Image processing Victor

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Image processing


Product information:


Victor for 32-bit Windows v 5 is a 32-bit DLL for use with 32-bit languages to create applications for Windows NT or Windows 95. At 200Kb this DLL is small and fast. Example programs in C and Visual Basic are included.

Victor for Windows is a DLL that can be called from any language that supports DLL function calls. Example programs written in C and Visual Basic are included.

Victor for Dos supports Microsoft and Borland C/C++ compilers



Summary of Vista features

Each of the following operations is available both as a

stand­alone UNIX program and as library routine unless

stated otherwise.

Viewing data: interactive programs for viewing images

and edge vectors; toolkit for generating such programs;

widget for displaying images with overlaid edges and

other graphics; routines for allocating a standard palette

of display colors; routine for popping up a window

displaying an image.

Basic image processing: scale, crop, flip, transpose or

rotate an image; adjust image brightness and contrast;

perform an arithmetic or logical operation on each pixel

of an image; convert an image from one pixel represen­

tation to another; convert a color image to gray­scale;

compute pixel statistics; generate test images; corrupt

an image with Gaussian noise.

Image filtering: convolve an image with a 2D or 3D kernel;

convolve an image with a separable filter, such as a

Gaussian or its derivative.

Fourier analysis: build a complex image from real and

imaginary components; compute the Fourier transform

of an image; compute the magnitude or phase of a

complex image.

Edge detection: estimate image gradient in 2D or 3D; de­

compose gradient into magnitude and orientation; mark

zero crossings; Canny's edge detector.

Edge organization: link edge pixels into curves; decom­

pose curves into straight line segments.

Data file manipulation: combine multiple files into a sin­

gle, multi­object file; combine multiple images into a

single, multi­band image; select specified objects from

a file; select specified bands from an image.

Format conversion: convert images to/from Portable

Graymap/Pixmap format; read image from a text file.

Printing: render images, edge vectors, and flow fields as

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) documents; program for

arranging multiple EPS documents on a page; routines

for generating PostScript documents.

Other: estimate optical flow; camera calibration.



Highest performance C30/C40 library available.

C-callable routines optimized for TMS320 architecture.

As easy to use as standard C functions.

Hand coded in assembler for maximum performance.

Also can be called from C++, ADA and Assembler.

Comprehensive library includes >400 functions useful in a wide variety of image processing applications.

Code is interruptible, relocatable, and re-entrant.

Extensive user manual provides complete details for programmers, including performance guidelines and programming tips.

Code maximizes advantage of on-chip memory and optimizes performance with external memory.

Library is universal - works with all environments compatible with TI C tools and all TI C compilation models. Helios™ version also available.

One function per linkable module keeps run-time programs small for embedded applications.

Sinectonalysis hotline telephone support.


These routines provide processing of multiband images (images with pixel vectors). Some of the algorithms include:

  • convolution

  • data compression

  • feature extraction

  • frequency filters

  • geometric operations

  • nonlinear filters

  • spatial filters


will define image processing API


Lijst van software packages op deze pagina

Affine Toolkit

The Affine Toolkit is published to provide some useful tools to folks using the RenderMan Standard.


Image Analyzing Software

Astra Image

PC based scientific image processing and restoration


An MFC class framework to encapsulate Device Independent Bitmaps (DIBs) and Image Processing

  • Support for loading of DIBs from file, resource and global memory. Both DIB and Jpeg support is included.

  • Working area support including a user extensible architecture.

  • Comprehensive filter matrices including 3*3, 5*5 and 7*7.

  • User defined filter support.

  • Comprehensive undo and redo support including end user adjustment of levels and description strings.

  • Built in functions to convert between the RGB and HSL color spaces.


Copenhagen Image Processing System (University of Copenhagen)


CREAM for Windows is an image analysis software package intended and designed for work within biology.

GNU's Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)

Windows Version:   or


GRASS GIS (Geographic Resource Analysis Support System) is a Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality that operates in the UNIX environment through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows.

