Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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schizo-phrenia (-ía) = {n} [Psychiatry] schizophrenia {Hence:} schizophrenic-schizophrenico

schizophrenic = {adj} schizophrenic

schizophrenico = {n} schizophrenic, schizophrene

schizo-phyto (-óphyto) = {n} [Bot.l schizophyte

schizopode (-ó-) = {adj} schizopol, schizopodous {Hence:} schizopodo

schizopodo (-ópodo) = {n} [Zool.] schizopod

schizzar (-tsar) = {v} to sketch (1. to make a draft or sketch of; 2. to make a sketch or sketches)

schizzo [I] = {n} [Lit., Art] sketch {Hence:} schizzar

schola = {n} school; tener schola to keep school {Hence:} scholar

scholar = {adj} school scholar {n} school child, pupil

scholastic = {adj} scholastic {Hence:} scholasticismo; scholastico

scholasticismo = {n} scholasticism

scholastico = {n} scholastic

schooner [A] = {n} [Naut.] schooner

schottisch [G] = {n} [Dancing] schottische

scia- = {n} [occurring in compounds] scia- (= shadow) {Hence:} antiscios; sciamachia etc.

scia-machia (-ía) = {n} sciamachy, sham fight, shadow boxing

sciatic = {adj} sciatic (1. pertaining to the hip); 2. pertaining to sciatica); nervo sciatic sciatic nerve {Hence:} scistics

sciatica = {n} [Med.] sciatica

sciente = {adj} learned, (well-)informed {Hence:} scientia &; consciente &; insciente &; omnisciente etc.

scientia = {n} 1. knowledge, learning; 2. science; homine de scientia man of science, scientist {Hence:} scientista; scientific

scientific = {adj} scientific

scientista = {n} scientist

scimitarra = {n} scimitar

scinder [scind-/sciss-] = {v} to split {Hence:} scissile; scission; abscinder &; rescinder &; scissipare etc.

scintilla = {n} spark (= particle of fire) {Hence:} scintillar-scintillation

scintillar = {v} to sparkle, glitter, scintillate; {also:} to twinkle

scintillation = {n} scintillation; {also:} twinkling

Scipion = {npr} [Rom. Hist.] Scipio

scir = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} sciente &; conscie; nescie &; prescir &; plebiscito etc.

sciss- see scinder

scissile = {adj} scissile; {also:} fissile

scission = {n} scission

scissi-pare = {adj} [Biol.] scissiparous {Hence:} scissiparitate

scissiparitate = {n} [Biol.] scissiparity, schizogenesis

sciuro = {n} squirrel

sclave = {adj} slave, slave's: (= characteristic of a slave) {Hence:} sclavitude; sclavo

sclavitude = {n} slavery (= stat( of being a slave)

sclavo = {n} slave

scler-antho = {n} [Bot.] scleranth; Scleranthus

scler-enchyma (-én-) = {n} sclerenchyma (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Zool.])

sclero- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sclero-, scler- (1. hard; 2. to harden) {Hence:} sclerose; scleroma; sclerosis-arteriosclerosis etc.; sclerotic-sclerotica; sclerantho etc.; sclerophthalmia etc.

scleroma = {n} [Med.] scleroma

scler-ophthalmia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] sclerophthalmia

sclerose = {adj} [Biol., Med.] sclerous (= hard, indurated)

sclerosis (-ósis) = {n} [Med., Bot.] sclerosis (= hardening, induration)

sclerotic = {adj} sclcrotic (1. sclerous, hard; 2. affected with sclerosis)

sclerotica = {n} [Anat., Zool.] sclerotic (= sclerotic coat of the eye)

scolio = {n} reef (= chain of rocks lying near the surface of the water) {Hence:} scoliose

scoliose = {adj} full of reefs

-scop- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} -scopo &; -scopia &; -scopio &; -scopic &

scopa = {n} broom {Hence:} scopar-scopator, scopatrice, scopatura

scopar = {v} to sweep (with a broom)

scopator = {n} sweeper (= one who or that which sweeps)

scopatrice = {n} (woman) sweeper

scopatura = {n} sweepings

-scopia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -scopy (= examination, observation) {Hence:} necroscopia etc.

-scopic [occurring in compounds] -scopic (= seeing) {Hence:} necroscopic etc.; macroscopic etc.

