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Intel® Education

Theft Deterrent

Deployment Guide

June 2014

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Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.

Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.

The API and software may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.

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Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation.

* Third party names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Table of Contents

2.Introduction 6

2.1Document purpose and scope 6

2.2Terminology 6

2.2.1Abbreviations 6

2.2.2Terms 6

2.3Revision History 6

2.4Reference Document 7

3.Theft Deterrent Overview 8

3.1Deployment Workflow 9

4.Deploy root CA server 9

5.Deploy central server: This step is optional. 9

6.Deploy Theft Deterrent server: This component can be deployed at school, district, or country-level. 9

7.Deploy Theft Deterrent clients 9

8.Plan Theft Deterrent server Deployment 10

8.1Choose Theft Deterrent Solution Architecture 10

8.1.1Centralized Architecture 11

8.1.2Decentralized Architecture 11

8.1.3Hierarchized Architecture 12

8.2Choose Database and Download Server Locations 13

8.2.1Choose Database Hosting 14

8.2.2Choose Download Feature Hosting 14

9.Theft Deterrent server Requirements 15

9.1Requirements for Decentralized or Hierarchized Architecture 15

9.2Requirements for deploying Centralized Architecture 15

9.2.1Requirements for Theft Deterrent server 16

9.2.2Requirements for Download Server 17

9.3General Requirements 18

9.3.1Operating System Requirements 18

9.3.2Domain Name Requirement 18

9.3.3Security Guideline 18

9.3.4Other Requirements 19

10.Deploy Theft Deterrent server on Debian 21

10.1Install Dependencies 21

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 21

11.Open the sources list located at /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines. Replace [release] with the Debian release version. 21

12.Update the sources list with the following command: 21

13.Install python, ufw, dialog, and sudo with the following command: 21

13.1Install Theft Deterrent server 21

1.Change to root account and input password when needed: 21

14.Change the file permission of the installation package: 22

15.Run the installation package to open the install wizard: 22

1.Select the language of your choice and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

16.Press Enter to accept the license agreement. 22

17.Select the Local database option and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

18.Set a password for the database server. Select Next and then press Enter. 22

19.Select a server support mode of your choice and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

20.If you choose to install the Stand-alone mode, select the Root Public Key type for your deployment on the next page. 22

21.If you choose to deploy the server with your own Root Public Key, you must import the Root Public Key file (with the extension .pubkey or .bin) by copying the key to your local machine and then inputting the location of the key in the following window. (e.g. /opt/CmpcRoot.pubkey) 22

22.On the next step, set a password and email for the master admin account. Select Next and then press Enter. 23

23.Confirm the settings and then select OK. Press Enter. 23

24.Wait for the installation to complete. 23

To deploy the server with a separate database, contact the Intel local TME for support. 23

24.1Best Practice of Performance Tuning 23

1.Run the following commands with root privilege to start the perfconfig tool: 23

25.Select a language of your choice. 23

26.Select the number of online devices that your server will manage. 24

27.You might also need to configure the following settings: 24

28.Input 1 and press ENTER to restart the web service. 24

28.1Upgrade Theft Deterrent server 24

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 24

29.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 24

30.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 24

31.Then wait for the wizard to complete the upgrade. 24

32.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 24

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 24

33.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 24

34.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 24

35.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to upgrade with keep all data. 24

36.Follow the installation wizard to complete the upgrade for TDserver and 3rd party dependency. 24

37.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 25

37.1Repair or Re-install Theft Deterrent server 25

1.Copy the latest serve install package (Theft_Deterrent_server_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 25

2.Open the installation wizard by following the steps in chapter 13.1. 25

38.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 25

39.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to keep all data and Re-install to remove all data of your current server. 25

40.Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. 26

40.1Uninstall Theft Deterrent server 26

1.Go to the directory that contains the server installation package. 26

41.Run the following command with root privilege to uninstall the server. 26

42.Deploy Theft Deterrent server on Windows 27

42.1Install Theft Deterrent server 27

1.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 27


43.Accept the license agreement and then click Next. 27

44.Select Local Database and then click Next. 27

45.Set a password for the database server and then click Next. 27

46.Select a server support mode of your choice and then click Next. 28

47.If you choose to install the Stand-alone mode, select the Root Public Key type for you deployment on the next page. 28

