International Association of Universities

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International Association of Universities


IAU: For a worldwide higher education community

Sharing information on IAU activities and higher education in the world

Vol. 5, No.8, October 2008 

IAU activities - Other News and Opportunities

IAU Activities

IAU 3rd Global Meeting of Associations of Universities

The 3rd Global Meeting of Associations of Universities (GMA III) will be organized by IAU in partnership with the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Institutos de Enseñanza Superior (ANUIES) on April 20-22, 2009 in Mexico. The Conference will focus on Associations, Networks, Alliances etc.: Making Sense of the Emerging Global Higher Education Landscape. The dates for this GMA have been chosen to coincide with a major hemispheric conference being hosted by the University of Guadalajara immediately afterwards and organized by three regional organizations of higher education focusing on the Americas - IOHE, CONAHEC and HACU.
For more information, please contact Ms. Devylder:

New Deadline for LEADHER Programme Applications
The IAU is extending the deadline for the submission of applications for the 2008-2009 competition for LEADHER (Leadership Development for Higher Education Reform) programme grants. IAU Members in good standing may submit their project proposals until 31 October 2008.

New Publication
International Handbook of Universities 2009
The upgraded and reviewed Handbook has been released. In addition to listing all higher education institutions offering at least a post-graduate degree or a 4-year professional diploma, it now comprises information on the higher education system in each country; offers enhanced indexing by institution and field of studies; includes a list of regional and international higher education organizations; and gives single user online access to all the data.
The Members of IAU in good standing receive a 50% discount on every purchase of the Handbook and a complimentary copy of the World Higher Education Database CD-ROM.

Digitalisation of HEP
During 2009, the Association's Publisher, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, will digitalise volumes 1-8 of Higher Education Policy (HEP), the IAU quarterly research journal, thus ensuring online availability of the entire Journal archive from the first issue onwards.  Currently, volumes 9 (1996) onwards are all available online on

IAU/Palgrave 2009 Prize Essay Competition
Submit your Essay for the 2009 edition of the IAU/Palgrave Prize in Higher Education Policy Research on the following theme: Equitable Access, Success and Quality - Three Essential Ingredients or Three Mutually Exclusive Concepts for Higher Education Development? The theme was chosen to advance the Association’s commitment to the principles of the new IAU policy statement on Equitable Access, Success and Quality in Higher Education. Open exclusively to IAU Members, the deadline for submissions is March 31, 2009.

IAU Representation
  IAU has attended several sessions of the 61st United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/NGO Conference on Reaffirming Human Rights: The Universal Declaration at 60 and more specifically the round-table entitled Human Rights Education and Learning as a Way of Life and its break-out session on Partnerships between NGOs and Universities to Advance Human Rights Learning which focused mainly on Business Schools.
  IAU attended the 20th Annual EAIE Conference that took place in Antwerp in September. Its theme was Re-designing the map of European higher education.
  The IAU’s Research and Policy Analyst attended a meeting on September 17, 2008 in Brussels at the European University Association (EUA)/Council for Doctoral Education (CDE). She met with Dr. Sandra Bitusikova, Thomas Jorgensen and Dr. Lidia Borrell-Damian and discussed possible future collaborative activities between the IAU and the CDE. The CDE, whose members are universities, is a relatively new unit within the EUA. Its mission is to contribute to the development, advancement and improvement of research as well as doctoral education. It commissions research and analysis, convenes conferences for its members, undertakes training seminars, provides policy analysis and disseminates information of good practices.
  IAU took part in the IMHE General Conference held in Paris in September focusing on the theme: Outcomes of Higher Education: Quality, Relevance and Impact.  The newest edition of the OECD’s Education at a Glance, was released on this occasion by the Secretary General.  As well, IMHE took the opportunity to disseminate information on its newest project: the ‘Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes’ (AHELO) feasibility study which will be moving forward in the next weeks.  IAU has been invited to join the advisory group which will assist in the steering of the project.,3407,en_21571361_38973579_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
  Marking the 20th Anniversary of the signing of the Magna Charta Universitatum in 1988 by more than 350 university rectors and presidents, the Magna Charta Observatory held its annual signing ceremony and conference from September 18-20 in Bologna, Italy. Several IAU Administrative Board members were on hand to debate issues of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, reflect on the continued validity of this statement of university values and principles and examine how well it may fit non-European contexts.  The Observatory also published an Essay by Prof. Jon Torfi Jonasson entitled:  Inventing Tomorrow’s University: Who will take the lead and invited the IAU Secretary General to comment on this text.