-scopio = {n} [occurring in compounds] -scope (= instrument for watching, ohserving, examining, etc.) {Hence:} periscopio &; telescopio &; polariscopio etc.; laryngoscopio etc: kaleidoscopio etc.; microscopio etc.; stereoscopio etc.; gyroscopio etc.

scopo = {n} 1. target, mark; 2. object, aim -scopo {n} [occurring in compounds] 1. -scope (as in "horoscope"); 2. -scopist (as in "cranioscopist") {Hence:} horoscopo etc.; cranioscopo etc.

scorbutic = {adj} scorbutic

scorbuto = {n} [Pathol.] scurvy, scorbutus {Hence:} scorbutic-antiscorbutic

scoria = {n} scoria (I. [Metal.] slag, dross; 2. [Geol.] slaggy lava) {Hence:} scorificar-scorification

scorificar = {v} to scorify

scorification = {n} scorification

scorpion = {n} [Zool.] scorpion; Scorpion [Astron.] Scorpio, Scorpion {Hence:} scorpionide

scorpionide = {n} [Zool.] scorpionid; scorpionides Scorpionidae

scote = {adj} Scotch, Scottish {Hence:} scoto-Scotia, scotic

Scotia = {npr} Scotland; Nove Scotia Nov. Scotia

scotic = {adj} Scotch, Scottish

scoto = {n} Scot

scriba = {n} scribe (I. [Jewish Hist.]; 2. copyist)

scriber [scrib-/script-] = {v} to write {Hence:} scriba; scriptor; scriptorio; scriptura &; scripte-manuscripte etc., scripto; ascriber &; circumscriber &; conscriber &; describer &; inscriber &; postscrib- &; prescriber &; proscriber &; rescriber &, subscriber &; transcriber &

script- see scriber

scripte = {adj} written, in writing

scripto = {n} writing ("piece of writing"); per scripto in writing

scriptor = {n} writer (= author, journalist etc.)

scriptorio = {n} desk, writing desk

scriptura = {n} 1. writing, handwriting, script; 2. [Law, Com., etc.] paper, document etc.; 3. [Relig.] Scripture {Hence:} scriptural

scriptural = {adj} [Eccl.] scriptural

scrofula (scró-) = {n} [Pathol.] scrofula {Hence:} scrofulosis; scrofulose

scrofulose = {adj} scrofulous

scrofulosis (-ósis) = {n} [Med.] scrofulosis

scrupulo (scrú-) = {n} scruple (1. [Pharm.]; 2. as in "conscientious scruples") {Hence:} scrupulose-scrupulositate, inscrupulose

scrupulose = {adj} scrupulous

scrupulositate = {n} scrupulousness

scrutabile = {adj} scrutable

scrutar = {v} scan, scrutinize, examine, etc. {Hence:} scrutinio &; scrutabile-inscrutabile-inscrutabilitate; perscrutar &

scrutiniar = {v} 1. to scrutinize; 2. to vote by ballot

scrutinio = {n} 1. scrutiny; 2. poll, ballot {Hence:} scrutiniar

sculper [sculp-/sculpt-] = {v} to sculpture (= to carve, cut, grave, chisel, etc.) {Hence:} sculptor; sculptrice; sculptura-sculptural, sculpturesc; sculpte

sculpt- see sculper

sculpte = {adj} sculptured, graven, carved

sculptor = {n} sculptor

sculptrice = {n} sculptress

sculptura = {n} sculpture

sculptural = {adj} sculptural

sculpturesc = {adj} sculpturesque, sculptural

scuma = {n} foam, scum; scuma (de sapon) lather (= froth or foam from soap and water) {Hence:} scumose; scumar-scumatoria

scumar = {v} 1. to foam (= to form or gather foam); 2. to skim (= to clear from scum)

scumatoria = {n} skimmer (= utensil used for skimming)

scumose = {adj} foaming, scummy

scuriolo = {n} squirrel

scutella = {n} small bowl, deep dish {Hence:} scutellaria

scutellaria = {n} [Bot.] Scutellaria

scutero = {n} squire; {also:} shield-bearer

scuti-forme = {adj} scutiform

scuto = {n} 1. shield, buckler; 2. escutcheon, coat of arms {Hence:} scutero; scutiforme etc.