Image Lab

Image Lab version 2.0 is a software package for scientific image analysis


ImageMagickTM, version 4.2.9, is a robust collection of tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in any of the more popular image formats including GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, and Photo CD. With ImageMagick you can create GIFs dynamically making it suitable for Web applications.

Other versions are available as

Magic++ is a C++ object-oriented API to ImageMagick

Image Processing and Analysis in Java

Image Processing Tool Kit

By the author of The Image Processing Handbook


Image Tools are a set of image manipulation programs based on the image tools from the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The strength of these tools is the support of many image formats, including:  bmp, bucgl, cur, eps, gif, hdf, ico, icon, iff, mpnt, pbm, pcx, pgm, pic, pict, pix, pnm, ppm, ps, ras, rgb, rla, rle, synu, tga, tiff, viff, x, xbm, xwd

Intel Image Processing Library

Translation of header files for use in Delphi:


Image Processing in Java

Khoros Pro 2000 Student Version

Khoros Pro 2000 Student Version is a complete source code version of Khoros available for use by students.


University of Kansas Image Processing system to support teaching and basic image processing and computer vision research.

Source code directory:


Freeware and Shareware image processing softwares for PC (and some other) platforms collected from the net.    (link broken 7 Nov 1999)

Image Processing Toolkits

Computer Vision Source Code (look for Image Processing Toolkits)


"My Alternate Graphics and Image Code."  Magic provides free source code for solving problems that commonly arise in computer graphics and image analysis.  Image Analysis:  Element and Image Library, Binary Images, Gray Scale Images, Image Display.

Microsoft Vision Technology

including Vision SDK 1.0


MR/1 - A Software Package for Multiresolution Analysis for demanding and high-performance applications Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Financial, Media, Biological

MST Image

MST Image is a C++ library for reading/writing raster images. It provides fast reading and writing  most of popular image formats into   1 bit, 8 bit and 24 bit memory representations.  The library is tested under Windows and UNIX, it may be compiled with almost any popular C++ compiler. The library may be used in applications written in C, Delphi and other languages that allow function calling  from the DLL.

NIH Image Home Page

Image can acquire, display, edit, enhance, analyze and animate images. It reads and writes TIFF, PICT, PICS and MacPaint files, providing compatibility with many other applications, including programs for scanning, processing, editing, publishing and analyzing images. It supports many standard image processing functions, including contrast enhancement, density profiling, smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, median filtering, and spatial convolution with user defined kernels.

Image can be used to measure area, mean, centroid, perimeter, etc. of user defined regions of interest.

Win 95/Win NT versions from Scion Image

Pascal source code for NIH Image V1.62:


Optimas is for imaging professionals who need flexibility:  a way to easily prototype, then
automate, image processing and analysis tasks.  (commercial product)


Panorama Tools

Free Software to Create, Edit and Remap Panoramic Images


Image Processing System by Impuls GmbH


by Peter Beyersdorf. Image processing objects and components for Delphi 2 and 3.


PMIS(r) Image Processing Software is a Windows-based PC application specifically developed to control scientific grade CCD cameras.  It also performs optimized high precision image display and analysis tasks.

Quantum Image

Quantum Image is an image restoration and enhancement program. It can repair or minimize image defects, and it can in various ways make the information contained there more readily accessible to the human vision.

Research Code and Image Processing Toolkits

Carnegie Mellon's Computer Vision Software page. Very useful links.

SDC Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB

Søren Holstebroe's Image Library

Or, And,Xor, Add, Sub, Mul, Div. Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing, Boundary, Tophat, HoughTransform, Threshold, LoadTIFF


SPIP, the Scanning Probe Image Processor, is an image processing program designed with focus on characterization of SPM instruments and accurate quantification of image structures. Other instruments like interference microscopes, Profilometers and Scanning Electron Microscopes are also supported.

Utah Raster Toolkit

The Utah Raster Toolkit is a collection of programs and C routines for dealing with raster images commonly encountered in computer graphics. A device and system independent image format stores images and information about them.