Important dates:

  • October 31, 2008: Deadline for LEADHER applications

  • March 31, 2009: Deadline for submission of articles to the IAU/Palgrave Prize

  • April 20-22, 2009: Associations, Networks, Alliances etc.: Making Sense of the Emerging Global Higher Education Landscape, 3rd IAU Global Meeting of Associations of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions, in collaboration with the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Institutos de Enseñanza Superior (ANUIES), University of Guadalajara, Mexico

  • November 3-6, 2009: IAU 2009 International Conference on The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Inter-Cultural Dialogue and Understanding, Notre Dame University of Louaize, Tripoli, Lebanon.

  • September 20-24, 2010: IAU 2010 International Conference on The Social Sciences, Ethics and Values in the Era of Globalization, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

For detailed information on these activities, contact us at:


Other News and Opportunities


UNESCO-Hewlett-Packard: Technology against Brain Drain
In the framework of the UNESCO/Hewlett-Packard project Reversing Brain Drain into Brain Gain for Africa a first computing grid (hardware and software infrastructure) was set up at the Cheik Anta Diop University (UCAD) in Dakar, Senegal, with the support of the Grid Computing Institute of France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Foundation Partager le Savoir, and the French Embassy. The project will equip universities in five African countries with the same tool which provides local graduates with an access to sufficient tools, resources and cooperation opportunities in their home country, thus reducing the need for mobility.

UNESCO-World Bank: Global Initiative for Quality Assurance Capacity (GIQAC)
This joint partnership supporting quality assurance initiatives in developing countries has launched a website where one can find information on the governing structure of the initiative; how to apply to the GIQAC fund; implementing partners; and useful links. IAU is part of GIQAC Steering Committee.

UNESCO/Academics for Higher Education and Development (AHED): Academics across Borders
UNESCO’s Division on Higher Education and the Canadian NGO Academics for Higher Education and Development have decided to work together to contribute to human and institutional development in developing countries. (UNESCO) (AHED-UPESED)

Other international initiatives

Commonwealth of Learning (COL): Cross-Border Higher Education in the Caribbean
The book Foreign Providers in the Caribbean: Pillagers or preceptors? analyses the provision of cross-border higher education in the Caribbean through nine case studies on Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands.

Conférence des Recteurs des Universités francophones d’Afrique et de l’Océan Indien (CRUFAOCI): Observatory of Higher Education in Africa
The Rectors of the Francophone universities of Africa and the Indian Ocean, opted for the creation of an Observatory of Higher Education in Africa at their 12th General Conference, held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from July 16 to 17, 2008. (in French)

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): University Admission Rates
The extract of Education at a Glance 2008 entitled Soaring Student Numbers Pose Funding and Quality Challenges for Universities in OECD Countries summarizes the major problems raised by the increase of entry rates in higher education.,3343,en_2649_34487_41268811_1_1_1_1,00.html
Education at a Glance 2008:,3343,en_2649_39263238_41266761_1_1_1_1,00.html
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Globalization and R&D
The OECD Policy Brief Research & Development (R&D): Going Global, published in July 2008, analyses the impact of globalization on R&D and its consequences on business and government policy.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society
The executive summaries of two new OECD publications entitled Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society: VOLUME 1: Special features: Governance, Funding, Quality - VOLUME 2: Special features: Equity, Innovation, Labour Market, Internationalisation are available online.,3343,en_2649_39263238_36021283_1_1_1_1,00.html#1

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): Support for Science and Technology in Iraq
In a Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNCTAD and Iraq, UNCTAD has agreed to evaluate Iraq’s science, technology and innovation policies in partnership with government and university officials and private sector representatives from Iraq.

