How To
Install Configure Development Environment
Step-by-step Instructions
To configure
Local Development Environment
And Database
Setting the Dev Local Environment 2
1. Installation process 2
Java 3
Apache Ant 1.7.1 3
Apache Tomcat 6.0.18 3
Eclipse Galileo SDK 3.5.1 3
Tomcat plug in for Eclipse – tomcatPluginV321 4
Subversion plug in for Eclipse - site-1.0.6 5
2. Environment 6
Environment Variables 6
Setting up Eclipse Environment 7
3. Generate 19
Generate Dictionary and Toolkit 19
4. Guidewire Studio 20
Setting up Guidewire Studio 20
5. Build the good ol’ fashion way 22
6. Build using MasterBuild (or building the fast way) 27
7. Database 30
Database Restore 31
8. Deploy 34
9. What does Bamboo do? 34
10. Automate 34
11. Update your local development environment 35
Setting the Dev Local Environment 1. Installation process
The necessary tools and applications required to complete this process reside in the Group Share under ClaimCenter6/Installers.
Copy the executable to your local desktop and run it. Change the default installation destination to root:\jdk1.6.0.16
Apache Ant 1.7.1
Copy the zipped file to your local desktop and extract it to root:\apache-ant-1.7.1
Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
Copy the zipped file to your local desktop and extract it to root:\apache-tomcat-6
Eclipse Galileo SDK 3.5.1 -
Copy the zipped file to your local desktop and extract it to root:\eclipse
Launch Eclipse
Set the workspace to root:\ClaimCenter6 and set it as the default
Tomcat plug in for Eclipse – tomcatPluginV321 -
Copy the zipped file to your local desktop and extract it to root:\eclipse\plugins
Restart eclipse
You should see the below icons on the toolbar
Click on the Window menu and then click on Preferences
Click on Tomcat and configure as below
Click OK and then click on the Tomcat icon on the toolbar to start server
Subversion plug in for Eclipse - site-1.0.6 -
Copy the zipped file to your local desktop and extract it to a temporary location
Copy the contents of the subversion\plugins folder to your eclipse\plugins folder
2. Environment -
Set your desktop environment variables as follow
JAVA_HOME C:\jdk1.6.0_16
ANT_HOME C:\apache-ant-1.7.1
JAVA_OPTS -Xms512M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
CATALINA_HOME C:\apache-tomcat-6
CATALINA_OPTS -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
Note to QA: verify that there are no other system variables and/or user variables conflicting. QuickTestPro _JAVA_OPTIONS conflict with these settings.
-Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QUICKT~1\bin\JAVA_S~1\classes;C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QUICKT~1\bin\JAVA_S~1\classes\jasmine.jar
Verify environment settings:
From command, run java –version and ant –version commands.
Setting up Eclipse Environment -
Launch Eclipse
Select Window > Show View > Other…
Select SVN Repository
Right click the lower pan and select New > Repository Location…
Point to https://employersdirect.jira/svn/CCSIX and select Finish
Navigate to DEV > Integration
Checkout Integration Toolkit to your local environment (ClaimCenter6)
Checkout Integration Utility to your local environment (ClaimCenter6)
From explorer, access ClaimCenter6
Create two folders: ClaimCenter & ContactCenter
Navigate to \\GroupShare\ClaimCenter6\OOTBDownload
Extract ClaimCenter(xx).zip to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter
Extract ContactCenter(xx).zip to C:\ClaimCenter6\ContactCenter
Copy C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\java-api\lib\*.* to C:\ClaimCenter6\IntegrationToolkit
Copy C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\soap-api\lib\*.* to C:\ClaimCenter6\IntegrationToolkit
While on Eclipse, select IntegrationToolkit Folder
Select Project > Properties
Verify that there are no libraries in the Libraries view
Select Add Library…
Select User Library and Next >
Select User Libraries… button
Select New… button
Type ToolKitLib in the User library name: field
Select Add Jars… button
Navigate to C:\ClaimCenter6\IntegrationToolkit
Select all .jar files
Select Open button
All User Libraries are added to the Java Build Path
Repeat the steps you created the ToolKitLib and create ReferenceLib
You should have two libraries available
Select checkbox to add both libraries to classpath
You should have similar view
Refresh Eclipse View
3. Generate Generate Dictionary and Toolkit -
From command, navigate to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\bin
From command, run qwcc regen-dictionary command (~10 minutes)
From command, run qwcc regen-toolkit command (~10 minutes)
Setting up Guidewire Studio -
To launch Studio, point to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\ and execute studio.bat
Create a folder called edic under Classes
Create a folder called edic under Tests
5. Build the good ol’ fashion way
Follow the steps below to create and run a local build.
Run Eclipse
Checkout configuration folder
Upon completion, navigate to: C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\modules\configuration\config
Edit the config.xml in the following places:
In the Database Configuration section, comment the portion for demo purposes
In the MS SQL Server section, update the sqlserver value to point to your database instance.
Verify environment settings:
From command, run java –version and ant –version commands.
From command, navigate to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\bin
From command, run qwcc regen-dictionary command (~10 minutes)
From command, run qwcc regen-toolkit command (~10 minutes)
From command, navigate to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\bin
From command, run qwcc build-war command (~2 minutes). Upon successful, it will create a dist folder in C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter
Navigate to C:\ClaimCenter6\ClaimCenter\dist\war
Copy the cc.war file to tomcat webapps folder C:\apache-tomcat-6\webapps
From command, navigate to C:\apache-tomcat-6\bin
From command, run startup.bat command (~20 minutes on the first time you run).
