Linda Alford nkces 5516 E. Alexandria Pike Cold Spring, ky 41076

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ARC Chairperson Training

August 2010

Linda Alford


5516 E. Alexandria Pike

Cold Spring, KY 41076

Carrie Bearden, Ph.D.


PO Box 1249

Shelbyville, KY 40066

502-647-3533 ext. 218




LEA Representative Administrator/Designee


  1. Receive referral

  2. Communicate with parents

  3. Arrange for assistance to individuals completing a referral in accordance with local procedures

  4. Identify other members of ARC

  5. Schedule meetings

  6. Provide resource materials

  7. Provide fiscal and human resource information

  8. Provide support for implementation

  9. Facilitate ARC process

  10. Organize collection of referral data

  11. Coordinate committee activities

  12. Explain rights and procedures to parents

  13. Obtain parents’ signatures as needed

  14. Arrange for interpreter or translator as needed

  15. Organize all forms and other materials

  16. Facilitate group decision making

  17. Supervise record keeping

  18. Chair ARC meetings

  19. Provide input in development of IEP and the placement decision

  20. Monitor implementation of the IEP

  21. Ensure provision of services as described on the IEP

  22. Inform implementers of specific responsibilities related to implementing IEP


  1. Represent the child

  2. Read parent rights and responsibilities to become better advocate for the child

  3. Provide information regarding performance

  4. Provide support for child evaluation, programming and placement

  5. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision

  6. Provide informed written consent


  1. Provide information regarding performance

  2. Provide information regarding vocational, career, recreation and leisure interests

  3. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision

  4. Represent self at age 18 or when emancipated

  5. Provide informed written consent when 18 or emancipated

Regular/General Education Teacher

  1. Provide information on current performance and interventions provided

  2. Provide classroom assessment data

  3. Provide information on general education curriculum and content and peer group of child

  4. Define range of performance for the child’s peers

  5. Answer questions related to instructional strategies

  6. Provide input for evaluation plan

  7. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision

  8. Implement the IEP

  9. Maintain and report progress data

Teacher of Exceptional Children (Special Education Teacher)

  1. Provide input for evaluation plan

  2. Conduct assessments as needed

  3. Provide information on specific categories of disability

  4. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision

  5. Implement the IEP

  6. Maintain and report progress data

Child Evaluation Specialists

  1. Provide input for evaluation plan

  2. Conduct assessment

  3. Compile evaluation information

  4. Provide written comparison and interpretation of evaluation results

  5. Provide input based on evaluation results

  6. Explain meaning of evaluation results

  7. Assist in ongoing evaluation results

  8. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision

Others as requested

(consulting specialists such as occupational therapists, assistive technology evaluators, rehabilitation counselors, etc)

  1. Provide comprehensive analysis of child within area of expertise

  2. Provide input for evaluation plan

  3. Conduct assessment

  4. Provide input based on evaluation results

  5. Explain meaning of evaluation results

  6. Provide specific information regarding instructional planning

  7. Provide input in development of IEP and placement decision


(Regular and special education teachers, specialists)

  1. Develop instructional plans

  2. Provide services specified

  3. Monitor child’s progress

  4. Maintain and report progress data

Referring Person

(Parent, Teacher, Medical personnel, other agency staff, etc)

  1. Provide information on current performance and interventions provided

  2. Provide child evaluation information

  3. Answer questions related to interventions used and results

  4. Provide input for evaluation plan


(Any member of ARC)

  1. Keep accurate records of meeting, such as dates, times, persons in attendance (by title and name), etc

  2. Make written record of discussions and decisions reached during meeting




Act on Referrals

  1. Student representative determined

  2. Parents informed of referral (action notice) and given copy of rights

  3. Other ARC members designated

  4. Parents informed of meeting and invited to attend (meeting notice)

  5. Structure and agenda of meeting determined

Determine need to evaluate

  1. Meeting conducted to review referral and determine need to evaluate

  2. Parents’ rights explained

  3. All available information examined

  4. Identify what additional data, if any, are needed

  5. Evaluation plan developed and responsibilities assigned for obtaining assessment data

Obtain consent to evaluate

  1. Notice of proposed or refused action provided

  2. Consent obtained from parent or educational representative or emancipated if individual child evaluation is to be conducted

Conduct Evaluation

  1. Evaluations scheduled and completed

  2. Evaluation summaries received and reviewed for appropriateness and completeness

  3. Evaluation results synthesized into written report

Determine Eligibility

  1. Parents informed of meeting to review and discuss evaluation results and determine eligibility

  2. All evaluation information made available to all ARC members, including parents

  3. Meeting conducted to discuss all available information and evaluation report (written comparison and interpretation of evaluation results)

  4. Parents’ rights explained

  5. All available information examined

  6. Need for additional data determined

if additional information is needed, arrangements made to obtain the information and meeting ends

if not additional information is needed, meeting proceeds

  1. Eligibility determined

  • child is eligible if evaluation data confirms child has a disability that adversely affects educational performance and specially designed instruction and related services are needed, or

  • child is not eligible if evaluation data does not confirm the existence of a disability that adversely affects educational performance to the extent that specially designed instruction and related services are needed; then, written notice is provided the parents - the ARC process ends here.

