c. Postures of the fingers (Mudras) Step V Magic Mental Training 1. Space magic Step V Magic Psychic Training 1. Projection of elements outward a. Through one’s own body, accumulated through the solar plexus b. Accumulated through the hands 2. Outward projection without passing through the body Step V Magic Physical Training 1. Preparation for passive communication with the invisible ones a. Release of the own hand b. Preparation of the fingers with help of the pendulum, &c 2. Passive Communication: a. With the own guardian genius b. With deceased people & other beings Step VI Magic Mental Training 1. Meditation on the own spirit 2. Becoming conscious of the senses in the spirit Step VI Magic Psychic Training 1. Preparation to master the Akasa principle
2. Deliberate induction of trance with the help of Akasa 3. Mastering the elements with an individual ritual from Akasa Step VI Magic Physical Training 1. Deliberate creation of beings: a. Elementals b. Larvae c. Phantoms Step VII Magic Mental Training 1. Analysis of the spirit with respect to the practice Step VII Magic Psychic Training 1. Development of the astral senses with the help of elements & fluid condensers: a. Clairvoyance b. Clairaudience c. Clairsentience Step VII Magic Physical Training 1. Creation of elementaries by different methods 2. Magic animation of pictures Step VIII Magic Mental Training 1. Preparation for mental wandering