) und den oft sorglosen Umgang der dortigen Schallplattenkäufer und -hörer erklären läßt. So gibt es abgestoßene Ecken und Kanten, Platten zeichnen sich auf dem Cover ab, Preisschilder haben Spuren hinterlassen, der Coverrücken ist aufgerissen, Ränder sind mit Tesafilm überklebt oder ein Besitzer oder Musiker hat eine kurze Botschaft geschrieben ...

m = neuwertig, ohne Mängel, vg = mit leichten, oft rein altersbedingte Abnutzungserscheinungen, g = mit mehreren der oben aufgezählten Beschädigungen, w = definitiv in schlechter Verfassung, oft auch eingerissen, f = schwer beschädigt, oft unvollständig.

Die Platten sind folgendermaßen aufgelistet: Nummer, Tonträger, Erscheinungsjahr der Erstauflage, Gruppe, Titel, Ausstattung der Platte, Ausgabe, Plattenfirma, Zustand und Preis.

Abbreviations / Abkürzungen
Record companies / Schallplattenfirmen: BgD = Beograd Disk, Dis = Diskos, Dt = Diskoton, He = Helidon, Jd = Jugodisk, Jt = Jugoton, KD = Kalemegdan Disk, RTB = Radio Televizija Beograd, RTS = Radio Televizija Srbije, RTV = Radio Televizija Ljubljana, SaD = Sarajevo Disk, StB = Studio B, Su = Suzy and many others ...

Others / Sonstige: co = cut out, EP = extended play, foc = fold out cover / Klappcover, inn.sl = original inner sleeve / Originalinnenhülle, ins = insert / Beilage, MLP = Mini-LP, MSi = Maxisingle, or = first pressing / Erstpressung, RE = Reissue.




Tel: 0911/5874354

Fax: 0911/9330151

Email: kalemegdan@odn.de

Mixed Yugoslavian Tapes
All tapes I recorded myself from original albums. They have usual TDK cassette covers.
001 1978-90 Atomsko SkloniÍte Heavyrock 90 min. 10

002 1974-81 Bijelo Dugme Rock, progr. Rock 90 min. 10

003 1975-83 BuldoÏer Rock, Underground 90 min. 10

004 1975-82 Drugi NaËin & NepoËin progr, Rock 45 min. 5

005 1984-91 Ekatarina Velika Rock, Waverock 90 min. 10

006 1979-91 Galija progr. Rock, Rock 90 min. 10

007 1978-82 Gordi progr. Rock, Rock, Hardrock 45 min. 5

008 1967-75 Grupa 220 Beat, Heavyrock 45 min. 5

009 1976-80 Igra Staklenih Perli psych. Rock 90 min. 10

010 1969-78 Indexi progr. Rock 90 min. 10

011 1971-75 Korni Grupa progr. Rock 90 min. 10

012 1977-89 Leb i Sol progr. Rock, Jazzrock 90 min. 10

013 1971-83 Mlinarec, Drago Rock, progr. Rock, Folkrock 90 min. 10

014 1973-76 Pop MaÍina psych. Underground, Heavyrock 45 min. 5

015 1975-86 Smak progr. Rock, Jazzrock 90 min. 10

016 1975-79 S Vremena Na Vreme progr. Folkrock, Rock 45 min. 5

017 1978-83 Tako & Djordje Ilijin progr. Rock 45 min. 5

018 1972-76 Time progr. Rock, Heavyrock, Jazzrock 45 min. 5

019 1978-86 Vatreni Poljubac Heavyrock 90 min. 10

020 1971-90 YU Grupa Heavyrock, Rock 90 min. 10

021 1976-80 Various Artists - Kalemegdan Disk (LPs KD1-KD5) Igra Staklenih Perli & Tako 90 min. 10

