John richard summers

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15 Beacon Place, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD6 3SH

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2006 – 2010: University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP

AHRC funded PhD research project

Title: The Architecture of Food: Consumption and Society in Iron Age Atlantic Scotland, with Special Reference to the Site of Old Scatness, Shetland

Submitted 30/09/2010, yet to be examined

2005 – 2006: University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP

MSc Biological Archaeology: Pass with Distinction

Dissertation topic: Flights of Fancy: The Potential of Bird Remains for Understanding Resource Procurement in the North Atlantic Region

AHRC funded

2001 – 2005: University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP

BSc Bioarchaeology: First class honours

Final year dissertation: Modelling Viking and Late Norse Agriculture in the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland

Diploma in Professional Archaeology

1999 – 2001: SEEVIC College, Runnymede Chase, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1TW

4 A-Levels at grade A (Biology, History, English Language and General Studies)

1994 – 1999: The Appleton School, Croft Road, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 5RN

10 GCSEs at grades A-C, including English, Maths and Double Science


October 2005-Present: University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP (contract work)

Contract research staff:

  • Analysis of archaeobotanical remains, sample processing and post-excavation training as part of the HLF funded Stanbury Hill Community Archaeology Project.

  • Formulation of results and discussion chapters for archaeobotanical remains from Mounds 2 and 2a, Bornais, South Uist, for final publication (Niall Sharples, Cardiff University).

  • Analysis of charred plant remains from Belmont, Unst, and identification of plant remains from Hamar and Underhoull, Unst, as part of the Viking Unst Project, North Atlantic Research Unit, University of Bradford.

  • Formulation of archaeobotanical discussion of charred macrofossils from Mound 1, Bornais, South Uist, for final publication (Niall Sharples, Cardiff University).

  • Analysis of carbonised plant remains from Jarlshof, Shetland (North Atlantic Research Unit, University of Bradford).

  • Assessment of plant macrofossils for Oxford Archaeology (2 projects: Pinden Quarry; A30 Bodmin to Queens Road improvements).

  • Assessment of charcoal and plant macrofossils from Duggleby Howe causewayed enclosure, North Yorkshire (Alex Gibson, University of Bradford).

Contract fieldwork staff:

  • Forensic Archaeological monitoring on behalf of the Independent Commission for the Recovery of Victims’ Remains.

Teaching Assistant:

  • Teaching support in undergraduate and postgraduate practical sessions. Topics covered include: plant macrofossils; pollen; faunal remains; stratigraphy; basic survey techniques; project management; analysis of SMR data; artefact recognition; illustration.

June 2002-March 2010: North Atlantic Research Unit, University of Bradford, BD7 1DP (voluntary)

  • Full analysis of Iron Age archaeobotanical remains and an assemblage of marine invertebrate fauna from Old Scatness, Shetland. Production of detailed reports on each for publication.

  • Identification and quantification of Pictish, Viking and Late Norse plant remains from Old Scatness. Contributions to the final report for publication.

  • Re-evaluation of archaeobotanical remains from Cleviegarth Broch, Shetland.

  • Site assistant and on-site environmental supervisor for ‘Old Scatness and Jarlshof Environs Project’ and ‘Viking Unst Project’ during summer excavation seasons (environmental supervisor role from 2005).

September 2003 – March 2004: English Heritage Centre for Archaeology Portsmouth, PO4 9LD: Trainee

Archaeobotanist (paid student placement)

  • Sorting, identifying and quantifying assemblages of carbonised macrofossils for a number of projects (Thruxton Roman Villa, Hampshire; Stanwick Roman Villa, Northamptonshire; and the Shapwick Project, Somerset).

  • Identification of charcoal from Thruxton and Stanwick.

  • Identification of mineralised seeds from a deposit at Thruxton.

  • Identification of waterlogged plant remains from Groundwell Ridge, Wiltshire.

  • Formulation of reports on work carried out on remains from Thruxton Roman Villa and Iron Age 4-post granary structures at Stanwick Roman Villa.

Other relevant information:

  • Member of the Association for Environmental Archaeology

  • I have experience using Microsoft Office programmes, including Word, Excel and Access, Endnote and some experience using ArcGIS.

  • Full UK driving licence


Summers, J. R. & Campbell, G. 2008. Charred Plant Remains. In Cunliffe, B. and Poole, C. The Danebury Environs

Roman Programme: A Wessex Landscape during the Roman Era. Volume 2 - Part 4. Thruxton, Hants., 2002. Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph No. 71. London/Oxford: English Heritage/Oxford University Committee for Archaeology.

Bond, J.M., Church, M., Summers, J.R. & Outram, Z. 2008. Palaeobotanical Remains from Hamar and the Upper

House, Underhoull. In Bond, J.M., Outram, Z. & Freith, C.M. (eds) Viking Unst Project. Excavations at Hamar and the Upper House, Underhoull: Field Season 2008. Interim Report No. 3 (Data Structure Report): 58-62. Lerwick/Bradford: Shetland Amenity Trust/University of Bradford.

Bond, J.M. & Summers, J.R. 2010. Macrobotanical Remains. In Dockrill, S.J., Bond, J. M., Turner, V.E., Brown, L.D.,

Bashford, D.J., Cussans, J.E. & Nicholson, R.A. Excavations at Old Scatness, Shetland. Volume 1: The Pictish Village and Viking Age Settlement: 175-192. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publications.

Summers, J.R. & Bond, J.M. Forthcoming. Macrobotanical Remains. In Dockrill, S.J., Bond, J. M., Turner, V.E., Brown,

L.D., Bashford, D.J., Cussans, J.E. & Nicholson, R.A. Excavations at Old Scatness, Shetland. Volume 2: The Iron Age Village. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publications.

Summers, J.R. Forthcoming. Marine Fauna from an Ash Deposit in Structure 8. In Dockrill, S.J., Bond, J. M., Turner,

V.E., Brown, L.D., Bashford, D.J., Cussans, J.E. & Nicholson, R.A. Excavations at Old Scatness, Shetland. Volume 2: The Iron Age Village. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publications.

Summers, J.R. & Bond, J.M. In Press. Discussion of the Carbonised Plant Remains from Mound 1. In Sharples,

N.M. Excavations at Bornais, South Uist, Volume 2: Mound 1. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Summers, J.R. & Bond, J.M. In Prep. The Carbonised Plant Remains from Mounds 2 and 2a. In Sharples, N.M.

Excavations at Bornais, South Uist, Volume 3: Mound 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Thompson, G., Francis, R. & Summers, J.R. 2006. A30 Bodmin to India Queens Road Improvement Scheme:

Assessment of Charred Plant Remains and Wood Charcoal. University of Bradford/Oxford Archaeology.

Summers, J.R. & Thompson, G. 2010. Duggleby Howe 2009: Assessment of the bulk samples and their botanical

potential. University of Bradford Internal Report.

Thompson, G. & Summers, J.R. 2010. Assessment of charcoal and other charred plant remains from Pinden Quarry

2008. University of Bradford/Oxford Archaeology.

Outram, Z., Summers, J.R. & Bond, J.M. 2011. An assessment of the archaeobotanical remains recovered from the excavations at Belmont, Shetland, as part of the Viking Unst Project. University of Bradford Research Report.


Dr Julie Bond Mr Stephen Dockrill

Senior Lecturer in Archaeology Senior Lecturer in Archaeology

Department of Archaeological Sciences, Department of Archaeological Sciences,

University of Bradford, West Yorks. University of Bradford, West Yorks.

BD7 1DP . BD7 1DP.

Tel: 01274 233534 Tel: 01274 235564

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