UTHSCSA (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) ImageTool (IT) is a free image processing and analysis program for Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT. IT can acquire, display, edit, analyze, process, compress, save and print gray scale and color images.IT can read and write over 22 common file formats including BMP,PCX, TIF, GIF and JPEG. Image analysis functions include dimensional (distance,angle, perimeter, area) and gray scale measurements (point, line and area histogram with statistics). ImageTool supports standard image processing functions such as contrast manipulation, sharpening, smoothing, edge detection, median filtering and spatial convolutions with user-defined convolution masks.

Computer vision software links

before a link means the link points to a binary file, not a readable page)

Research Code

  • BrainTech's Odysee Development Studio - Commercial program - A drag-and-drop environment for vision system prototyping and testing (a la Wit, Vision Blox, Khoros, etc.). It is also an open architecture so that one can import their own C/C++ functions. (by Ajay Sidda / Odysee / BrainTech)

  • Camera Calibration - Routines for calibrating using Roger Tsai's perspective projection camera model. (by Reg Willson / CMU)

  • Convex grouping algorithm - Robustly locates salient convex collections of line segments in an image.

  • Edge list approximation code - From Nonparametric segmentation of curves into various representations, PAMI 1995 pp 1140-1153. by Paul Rosin and Geoff West.

  • GSnake - Contour modeling, extraction, detection, and classification.

  • Hidden Markov Model routines - Implementation of Forward, Backward, Viterbi and Baum-Welch algorithms. The code follows Rabiner and Juang notation. Written in c. (by Tapas Kanungo / Center for Automation Research / University of Maryland, College Park)

  • Intel Video Capture Card Libraries for Linux - Research libraries for the Intel Create & Share Camera Pack and the Smart Video Recorder III to be used with C, Matlab, or Java on a Linux system
    Facilitates high speed image capture into Matlab and C, and slower capture into Java. (by Jeff Norris / Learning and Vision Group / MIT)

  • KLT - An implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker. (by Stan Birchfield / Stanford Vision Lab / Stanford University)

  • Logical/Linear Operators (by Lee Iverson)

  • MMach - A Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the Khoros System

  • Maximum-Flow Stereo Algorithm - Code for the maximum-flow formulation of the N camera stereo correspondence problem. (by Sebastien Roy / NEC Research Institute)

  • MeasTex - A framework for quantitative measurement of image texture classification algorithms.

  • MegaWave - Wavelet, Snake and Segmentation source code.

  • Microsoft Easy Camera Calibration Tool - a flexible camera calibration technique, which only requires the camera to observe a planar pattern shown at a few (at least two) different (unknown) orientations. (by Zhengyou Zhang / Vision Technology Group / Microsoft Corp.)

  • NIST Handwriting OCR Testbed - OCR software and datasets for UNIX systems.

  • PCVideo Homepage - source code for image processing and more.
    A full English version will be available soon. (by Yudong Yang / Computer Vision Lab / Tsinghua University)

  • Perceptual Organization Software

  • Performance of Optical Flow Techniques - Implementations of a number of optical flow algorithms as well as test data and results.
    These programs are described in John Barron, David Fleet and Steven Beauchemin, Queen's University Tech Report RPL-TR-9107, July 1992 (revised July 1993).

  • Philip Torr's stereo vision code - routines to generate corner matches between images guided by RANSAC and epipolar geometry, fundamental matrix estimation, synthetic data generation, trifocal tensor estimation, and more. (by Philip Torr / Machine Learning and Perception Group / Microsoft)

  • SAMPLEX Color Classifier - Demos and software (requires licensing) (Purdue University)

  • SRI Stereo Engine Software - fast stereo software for PCs. It performs disparity calculations and filtering in real time on images up to 320x240 in size. ( SRI Artificial Intelligence Center / SRI International)

  • SUSAN - Low-level image processing.
    SUSAN is an acronym for Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus. The SUSAN algorithms cover image noise filtering, edge finding and corner finding. (by Steve Smith / Oxford University)

  • SatherVision - An object oriented framework for artificial vision.
    Includes low-level operations (FFTs, convolutions), pipes, Tk widgets, stereo and optical flow modules.

