Armstrong Atlantic State University
Course Syllabus
MATH 1950 - Applied Math for Non-Science Majors
Mrs. Barbieri
Spring, 2011
Class Day/Time/Location: CRN 20411 Section 001 T Th 11:30 - 12:45 pm, UH 107
Instructor: Mrs. MaryAnn Barbieri
Office Location: University Hall 284
Phone: 912 344-2677
Fax: 912 344-3461
Office Hours: M – F, 10 – 11 and by appointment
Purpose: Mathematics provides useful tools in economics and social sciences, as well as in the natural and physical sciences. Through the study of linear functions and models, matrix operations, inequalities and linear programming, exponential and logarithmic functions and single and multivariate differentiation, students will learn mathematical skills and concepts which may be applied in a practical setting relevant to many careers.
Prerequisite: MATH 1111
Textbook: Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life and Social Sciences, Harshbarger and Reynolds, Ninth Edition.
Calculator Requirement: Each student is expected to have access to a graphing calculator in class and for homework. I will use a TI-84 for classroom demonstrations.
You may not share a calculator during exams and quizzes.
Grades: Your grade will be determined by the following components:
% of Grade
Graded Assignments
4 @ 15% = 60%
Final Exam
The two lowest (or missing) graded assignments will be dropped. There is no make-up for quizzes or graded assignments.
Graded assignments will not be accepted after the announced deadline. Please do not leave them in my mailbox.
Make-up exams will be given only in the most extreme circumstances and only if arrangements have been made prior to the exam and only if you have written documentation to support your absence.
The final exam grade may replace the lowest exam grade if doing so raises the course average.
Seniors who will receive their diplomas in May and who have an A average after Exam IV are exempt from the final exam.
After each exam, you will receive a summary of your grades and an interim average. It is your responsibility to check for any inaccuracies.
You should allocate two hours per credit for preparation and study each week.
Grading Scale: 90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F
Attendance: Nearly perfect class attendance is essential for anyone who anticipates successfully completing this course. Although absences are not factored into your grade, be assured that what occurs in class will enhance your learning.
If you miss a class, you are still responsible for any material covered in class.
Class starts promptly at the designated time.
Additional Help: Remember that if you need additional help I am available during the office hours listed above.
In addition, the CST Math and Science Tutorial Center is located on the 2nd floor of Solms Hall, Room 206. I will notify you of the hours once they have been posted.
Consider forming a study group with one or more classmates.
Honor Code: You should be familiar with the Honor Code (see AASU catalog) and abide by its rules. All quizzes and tests must be your own work. You will be informed about what type of collaboration is permissible on graded assignments.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): If you require accommodation for a disability, you are responsible for notifying the instructor. A letter from the office of Disabilities in Student Affairs is required before accommodations will be made.
Additional Information: Please turn off all cell phones during class and during exams. No text messaging during any class.
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