48.If you choose to deploy the server with your own Root Public Key, you must import the Root Public Key file (with the extension .pubkey or .bin) by copying the key to your local machine and then browse to the location of the key. (e.g. C:\CmpcRoot.pubkey) 28

49.On the next step, set a password and email for the master admin account and then click Next. 29

50.Confirm the settings and then click Install. 29

51.The installation will be completed in about 20 minutes. 29

51.1Best Practice of Performance Tuning 29

51.1.1Common Configuration 29

1.From Windows desktop, click the Start menu -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings. 29

52.On the popup window, switch to the Advanced tab and click Settings in the Performance area. 29

53.In the Visual Effects tab, select the Adjust for best performance option as shown below and then click Apply. 29

54.Switch to the Advanced tab, select Background services in the Processor scheduling area and then click OK. 30

1.From Windows desktop, click the Start menu-> Control Panel -> Hardware -> Device manager. 30

55.Double-click Disk drivers in the Device Manager window. 31

56.Right-click the hard disk device where the server is installed and select Properties. 31

57.On the popup window, click on the Polices tab and check Enable write caching on the device. Then click OK. 31

1.On Internet Explorer, click Tools -> Internet Options -> Security Tab. 31

2.On the Security page, select Trusted Sites and click the Sites button. 31

3.On the popup window, input https://localhost/ and then click the Add button. 31

58.Click Yes on the confirmation window. Click Close. 31

59.Make sure that the security level for Trusted sites is Medium and then click OK. 31

59.1.1Tune the Performance 32

1.Run the following commands with admin privilege to start the perfconfig tool: 32

60.Select a language of your choice. 32

61.Select the number of online devices that your server will manage. 32

62.You might also need to configure the following settings: 32

63.Input 1 and press ENTER to restart the server. 32

63.1Upgrade Theft Deterrent server 32

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.10000.[version].zip ) to the local disk then extract the installation package into a temporary folder. In the temporary folder, right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 33

64.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 33

65.Then wait for the wizard to complete the installation. 33

66.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 33

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.10000.[version]) to the local disk. 33

67.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 33

68.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 33

69.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to upgrade with keep all data. 33

70.Follow the installation wizard to complete the upgrade for TDserver and 3rd party dependency. 33

71.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 33


71.1Repair or Re-install Theft Deterrent server 34

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server _v4.0.10000.[version].zip ) to the local disk then extract the installation package into a temporary folder. In the temporary folder, right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 34

72.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 34

73.Select Upgrade or Repair to keep all data and Re-install to remove all data of your current server. 34

74.Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. 35

74.1Uninstall Theft Deterrent server 35

1.Open the folder that contains the installation package. 35

75.In the folder, right click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the uninstall wizard. 35

1.Click Next on the welcome page. Click Next. 35

76.Click Remove to uninstall the server. 35

77.Wait for the process to complete and then click Finish. 35

78.Reboot the system. 35

1.Click the Start menu -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features. 35

79.Right-click Intel(R) Education Theft Deterrent server and select Uninstall. 35

80.Click Yes to confirm the action. 35

81.Click Yes to reboot the system. 35

82.Theft Deterrent server Pre-configurations 36

82.1First Time Configurations 36

82.1.1Activate Theft Deterrent server 36

1.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1), input all server information and the IP address of the central server. 36

83.Click Register Server and your activation request will be sent to the central server. 37

84.When your request is approved by the central server admin, you will receive an activation code. The approval process might take a while and you can log out of the server during this period. 37

85.After you receive the activation code, log in the server and click Register Server on the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1). You can skip this step if you did not log out the server. 37

86.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 2), input the activation code and the IP address of the central server. Then click Activate Server. 37

87.When you see the activation success message, click OK. 37

87.1.1Reactivate Theft Deterrent server 37

1.Contact central server admin offline to request an activation code for reactivation. 38

88.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1), click Skip. 38

89.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 2), input the activation code and the IP address of the central server. Then click Reactivate Server. 38

90.When you see the reactivation success message, click OK. 38

90.1.1Set up Server Name & Address 38

90.1.2Set up E-mail Notification Service 38

90.2Modify the Server Log Level 39

1.Open the log configure file: 40

91.Set the log level to INFO or WARN by changing a line in the configure file as follows: 40