World Bank: New Publications (South Eastern Europe and University Admission Worldwide)
- From Fragmentation to Cooperation: Tertiary Education, Research and Development in South Eastern Europe analyses the situation of tertiary education in the Balkan countries and proposes a range of possible policy options.
- University Admission Worldwide provides an overview of university admission policies and procedures worldwide and analyses the issues and challenges linked to university admission policies.
World Bank: Governance of Higher Education in India
The World Bank, in collaboration with other organizations, held a forum in Mysore, India, from 9 to 10 July 2008 on Governance of Higher Education in India: How Best to Strike the Balance between Autonomy and Accountability?,,contentMDK:21888146~isCURL:
World Bank: New Project
Bangladesh: Launching of the Higher Education Quality Improvement Project.

Regional initiatives

African Higher Education Research Online (AHERO): E-Learning in Africa
The research report entitled Survey of e-Learning in Africa: based on a questionnaire survey of people on the e-Learning Africa database in 2007 and released in 2008 is now part of AHERO, an open access archive of texts on higher education in Africa.

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA): Agricultural Education
In his speech at the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, the Chair of the Board of Directors, Mr Kofi Annan, has pleaded for a better agricultural education (qualitatively and quantitatively) that was more adapted to local needs and conditions.

Association of African Universities (AAU): Projects Approved
The projects approved for the 2008 Mobilisation for Regional Capacity Initiative (MRCI) include 8 projects initiated by regional Networks or universities, each involving at least three partner universities in different countries.

Canada/Dominican Republic/Haiti:
A research agreement has been signed between five universities of the Dominican Republic, three universities of Haiti and one university of Canada in order to share ideas and study social issues in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
firman_acuerdo_de_cooperacion.html (in Spanish)

Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE): Supportive Universities
OUI has launched a new membership initiative Universidades colaboradoras y solidarias (collaborating and supportive universities). OUI Members will be invited, via payment of a complementary membership fee, to become supportive universities. This new membership category will provide access to special services. (in Spanish)

Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN): Quality Assurance in the Asia-Pacific Region
The Quality Assurance (QA) Arrangements in Higher Education in the Broader Asia-Pacific Region and the Higher Education Quality Assurance Principles for the Asia and Pacific Region, prepared by the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) further to the February 2008 Workshop on Higher Education Quality Assurance in the Asia-Pacific recommend a QA regional approach and underline the role of national QA agencies in this process.
ED57DDE0/21189/QAinHigherEducationsurveyreport13022008FINALVERSIO.pdf (Report)
E001E2E39/23073/FinalQAPrinciples.pdf (Principles)

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU): Open and Distance Education – Call for Papers
AAOU has launched a call for papers for the forthcoming and second 2008 issue of the AAOU Journal which deals with theory and practices of open and distance education (ODE). No real limitation is set as far as topics are concerned, the publication having an audience ranging from scientists and managers to students.

Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL)/Universiti Sains Malaysia: University Autonomy – Call for Papers
ASAIHL and the Universiti Sains Malaysia are organising a Conference on University autonomy: interpretations and variations, from December 12 to 14, 2008. Higher education institutions are invited to contribute and participate in the debates on the different understandings of the concept of university autonomy and its impact on relations between private and public sectors. Deadline: October 5, 2008.

East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (EABER): HE Funding in East Asia
EABER has released all the papers prepared for the DPU/EABER Conference on Financing Higher Education and Economic Development in East Asia that was held from July 16 to17, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand. Most of the contributions address the issue from the perspective of a particular country (Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand).

SEAMEO Regional Center for Higher Education and Development (RIHED): Institutional Restructuring in Higher Education in Asia
The Tentative Information Note, programme and list of participants of the 4th IIEP-SEAMEO RIHED Workshop on Institutional Restructuring in Higher Education in Asia, held in Myanmar, July 21-25 2008 are available. Beyond defining the themes and objectives of the meeting, the introductory document sheds light on the privatization trend in higher education and related stakes and impact, such as changes happening in university management.

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):  South Asian University
Bhutan has ratified the agreement for the creation of the South Asian University (SAU) in New Delhi.
The creation of this Centre of Excellence was approved at SAARC’s 13th Summit.

Council of Europe: Qualifications Frameworks
The Council of Europe held a conference on qualifications frameworks in Yerevan in September with Delegations from Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine. The conference took stock of the progress achieved in the target countries; provided assistance to further develop national qualifications frameworks; and contributed to sharing experience and networking.

