Urgent referral should take place in people withsuspected malignancy Referrals are supported where: Tick appropriate box indicating reason for referral
There is a need to assess anal skin tags
There are underlying pathologies such as inflammatory bowel disease
Surgery will form part of the treatment of an underlying pathology such as inflammatory bowel disease
Leeds CCGs do not routinely commission surgery for patients with anal skin tags where there is haemorrhoids, pruritis or solely a cosmetic problem.
Indicate approach taken to clinical management of the patient prior to referral:
Clinical Notes:
Past Medical History:
Drug List:
GP Signature:
Supporting evidence Kuehn HG,Gebbensleben O,Hilger Y,Rohde H Relationship between anal symptoms and anal findings. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 2009; 6: 1431-42
Bonheur JL,Braunstein J,Korelitz BI,Panagopoulos G Skin tags in inflammatory bowel disease: new observations and a clinical review. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2008; 14; 1236-9