Scylla = {npr} Scylla

scytha = {n} Scyth, Scythian {Hence:} Scythia; scythic-scythico

Scythia = {npr} Scythia

scythic = {adj} Scythian

scytho = {n} Scythian (1. Scyth; 2. Scythian language)

se = {rel pron} himself; herself; itself; themselves

se- see sex

-sec [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} extrinsec; intrinsec

secabile = {adj} capable of being cut, divisible

secale = {n} [Bot.] rye; pan de secale rye bread

secante 1. ppr of secar; 2. {adj} secant (as in "a secant line") {Hence:} secante (2)-cosecante

secante = {n} [Geom.] secant

seca = saw

seca-papiro = {n} paper cutter, paper knife

secar [sec-/sect-] = {v} 1. to saw 2. to cut (= to divide, sever or reduce by cutting) {Hence:} secante &; secabile-insecabile; section &; sector; sectura; dissecar &; insecar &; resecar &; trisecar etc.; secapapiro etc.

secerner [-cern-/-cret-] = {v} 1. to separate; 2. [Physiol.] to secern {Hence:} secretion; secretori; secrete &; secretar

-secr- see sacre

secret- see secern-

secreta = {n} [Eccl.] secret, secreta

secretar = {v} [Physiol. & [Biol.] to secrete

secretariato = {n} secrctariate; {also:} secretaryship

secretario = {n} secrctary (= confidential clerk) {Hence:} secretariato

secrete = {adj} 1. secret; 2. secretive, close {Hence:} secreto-secretario &; secreta

secretion = {n} [Physiol. & Biol.] secretion

secreto = {n} 1. secret; 2. secret drawer; secret spring; in secreto in secret or secrecy; esser in le secreto = to be in the secret; secreto de Policinella open secret, secret of Polichinelle

secretori = {adj} [Physiol.] secretory

sect- see secar

secta = {n} sect {Hence:} sectari; sectario

sectari = {adj} sectarian

sectario = {n} sectarian

section = {n} I. (act of) cutting; {also:} [Surg.] section; II. section (1. separation by cutting; 2. portion, division, subdivision; {also:} [Nat. Hist., Mil., etc.]; 3. [Geom., Drawing, etc.]); section transverse crosssection {Hence:} sectionar; intersection; vivisection etc.

sectionar = {v} to section (= to cut or divide into sections)

sector = {n} sector (1. [Geom.]; 2. [Mil.])

sectura = {n} cut (= wound or opening made by cutting)

secular = {adj} secular (1. occurring once in a century; 2. existing for centurics; 3. worldly) {Hence:} secularismo; secularisista; secularitate; secularizar-secularization

secular = {n} secular, layman

secularizar = {v} to secularize

secularization = {n} secularization

secularismo = {n} secularism

secularista = {n} secularist

secularitate = {n} secularity (1. secular extent; 2. worldliness)

seculo (sé-) = {n} 1. century (= period of 100 years); 2. world (= things mundane) {Hence:} secular &

[secun] = {prep} 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to (= secundo)

secunda = {n} second (1. 1/60 of a minute; 2. 1/3600 of a degree of an angle; 3. [Mus.])

secundar = {v} to second (= to support)

secundari = {adj} secondary; schola secundari high school, secondary school

secunde = {adj} second {Hence:} secundinas, secundari; secundar; secundo (1); secunda; dece-secunde etc.; secundo (2)

secundinas = {npl} secundines, after-birth

secundo = {n} second (in a duel, etc.) secundo {prep} 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to; secundo que according as

secur = {adj} I. secure, safe; II. sure, certain (1. not doubting; 2. not doubtful) {Hence:} securitate; assecurar &; insecur-insecuritate

securitate = {n} I. security (1. safety; 2. as in "to leave something as a security"); II. sureness, certainty

[sed] [L] = {conj} but

sedar = {v} to allay, soothe, appease {Hence:} sedation; sedative-sedativo

sedation = {n} [Med.] sedation

sedative = {adj} sedative; {also:} [Med.]