  • Segmentation of Skin-Cancer Images - Implementation of an algorithm for segmenting images of skin cancer and other pigmented lesions (see Image and Vision Computing, January 1999, pp. 65-74).
    An automatic method for segmention of images of skin cancer and other pigmented lesions is implemented. This method first reduces a color image into an intensity image and approximately segments the image by intensity thresholding. Then, it refines the segmentation using image edges. Double thresholding is used to focus on an image area where a lesion boundary potentially exists. Image edges are then used to localize the boundary in that area. A closed elastic curve is fitted to the initial boundary and is locally shrunk or expanded to approximate edges in its neighborhood in the area of focus. Segmentation results from twenty randomly selected images show an average error that is about the same as that obtained by four experts manually segmenting the images. (by L. Xu, M. Jackowski, A. Goshtasby, C. Yu, D. Roseman, S. Bines, A. Dhawan, A. Huntley / Intelligent Systems Laboratory / Wright State University)

  • SketchUp - A demo package for recognizing hand-drawn sketches through Size Functions. ( Vision Mathematics group / University of Bologna)

  • Steerable Pyramid
    Check Eero's home page for a tar file. (by Eero Simoncelli)

  • TargetJr - A C++ Computer Vision Environment - C++ programing environment with libraries to support: image processing; image segmentation; camera modeling; 2-d and 3-d geometry; a graphical user interface based on FRESCO.
    TargetJr has been developed over the last 10 years, starting at GE's Corporate R&D Center. Currently TargetJr is used by a number of vision research groups with emaphasis on geometric algorithms and object recognition. TargetJr is written in C++ and organized into a number of libraries including: numerics; spatial objects; image; image processing; segmentation; computational geometry; 3-d modeling; and user interface. (by Joseph Mundy, William Hoffman, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Peter Vanroose and Rupert Curwen / GE Corp. R&D, Oxford University, University of Leuven)

  • ToolDiag - Pattern recognition of multivariate numerical data.

  • UNL Fourier Features (UFF) - An implementation of a general purpose 2-D shape description method. (by Thomas Rauber)

  • University of Calgary vision software - Includes chain code, Hough transform, and others.

  • ZipPack Polygon Mesh Zippering - Combines several range images into a polygonal mesh.

Image Processing Toolkits

  • AdOculos - PC-based image processing without the need of extensive programming knowledge
    The following image processing functions are realized as DLLs. The complete C source code of these DLLs is part of the standard pack. Point, local and global, morphological operations Texture, image sequence Histograms procedures Hough and color transformations Automatic counting and interactive measuring Pattern recognition, graylevel profile General purpose and display functions ( The Imaging Source)

  • Aphelion - Commercial image processing and understanding package for Windows. Features a rapid prototyping environment, image processing and object recognition libraries, and a vision tutorial.
    Aphelion is a commercial software product which can be used to quickly develop vertical imaging applications. It is a comprehensive and powerful development environment and a delivery vehicle for image-based applications, including a Graphical User Interface, Image Processing libraries available as DLLs or ActiveX components, a Visual Basic compatible scripting language, a chart server, etc. Aphelion provides the very latest developments in mathematical morphology and symbolic representation/recognition, as well as effective tools for quantitative analysis, microscopy, pattern recognition, and classification. (by Bruno Lay / Amerinex Applied Imaging Inc.)