022 1971-78 Various Artists - Folkrock (70s) 45 min. 5

023 1973-75 Various Artists - Heavyrock 1 (Early 70s) 45 min. 5

024 1977-94 Various Artists - Heavyrock 2 (Late 70s - 80s) 90 min. 10

025 1970-78 Various Artists - Progressive Rock 1 (Early 70s) 90 min. 10

026 1977-83 Various Artists - Progressive Rock 2 (Late 70s - early 80s) 90 min. 10

027 1978-84 Various Artists - Punk (Late 70s - early 80s) 45 min. 5

028 1974-83 Various Artists - Rock 1 (70s) 90 min. 10

029 1981-90 Various Artists - Rock 2 (80s) 90 min. 10

030 1994-98 Various Artists - Rock 3 (90s) 90 min. 10

New Yugoslavian CDs
All CDs are regular editions and almost all base on the original mastertapes. No self-burnt rubbish!
101 CD 1996 Abadon: Apokalipsa (prog. Rock) Conan 35

102 CD 1996 Aerodrom: Flash back (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 86) CR 30

103 CD 1995 Ana Pupedan: Anje Pupedanjü (Rock) Vinilmania 35

104 CD 1994 Anastasija: Before the rain (ethnic prog. Rock) Philips 30

105 CD 1995 Anesthesia: Bone (Hardrock) CR 25

106 CD 1994 Angel´s Breath: Same (psych. Rock, ex-Ekatarina Velika) Imago 30

107 CD 1997 Aparatchiks: Recorded supplement (Dub - Trance, Vlada Divljan) Avant Garde Rec. 35

108 CD 1995 Arsovski, Bodan: Endless view (ethnic prog. Rock, ex-Leb i Sol) Ezgija 35

109 CD 1998 Arsovski, Bodan: Tiresias (ethnic prog. Rock) Ezgija 35

110 CD 1996 Atheist Rap: Maori i crni Gonzales (Rock - Punk, rec. 1992) Take it or leave it 30

111 CD 1998 Atheist Rap: II liga zapad (Heavyrock - Punkrock) Hi-fi Centar 30

112 CD 1996 Atomsko SkloniÍte: Mentalna higijena (Heavyrock, rec. 1982) RTVS 35

113 CD 1995 Atomsko SkloniÍte: 1976 - 1986 (Heavyrock, compilation, rec. 1977 - 1985) RTVS 35

114 CD 1995 Azra: Same (Rock, rec. 1980) CR 30

115 CD 1995 Azra: Same (Rock, rec. 1979-81) Komuna 30

116 CD 1995 Azra: SunËana strana ulice (Rock, rec. 1981) CR 30

117 CD 1996 Azra: SunËana strana ulice (Rock, rec. 1981) Komuna 30

118 2CD 1995 Azra: Ravno do dna (Rock live, rec. 1981) CR 50

119 CD 1996 Azra: Reket roll iz Íume stiborove (Rock live, rec. 1981) Komuna 30

120 2CD 1995 Azra: Filigranski ploËnici (Rock, rec. 1982) CR 50

121 CD 1995 Azra: Singl ploËe 1979 - 1982 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 82) CR 30

122 CD 1997 Azra: Kad fazani lete (Rock, rec. 1983) CR 30

123 2CD 1995 Azra: ZadovoljÍtina (Rock live, rec. 1987) CR 50

124 2CD 1997 Azra: Blasé (Rock, rec. 1997) Hi-fi Centar 50

125 CD 1998 Azra: Nikom nije lepÍe 1 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 90) Hi-fi Centar 25

126 CD 1998 Azra: Nikom nije lepÍe 2 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 90) Hi-fi Centar 25

127 CD 1997 Bajaga: Pozitivna geografija (Rock, ex-Riblja Êorba, rec. 1984) Taped Pictures 30

128 CD 1997 Bajaga & Instruktori: Sa druge strane jastuka (Rock, rec. 1985) Taped Pictures 30

129 CD 1996 Bajaga & Instruktori: Neka svemir Ëuje nemir (Rock live, rec. 1989) Taped Pictures 30