Wait for prompt ClaimCenter Ready
Launch server http://localhost:8080/cc
CC is up and running on your local environment!
6. Build using MasterBuild (or building the fast way)
The MasterBuild was created to include all manual build tasks into a one error-prone free automated task.
The following example uses TurtoiseSVN application as the client to Subversion
Intsall TurtoiseSVN (found on the group share\installs
Extract the folder svnant-1.3.0 (found on the group share\installs) to your root (C:\ svnant-1.3.0)
Create the folder ClaimCenter6 on the root of your local machine.
Acces the folder and right click to launch the pop-up-menu and select SVN Checkout…
Navigate to theMasterBuild on SVN
Once successfully checked out, modify \MasterBuild\
“svn.lib=C:/Software/svnant/svnant-1.3.0/lib” to point to your local.
Point to C:\ClaimCenter6\MasterBuild via command prompt
Type ant to start the build. The MasterBuild takes care of the following steps
Backup current CC, AB and Integration code
Delete current CC, AB and Integration code
Checkout OOTB CC & AB zip and expand them
Checkout CC & AB configurations into their modules\configuration
Rebuild toolkit & dictionary for CC & AB
Checkout "Integration"
Invoke every integration points ant build
Build Tomcat war files for CC & AB
Clean Tomcat old deployment
Copy war files to Tomcat
This can also be used to do less:
ant rebuild-cc will “build-integrations”, “build-cc-war”, “clean-cc-tomcat” , “deploy-cc-war”
ant rebuild-ab will “build-ab-war”, “clean-ab-tomcat” , “deploy-ab-war”
Each application equipped with a config.xml (ClaimCenter & ContactCenter).
Each developer has an instance assinged to him/her.
The config.xml file points to the Development Database instance by default.
You must follow one of the following solutions to prevent from jeopardizing the Development database:
Modify Machine Environment Variables
Access your computer Environment Varialbles
Locate the Variable CATALINA_OPTS, and select to Edit it
Append the following to the end of the variable value field.
Modify config file for ab and cc
Run tomcat server to extract the ab and cc wars
Point to your local Tomcat folder:
Following 2 places require modification on each config file.
7. Database
ClaimCenter6 requires MS SQL 2008. Make sure you have MS SQL Server Management Studio.
Launch MS SQL Server Management Stdio
Select File > Connect Object Explorer… to establish connection to the database server
Fill out all the information as it displayed
Best practice at EDIC is to have an instance of the db assigned to each of the developers instead of installing a local db. This way the database is maintained in one location.
Each developer has an instance assinged to him/her.
Each application equipped with a config.xml (ClaimCenter & ContactCenter).
You may need to restore your db instance at times. Follow these instructions to do so.
Login to SQL Server Management Studio Application
Navigate to the Users folder under Security in ab_prod and cc_prod schemas
Select and delete the user service-claimcenter
NOTE: It is a good practice to repeat those steps for cc_prod_integration schema as well.
Navigate to Logins folder under your_local_instance/Security schema
Verify for each schema that the db_owner checkbox is checked
Rightclick your_local_instance and select New Query
Please update the port number (150xx) for your individual instance and execute the query at the instance level. (not at cc_prod or ab_prod db level)
SQL Script to restore CC_PROD
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [cc_prod] FROM DISK = ''D:\Restores\CC_PROD\CC_PROD_15001.sqb'' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE ''ClaimCenter_Data'' TO ''D:\MSSQL\MSSQL.150xx\MSSQL10.CCDEV150xx\MSSQL\Data\cc_prod.MDF'', MOVE ''ClaimCenter_Log'' TO ''D:\MSSQL\MSSQL.150xx\MSSQL10.CCDEV150xx\MSSQL\Data\cc_prod_log.LDF'', REPLACE, ORPHAN_CHECK"'
SQL Script to restore AB_PROD
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [ab_prod] FROM DISK = ''D:\Restores\ab_prod\AB_PROD_15001.sqb'' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE ''ab_prod_Data'' TO ''D:\MSSQL\MSSQL.150xx\MSSQL10.CCDEV150xx\MSSQL\Data\ab_prod_Data.MDF'', MOVE ''ab_prod_Log'' TO ''D:\MSSQL\MSSQL.150xx\MSSQL10.CCDEV150xx\MSSQL\Data\ab_prod_Log.LDF'', REPLACE, ORPHAN_CHECK"'
Verify success
8. Deploy
From Command line navigate to C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\bin and type startup.bat to start the server.
9. What does Bamboo do?
Bamboo application runs scheduled jobs of MasterBuild & Ant. It provides a notification method (email) to notify the build status
10. Automate
Claim Center interacts with various 3rd party and external systems; Anthem (a.k.a wellpoint), ISO, etc.
Claim information arrives daily and is required to be parsed and updated into Claim Center database.
Automate is a scheuling application running on its own server. Its purpose is to schedule and execute scheduled integration jobs between Claim Center and any of the integration points (inbound and outbound calls).
The jobs code is contained in jar files related to the cron job itself. For example; the FNOLClaimImport.jar consists of the code and soapapi to execute the FNOL job.
11. Update your local development environment
Do the following to Update your local environment and generate the new build locally.
Locate the SVN copy on your local box (:\ClaimCenter6\)
Right click MasterBuild and select SVN Update…
Confirm the update
Start the build: From command, run ant (C:\ClaimCenter6\MasterBuild\ant)
Start the web server: From command, run startup (C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\bin\startup.bat)
Verify that db instance is pointing to your local instance (tail the tomcat log)
Run the application (http://localhost:8080/cc)
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