  • AutoTrace - AutoTrace converts bitmap to vector graphics (by Martin Weber)

  • Bersoft Image Measurement - Measure length, angle, segments, perimeter and area in digital images. Commercial package for windows.
    Bersoft Image Measurement runs under Windows 9.x/NT and it is intended to measure length, angle, segments, perimeter and area in digital images. It can be used in multiple scientific disciplines, such as Biology, Ecology, Geography, Agronomy, and Natural Sciences. It also can export matrixes (Exporting RGB values) with the decimal or hexadecimal values of the image pixels. The DEMO version can realize all the functions, but only over images saved in a propietary format: Image Bersoft Bitmap (bim extension). ( Bersoft)

  • CVIPtools - GUI-based computer vision and image processing tools, ANSI-C source code and libraries for Windows95/NT and UNIX, extended computer imaging TCL shell.
    Also contains an extended Tcl shell with all the computer imaging functions. ANSI-C source code and libraries for image analysis, image compression, image enhancement, image restoration, and many imaging utilities. Used for both research and education, as well as applications development. (by Scott E Umbaugh, Greg Hance, Arve Kjoelen, Kun Luo, Mark Zuke, Yansheng Wei and others / CVIP Group / Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville)

  • Clemex Vision - Commercial software for analysis of images from microscopes.

  • Computer Vision Workshop - An image analysis tool based on the Vista software environment

  • CppIma - C++ image processing library.

  • DTU Image Viewer and Analyser - The DIVA consists of a number of image analysis functions collected in C++ template image classes and a windows interface, which handles a wide variety of different image file formats and pixel types. Everything is available as source code. (Section for Image Analysis / Technical University of Denmark)

  • GRASS - Geographic Information System

  • Graphics Gems - Generally useful graphics and image processing subroutines from the similarly-named books.

  • HALCON - a commercial computer vision tool consisting of an image processing library, C and C++ interfaces, and a rapid prototyping tool called HDevelop.
    HALCON is manufactured by MVTec, which is a spin-off of the Technische Universität München and the Bavarian Research Center for Knowledge Based Systems (FORWISS). The company is specialized in software solutions for image processing using standard hardware and framegrabbers. HALCON covers a wide field of applications like factory automation, quality control, medical image analysis, aerial image analyis, surveillance, research, and education. ( MVTec Software GmbH)

  • HIPS - General Unix-based Image Processing System with C source code (Commercial package $$)
    HIPS is a software package for image processing that runs under the UNIX operating system. HIPS is modular and flexible, it provides automatic documentation of its actions, and is almost entirely independents of special equipment. It handles sequences of images (movies) in precisely the same manner as single frames. Over 200 such image transformation programs have been developed. HIPS is written in C, provided as source code, and is both a set of separate programs as well as a callable library. (by Michael S. Landy)

  • Horatio - A C library with extensive tools for computer vision, photogrammetry, matrices/vectors, display (with Open GL for 3D), Kalman filtering and much more. (by Phil McLauchlan, Ali Rahimi / Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing / University of Surrey)

  • ILIB Imaging Libraries - commercial package of image processing libraries for the Windows environment (C/C++ interface). It also includes neural and genetic imaging capabilities. ( Inventions)

  • IMAQ Vision - Adds machine vision and image processing functionality to LabVIEW and ActiveX containers (National Instruments)

  • IPTool - Freeware image processing toolkit for Windows

  • Image Processing Library - The main purpose of Image Processing Library (IPL) is to simplify image processing under Windows environment. ( Medical Imaging Lab)

  • Image Processing Library 98 - A platform independent image manipulating C/C++ library
    The purpose of the library is to be useful, for combining tailor-made image processing and interpretation with standard methods for acquisitions, processing, display and storage of image information. Emphasis is put on interactivity in projects made by students, as well as for advanced research and development. (by Ivar Balslev and René Dencker / The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute for Production Technology / University of Southern Denmark, Odense University)

  • Image-Pro Plus - Commercial image analysis software used in biological and industrial microscopy applications.

  • ImageLib - An Image Processing C++ Class Library (template based)
    ImageLib is a C++ class library providing image processing and related facilities. The main set of classes provides a variety of image and vector types, with additional modules supporting scalar and vector quantisation, wavelet transforms, DCT transforms, and simple histogram operations. (by Brendt Wohlberg / University of Cape Town)

  • ImgStar Image Processing Tools - Complements Pbmplus with edge detection, high/low/band-pass filters, thresholding, etc. (by Simon Winder)

  • Intel Image Processing Library - Optimized assembly MMX code for image processing, pattern recognition, signal processing, and matrix manipulation (no source - but still free) ( Performance Library Suite / Intel Corporation)

  • Interactive Data Language (IDL) - IDL is a development environment for data visualization, 2D and 3D graphics, and image processing.

