List of publications

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H.C. Siegmann

1 D. Hasenclever und H.C. Siegmann

Staub 20, 7 (1960)
"Neue Methode der Staubmessung mittels Kleinionenanlagerung"

2 H.C. Siegmann

Z. Physik 165, 369-386 (1961)
"Magnetomechanische Chladnifiguren: über eine Anisotropie des E-Effektes"

3 H.C. Siegmann

Technische Rundschau 2 (1963)
"Eine neue Methode der Staubmessung"

4 V. Mohnen und H.C. Siegmann

Staub 24, 7, 256-261 (1964)
"Ein Weg zur automatischen Messung definierter Klassen von Korngrössen in Staubgemischen"

5 G. Drexler und H.C. Siegmann

Dir. Inf. ESG, 13 (1964)
"Ein einfaches, direkt ablesbares Taschendosimeter"

6 F. Bopp, D. Maison, G. Regenfus und H.C. Siegmann

Z. Physik 185, 18 (1965)
"Experimente zur Herstellung polarisierter Elektronen aus Atomstrahlen"

7 P.S. Farago and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Lett. 20, 3 (1966)
"The production of polarized electron beams by spin exchange collision"

8 N. Müller, G. Obermair und H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Lett. 24A, 13 (1967)
"Electron spin polarization in field emission from Gd"

9 H.M. Brash, D.M. Campbell, P.S. Farago, A.G.A. Rae, H.C. Siegmann, J.S. Wykes

Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A, LXIII/II, 12 (1968)
"The Hexapole Magnet as a Velocity Selector and Polarizer for Neutral Spin-1/2 Particles"

10 P.S. Farago and H.C. Siegmann

Physics of the one- and two-electron atoms, North Holland (1969) "Electron Beam Polarization by Spin Exchange Collision"

11 G. Busch, M. Campagna, P. Cotti and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 22, 597 (1969)
"Observation of Electron Polarization in Photoemission"

12 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Solid State Commun. 7, 775 (1969)
"Polarized Photoelectrons from the Europium-Chalcogenides"

13 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

J. Appl. Phys. 41, 1044 (1970)
"Photoemission of Spin-Polarized Electrons from Ferromagnets"

14 U. Bänninger, G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 25, 585 (1970)
Photoelectron Spin Polarization and Ferromagnetism of Crystalline and Amorphous Nickel"

15 U. Bänninger, G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

J. de Physique 32, 290 (1970)
"Electron Spin Polarization in Photoemission from Dy and Gd and the Role of Electron-Magnon Scattering"

16 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

J. Appl. Phys. 42, 1799 (1971)
"Direct Observation of Spin Polarization of Conduction Electrons and Location of Magnetic States in Eu1-xGdxS"

17 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

J. Appl. Phys. 42, 1781 (19761)
"Structural Disorder and Spin Polarized Electron States in EuS"

18 G. Busch, M. Campagna, F. Hulliger and H.C. Siegmann

J. Phys. Chem. Solids 32, 2173 (1971)
"Electronic Energy Levels in Ferromagnetic Eu3P2 and Eu3As2"

19 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. B 4, 746 (1971)
"Spin Polarized Photoelectrons from Fe, Co and Ni"

20 M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Nato Summer School 1970, XVII Academic Press (1973)
"Photoelectron Spin Polarization and Exchange Interactions in Solids"
21 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann
Electron Spectroscopy, North-Holland (1972)
"Photoelectric Detection of Spin Polarized Electron-States in Antiferromagnets"

22 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

AIP Conf. Proc. 5, 575-590, American Inst. of Phys. (1972)
"Spin Polarized Photoelectrons from Conduction States in Rare Earth Compounds"

23 G. Busch, M. Campagna, D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 611-614 (1972)
"Photon Energy Dependence of Spin Polarization of Photoelectrons from Cesiated Co"

24 H. Alder, G. Busch, M. Campagna, D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann

Vakuum-Technik Heft 6, 139-144 (1972

"Emission spinpolarisierter Elektronen aus magnetischen Stoffen

25 K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 1565 (1972)
"Paramagnetic Sheet at the Surface of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet EuO"