European Commission: EU-Funded Research Open Access Repository
The European Commission has launched an open access pilot. The main objective is to experiment with open access to ensure access to EU-funded research results and peer reviewed articles to encourage the development of a knowledge-based economy.
European Commission: Culture Programme
The European Commission has published the programme guide for its Culture Programme (2007-2013). The guide explains the objectives of the programme, the types of activities supported, and the conditions to apply for funding. One of the strands of the Culture Programme directly concerns the cultural departments of universities. Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2008.

European Research Council (ERC): Research Grants
The European Research Council has published a call for the ERC Starting Grant which supports research leaders who are conducting independent research in Europe. Deadline for submissions in physical sciences and engineering: October 10. Deadline for submissions in social sciences and humanities: November 19; Deadline for submissions in life sciences: December 10.

European Union: Quality Assurance
A conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions was organised in Strasbourg, France, in September in the framework of the French Presidency of the EU. Quality assurance is one of the priorities of the French presidency. Two themes were discussed during the conference: the nature of the link between institutional policy and the quality of the training offer; and the articulation of the evaluations of training and research in the institutions. The conclusions of the meeting will serve to elaborate the recommendations that will be submitted to the Education Council in November.
Conference_L_assurance_qualite_dans_les_etablissements_d_enseignement_superieur_en_Europe (in French)

Revista de Educación (Spain): University Change in Europe
The Revista de Educación has published a special issue on Times of University Change in Europe. It includes articles on the renovation of the educational offer; society and the new European university; university autonomy and quality assurance; and a proper setting for the changes. (in Spanish)

The European Higher Education Society (EAIR): Improvement of Higher Education
EAIR held its annual forum in Copenhagen in August. Its theme was Polishing the silver: Are we really improving higher education? It analysed how higher education institutions have dealt with improvement in seven tracks: quality; governance and leadership; marketing; student services; student development; finance; globalisation and transnational education.

Inter-Regional Cooperation
United States/Africa: Capacity-Building Partnership Grants
Higher Education for Development (HED) will launch a competition for 20 capacity-building partnership grants to support collaborative projects between US and African higher education institutions. The Request for Applications will be released in November 2008.

National and institutional initiatives

Algeria: Accreditation of Private Higher Education Providers
Algeria has adopted a law laying down the conditions for approval of the creation of private higher education institutions. (in French)

Australia: Submissions to the Review of Higher Education
The first responses to the Discussion Paper submitted in March 2008 by the Higher Education Review Expert Panel have been released:
The response of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) Australia Network focuses on key issues and priorities from the perspective of public universities, offers a detailed report of discussions and analysis, propositions of good practices and a concept programme to tackle equity.
The response of the Law Council of Australia addresses a number of issues (functions and characteristics, innovation, equity and access, internationalisation and degrees recognition, knowledge transfers and social responsibility) from the point of view of law studies.
Australia: Internationalisation of HEIs
The Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) has released a report called Internationalisation of Australian Universities: Learning from Cycle 1 Audits which analyses the findings of reports on audits conducted between 2002 and 2007. Topics considered are internationalisation, international students onshore and transnational education, but the publication also examines good practices validated by AUQA and progress made after this first cycle of audits was completed.
Australia: Innovation Review
The report Venturousaustralia - building strength in innovation was issued as a conclusion of the National Innovation System Review commissioned by the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research in January 2008. Other material includes a report overview and recommendations, a set of annexes containing additional information, a separate report reviewing cooperative research centres, as well as a number of comments and submissions on the review.
Australia: New Programme for Foreign Top Researchers
The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research has announced the creation of a new Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme to be launched in mid-October 2008, which aims at attracting first rank researchers in Australia. The programme will be run by the Australian Research Council (ARC).