  • Khoros - An integrated software environment for data exploration and visualization, visual programming and simulation, and sofware development.

  • LEADTOOLS Imaging Development Toolkit - commercial toolkit that supports loading, saving, converting, and processing of color, greyscale, and document images - Windows-based
    commercial toolkit that ( LEAD Technologies, Inc.)

  • LookingGlass Real-time ImageProcessing System - multithreaded PC-based image processing environment that supports realtime video processing.
    LookingGlass is an Image Processing Environment for developing imaging applications and for research and development of new image system. LookingGlass supports real-time live video processing from VideoForWindow compatible device, and also supports BMP, JPG, GIF89 and AVI or user can write a dll to support other vdo format or image acquisition device. LookingGlass can produce AVI file, sequence of BMP or JPG files, or just display images to screen, or users can write a dll to do what ever output they want. LookingGlass is derived from RobotVision2(, so LookingGlass uses the pipeline idea and support using the same IP-DLL as RobotVision2. (by PongSuvan)

  • Matlab Pyramid Tools - MatLab tools for multi-scale (pyramid) image decomposition.
    This includes Laplacian pyramids, QMFs/wavelets, and steerable pyramids as well as fast convolution routines, histogram tools, and synthetic image generation.

  • Microsoft Vision SDK - Visual C++ library for vision which defines an image object and supports digitizer independent image acquisition.

  • Multi-Threaded Image Processing - commercial Image Processing Environment with ISO12087 based "drag and drop" modules and a powerful API for C,C++ programming of own modules. ( Dynamic Imaging AS)

  • Nuages - A 3-D shape from contour package.

  • Optimas: Analytical Imaging - Complete commercial image-analysis program for Windows used in biological and industrial measurement environments.
    Optimas implements hundreds of measurement, image processing, and image management operations, all available from the graphical user interface. Optimas is designed for the imaging professional who needs the ability to prototype and quickly develop custom imaging solutions, and therefore includes an integrated development environment enabling one to record, edit, and debug macros. It is being used the world over to develop cutting-edge solutions to imaging problems. An Automation Server and Client (formerly known as "OLE Automation") Optimas also allows itself to be controlled via VB or any Automation Client, and conversely can control Excel or any Automation Server via an elegant syntax. Help is richly linked and context-sensitive. ( Media Cybernetics)

  • PBMPlus - Image manipulation toolkit.
    This is the standard toolkit for Unix, it converts between dozens of formats. A version with many more features called NetPBM is also available, but may not be as easy to install. Some NetPBM patches are available.

  • Perl Data Language - An extension to perl that implements fast, compact manipulation of large, N-dimensional data arrays for scientific computing and image processing.

  • RobotVision2 - real-time image processing software that uses any VideoForWindow(VFW) compatible camera as the image source (by Pong Suvan / Northeastern University)

  • RobotVisionCAD - RobotVisionCAD(RvCAD) is an Image Processing Environment for developing imaging applications and for research and development of new image system.
    RobotVisionCAD(RvCAD) is an Image Processing Environment for developing imaging applications and for research and development of new image system. RvCAD supports real-time live video processing from VideoForWindow compatible device, and also supports BMP, JPG, GIF89 and AVI or user can write a dll to support other vdo format or image acquisition device. RvCAD can also produce AVI file, sequence of BMP or JPG files, or just display images to screen, or users can write a dll to output images to whatever device they'd like. RvCAD is similar to an electonic logic gate simulation Program. Users drag and drop RvCadProcessor components from the left tree view then connect them together to build an ImageProcessing pipeline. (by pong suvan)

  • SDC Morphology Toolbox for Matlab - Matlab add-on: Gray-scale morphological tools for image segmentation, non-linear filtering, pattern recognition and image analysis: watershed, Euclidean distance transform, top-hat, reconstruction. (many real-life demonstrations)