130 CD 1994 Bajaga & Instruktori: Muzika na struju (Rock) Biveco 30

131 CD 1997 Bajaga & Instruktori: Od biÏuterije do Éilibara (Rock) Komuna 30

132 CD 1993 Bajaga & Instruktori: So far ... The best of (Rock, compilation, rec. 1985 - ?) Red Luna Records 30

133 CD 1996 Bajaga & Instruktori: Dvadeseti vek (Rock, compilation, rec. 1984 - ?) Taped Pictures 30

134 CD 199? Bajaga & Instruktori: Dvadeseti vek (Rock, compilation, rec. 1984 - ?) RTS 30

135 CD 1997 Bajaga & Instruktori: Neisbrisano (Rock, compilation, rec. 1991 & ?) Biveco 30

136 2CD 1996 BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: Balade v Ïivo (U tvojim molitvama) (Folk - Folkrock live, rec. 1986 - 87) Taped Pictures 50

137 CD 1998? BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: Marim ja (Poprock, rec. 1991) Sigma 30

138 CD 1994 BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: Jedan od onih Ïivota (Folkrock) UFA Medija 30

139 CD 1996 BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: Na posletku (Folk - Folkrock) UFA Media 30

140 CD 1998 BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: The best of (Rock - Poprock) Naraton 30

141 CD 2000 BalaÍeviÉ, Djordje: Devedesete (Folkrock) Hard Rock Shop 30

142 CD 1999 Bebek, Îeljko: Mene tjera neki vrag (Rock, ex-Bijelo Dugme, rec. 1984) Taped Pictures 30

143 CD 1994 Bebek, Îeljko: Gori svijet... ti ÉeÍ ga ugasiti (Rock, rec. 1993) Lobel 25

144 CD 1993 Bebek, Îeljko: Sve najbolje (Rock, compilation, rec. 1989 - 92) CR 25

145 CD 1995 BibiË, Bratko & The Madleys: Same (exp. Folk) Labelusines 35

146 CD 1994 Bijele Strijele: Izvorne snimke (Beat, compilation, rec. 1962 - 64) CR 30

147 CD 1997 Bijelo Dugme: Kad bi´ bio bijelo dugme (Rock, rec. 1974) Hi-fi Centar 30

148 CD 1997 Bijelo Dugme: Ìta bi dao da si na mom mjestu (Rock, rec. 1975) Hi-fi Centar 30

149 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: Eto! BaÍ hoÉu! (Rock, rec. 1976) CR 30

150 CD 1998 Bijelo Dugme: Eto! BaÍ hoÉu! (Rock, rec. 1976) Hi-fi Centar 30

151 CD 1999 Bijelo Dugme: Eto! BaÍ hoÉu! (Rock, rec. 1976) Naraton 30

152 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: Koncert kod hajduËke Ëesme (Rock live, rec. 1977) CR 30

153 CD 1999 Bijelo Dugme: Koncert kod hajduËke Ëesme (Rock live, rec. 1977) Naraton 30

154 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: Bitanga i princeza (Rock, rec. 1979) CR 30

155 CD 1998 Bijelo Dugme: Bitanga i princeza (Rock, rec. 1979) Hi-fi Centar 30

156 CD 1999 Bijelo Dugme: Bitanga i princeza (Rock, rec. 1979) Naraton 30

157 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: DoÏivjeti stotu (Rock, rec. 1980) CR 30

158 CD 1998 Bijelo Dugme: DoÏivjeti stotu (Rock, rec. 1980) Hi-fi Centar 30

159 CD 2000 Bijelo Dugme: 5. April ´81 (Rock live, rec. 1981) Naraton 30

160 CD 1999? Bijelo Dugme: Uspavanka za Radmilu M. (Rock, rec. 1983) Naraton 30

161 CD 1996 Bijelo Dugme: Singl ploËe (1974 - 1975) (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 75) Hi-fi Centar 30

