Must accept LinepersonApprenticeship vacancyto qualifyfor advancementto JourneypersonLineperson
Abilityand willingness to applyresuscitation and render practicalfirst aid
Abilityand willingness to performa second role in accordance with PHI’s Emergency PreparednessGuidelinesfor allemployees
Abilityand willingness to work overtime, varyingshifts, varyingschedules, holidays, weekends, duringemergencies or standbyas needed
Must possess avalid driver’s license
Must successfullypass qualification tests includingpaper andpenciltestsanda1-day outdoor Pre-Qualification Exercise that requires performingphysicallydemanding tasks continuouslythroughoutthe1-day
period, includingclimbingpoles and working
with and wearingheavyequipment
Must successfullypass aCriminal History Records Check
Thisposition is aNERC Regulatedposition.
As such,abackgroundcheck will be conductedonthe incumbenteveryseven years. Additionally, theincumbent will be required to completeannual NERC compliancetraining.
Abilityand willingness to comply with the Federal Motor Carrier SafetyRegulations of the U.S. Departmentof Transportation (includingbeingat least 18 years of age, physical certification, substanceabuse testing, etc.)
Must successfullypass amedical screening toinclude adrugtest
Must livewithin a reasonable distancefrom theassigneddistrict office
Abilityand willingness to work in avarietyof work environments, including: outdoors in all weather conditions,atextreme heights, on or
around energized electrical equipment, in confined spacesor enclosed vessels, underground and in noisyand dirty environments with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) andotherheavyequipment
Abilityand willingness to travel tovarious companylocations andwork sites
Abilityand willingness to performphysically challengingtasksfor extendedperiodsof
time (for example, liftingup to50pounds, climbing poles, laddersandscaffolding, excavatingtrenches, bending, twisting, kneeling, crawling, pulling/pushing, standing,
walkingand squatting) whilewearingrequired PPE
Must possess aCDL,Class A licenseand a medical cardorobtaineach within sixmonths ofhiredate
Abilityand willingness to operate aerial lifts
Abilityand willingness to work on oraround hazardousequipment/materials (for example, heavyequipment, etc.), and/or energized electrical equipment
Abilityand willingness to wear andusesafety equipmentas requiredby federal,state,local