Jane Van ap psychology “Let’s Talk About it”

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AP Psych

Jane Van - AP Psychology
“Let’s Talk About it”
Prompt: Choose 4 of the 11 TED Talks listed below (you can find them on YouTube) - After listening to these lectures, you will provide a short summary OF EACH LECTURE consisting of paragraphs (can be more. Make sure also to incorporate your opinion of the talk,
explain why you chose this lecture, and discuss terms you were interested in, as well as
terms you were unsure about. Please be sure to TITLE each paragraph with the name of the
Speaker /Lecture.
1) Amy Cuddy: Body Language Shapes Who You Are
In the presentation, Amy Cuddy introduces the notion of nonverbals affecting how our and others' perception and judgements about us. She talked about powerful posing which is to make yourself open uptake up the space, and for just two minutes, you can completely change the outcome. She mentioned the importance of physiological state, which in this case is hormone changes, and how our confident and assertive poses can lead to an increase in testosterone levels, the dominance hormone and a low cortisol level, a stress hormone. She showed the result of the research in which people pose in dominant and low-power poses for only two minutes, resulting in a significant difference in testosterone and cortisol levels as people become more hunching, indecisive, and shy when posed in a hunch position. In the job interview experiment, high-power pose people reported bringing themselves better and being their authentic selves while going through a stressful interview. Our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes She concluded that enhancing self-confidence before going to any evaluative situation, trying power posing to get the hormones to cope with the best in the situation, even for brief periods can transform the mind which ultimately led to better results.
I chose this TED Talk because as soon as I look at the list, my eyes land directly on the video since I remember watching it about 2-3 years ago in class and how it changed my life. Before I
sat down to write this essay, I always thought that I was screwed up since I had not familiarized myself with the materials during the summer at all. However, after follow her suggestion on fixing my posture, I feel a great increase in energy, empowered and inspired. I am really interested in all of the hormones. Since I have learned about the cortisol background during summer immersion with TVT, I am eager to learn more about them in class. I do not come across any words that are troubled for me since she used straightforward and easy wording approach.
2) Angela Lee Duckworth: The Key to Success - Grit
In the presentation, the speaker speaks about her experiences with teaching and comes to realize that success goes beyond IQ scores based on her students performance. Through various experiment and research settings as she becomes a psychologist, she finds that the key element to predict success is grit passion and perseverance in the long run goal, above all

other factors such as IQ or social intelligence. She introduced the idea of growth mindset”
which said that our learning ability is not fixed and we can learn from challenges to foster resilient. She emphasized to look at life in along term perspective, be persistent and adaptable to be gritter and succeed in challenging situations.
As I looked at the title, I think that everyone on this earth wants to succeed, no matter what setting we are in, and that is the motivation for me to click on this video. I am really interested in the growth mindset she mentioned, since it clears out that being perseverance does not mean you cannot be adaptive and growing, changing for the better to ultimately reach your long term goal. As I am watching the video, I did not come across any terms that give me a hard time understanding. Her messages were clear and on point, however I am really eager to learn more about growth mindset in terms of adaptive Since I learned about adaptations, which sadly not in the case of humans, but in the case of natural selection in biology. This concept sparks areal interest in me.

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