162 CD 1996 Bijelo Dugme: Singl ploËe (1976 - 1980) (Rock, compilation, rec. 1976 - 80) Hi-fi Centar 30

163 CD 1994 Bijelo Dugme: Sanjao sam noÉas da te nemam (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 76) CR 30

164 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: Iz sve snage (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 75) CR 30

165 CD 1995 Bijelo Dugme: Iz sve snage (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 75) Naraton 30

166 CD 1994 Bijelo Dugme: Rock & Roll (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 80) CR 30

167 CD 1998? Bijelo Dugme: Hitovi 3 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 8?) Hi-fi Centar 30

168 CD 1997? Bijelo Dugme: Balade (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 8?) Hi-fi Centar 30

169 CD 1994 Bijelo Dugme: Ima neka tajna veza (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 88) Komuna 30

170 CD 1999 Bijelo Dugme: The best of 1 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 80) Alka 30

171 CD 1999 Bijelo Dugme: The best of 2 (Rock, compilation, rec. 1974 - 80) Alka 30

172 CD 1994 Bjesovi: Same (Heavyrock, rec. 1993) ITV Melomarket 30

173 CD 1997 Bjesovi: Sve Íto vidim i sve Íto znam (Heavyrock) Metropolis 30

174 CD 1996 Block Out: Godina sirotinjske zabave (Heavyrock, rec. 1995 - 96) Metropolis 30

175 CD 1995? Borghesia: Pro choice (psych. Techno) FV 30

176 CD 1993 Boye: Aren´t afraid (Rock) Doranit Enterprises 30

177 CD 1997 Boye: Prevariti naviku (Heavyrock) Radio B 92 30

178 CD 1993 Brecelj, Marko: Cocktail (Rock (?), ex-BuldoÏer, rec. 1976) Nika 35

179 CD 1999 BregoviÉ, Goran: Same (Rock, rec. 1976) Taped Pictures 30

180 CD 1990 BregoviÉ, Goran: Le temps des gitans / Kuduz (Filmmusic, ex-Bijelo Dugme) Komuna 30

181 CD 1994 BregoviÉ, Goran: La reine Margot (Filmmusic) Komuna 30

182 CD 1995 BregoviÉ, Goran: Underground (Filmmusic) Komuna 30

183 CD 1996 BregoviÉ, Goran: P. S. (Filmmusic, rec. 1993 - 95) Komuna 30

184 CD 1994 Collins, Matt: 16 izvornih snimaka (1962. - 1966.) (Rock´n´Roll, compilation, rec. 1962 - 66) CR 30

185 CD 1998 Crni Biseri: Same (Beat - Rock, compilation, rec. 196? - 7?) RTS 30

186 CD 1997 Êavajda, Goran ”Êavke”: Regression (alternative Rock, ex-ElektriËni Orgazam) Coop Arts Crafts 30

187 CD 1999 ÊoliÉ, Zdravko: Same (Pop - Rock, rec. ?) Taped Pictures 30

188 CD 1997 Êutura: I. D. (Heavyrock) Komuna 30

189 CD 1996 Darkwood Dub: U nedogled (psych. Rock) Radio B 92 30

190 CD 1997 Darkwood Dub: Same (psych. Rock) Radio B 92 30

191 CD 1996 DD Synthesis: Same (prog. Rock) SJF Records 35

192 CD 2000 DD Synthesis: Swinging Macedonia (prog. Folkrock) SJF Records 35

193 CD 1995 Deca LoÍih MuziËara: ProleÉni dan (Heavyrock, rec. 1994) RTS 30

194 CD 1998 Deca LoÍih MuziËara: Virus (prog. Rock) Metropolis 30

195 CD 1996 DediÉ, Arsen: KuÉa pored mora (Chanson, rec. 1978) RTVS 35