Brazil: Course Evaluation
A new quality evaluation indicator tool has been launched by the Ministry of Education of Brazil: the Indice Geral de Cursos da Institução – IGC (institutional courses general index) will help to evaluate undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by Brazilian higher education institutions. (in Portuguese)

Canada: Three New Reports on Higher Education in Ontario (Quality; Access; Grants)
The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario and the Educational Policy Institute (EPI) have recently published the following reports:
- Producing Indicators of Institutional Quality in Ontario Universities and Colleges: Options for Producing, Managing and Displaying Comparative Data which provides elements to create the model of an efficient quality measurement indicators system.
- Access, Persistence and Barriers in Postsecondary Education: A Literature Review and Outline of Future Research which provides a literature review of the different criteria involved in the field of access and completion in higher education.
- Institutional Student Financial Grants in Ontario which examines and compares financial supports (merit and need-based) provided to undergraduate and postgraduate students in Ontario and in the rest of Canada.
Canada: Québec: Financial Accessibility of Higher Education (Québec)
The report to the Minister of Education prepared by the Comité consultatif sur l’accessibilité financière aux études (Advisory Committee on the Financial Accessibility of Education) entitled Les droits de scolarité supplémentaires des étudiants étrangers: vers une déréglementation partielle (Foreign students supplementary tuition fees: Towards a partial deregulation) analyses the proposed changes to foreign student tuition fees by introducing a new category of deregulated fees for undergraduate studies in Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Pure Sciences, Administration and Law. (in French)

China: Quality Control in Medicine Degrees
The Ministry of Education has released a provisory document entitled Interim Provisions for Quality Control Standards on Undergraduate Medical Education in English for International Students in China that specifies all standards and regulations regarding the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degrees that will be implemented soon.
China – Taiwan: Teaching Quality
In the wake of the combined Exhibition: Achievements of the Teaching Excellence Project and Teaching Resource Centre held on July 23-24, the Ministry of Education made an announcement regarding the measures and effects of the project which was launched in 2005 and now incorporates 30 higher education institutions and universities. The outcomes are classified into five categories: Establishment of professional development organizations for teachers; Formulation of a mentoring mechanism for new teachers; Enhancement of training and review mechanism for teaching assistants;  Implementation of teacher assessments, reduction of teaching workload.

Colombia: Inclusive Higher Education
The II Foro de Educación Superior Inclusiva (second forum on inclusive higher education) which was organized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) in Bogotá, Colombia, from 9 to 10 September focused on the priority of access to higher education of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. (in Spanish)

Fiji: Higher Education Reform
The Government has announced that:
- the Higher Education Bill, 2008 has been approved. It comprises the setting up of the Higher Education Commission; and defines the rules for the creation of a higher education institution;
- The membership of the Fiji Qualifications Authority (FQA) Committee has been approved. It will be in charge of the development of a National Qualifications Framework.

India: World-Class Universities
The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) does not share the point of view of the University Grants Commission (UGC) on the concept of world-class universities as defined by UGC in a concept note. NKC has expressed concern on the curriculum, the faculty, the governance, the management, the name of the legislation itself, and the institutional autonomy concerning fees.

Mali: Technical and Professional Training
10 new technical and professional courses (food processing; electrical goods industry; hotel business; fish farming; etc) will be launched as from the academic year 2008-2009. (in French)

Mexico: Access to and Quality of Public Higher Education
During a recent meeting in Zacatecas, Mexico, to celebrate the admission of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecaas to the Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas – CUMex (Consortium of Mexican Universities) the head of the Subsecretaría de Educación Superior stressed the importance of improving both the quality of and access to higher education. (in Spanish)

New Zealand: Comparative Report on NZ Higher Education System
The Ministry of Education has released a report entitled Measuring up – How does the New Zealand’s tertiary education system compare? - based on the indicators collected in the yearly OECD publication Education at a Glance - that aims at assessing how the national higher education system performs compared to that of other OECD countries in terms of output and impact, financial and human resources investment, access to education, participation and progression.

Philippines: Quality Assurance – BSc. in Social Work
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has posted online a Memorandum setting the policies and standards for the Bachelor of Science in Social Work for public consultation.

Portugal: Governance and Management Models
The University of Coimbra organized a meeting on Governance and Management Models in Higher Education - A Global Perspective in September. It analysed Governance and Management in a Context of Change; Innovation and Management Models: the Role of Structures and Human Resources; and Evaluation and Quality Assurance.

Sri Lanka: Academic Staff in Public Universities
The World Bank-assisted IRQUE project - meant to encourage universities to ensure quality and relevance to all their undergraduate courses – has released a booklet entitled Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education that provides statistics on academic staff in public universities by gender, ethnicity and age profile for the year 2007/2008.