92.Restart the server: 40

92.1Server Installation Directories and Log Files 40

93.Use Separate Download Server 42

93.1Configure Download Server 42

1.Install another Theft Deterrent server on a machine that meets the download server requirements. 42

2.Copy the client upgrade packages to the following location manually, according to your operating system: 42

3.Connect this download server to the same network as the server. 42

93.2Configure Download Feature on Theft Deterrent server 42

1.Log in the server and open the Advanced page under Settings. 42

94.Click the Configure download server(s) link in the Smart Client Upgrade area. 42

95.Input the following information: 42

96.Click the Save Button. 43

97.Manually Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian 44

97.1Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian on Windows 44

97.1.1Prerequisite 44

97.1.2Install with Command Line 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder, for example, C:\TD. 45

2.Click the Start menu -> Accessories -> right-click Command Prompt -> select Run as administrator. 45

3.Go to the bin folder in the temporary folder with a command such as the following: 45

4.Run install.bat. 45

97.1.3Install with Install Wizard 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder. 45

5.In the temporary folder, open the agent folder under bin, right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 45

6.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 45

7.Click Next on the welcome page. 45

8.Set the protection password for the client and then click Next. If you do not want to set the password, leave the password field blank, click Next and then click OK on the confirmation window. 45

9.Click Next to start the installation. This might take a few minutes. 45

10.When the installation completes, click Finish. 45

11.Click Yes on the popup window to reboot the system. 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder. 46

12.In the temporary folder, open the guardian folder under bin, right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 46

13.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 46

14.Click Next on the welcome page. 46

15.Set the protection password for the client and then click Next. If you do not want to set the password, leave the password field blank, click Next and then click OK on the confirmation window. 46

16.Click Next to start the installation. This might take a few minutes. 46

17.When the installation completes, click Finish. 46

18.Click Yes on the popup window to reboot the system. 46

97.2Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian on Debian 46

97.2.1Install Dependency 46

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 46

19.Install dbus with the following command: 46

97.2.2Install Theft Deterrent client and guardian 46

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 47

98.Extract the installation package into a temporary folder, for example, /tmp, with a command such as the following: 47

20.Go to the bin folder in the temporary folder: 47

21.Run the installation script: 47

98.1Pre-set server address and address modify protection password 47

98.2Open Theft Deterrent client 48

98.2.1Open Theft Deterrent client on Windows 48

98.2.2Open Theft Deterrent client on Debian 48

98.3Installation Directories and Log Files 50

99.Troubleshooting 52

99.1Theft Deterrent server Installation Failed 52

100.FAQ 53

101.Appendix 57

101.1Choose Root Key Pair 57

101.2Choose Server Support Mode 57

101.3How to Understand the Network Stability 58

101.4How to Calculate the Required Network Bandwidth 59

101.5How to Improve the Download Performance 60

101.6How to Back up Theft Deterrent server 60

1.Log on the server and open the Advanced page under Settings. 60

102.Click the Back up button. 60

103.To protect the backup files with password, select the option and input a password. 60

104.To save a copy of the backup file to local disk, select the option. 60

105.Click Back up. 60

106.If you chose to save a copy, select a location and save the file. 60

106.1How to offline Transfer Devices to Theft Deterrent server 4.x 61

1.Log in the new server and click Export on the Security page under Settings to export the server Public Key (Pub_Key.bin) to a USB disk. 61

107.Create a temporary folder named KeyMigrate. Copy the Public Key exported in step 1 and the KeyManagement tool to the folder. 61

108.Go to the folder and run the following command with root privilege and a pre-activated package named tcopp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin will be generated in the folder: 61

109.Log in the new server and open the Security page under Settings. Browse to the pre-activated package and click Import. 61

110.Right-click the client tray icon and select Settings. 61

111.On the client window, click Edit -> input password if required -> change Theft Deterrent Server Address to the address of the new server -> click OK. 62

112.After a while, a Pending Approvals tab appears under Inventory. Select the devices and click Approve Device. 62

113.After the devices reboot and connect to the server again, the device records are moved to the Device Management page under Inventory. You can now manage the devices with the new server. 62