196 CD 1995 Demolition Group: Deep true love (indep. Rock) SMGXXL 35

197 CD 1998 Demolition Group: Neovangelij (indep. Rock) Dallas 35

198 CD 1993 Dimushevski, Nikola: Double life (prog. Ethnorock, ex-Leb i Sol) Aura 35

199 CD 1996 Disciplin A Kitschme: I think I see myself on CC TV (indep. Rock) Babaroga 30

200 CD 1999 Divljan, Vlada, Srdjan GojkoviÉ & DuÍan KojiÉ: Kako je propao Rokenrol (Indep. Rock, rec. 1989)

Taped Pictures 30

201 CD 1996 Divljan, Vlada Old Stars Band: Odbrana i zaÍtita (Rock, ex-Idoli) Radio B 92 30

202 CD 1998 Divljan, Vlada: 3 palme za 2 bitange i 1 ribicu (Soundtrack) FAVI 30

203 CD 2000 Divljan, Vlada Old Stars Bend: Sve laÏi sveta (indep. Rock, rec. 1998) Automatik 30

204 CD 1994 Divlje Jagode: Labude kad rata ne bude (Heavyrock) Intakt 30

205 CD 1996 Divlje Jagode: Sto vjekova (Heavyrock) Nimfa Sound 30

206 CD 1995 Divlje Jagode: Antologija 1 (Heavyrock, compilation, rec. 1978 - 88) Nimfa Sound 30

207 CD 1995 Divlje Jagode: Antologija 2 (melodic Rock, compilation, rec. 1978 - 88) Nimfa Sound 30

208 CD 1997 Divlje Jagode: The best of (Heavyrock, compilation, rec. 1978 - 88) Odeon 30

209 CD 1997 Dr. Project Point Blank: Sunny sky (Bluesrock) Ideja 35

210 CD 1999 Drugi NaËin: Same & NepoËin: Svijet po kojim gazim (prog. Rock, rec. 1975 & 77) Taped Pictures 35

211 CD 1996 Drugi NaËin (with Ismet KurtoviÉ): Moje najljepÍe pjesme (prog. Rock, comp., rec. 1975 & 82) Zana Music 30

212 CD 1994 Drugi NaËin: Same (prog. Rock) CR 30

213 CD 1993 DubrovaËki Trubaduri: Pusti da ti leut svira (Folk, rec. 196? - 7?) CR 30

214 CD 1998 Duma Levantina: Pesmi Ípanskih Ïidov (Folk, Sedmina) Dallas 35

215 CD 1996 DÏukele: GledajuÉi u mrak (Heavyrock, rec. 1993) Metropolis 30

216 CD 1998 DÏukele: Zubato sunce (Heavyrock, rec. 1997) Metropolis 30

217 CD 1998 Djavoli: Space twist (Rock) Dallas 30

218 CD 1996 DjordjeviÉ, Bora: Njihovi dani (Rock, singer of Riblja Êorba) SIM Radio Bijeljina 35

219 CD 1995 Ekatarina Velika: The best of (Rock, „Katarina II” & „Live 1986”, rec. 1984 & 86) RTVS 35

220 CD 1997 Ekatarina Velika: Ljubav (Rock, rec. 1987) EKV Records 30

221 CD 1998 Ekatarina Velika: Samo par godina za nas (Rock, rec. 1988 - 89) EKV Records 30

222 CD 1998 Ekatarina Velika: Dum dum (Rock, rec. 1991) EKV Records 30

223 CD 1998 Ekatarina Velika: Neko nas posmatra (Rock, rec. 1993) EKV Records 30

224 CD 1998 Ekatarina Velika: Kao nada, kao govor, kao more ... (Rock, compilation, rec. 1987 - 94) RTS 30

225 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: Same (Punk, rec. 1981) Yellow Dog 30

226 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: Warszawa ´81 (Punk live, rec. 1981) Yellow Dog 30

227 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: LiÍÉe prekriva Lisabon (Punk, rec. 1982) Yellow Dog 30

228 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: Les chansons populaires (Rock, rec. 1983) Yellow Dog 30