sedativo = {n} [Med.] sedative

sede = {n} (1. accommodation for sitting; 2. principal place where anything takes place or is carried on); II. [Eccl.] see; sancte sede Holy See, Apostolic See

se-dece (sé-) = {adj} sixteen

sedentari = {adj} sedentary

sedente = {adj} seated, sitting; {also:} sedent

seder [sed-/-sess-;-sid-/-sess-] {v} to sit (1. to be sitting or seated; 2. as in "to sit in court, in council, etc."; 3. to fit); esser sedite to sit, be sitting or seated; seder se to seat oneself, sit down {Hence:} sede; sedimento &; sedente-sedentari; sessile; session; assider &; dissider &; insid- &; presider &; resider &; subsider &; obseder &; posseder &

sedimentar = {v} to sediment (= to deposit as sediment)

sedimentari = {adj} sedimentary

sedimentation = {n} sedimentation

sedimento = {n} sediment (1. lees, dregs; 2. [Geol.]) {Hence:} sedimentari; sedimentar-sedimentation

sedition = {n} sedition {Hence:} seditiose; seditionar

seditionar = {v} to sedition, incite to sedition

seditiose = {adj} ceditious

seducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to seduce {Hence:} seducimento; seducibile; seduction; seductive; seductor

seducibile = {adj} seducible

seducimento = {n} seducement

seduct- see seducer

seduction = {n} seduction (1. act of seducing; 2. that which seduces)

seductive = {adj} seductive

seductor = {n} seducer

segmentar = {v} to segment, separate into segments

segmentari = {adj} segmentary, segmental

segmentation = {n} segmentation

segmento = {n} [Geom.] segment {Hence:} segmentari; segmentar-segmentation

segregar = {v} to segregate {Hence:} segregation; segregative

segregation = {n} segregation

segregative = {adj} segregative

seismal = {adj} seismal, seismic

seismic (séiz-) = {adj} seismic

seismo (séizmo) = {n} earthquake, seism {Hence:} seismal; seismic; seismographo etc.; seismologo etc.; macroseismo etc.; microseismo etc.

seismographia (-ía) seismography

seismographic = {adj} seismographic

seismo-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} seismograph {Hence:} seismographia; seismographic

seismologia (-ía) = {n} seismology

seismologic = {adj} seismologic, seismological

seismo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} seismologist {Hence:} seismologia; seismologic

select- see seliger

selecte = {adj} select, choice

selection = {n} selection; selection natural [Biol.] natural selection

selectionar = {v} to select

selective = {adj} selective

selen- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] seleno-, selen- (= moon) -

Selena [Gr. Relig.] Selene {Hence:} selenium &; selenita; selenite; selenographo etc.

seleniato = {n} [Chem.] selenate

selenic = {adj} [Chem.] selenic

seleniose = {adj} [Chem.] selenious

selenita = {n} Selenite, inhabitant of the moon

selenite = {n} [Mineral.] selenite

selenito = {n} [Chem.] selenite

selenium (-lé-) = {n} [Chem.] selenium {Hence:} seleniato; selenito; selenic; seleniose

selenographia (-ía) = {n} selenography

seleno-grapho (-ó-)n 1. selenograph; 2. selenographer {Hence:} selenographia

seleri (sé-)n celery

seliger [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} to select {Hence:} selection-selectionar; selective; selecte

sella = {n} saddle {Hence:} sellero; selleria; sellar-dissellar; insellar-insellate

sellar = {v} to saddle (= to put a saddle upon)

selleria (-ía) = {n} saddlery

sellero = {n} saddler

Sem = {npr} Shem {Hence:} semita-antisemita-antisemitismo, antisemitic, prosemita-prosemitismo, prosemitic, semitismo, semetic

sema- [-ma/-mat-] = {n} [occurring in compounds] sema- (= sign, signal) {Hence:} semaphoro etc.; sematographia etc.

semantic = {adj} semantic {Hence:} semantica-semanticista

semantica = {n} [Philol.] semantics, semasiology

semanticista = {n} semanticist, semasiologist

sema-phoro (-má-) = {n} semaphore

semasi- = {n} [occurring in compounds] semasi- (= signification) {Hence:} semasiologo etc.