Develop IEP

Develop IEP

IEP developed by ARC that contains the following:

  1. present level of performance

  2. consideration of special factors

  3. measurable annual goals, including short-term objectives and/or benchmarks

  4. special education (specially designed instruction) and related services and supplementary aids and services

  5. explanation of the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate with nondisabled children in regular classes

  6. statement of any individual modifications to be provided in order to participate in state or district-wide assessment

  7. projected beginning date and frequency, location and duration of services and modifications

  8. methods to evaluate progress and inform parents of progress

  9. schedule and procedures for annual review

  10. statement of transition service needs (at age 14)

  11. statement of needed transition services (at age 16)

  12. statement of transfer of rights at age of majority(at age 17)

Determine Placement

  1. Placement determined based on consideration of:

  2. IEP

  3. least restrictive environment

  4. neighborhood school

  5. participation with nondisabled peers

  6. Placement decision recorded in writing

Obtain consent for services

  1. Notice of proposed or refused action provided

  2. Consent obtained from parent or educational representative or emancipated if individual child evaluation is to be conducted

Implement and monitor IEP

  1. Instructional planning developed by implementers

  2. Child progress data collected, maintained, and reported by implementers

Review and revise IEP

  1. Parents informed of meeting to review and revise IEP and determine need for continued services

  2. Meeting conducted to review and revise IEP and determine need to continue services

  3. Parents’ rights explained

  4. All available information, including progress data, examined

  5. IEP revised

Determine need for continuation or change in placement

  1. Placement determined based on consideration of:


least restrictive environment

neighborhood school

participation with nondisabled peers

  1. Placement decision recorded in writing

  2. Written notice provided parent

Obtain consent for reevaluation

  1. Meeting conducted to determine reevaluation needs

  2. Parents’ rights explained

  3. All available information examined

  4. Identify what additional data, if any, are needed

  5. Reevaluation plan developed and responsibilities assigned for obtaining assessment data

  6. Notice of proposed or refused action provided

  7. Consent obtained from parent or educational representative or emancipated if individual reevaluation is to be conducted

Conduct reevaluation
Conduct reevaluation

  1. Reevaluation data collected

  2. Reevaluation summaries received and reviewed for appropriateness and completeness

  3. Reevaluation results synthesized into written report

  4. Parents informed of meeting to review and discuss reevaluation results

  5. All evaluation information made available to all ARC members, including parents

  6. Meeting conducted to discuss all available information and evaluation report

  7. Parents’ rights explained

  8. All available information examined

  9. Need for additional data determined

  • if additional information is needed, arrangements made to obtain the information and meeting ends

  • if no additional information is needed meeting proceeds

  1. Need for continuing special education and related services determined

"Parent" means a biological or adoptive parent; a guardian; a person acting as in the place of a biological or adoptive parent (e.g., a grandparent or stepparent or other relative) with whom the student lives or a person who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare; a foster parent if the biological or adoptive parents’ authority to make educational decisions on the child’s behalf has been extinguished, and the foster parent has an ongoing, long-term parental relationship with the student and no conflicting interests; or a surrogate parent appointed by the school district. The term does not include a guardian who is an employee of the Commonwealth if the student is a ward of the state.
A "person acting in the place of a parent" is a relative of the student or a private individual allowed to act as the parent of a student by the parent or guardian. This includes a grandparent, neighbor, governess, friend, or private individual caring for the student. An agency is not allowed to serve as a "person acting as a parent".
"Emancipated youth" means:

  1. a youth who has reached the age of majority, eighteen (18), and no evidence exists that there is a court order or legal document showing the parent as the guardian or youth's representative in educational matters; or

  2. a youth who is married (regardless of age).

No later than at the time of referral, the ARC Chairperson reviews records to determine if a child is:

  1. emancipated, and therefore represents him/herself in educational decision-making; or

  2. represented by an adult, such as a biological or adoptive parent, a guardian, a person acting as a parent, a foster parent, or a surrogate parent.

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