South Africa: Community Engagement of Universities
In a speech on the occasion of the hand-over of Community Higher Education Service Partnership (CHESP) to the Council on Higher Education (CHE), the Minister of Education pleaded for community engagement and highlighted the need for universities to become more involved in schooling.
South Africa: Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom
The Task Team on Higher Education, Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom, established by the Council on Higher Education (CHE), has released its report Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and Public Accountability in South African Higher Education. Comments are welcome until October 15, 2008.

Spain: Governance
The CRUE and the Fundación CYD organised a meeting on Alternatives and Suggestions for the Governance of Universities at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez-Pelayo.  The first conclusions of the study on the governance of Spanish universities were presented at the meeting. (in Spanish)
Spain: University Model
The Association of Catalan Public Universities (ACUP) has presented a White Paper on the University of Catalonia: Strategies and projects for the Catalan university. The aim is to create a network with a view to mutual cooperation and propose a new university model.

Sweden: Foundation Higher Education Institutions
Report 2008:27 R - Monitoring reform: foundation higher education institutions presents the results of a survey that analysed how Chalmers University of Technology and Jönköping University saw the effects of the reform that converted them from public authorities into foundations. According to the survey, there is little difference between HEIs that are public authorities and HEIs that are foundations.

Tunisia: Summer Digital University
The first Summer Digital University was held in Tunisia from August 25 to 28 on the theme of Digital Solidarity in the Mediterranean Space to familiarize participants to open educational resources. (in French)

United Arab Emirates: Higher Education Hub
The Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) plans to become the education platform for the Middle East with the development of nearly 40 universities catering for 40,000 students

United Kingdom: Private Higher Education
A policy paper entitled Private Universities and public funding: models and business plans which was written for Universities UK analyses the development and impact of private education, and more specifically of profit providers, worldwide.,papershows.aspx
United Kingdom: Research Students
The Higher Education Academy has published a survey on the Postgraduate Research Experience to know whether research students find that their experience has met their expectations. Concerning successful completion, they rank supervision first. Concerning motivation, they rank interest in the subject and improving career prospects first.
United Kingdom: Technology-Enhanced Learning
The Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA) has published the results of its Technology-Enhanced Learning Survey. The main success factors include the presence of a dedicated local champion; giving academics the time to learn and guidance on the best use of web 2.0 technologies.
United Kingdom: Entrepreneurial Graduates
The National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship and the Council for Industry and Higher Education have published a report Developing Entrepreneurial Graduates This needs top-level leadership; innovative ways to integrate entrepreneurship in courses; and entrepreneurs’ involvement.
United Kingdom: Credit Framework
Universities UK, GuildHE and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education have published Higher education credit framework for England: Guidance on academic credit arrangements in higher education in England. Its aim is to clarify existing practices to allow its possible implementation in all higher education provision.

United States of America: Higher Education Access and Affordability
The Policy Alert issue of August 2008 prepared by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and entitled Is College Opportunity Slipping Away? Parents and the Public Voice Concerns About Higher Education Access and Affordability analyses the growing concern about access to higher education.
United States of America: Corporate Investments and College Access
The report prepared by the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP), entitled Corporate Investments in College Readiness and Access, analyses the role corporations play in the area of access.
United States of America: College Access and Success in Arkansas
The Final Report of the Arkansas Task Force on Higher Education, Remediation, Retention and Graduation Rates on Access to Success: Increasing Arkansas’s College Graduates Promotes Economic Development examines the results of a survey conducted in Arkansas to help this state reach the Southern Regional Education Board’s average for citizens holding bachelor’s degrees by 2015.
United States of America: R&D Expenditures at Universities and Colleges
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released the Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges. It includes information on R&D expenditures by fields of study - Science and Engineering (S&E) and non S&E fields - and by source of funds.
United States of America: Higher Education Finance
The Forum for the Future of Higher Education has released the Forum on Higher Education Finance 2008. It includes presentations and discussions of the Forum on Higher Education Finance held in 2007 which focused on Capital Structure and Risk Management.
United States of America: International Graduate Admissions Survey
The Research Report released by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) on Findings from the 2008 CGS International Graduate Admissions Survey: Phase II: Final Applications and Initial Offers of Admission shows the trends in international graduate admissions and international collaborative graduate programmes.
Uzbekistan: Entrance Exams
The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute introduced higher education entrance examinations this year. Their impact is analysed.

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