semasiologia (-ía) = {n} [Philol.] semasiology, semantics

semasiologic = {adj} semasiological

semasio-logo (-ólogo) = {n} semasiologist, semanticist {Hence:} semasiologia-semasiologic

semat- see sema-

semato-graphia (-ía) = {n} sematography, sign-writing

semblante = {n} semblance, appearance

semblantia = {n} semblance, appearance; {also:} seeming

semblar = {v} to seem, appear; il me sembla it seems to me {Hence:} semblante; semblantia

semeio- = {n} [occurring in compounds] semeio (= sign) {Hence:} semeiotic; semeiotica; semeiologia etc.

semeio-logia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] semeiology {Hence:} semeiologic

semeiologic = {adj} semeiologic, semeiological

semeiogic = {adj} [Med.] semeiotic, semeiologic

semeiotica = {n} [Med.] semeiotics, semeiologic

[semel] = {adv} 1. once; 2. firstly

semestral = {adj} semestral (= occurring every six months)

se-mestre = {n} semester {Hence:} semestral

semi- [occurring in compounds] semi- (= half) {Hence:} semicirculo etc.; semiflosculo etc.; semicupio etc.; semifluide etc.; semipelagian etc.; semisomne etc.; sincipite etc.

semi-barbare = {adj} semibarbarous, semibarbaric

semi-breve = {n} [Mus.] semibreve

semicircular = {adj} semicircular; canales semicircular [Anat., Zool.] semicircular canals

semi-circulo (-cir-) = {n} semicircle (1. half of a circle; 2. semicircular measuring instrument, graphometer) {Hence:} semicircular

semi-circumferentia = {n} [Geom.] semicircumference

semi-consonante = {n} [Phonet.] semiconsonant

semi-cupio = {n} semicupium, sitz bath

semicylindric = {adj} semicylindric, semicylindrical

semi-cylindro = {n} semicylinder {Hence:} semicylindric

semi-dea (-éa) = {n} demigoddess

semi-deo (-éo) = {n} demigod

semi-diametro (-ámetro) = {n} [Math.] semidiameter

semi-diaphane = {adj} semidiaphanous

semi-duple = {adj} semidouble (1. [Liturgy]; 2. [Bot.])

semi-flosculo (-flós-)n [Bot.] semifloscule, semifloret {Hence:} semiflosculose

semiflosculose = {adj} [Bot.] semifloscular, semiflosculose, semiflosculous

semi-fluide (-flú-) = {adj} semifluid

semi-lunar = {adj} [Anat., Biol.] semilunar semi-lunar {n} [Anat.] semilunar (bone), lunatum

semi-morte = {adj} half-dead

seminal = {adj} seminal (= pertaining to seed or semen)

seminar = {v} to sow (seeds, etc.)

seminario = {n} 1. [Hort.] seedbed; nursery; 2. (institution for the training of candidates for the priesthood, ministry, etc.) seminary, seminar, etc. {Hence:} seminarista

seminarista = {n} seminarist

semination = {n} semination

seminator = {n} sower

seminatorio = {n} seeder, sowing-machine

semine = {n} seed; {also:} milk, roe, spawn, semen, etc. {Hence:} seminario &; seminal; seminifere; seminar-semination, seminator, seminatorio, disseminar &, inseminar &, reseminar, superseminar

seminifere = {adj} seminiferous

semi-nude = {adj} seminude, half-naked

semi-official = {adj} semiofficial

semi-pelagian = {adj} [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian {Hence:} semipelagianismo; semipelagiano

semipelagianismo = {n} [Theol.] Semi-Pelagianism

semipelagiano = {n} [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian

semi-prova = {n} [Law] semiproof

semi-salvage (-aje) = {adj} semisavage, half-savage

semi-somne = {adj} semisomnous, half-asleep

semita (1) = {n} Semite

semita (2) (sé-) = {n} 1. path; 2. [Zool.] semita, fasciole {Hence:} semital

semital = {adj} [Zool.] semital

semitic = {adj} Semitic; linguas semitic Semitic languages

semitismo = {n} Semitism

semi-tono = {n} [Mus.] semitone, halftone

semi-transparente = {adj} semitransparent {Hence:} semitransparentia

semitransparentia = {n} semitransparency

semi-tropical = {adj} semitropical

semi-uncial = {adj} semiuncial

semi-vive = {adj} half-alive

semivocal = {n} semivowel

semp- see semper

semper, sempre (sém-) = {adv} always {Hence:} semperverde etc.; sempiterne etc.