26 M. Campagna, H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Kondens. Mat. 15, 247-283 (1973)
"Photoemission spinpolarisierter Elektronen aus nichtkristallinen magnetischen Festkörpern"

27 G. Busch, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Intern. J. Magnetism 4, 25-33 (1973)
"Magnetic NaCl-lattices with structural disorder"

28 D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann

Ber. des Int. Symp. für Reinraumtechnik I, 87, W.H. Weihe und H.U. Wanner, Ed. Zürich (1973)
"Photoelectric effect in Aerosols"

29 H.C. Siegmann, F. Sanchez-Sinenico, J.S. Helman

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. II, 18, 553 (1973)
"Internal Photoemission of Spin-Polarized Electrons into Magnetic Semiconductors"

30 K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

AIP Conf. Proc. 10, 1274-1278 (1973)
"Polarized Photoelectrons from "Pure" and Doped EuO Single Crystals"

31 H. Alder, M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. B8, 2075,(1973)
"Spin Polarization of Photoelectrons from Cesiated Fe, Co and Ni"

32 J.S. Helman and H.C. Siegmann

Solid State Commun. 13, 891 (1973)
"Surface Spin Exchange Scattering of Polarized Electrons Emitted from Magnetic Materials"

33 M. Campagna, D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann

Vol. 2, J. Stuke and W. Brenig, ed., Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, (1973)
"Occurrence of Electron States in the Forbidden Energy Zone"

34 M. Campagna, D.T. Pierce, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

J. de Phys. 34, C6, 87-94 (1973)
"Electron Spin Polarization: A New Tool in Photoemission and Magnetism"

35 H.C. Siegmann

Lecture at the "IIIrd Simposio Latinoamericano", Mexico City, published by the Centro Latinoamericano de Fisica (CLAF), Rio de Janeiro (1973)
"Detection of Electronic Structure in Magnetic Materials"

36 K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. Int. Conf. on Magnetism, Moscow, Aug. 1973
"Magnetism in the Surface of Ferromagnetic Single Crystals"
37 M. Campagna, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann
AIP Conf. Proc. 18, 1388 (1974)
"Surface Spin Exchange Scattering of Polarized Photoelectrons from Ferromagnetic Polycrystalline Films"

38 D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann

AIP Conf. Proc. 18, 1393 (1974)
"Attenuation Length of Hot Electrons in Ferromagnetic Ni"
39 D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann
Phys. Rev. B9, 4035 (1974)
"Hot-electron Scattering Length by Measurement of Spin Polarization"

40 M. Campagna, E. Kaldis, H.C. Siegmann

Helv. Phys. Acta 47, 17 (1972)
"Bandstruktur und magn. Kopplungen im metallischen GdS"

41 E. Garwin, F. Meier, D.T. Pierce, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

Nucl. Instr. of Methods 120, 483 (1974)
"A pulsed Source of Spin-polarized electrons by photoemission from EuO"
42 H.C. Siegmann
Physics Reports 17C, 39-76 (1975)
"Emission of polarized electrons from Magnetic Materials"

43 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, F. Meier, D.T. Pierce, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 319 (1975)
"Observation of Spin-Polarized Electron Levels in Ferrites"

44 K. Sattler und H.C. Siegmann

Z. Physik B20, 289 (1975)
"Spinpolarisierte Photoelektronen aus EuO"

45 D.T. Pierce und H.C. Siegmann

Physik. Blätter 31, 343 (1975)
"Photoemission polarisierter Elektronen"

46 W. Eib, F. Meier, D.T. Pierce, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

AIP Conf. Proc. 24, 88 (1975)
"Spin polarized photoemission from Fe3O4"
47 E.L. Garwin, D.T. Pierce and H.C. Siegmann
Helv. Phys. Acta 47, 393 (1974)
"Polarized Photoelectrons from optically magnetized Semiconductors"