229 CD 199? ElektriËni Orgazam: Distorzija (Rock, rec. 1986) Yellow Dog 30

230 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: Najbolje pesme 1980 - 1988 (Punk - Rock, compilation, rec. 1981 - 88) Yellow Dog 30

231 CD 1997 ElektriËni Orgazam: Najbolje pesme 1980 - 1988 (Punk - Rock, compilation, rec. 1981 - 88) Hi-fi Centar 30

232 CD 1996 ElektriËni Orgazam: Îivo i akustiËno (Rock live) Radio B 92 30

233 CD 1999 ElektriËni Orgazam: A um bum (Rock) Radio B 92 30

234 CD 1999 Elipse: Za prijatelje (Beat, rec. in the 60s) Biveco 35

235 CD 1996 En Face: Êitaj an fas (Rock) Lobel 30

236 CD 1997 En Face: U krilu mjeseca (Rock) Dallas 30

237 CD 1995 EQV: Ti si sav moj bol (psych. Techno, ex-Ekatarina Velika) Coop Arts Crafts 25

238 CD 1997 Foltin: Out re-mer (prog. Rock) SJF Records 35

239 CD 1994 Galija: Karavan (Rock) RTS 30

240 CD 1997 Galija: VeËita plovidba (Rock - prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 91) Raglas 30

241 CD 1997 Galija: Voleti voleti (Rock) RTS 30

242 CD 1998 Galija: Ja jesam odavde (Rock - prog. Rock, live) RTS 30

243 CD 1998 Galija: Ja jesam odavde (Rock - prog. Rock, live) JVP 30

244 CD 1999 Galija: JuÏnjaËka uteha (Rock) RTS 30

245 CD 1997 Generacija 5: Svet je tvoj (Rock) RTS 30

246 CD 1995 Gojkovich, Dusko & Gianni Basso Quintet: The nights of Skopje (Jazz) SJF Records 35

247 CD 1997 GojkoviÉ, Srdjan ”Gile”: Evo sada vidiÍ da moÏe (Rock, rec. 1988) Yellow Dog 30

248 CD 1995 Gordi: Pakleni trio (Hardrock, rec. 1981) Rado-City Disc 30

249 CD 1998 Grad: Planet majmuna 1999 (indep. Rock, rec. 1986 - 1998) Dallas 35

250 CD 1995 Haustor: Ulje na vodi (Rock - Wave live, rec. 1982) Blind Dog / Dallas 35

251 CD 1995 Haustor: 1981. - 1984. - 1985. - 1988. (Rock, compilation, rec. 1981 - 88) CR 30

252 CD 1993 Hladno Pivo: DÏinovski (Punkrock) CR 30

253 CD 1997 Hladno Pivo: Desetka (Punk) Jabukaton 30

254 CD 1998 Hush: Hometown (Bluesrock) RTS 30

255 CD 1996 Idoli: Kako Ïiveti bez idola (Rock - psych. Rock, compilation, rec. 1981 - 82) Document 30

256 CD 1996? Idoli: Idoli (Rock - psych. Rock, compilation, rec. 1981 - 8?) Hi-fi Centar 30

257 CD 1997 Idoli: Idoli 2 (Rock, compilation, rec. 198? - 8?) Hi-fi Centar 30

258 CD 1997 Igra Staklenih Perli: Same (psych. Rock, rec. 1978) Germanofon 30