semper-verde = {adj} evergreen semper-verde {n} evergreen

semp-iterne = {adj} everlasting, eternal, sempiternal

sen- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} senato &; senectute; senil &; senior (1)-senior (2) &

senato = {n} senate {Hence:} senator-senatorial; senatoconsulto etc.

senato-consulto = {n} [Rom. Hist.] `senatus consultum', senatusconsult

senator = {n} senator

senatorial = {adj} senatorial (= pertaining to a senator or senate)

senectute = {n} old age

Senegal = {npr} Senegal {Hence:} senegalese

senegalese = {adj/n} Senegalese

senil = {adj} senile (= belonging to old age); debilitate senil senile weakness {Hence:} senilitate

senilitate = {n} senility

senior = {adj} senior, older senior {n} 1. senior, elder; 2. lord; 3. sir; Senior Lord (= Lord God); Nostre Senior Our Lord; senior X. Mr. X. {Hence:} senioria; seniorial; seniora-senioretta

seniora = {n} lady; seniora X. Mrs. X.

senioretta = {n} miss; senioretta X. Miss X.

senioria (-ía) = {n} 1. [Hist.] seigniory; 2. lordship; {also:} as in "your lordship"

seniorial = {adj} [Hist.] seignorial

sens- see sentir

sensar = {v} to sense, sensate

sensate = {adj} sensible (= possessing common sense)

sensation = {n} sensation (1. as in "a sensation of cold"; 2. as in "to create a sensation") {Hence:} sensational-sensationalismo

sensational = {adj} sensational (as in "sensational revelations")

sensationalismo = {n} sensationalism (as in "sensationalism of the yellow press")

sensibile = {adj} I. perceptible, sensible; II. sensitive (1. that receives sense impressions; 2. highly susceptible) {Hence:} sensibilitate; insensibile-insensibilitate; suprasensibile

sensibilitate = {n} sensibility (1. ability to receive sense impressions; 2. sensitiveness)

sensitiva = {n} sensitive plant

sensitive = {adj} sensitive, sensory

senso = {n} I. sense (1. as in "the sense of hearing"; 2. discrimination, judgment; 3. meaning); II. direction (= way, course); senso commun common sense; perder le sensos to lose consciousness; in senso inverse in the opposite direction {Hence:} sensate-insensate; sensar-sensation &; sensual &; contrasenso; nonsenso etc.; multisense etc.

sensorial = {adj} sensorial

sensorio = {n} sensorium {Hence:} sensorial

sensu- see senso

sensual = {adj} sensual (as in "sensual pleasures") {Hence:} sensualismo; sensualista; sensualitate; sensualizar

sensualizar = {v} to sensualize (= to make sensual)

sensualismo = {n} sensualism (1. addiction to sensual indulgence; 2. [Philos.] sensationalism)

sensualista = {n} [Philos.] sensualist, sensationalist

sensualitate = {n} sensuality

sententia = {n} 1. [Law] sentence; 2. (sententious) saying, aphorism {Hence:} sententiose; sententiar

sententiar = {v} [Law] to sentence

sententiose = {adj} sententious

sentiente = {adj} sentient

sentiero = {n} path; le sentiero del virtute the path of virtue

sentimental = {adj} sentimental

sentimentalismo = {n} sentimentalism

sentimentalitate = {n} sentimentality

sentimento = {n} feeling (1. act or fact of feeling; 2. sentiment, emotion) {Hence:} sentimental-sentimentalismo, sentimentalitate

sentir [sent-/sens-] = {v} to feel (something); sentir se (ben, mal, etc.) to feel (well, ill, etc.) {Hence:} sentimento &; sentiente; sensibile &; sensitive-sensitiva; sensorio &; senso &; assentir &; consentir &; dissentir &; presentir &; resentir &

separabile = {adj} separable

separar = {v} to separate (= to put or keep apart) {Hence:} separabile-inseparabile-inseparabilitate; separation; separative; separator; separate-separatismo, separatista

separate 1. pp of separar; 2. {adj} separate

separation = {n} separation; separation de benes separate maintenance; separetion del Ecclesia e del Stato disestablishment of the Church

separatismo = {n} separatism

separatista = {n} separatist

separative = {adj} separative

separator = {n} 1. separater, one who separates; 2. separator

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