2.Introduction 6

2.1Document purpose and scope 6

2.2Terminology 6

2.2.1Abbreviations 6

2.2.2Terms 6

2.3Revision History 6

2.4Reference Document 7

3.Theft Deterrent Overview 8

3.1Deployment Workflow 9

4.Deploy root CA server 9

5.Deploy central server: This step is optional. 9

6.Deploy Theft Deterrent server: This component can be deployed at school, district, or country-level. 9

7.Deploy Theft Deterrent clients 9

8.Plan Theft Deterrent server Deployment 10

8.1Choose Theft Deterrent Solution Architecture 10

8.1.1Centralized Architecture 11

8.1.2Decentralized Architecture 11

8.1.3Hierarchized Architecture 12

8.2Choose Database and Download Server Locations 13

8.2.1Choose Database Hosting 14

8.2.2Choose Download Feature Hosting 14

9.Theft Deterrent server Requirements 15

9.1Requirements for Decentralized or Hierarchized Architecture 15

9.2Requirements for deploying Centralized Architecture 15

9.2.1Requirements for Theft Deterrent server 16

9.2.2Requirements for Download Server 17

9.3General Requirements 18

9.3.1Operating System Requirements 18

9.3.2Domain Name Requirement 18

9.3.3Security Guideline 18

9.3.4Other Requirements 19

10.Deploy Theft Deterrent server on Debian 21

10.1Install Dependencies 21

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 21

11.Open the sources list located at /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines. Replace [release] with the Debian release version. 21

12.Update the sources list with the following command: 21

13.Install python, ufw, dialog, and sudo with the following command: 21

13.1Install Theft Deterrent server 21

1.Change to root account and input password when needed: 21

14.Change the file permission of the installation package: 22

15.Run the installation package to open the install wizard: 22

1.Select the language of your choice and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

16.Press Enter to accept the license agreement. 22

17.Select the Local database option and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

18.Set a password for the database server. Select Next and then press Enter. 22

19.Select a server support mode of your choice and then select Next. Press Enter. 22

20.If you choose to install the Stand-alone mode, select the Root Public Key type for your deployment on the next page. 22

21.If you choose to deploy the server with your own Root Public Key, you must import the Root Public Key file (with the extension .pubkey or .bin) by copying the key to your local machine and then inputting the location of the key in the following window. (e.g. /opt/CmpcRoot.pubkey) 22

22.On the next step, set a password and email for the master admin account. Select Next and then press Enter. 23

23.Confirm the settings and then select OK. Press Enter. 23

24.Wait for the installation to complete. 23

To deploy the server with a separate database, contact the Intel local TME for support. 23

24.1Best Practice of Performance Tuning 23

1.Run the following commands with root privilege to start the perfconfig tool: 23

25.Select a language of your choice. 23

26.Select the number of online devices that your server will manage. 24

27.You might also need to configure the following settings: 24

28.Input 1 and press ENTER to restart the web service. 24

28.1Upgrade Theft Deterrent server 24

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 24

29.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 24

30.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 24

31.Then wait for the wizard to complete the upgrade. 24

32.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 24

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 24

33.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 24

34.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 24

35.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to upgrade with keep all data. 24

36.Follow the installation wizard to complete the upgrade for TDserver and 3rd party dependency. 24

37.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 25

37.1Repair or Re-install Theft Deterrent server 25

1.Copy the latest serve install package (Theft_Deterrent_server_v4.0.3010X.[version]) to the local disk. 25

2.Open the installation wizard by following the steps in chapter 13.1. 25

38.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 25

39.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to keep all data and Re-install to remove all data of your current server. 25

40.Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. 26

40.1Uninstall Theft Deterrent server 26

1.Go to the directory that contains the server installation package. 26

41.Run the following command with root privilege to uninstall the server. 26

42.Deploy Theft Deterrent server on Windows 27

42.1Install Theft Deterrent server 27

1.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 27


43.Accept the license agreement and then click Next. 27

44.Select Local Database and then click Next. 27

45.Set a password for the database server and then click Next. 27

46.Select a server support mode of your choice and then click Next. 28

47.If you choose to install the Stand-alone mode, select the Root Public Key type for you deployment on the next page. 28

48.If you choose to deploy the server with your own Root Public Key, you must import the Root Public Key file (with the extension .pubkey or .bin) by copying the key to your local machine and then browse to the location of the key. (e.g. C:\CmpcRoot.pubkey) 28

49.On the next step, set a password and email for the master admin account and then click Next. 29