259 CD 2000 IliÉ, Sanja & Balkanika: Balkan 2000 (Soundtrack, prog. Folk & traditional Music) Biveco 35

260 CD 1994 Indexi: Sve ove godine (Rock - prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1972 - 80) CR 30

261 CD 1999 Indexi: Sve ove godine (Rock - prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1972 - 80) Naraton 30

262 CD 1995 Indexi: Modra rijeka (prog. Rock, rec. 1978) CR 30

263 CD 1996 Indexi: Gold 1 + 2 (prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1965 - 75) Krin Music 30

264 CD 1996 Indexi: Gold 3 + 4 (prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1972 - 86) Krin Music 30

265 CD 1999 Indexi: Kameni cvjetovi (prog. Rock) NIKA 30

266 CD 1995 Instant Karma: Dan za danom (Rock) Komuna 30

267 CD 1995 IslamoviÉ, Alen: Hitovi (Rock, ex-Bijelo Dugme / Divlje Jagode, compilation) M 25

268 CD IslamoviÉ, Alen: Live Eurotour 95 - 96 (Rock live, rec. 1995 - 96) Kapa 30

269 CD 1999 IslamoviÉ, Alen: Samo nebo zna (Rock, rec. 1998) Terra 25

270 CD 1993 JusiÉ, Ibrica: Retrospektiva (Folk, rec. 1968 - 85) CR 30

271 CD 1998 Kanda, KodÏa i NebojÍa: IgraËka plaËka (psych. Rock, rec. 1997) Radio B 92 30

272 CD 1995 Kasandrin Glas: Same (prog. - psych. Rock, rec. 1994) Metropolis 30

273 CD 1998 Kitanovski, Toni Trio: One 4 Charlie (Jazzrock) SJF 35

274 CD 1996 Kladivo, Konj & Voda: Na cesti (Bluesrock) Conan 35

275 CD 1996 Kontrabanda: Laku noÉ, deco (Rock, rec. 1995) Gogo Records 30

276 CD 1996 Konvoj: Sa vremenom (Rock, rec. 1995 - 96) Intakt 25

277 CD 1997 Korni Grupa: Same (prog. Rock, rec. 1972) Raglas 30

278 CD 1995 Korni Grupa: Prvo svetlo neobiËnog Ïivota (prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1971 - 74) Komuna 30

279 CD 1996 Kristali: Dolina ljubavi (Rock) Metropolis 30

280 CD 1994 Kud Idijoti: Glupost je neuniÍtiva & Mi smo ovdje samo zbog para (Punk, rec. 1992 & 90) Incognito 35

281 CD 1996 KurtoviÉ, Elvis DÏ.: Najgori hitovi (Rock, compilation, rec. 1985 - ?) Nimfa Sound 25

282 CD 1996 Labish Trio: Same (Jazzrock) SJF 35

283 CD 1998 Labish Trio: Dream (Jazzrock) SJF 35

284 CD 1995? LaËni Franz: LaËni Franz v Ïivo (Rock, live, rec. 1994) LaËni Franz 35

285 CD 1998 Leb i Sol: Kao kakao (prog. Rock, rec. 1987) CR 30

286 CD 1999 Leb i Sol: Live anthology (prog. Rock, rec. 1990) VG Music 30

287 2CD 1995 Leb i Sol: Anthology (prog. Rock, compilation, rec.??) Third Ear Music 65