  • TINA - A set of vision algorithm development libraries written in C
    TINA is the result of over 50 man years of vision research. It is a set of libraries providing many levels of infrastructure for people wishing to develop vision algorithms. It contains a vast array of code from image reading and writing to depth estimation from stereo pairs. TINA is used as an on-going research tool by several vision research groups in the UK. It is written in C and has been compiled on many UNIX platforms including Sun workstations, HP workstations and PCs running Linux flavours. It requires only the basic UNIX system, a current gcc compiler and the X graphics libraries. ( University of Sheffield)

  • The Delft Scientific Image Processing Library - DIPlib is a scientific image processing library written in C. It contains a large number of functions for processing and analysing multi dimensional image data.
    The library provides functions for performing transforms, filter operations, object generation, and statistical analysis of images. (by Michael van Ginkel, Geert van Kempen, Cris Luengo Hendriks, Lucas van Vliet Geert van Kempen Cris Luengo Hendriks Lucas van Vliet / Pattern Recognition Group / Delft University of Technology)

  • The Image Processing Tool Kit - Comprehensive set of image processing and analysis routines in the form of Photoshop-compatible plug-ins for Mac and PC, with extensive tutorial. (commercial package $$) (by Chris Russ, John Russ)

  • UTHSCSA ImageTool - free image processing and analysis program for windows.

  • Utah Raster Toolkit - UNIX commands and C libraries for an 8 bits/pixel, 1-255 channel image format.
    Contains a nice display tool for X11; it's fast, supports animation and zooms in on any image. Wes Barris' URT extensions are quite useful too.

  • VISU - Tcl/Tk toolkit for visualization and interactive segmentation of 2D gray-scale images

  • Video Server - Video access library - VideoServer is a library for Visual C++ that allows programmers to integrate realtime video access into their applications with just a few lines of code. VideoServer should work with most frame-grabbers and USB cameras. (by Kay Talmi / Vision Pearls / Vision Pearls)

  • Vista - A flexible library of C-routines, command-line filters, and Motif widgets for image representation and manipulation.

  • Visus Imaging - Image analysis toolkit and complete systems aimed at researchers and microscopists in Biomedical and Material Sciences. (commercial product $$) (Foresthill Products)

  • WiT - Visual programming environment for image processing (demo).

  • XMegaWave, an Image Processing Environment - a freeware graphical windows environment oriented towards image processing, where the user can create his own function in a very easy way.
    Some european universities have developed a freeware image processing environment, named XMegaWave (XMW). It runs on Unix workstations or Linux machines, running Motif and X11 windows libraries. XMW includes some classical procedures for image processing (edge detection, segmentation, morphological filters). But the important thing is that XMW is also a programming library, where the user can implement his own image processing algorythm in C in a very very very easy way. The time needed to write the code and debug it is very short, so you can obtain results rapidly. Besides, XMW is a pedagogic tool suitable for using in image processing classes. It can be explained in just one class, and the students can easily implement any kind of image filter. (Image Mathematical Analysys Group (AMI) / University Las Palmas )

Display Tools

  • 3DViewnix - Demo of a commercial package.

  • GD - a graphics library for GIF creation - provides GIF read/write code in a C library. It also provides minimal image manipulation functions (lines, arcs, text, colors). Includes versions for Unix and Windows systems. (by Thomas Boutell / Boutell.Com)

  • GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) - Photoshop-style image editor.

  • Ghostscript and ghostview - PostScript previewer and pretty user interface for X11.
    MSDOS Ghostscript and supplemental font files are also available.

  • ImageMagick - Load, display, process, save, and convert images in many formats. Works on Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac. Includes a display program, a converter, screen capture, animator, and more.

  • Imaging Primer - Interactive and comprehensive images analysis and processing software for windows95 (commercial product). (by Pepi Cima / Rio Grande Software)

  • JPEG - Library source code and simple display tools.

  • MPEG-1 player and encoder
    Also: FAQ and fancy VCR-like interface using Motif.

  • Mesa - OpenGL implementation.