50.Confirm the settings and then click Install. 29

51.The installation will be completed in about 20 minutes. 29

51.1Best Practice of Performance Tuning 29

51.1.1Common Configuration 29

1.From Windows desktop, click the Start menu -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings. 29

52.On the popup window, switch to the Advanced tab and click Settings in the Performance area. 29

53.In the Visual Effects tab, select the Adjust for best performance option as shown below and then click Apply. 29

54.Switch to the Advanced tab, select Background services in the Processor scheduling area and then click OK. 30

1.From Windows desktop, click the Start menu-> Control Panel -> Hardware -> Device manager. 30

55.Double-click Disk drivers in the Device Manager window. 31

56.Right-click the hard disk device where the server is installed and select Properties. 31

57.On the popup window, click on the Polices tab and check Enable write caching on the device. Then click OK. 31

1.On Internet Explorer, click Tools -> Internet Options -> Security Tab. 31

2.On the Security page, select Trusted Sites and click the Sites button. 31

3.On the popup window, input https://localhost/ and then click the Add button. 31

58.Click Yes on the confirmation window. Click Close. 31

59.Make sure that the security level for Trusted sites is Medium and then click OK. 31

59.1.1Tune the Performance 32

1.Run the following commands with admin privilege to start the perfconfig tool: 32

60.Select a language of your choice. 32

61.Select the number of online devices that your server will manage. 32

62.You might also need to configure the following settings: 32

63.Input 1 and press ENTER to restart the server. 32

63.1Upgrade Theft Deterrent server 32

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.10000.[version].zip ) to the local disk then extract the installation package into a temporary folder. In the temporary folder, right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 33

64.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 33

65.Then wait for the wizard to complete the installation. 33

66.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 33

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server-upgrade_v4.0.10000.[version]) to the local disk. 33

67.Open the installation wizard by following the steps. 33

68.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 33

69.On the next page, select Upgrade or Repair to upgrade with keep all data. 33

70.Follow the installation wizard to complete the upgrade for TDserver and 3rd party dependency. 33

71.Clear cache of your browser before login to server again. 33


71.1Repair or Re-install Theft Deterrent server 34

1.Copy the latest server upgrade package (named as Theft_Deterrent_server _v4.0.10000.[version].zip ) to the local disk then extract the installation package into a temporary folder. In the temporary folder, right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 34

72.Select a language of your choice and accept the license agreement. 34

73.Select Upgrade or Repair to keep all data and Re-install to remove all data of your current server. 34

74.Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. 35

74.1Uninstall Theft Deterrent server 35

1.Open the folder that contains the installation package. 35

75.In the folder, right click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to open the uninstall wizard. 35

1.Click Next on the welcome page. Click Next. 35

76.Click Remove to uninstall the server. 35

77.Wait for the process to complete and then click Finish. 35

78.Reboot the system. 35

1.Click the Start menu -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features. 35

79.Right-click Intel(R) Education Theft Deterrent server and select Uninstall. 35

80.Click Yes to confirm the action. 35

81.Click Yes to reboot the system. 35

82.Theft Deterrent server Pre-configurations 36

82.1First Time Configurations 36

82.1.1Activate Theft Deterrent server 36

1.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1), input all server information and the IP address of the central server. 36

83.Click Register Server and your activation request will be sent to the central server. 37

84.When your request is approved by the central server admin, you will receive an activation code. The approval process might take a while and you can log out of the server during this period. 37

85.After you receive the activation code, log in the server and click Register Server on the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1). You can skip this step if you did not log out the server. 37

86.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 2), input the activation code and the IP address of the central server. Then click Activate Server. 37

87.When you see the activation success message, click OK. 37

87.1.1Reactivate Theft Deterrent server 37

1.Contact central server admin offline to request an activation code for reactivation. 38

88.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 1), click Skip. 38

89.On the Activate Theft Deterrent server page (Step 2), input the activation code and the IP address of the central server. Then click Reactivate Server. 38

90.When you see the reactivation success message, click OK. 38

90.1.1Set up Server Name & Address 38

90.1.2Set up E-mail Notification Service 38

90.2Modify the Server Log Level 39

1.Open the log configure file: 40

91.Set the log level to INFO or WARN by changing a line in the configure file as follows: 40

