What is application? - App is a common term for an application, especially for simple applications that can be downloaded inexpensively or even for free. Many apps are also available for mobile devices and even some TVs.
- When you open an application, it runs inside the operating system until you close it. Most of the time, you will have more than one application open at the same time, which is known as multi-tasking. an app is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks.
A button is a command that performs a specific function within an application. The most commonly used commands in a program will be represented by buttons - A button is a command that performs a specific function within an application. The most commonly used commands in a program will be represented by buttons
- Menus are organized collections of commands and shortcuts. Click a menu to open it and display the commands and shortcuts within. Then click an item in the menu to execute it.
window - window is a contained area—like a picture within a picture—with its own menus and buttons specific to that program. You can rearrange multiple windows on the desktop and switch between them.
- your computer uses folders to organize all of the different files and applications it contains. Folder icons on your computer are designed to look like file folders full of documents or pictures.
Internet - Getting Started with the Internet
- The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and much more. You can do all of this on your computer.
Internet Cloud - What is the cloud?
- You may have heard people using terms like the cloud, cloud computing, or cloud storage.
- the cloud is the Internet—more specifically, it's all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet. When something is in the cloud, it means it's stored on Internet servers instead of your computer's hard drive.
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