  • NIH Image - for Macintosh

  • TIFF - Library source code and tools

  • Volumetric Image Display and Analysis (VIDA) - Demo of a commercial package.

  • XAnim - X11 display tool.
    Supports many animation and image formats ("everything" except mpeg). Notes on integrating xanim with Web clients/MIME are also available.

  • XLI - X11 display tool.
    Not as featureful as xv but it understands nearly all the same formats and displays images much more quickly. Source archive is available.

  • XV - X11 Image Display tool.
    Provides an amazing assortment of image operators, reads and writes images in many different formats.

  • Ygl - Emulation of SGI GL library for X11.

Synthetic Data Generators

  • Persistence of Vision - Ray Tracer.

  • Philip Torr's stereo vision code - routines to generate synthetic data for testing and evaluating fundamental matrix estimation algorithms (by Philip Torr / Machine Learning and Perception Group / Microsoft)

  • Radiance - Ray tracer
    Produces floating point photometrically accurate images, with emphasis on good light source modeling.

  • Random dot stereogram generator - For X11.
    Includes support for animations and user-defined objects. More stereograms are also available.

  • Ray Tracers - A nice summary of free ray tracers. (by Eric Haines)

  • Rayshade - Ray tracing renderer.
    Generates realistic 2D images from a text description of a 3D world. Supports texture mapping, surface ("heightfield") rendering, multiple light sources, defocus, animation and more. Range image output extension and documentation are also available.

Mathematical Toolkits

  • CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library - C++ library of geometric primitives and standard data structures and algorithms used in computational geometry.
    The CGAL project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, easy to use, and efficient C++ software library of geometric data structures and algorithms. The CGAL library contains: - Basic geometric primitives such as points, vectors, lines, predicates such as for relative positions of points, and operations such as intersections and distance calculation. - A collection of standard data structures and geometric algorithms, such as convex hull, (Delaunay) triangulation, planar map, polyhedron, smallest enclosing sphere, and multidimensional query structures. - Interfaces to other packages, e.g. for visualisation, and I/O, and other support facilities. For further information and for downloading the library and documentation, please visit the CGAL web page: Should you have any questions or comments, please send a message to ( CGAL Consortium)

  • Netlib - Public domain collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
    Mostly in Fortran, but f2c (included in netlib) converts Fortran to C.

  • Numerical Recipies - Public Domain code for the famous book (only some of the code is public domain).

  • StatLib - Statistical software, datasets, and information.


  • Carina - commercial package for recognizing license plates (Adaptive Recognition Hungary)

  • Grabbo: vision-based MIDI controller - Grabbo uses orientation histograms for realtime image matching and 3D interpolation. MIDI output. Free demo version for BeOS. (Tebo Software)

  • IEEE-1394 Digital Camera Windows Driver - Windows device driver and C/C++ software library for IEEE-1394 digital cameras. The web site also contains a demo program, documentation, example images, links, and other information. IEEE-1394 digital cameras are an ideal solution for acquiring high quality images with a regular laptop computer. (by Iwan Ulrich / Mobile Robot Programming Lab / Carnegie Mellon University)

  • MeteorCapture - Application to capture video to memory or disk using PC and Matrox Meteor (written using Visual C++). (by Ross Cutler / Computer Vision Lab / UMCP)

  • PicDB - an image database system with query by image content capabilities.

  • RRCapture - a video capture program used to capture uncompressed image sequences using a PC configured with a 1 to 3 Bitflow RoadRunner digital frame grabbers. (by Ross Cutler / Computer Vision Lab / University of Maryland)

  • Renoir - 3D reconstruction from photos - 3D reconstruction from photos. 3D photomontage. ($$ payware $$ - free demo version available). Mainly useful for computer graphics, but uses some computer vision techniques Model of an object is created manually from parametric blocks. Corresponding edges are marked on images and model. Camera and model parameters are reconstructed through minimization of distance between projected edges of model and corresponding edges, marked on photos. (by Ildar Valiev / Integra, Inc.)

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