92.Restart the server: 40

92.1Server Installation Directories and Log Files 40

93.Use Separate Download Server 42

93.1Configure Download Server 42

1.Install another Theft Deterrent server on a machine that meets the download server requirements. 42

2.Copy the client upgrade packages to the following location manually, according to your operating system: 42

3.Connect this download server to the same network as the server. 42

93.2Configure Download Feature on Theft Deterrent server 42

1.Log in the server and open the Advanced page under Settings. 42

94.Click the Configure download server(s) link in the Smart Client Upgrade area. 42

95.Input the following information: 42

96.Click the Save Button. 43

97.Manually Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian 44

97.1Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian on Windows 44

97.1.1Prerequisite 44

97.1.2Install with Command Line 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder, for example, C:\TD. 45

2.Click the Start menu -> Accessories -> right-click Command Prompt -> select Run as administrator. 45

3.Go to the bin folder in the temporary folder with a command such as the following: 45

4.Run install.bat. 45

97.1.3Install with Install Wizard 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder. 45

5.In the temporary folder, open the agent folder under bin, right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 45

6.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 45

7.Click Next on the welcome page. 45

8.Set the protection password for the client and then click Next. If you do not want to set the password, leave the password field blank, click Next and then click OK on the confirmation window. 45

9.Click Next to start the installation. This might take a few minutes. 45

10.When the installation completes, click Finish. 45

11.Click Yes on the popup window to reboot the system. 45

1.Extract the installation package (Theft_Deterrent_client_guardian_[version].zip) into a temporary folder. 46

12.In the temporary folder, open the guardian folder under bin, right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator to open the installation wizard. 46

13.Select a language of your choice and then click OK. 46

14.Click Next on the welcome page. 46

15.Set the protection password for the client and then click Next. If you do not want to set the password, leave the password field blank, click Next and then click OK on the confirmation window. 46

16.Click Next to start the installation. This might take a few minutes. 46

17.When the installation completes, click Finish. 46

18.Click Yes on the popup window to reboot the system. 46

97.2Deploy Theft Deterrent client and guardian on Debian 46

97.2.1Install Dependency 46

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 46

19.Install dbus with the following command: 46

97.2.2Install Theft Deterrent client and guardian 46

1.Change to root account with the following command. Input password when needed: 47

98.Extract the installation package into a temporary folder, for example, /tmp, with a command such as the following: 47

20.Go to the bin folder in the temporary folder: 47

21.Run the installation script: 47

98.1Pre-set server address and address modify protection password 47

98.2Open Theft Deterrent client 48

98.2.1Open Theft Deterrent client on Windows 48

98.2.2Open Theft Deterrent client on Debian 48

98.3Installation Directories and Log Files 50

99.Troubleshooting 52

99.1Theft Deterrent server Installation Failed 52

100.FAQ 53

101.Appendix 57

101.1Choose Root Key Pair 57

101.2Choose Server Support Mode 57

101.3How to Understand the Network Stability 58

101.4How to Calculate the Required Network Bandwidth 59

101.5How to Improve the Download Performance 60

101.6How to Back up Theft Deterrent server 60

1.Log on the server and open the Advanced page under Settings. 60

102.Click the Back up button. 60

103.To protect the backup files with password, select the option and input a password. 60

104.To save a copy of the backup file to local disk, select the option. 60

105.Click Back up. 60

106.If you chose to save a copy, select a location and save the file. 60

106.1How to offline Transfer Devices to Theft Deterrent server 4.x 61

1.Log in the new server and click Export on the Security page under Settings to export the server Public Key (Pub_Key.bin) to a USB disk. 61

107.Create a temporary folder named KeyMigrate. Copy the Public Key exported in step 1 and the KeyManagement tool to the folder. 61

108.Go to the folder and run the following command with root privilege and a pre-activated package named tcopp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin will be generated in the folder: 61

109.Log in the new server and open the Security page under Settings. Browse to the pre-activated package and click Import. 61

110.Right-click the client tray icon and select Settings. 61

111.On the client window, click Edit -> input password if required -> change Theft Deterrent Server Address to the address of the new server -> click OK. 62

112.After a while, a Pending Approvals tab appears under Inventory. Select the devices and click Approve Device. 62

113.After the devices reboot and connect to the server again, the device records are moved to the Device Management page under Inventory. You can now manage the devices with the new server. 62

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