288 CD 1996 Leb i Sol: Devetka (prog. Rock, compilation, rec. 1977 - 81) Taped Pictures 30

289 CD 1994 Let 3: Peace (indep. Heavyrock) Dallas 35

290 2CD 1996 Let 3: Îivi kurac (indep. Rock live) Dallas 60

291 CD 1993 Lisac, Josipa (with Time): Dnevnik jedne ljubavi (prog. Rock, rec. 1973) CR 30

292 CD 1995 Lisac, Josipa: NajveËi uspjesi (Rock, compilation, rec. 1968 - 73) CR 30

293 CD 1995 Lisac, Josipa: Balade (Rock ballads, compilation, rec. 1975 - 87) CR 30

294 CD 1998 Lisac, Josipa: Hitovi (Rock, compilation, rec. 1968 - ?) Hi-fi Centar 30

295 CD 1999 Lola V. Stain (with Zlatko Origjanski): Ikona & Mansarda (prog. Folk, rec. 1990 & 199?) Third Ear Music 35

296 CD 1996 Love Hunters: Donau (Rock, rec. 1993 - 94) Music Yuser 30

297 CD 1996 Love Hunters: Out of tune (Heavyrock live) Komuna 30

298 CD 1997 Love Hunters: Azimuth (Heavyrock) Komuna 30

299 CD 1997 Magnifico & Pismejkers: Stereotip (psych. indep. Rock) NIKA 35

300 CD 1997 Majke: Razum i bezumlje (Heavyrock, rec. 1990) Dancing Bear 35

301 CD 1993 Majke: Razdor (Heavyrock, rec. 1990 - 92) CR 30

302 CD 1996 Majke: Vrijeme je da se krene (Heavyrock) Jabukaton 30

303 CD 1997 Majke: Îivot uÏivo (Heavyrock live) Jabukaton 30

304 CD 1998 Majke: Put do srca sunca (Heavyrock) Jabukaton 30

305 CD 1995 Metak: Da mi je biti morski pas (Rock, compilation, rec. 1978 - 81) CR 25

306 CD 1995 Miladojka Youneed: Ghastly beyond belief! (indep. Rock, rec. 1987) Helidon 35

307 CD 1998 Miladojka Youneed: Schizophonik (indep. Rock) Dallas 35

308 CD 1996 Mlinarec, Drago: Krhotine (Rock - Folkrock, ex-Grupa 220, compilation, rec. 1971 - 82) CR 30

309 CD 1998 N. Ali Log.: Vaspostavljanje (prog. Rock) ITMM 30

310 CD 1997 Novembar: Blues juÏne pruge (Heavyrock) Radio B 92 30

311 CD 1995 Obojeni Program: Ili pet minuta ispred tebe (Rock) Tarcus 30

312 CD 1998 Oko: Raskorak (Rock, rec. 1976) Max Plus 35

313 CD 1994 OpÉa Opasnost: Treba mi neÍto jaËe od sna (Rock) Lobel 25

314 CD 1995 OpÉa Opasnost: Amerika (Rock) Lobel 25

315 CD 1999 Osmi Putnik: Glasno, glasnije & Drage sestre moje ... (Heavyrock, rec. 1987 & 88) Taped Pictures 30

316 CD 1993 Padjen Band: Hamburger city (Rock, ex-Aerodrom) CR 30

317 CD 1995 Padjen Band: Slatka mala stvar (Rock, rec. 1994) CR 30

318 CD 1997 Padjen Band: Izbrisani grafiti (Rock) CR 30

319 CD 1996 Parni Valjak: Dodjite na show (Rock, ex-Grupa 220, rec. 1976) Taped Pictures 30

320 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: Gradske priËe (Rock, rec. 1979) Hi-fi Centar 30

321 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: VruÉe igre (Rock, rec. 1980) Hi-fi Centar 30

322 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: Vrijeme je na naÍoj strani (Rock, rec. 1981) Hi-fi Centar 30

323 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: Glavnom ulicom (Rock, rec. 1983) Hi-fi Centar 30

324 CD 1996 Parni Valjak: Uhvati ritam (Rock, P 1984) CR 30

325 CD 1995 Parni Valjak: Andjeli se dosadjuju? (Rock, P 1987) CR 30

326 CD 1996 Parni Valjak: Sjaj u oËima (Rock, P 1988) CR 30

327 CD 1996 Parni Valjak: Lovci snova (Rock, rec. 1989 - 90) CR 30

328 CD 1995 Parni Valjak: Bez struje live (Rock) CR 30

329 CD 1997 Parni Valjak: Samo snovi teku uzvodno (Rock) CR 30

330 CD 199? Parni Valjak: Zastave (Rock) Nimfa Sound 30

331 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: Godine prolaze (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 85) Hi-fi Centar 30

332 CD 1992 Parni Valjak: Pusti nek´ traje (Rock, compilation, rec. 1984 - 90) CR 30

333 CD 1998 Parni Valjak: Balade (Rock, compilation, rec. 1979 - 90) Hi-fi Centar 30

334 CD 1999

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