Lesson Plan: Set up
Using the results I did in my analysis, I have chosen to design a lesson for end year German 1 students (ages 14-18) on the correct pronunciation of the allophones [x] and [ç]. I have chosen to do this pronunciation lesson early on, because studies have shown that early focus on pronunciation can prevent early fossilization as well as improve other areas of L2 learning. Students will use their prior knowledge of IPA to do a set of tasks to identify and produce the allophones. I have chosen to use the lesson template, Understanding by Design. The lesson will take place over one period with the possibility of two lessons given the duration of activities. Figure 3 below shows the template incorporating my lesson.
Figure 3: Understanding by Design Framework
Step One: Identify Desired Results
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students will be able to successfully produce the allophones [x] and [ç] when reading aloud a text
students will understand what types of environments within the word result in the two allophones
students will be able to identify the correct allophone given a specific environmental condition
Step Two: Assessment
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Assess their understanding through identification strategies of allophones in the form of a worksheet which will be graded for participation (see Appendix)
assessment of production of these allophones in form of recorded reading
recorded reading will not be formally graded; it will be used for teacher and student to see student’s progress in identification and production of sounds; this activity also raises awareness of one’s pronunciation (see Appendix: Worksheet 1, Teil 3)
Step Three: Plan Learning Experiences
See below
Step Three: Steps to Plan
introduction of allophones to whole class, write on board and read aloud → Nacht vs. Nächte, Buch vs. Bücher, Tochter vs. Töchter
What do the students notice about the sounds in these similar words, especially the pronunciation
Write the words in IPA. Are these sounds the same? How do they know?
Explain the “rule” for the two allophones (in layman’s terms)
Read the words again with the class and do “choral repetition”
Independent/Pair work exercise- Teil 1 Worksheet 1
Read the words aloud. Students should write them under the sound they hear.
As a group go over answers
Pair Work- Worksheet 1 and 2
Students get one half of Worksheet 2 (either Student A or Student B). Partners take turns reading aloud their word. Their partner listens and writes down the word on Worksheet 1 under Teil 1 under the correct sound.
Answers have been provided on the worksheet, so students can check their partner’s answers
Independent Work- Teil 2 (see Appendix)
Students are given a worksheet with words missing the two allophones. Students should use what they know to write in the correct allophone.
Students compare answers with a partner
Go over answers in plenum
In plenum, come up with a few story settings and themes. Write them on the board
Students get into groups of three or four and have to create a one to two minute role-play using ten ich or ach words in their dialogues. They can choose any of the settings or themes listed on the board as a basis for creating their role-play.
For homework, students will practice reading a tongue twister. This will be recorded a week later in the computer/media lab and students will be able to listen to their pronunciation.
Appendix- Worksheet 1
Name _______________________________________________
Teil 1
Anleitungen: Sie werden die folgende Wörter hören. Schreiben Sie sie unter dem korrekten Laut [x] oder [ç].
buchen, die Tochter, wachen, der Lebkuchen, die Nacht, die Milch, Achtung, hoch
[x] [ç]
Teil 2
Anleitungen: Verwende IPA und vervollständige die folgende Wörter mit dem korrekten Laut [x] oder [ç].
Buch: bu_____ Bücher: By_________ɐ
brechen: brɛ_____ən Nächte: nɛ______tə
Töchter: tœ____tɐ höchsten: hø___stən
hoch: ho______ Tochter: tɔ___tɐ
echt: ɛ____t Nacht: na______t
Teil 3
Anleitungen: Üben Sie die folgende Zugenenbrecher
Machen Drachen manchmal nachts echt freche Sachen, oder lachen Drachen manchmal acht freche Lacher?
Echte Dichter dichten leichter bei Licht
Worksheet 2:
Student A Student B
die Woche [x] kochen [x]
das Licht [ç] die Sprache [x]
machen [x] möchten [ç]
die Sachen [x] auch [x]
das Mädchen [ç] die Kirche [ç]
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