48 M. Campagna, K. Sattler und H.C. Siegmann

Helv. Phys. Acta 47, 27 (1974)
"Beobachtung einer magnetisch nichtgesättigten Oberflächenschicht auf polykristallinem Eu3P2 und EuS unterhalb der Curietemperatur"

49 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, H.C. Siegmann und J.P. Remeika

Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 860 (1975)
"Photoelectron Spin Polarization Testing the Ionic Structure of 3d-Levels in Ferrites"

50 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, F. Meier, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann

Amer. Chem. Soc. June 12-13, 103 (1975)
"Present Status of Spin Polarized Photoemission"
51 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, F. Meier, K. Sattler and H.C. Siegmann
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, MAG-12, 74-80 (1976)
"Surface Magnetism and Spin Polarized Photoemission"

52 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, H.C. Siegmann and J.P. Remeika

J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 3, 121-128 (1976)
"Electronic Excitations in Ferrites"

53 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, P. Munz, H.C. Siegmann, M. Campagna

and J.P. Remeika
Phys. Rev. B 13, 4918 -4921 (1976)
"Itinerant versus localized d-electrons in ionic metallic­like ferromagnets"

54 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, P. Munz, H.C. Siegmann, M. Campagna

and J.P. Remeika
AIP Conf. Proc. 29, 664-666 (1976)
"Electronic Structure of the Ionic Ferromagnet and Catalyst La1-xMnO3 by Spin Polarized, UV and X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy"

55 M. Campagna, D.T. Pierce, F. Meier, K. Sattler, H.C. Siegmann

Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics 41, 113-165 (1976)
"Emission of Polarized Electrons from Solids"

56 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, H.C. Siegmann

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 859 (1975)
"3d Multiplets in Li- and Mg-Ferrites"

57 M. Campagna, F. Meier, D.T. Pierce, K. Sattler, and H..C. Siegmann

Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol. 1, chapt. 4, Garland Publ.Co. New York (1978)
"Surface Studies by Spin Polarized Photoemission"

58 K. Wandelt, G. Ertl, H.C. Siegmann and P. Bagus

Solid State Comm. 22, 59 (1977)
"Appearance Potential Spectroscopy and Magnetism in 3d-Metals"

59 X. Saldana, J.S. Helman and H.C. Siegmann

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 391 (1977)
"Elastic Differential Cross Section of Spin Polarized Low Energy Electrons in Magnetic Nickel"

60 Wen Young Lee, H.C. Siegmann, J.M. Eldridge

J. Electrochem. Soc. 124, 1744 (1977)

"A Comparison of the Mass and Resistance Change Techniques for Investigating Thin Film Corrosion Kinetics

61 W. Eib and H.C. Siegmann
Physica 86-88B, 1177 (1977)
"Emission of Polarized Electrons from Magnetic Materials"

62 K. Wandelt, C.R. Brundle, E. Kay, A. Poenisch and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr. and 3rd Int. Conf. Solid Surfaces, Vienna (1977)
"Electron Spectroscopy Study on Gd/Fe Alloy Films"

63 S.F. Alvarado, M. Erbudak, F. Meier and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 219 (1977)
"Probing Magnetism by Photoelectric Currents"

64 S.F. Alvarado, W. Eib, F. Meier, H.C. Siegmann and P. Zürcher

Photoemission from Surfaces, B. Fitton, B. Feuerbacher and R.J. Willis ed., John Wiley and Sons Ltd., London 1978, Chapter XV
"Photoemission of Spin Polarized Electrons"

65 M. Campagna and H.C. Siegmann Magnetism, S. Foner ed., Gordon and Breach (1977), Chapter XVII

"Photoelectron Spin Polarization and Exchange Interaction in

66 M. Erbudak, F. Meier and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. Internat. Symp. on Photoemission, ESA Scientific and Technical Publ., p. 209, Noordwijk (1976)
"Polarized Photoelectrons"

67 H.C. Siegmann, L. Schlapbach and C.R. Brundle

Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 972 (1978) "Self Restoring of the Active Surface in the Hydrogen Sponge LaNi5"

68 L. Schlapbach, A. Seiler, H.C. