Keith Rupert "the Fixer"

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Keith Rupert “the Fixer” Murdoch is an Australian American media proprietor.

The “Fixer” is an “oligarch”, and he is one of the principal “purchasers” of people throughout the world.

Within the United States of America, he (along with “other” American “oligarchs”) is in the process of “buying and selling” the social and political structures (of the nation) through the illegal, the unethical, and the immoral actions of News Corporation with the help of willing (and criminal) “sub-contractors.”

The “Fixer”” is the Founder, Chairperson, and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of News Corporation, LTD (aka, “News Corp.”). Born in Australia, the “Fixer” became a naturalized, U.S. citizen in 1985 (in order to be allowed, legally, to own U. S. corporations). In becoming a U. S. citizen, he had to forfeit his Australian citizenship: so much for his national loyalties.

(“News Corp.” is a media conglomerate which is a publically traded “entity” and which is listed on the NASDAQ [National Association of Securitas Dealers Automated Quotations] with secondary listings on the ASE [Australian Securities Exchange]. Formally incorporated in South Australia, “News Corp.” was “re-incorporated” under Delaware General Corporation Law with the approval of its stockholder [on November 12, 2004].

Murdoch likes the “corrupt”, business atmosphere in the United States with its increasingly “lax” media regulations. Also, he is one of the major forces in the continuing of this “laxity” because of the willingness of “others” to be purchased. Murdoch knows, along with his fellow “oligarchs” [e.g., the Koch Brothers], that the world is for sale [with some of the best “buys” in the United States of America].

“News Corp.” was founded in Adelaide, Australia in1979. Its products include films, television, cable programming, satellite television, magazines, newspapers, books, sporting events, and websites. Its list of acquisitions is voluminous. “News Corp. “reported”, annual revenue, in 2010, of 32.8 billion, and its reported net assets, for the same year, were 2.5 billion. Currently, its total assets are 54.4 billion.)

“News Corp.” is headquartered in New York: at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036. Globally, it has approximately 51 thousand employees.

And, “News Corp.” is a criminal, global, media enterprise.

News Corp.’s “shareholders” are the Murdoch family, John Malone (Liberty Media), and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud. Of course, the “shareholders” are unaware of any criminal activity within “News Corp.”

(These “shareholders” remind the “historian” of the German people during World War II: they claimed that they were unaware of the killing activity [against diversity] which was happening within their country. Still, they, eagerly, purchased the human skin, lamp shades [and other “products”] which were manufactured with the materials which were taken from the “executed” bodies of “inferior” citizens: imagine, 21 million bodies for manufacture, an “oligarch’s” dream.

“Hitler told Himmler that it was not enough for the Jews simply to die: they must die in agony. What was the best way to prolong their agony? Himmler turned the problem over to his advisors, who concluded that….The advisors estimated that it would take four days for the prisoners to die” in fright cars that could be left at sidings. After the elimination of the “vermin” in this way, the bodies could be taken to the German companies for production [The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, Robert Payne, 1972].

“Death by government” was a very profitable industry for a number of German companies during the war.)

The “Fixer” was born of wealth in Melbourne, Australia on March 11, 1931.

(His father, Sir Keith Arthur Murdoch [1885-1952], was an Australian journalist and publisher. During World War II [1939-1945], he was compared to the Nazi Paul “Joseph” Goebbels [1897-1945] because of his position and because of his “questionable” and “exclusive” activities as Australian Director-General of Information. The poor “oligarch” was forced to resign, because of his arrogance and because of his inability to relate to others, by the great, Prime Minister of Australia, Robert Gordon Menzies [1894-1978]. Menzies was the 12th and longest-serving Prime Minister of Australia: 1939-1941; and 1949-1966.)

After the death of his father [in his sleep and with the cause not “reported” to the public] on October 4, 1952, the “Fixer” became the managing director of the only, remaining, family business, the News Limited, in 1953.

(His mother, Elisabeth Joy Greene Murdoch [1009-present], is a world renowned philanthropist [“a person who makes efforts to promote human welfare”]. Her children, other than Rupert, are Helen Handbury [passed], Anne Kantor, and Janet Calvert-Jones.)

The “Fixer” has had three wives (Patricia Booker [m. 1956-1967], Anna Maria Torv [m. 1967-1999], and Wendi Deng [m. 1999- present]) and six children (Prudence Murdoch [b. 1958], Elisabeth Murdoch [b. 1968], Lachlan Murdoch [b. 1971], James Murdoch [b. 1972], Grace Murdoch [b. 2001], and Chloe Murdoch [b. 2005]).

His current wife, Wendi, is 38 years his junior.

Over time, the “Fixer” became an “expert” in transforming his “acquisitions” into a media empire: from Australia to the United Kingdom, to the United States, and to Asia. His business model, which was learned from his father, was to use his personal relationships and his political relationships and his “acquired” information to get ahead: that is, to “fix the game” (by the use of privileged, social positioning and by “black mail” and by political “payoffs”) in competing in the “free” market place.

Within the United Sates and with the focus upon his newspapers and his information services, the “Fixer” has used the Murdoch business model to acquire the following “properties”: the New York Post; the Wall Street Journal; the Washington Times; and the international Dow Jones & Company. In addition, the acquisition of the Fox properties [in Television and in Cable] has allowed him to be “the man who owns the news” (The Man Who Owns the News, Michael Wolff, 2008) in the United States and throughout the world.

The “Fixer” is one of the major forces attempting to transform the United States into an extreme, conservative, Christian, bigoted, and “neo-Nazi” nation. He is the “Joey” Goebbels of the 20th and 21st Centuries. And, he is doing it by any means possible: including “hacking” as a way of acquiring and using information to publish and/or to control [through “black mail”] others.

(Technically, a “hacker” is an individual who breaks into computers and/or computer networks for profit, for protest or for, simply, the “challenge.” Computer programmers argue that the term, “cracker”, is better utilized to describe “someone who breaks into computers or into computer networks” regardless of the reason [Computer “criminals” are referred to as “black hats” while computer “security experts” are referred to as “white hats.” The computer “security experts” claim that they “deserve” the title of white hat “hackers” and that the title of black hat “crackers” should be reserved for criminals only.]

Thus, News Corporation’s “hacking activities” should be designed as black hat “cracking.”)

The News Corporation’s “neo-Nazi” Office of the Chairperson (other than Rupert as Chairperson and CEO) are: Chase Carey (Deputy Chairperson, President and COO); David F. DeVoe (CFO); James Murdoch (son of Rupert, Deputy COO, Chairperson and CEO, International); Roger Ailes (Chairperson, Fox Television Stations Group); and Daniel Suarez Garcia (Chairperson and CEO, Latin America).

And, Rebekah Mary Wade-Brooks (former CEO of News International [2009-2011] deserves at least an honorable mention. After all, she is a “friend” to Tony Blair and a “friend” to Gordon Brown.

And, she is a “red haired” Nazi who was arrested at 12:00 Noon on July 17, 2011. A statement released on her behalf (by Edelman, the lobbying firm that “News Corp.” has just hired to “manage” public opinion) said that she “voluntarily attended a London police station to assist” with the ongoing, criminal investigations.

Wade-Brooks was arrested “on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications, phone hacking, and on suspicion of corruption (of “bribing” the police]. The preceding statement was not included in the public relations firm’s “release.”

This group of executive, “true believers” (True Believer, Eric Hoffer, 1951) would have worked “well” in Nazi Germany (in the 1930’s and in the 1940’s) with the same, predictable outcome: dramatic and fatal failure.

The “Hacker” should have chosen Elizabeth Joy Greene as his role model: maybe he would not have violated the “civil” rights of so many people.

As of this writing, the black hat “cracker” scandal is unfolding: the Nazi are running to the bunkers.

The British Sky Broadcasting transaction with “News Corp.” has fallen apart (B Sky B: “It is a satellite broadcasting company headquartered in London, United Kingdom with operations in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.” It is the largest pay-TV broadcaster in the united Kingdom.): so much for politically, connected transactions in the “light” of truth.

Hopefully, the “authorities” will “try and convict” this entire, criminal enterprise for the “unimaginable” harm that it has done to so many.

Do not forget “to arrest and to incarcerate” the “Hacker” as well as his fellow “oligarchs”, especially the “bigoted and hateful” Koch Brothers who would make lamp shades out of all of us.

Oligarchs”: stay away from the pre-paid, social, safety-net programs of the American many or “else” you will be “put down” like the ravenous wolves that you are.

To hell with the “oligarchs” (News Corp. [the “Hacker”] and Koch Industries, Inc. [Koch Brothers] and to their “familiars” (to all people of “conscience” who standby to watch, but not to act),


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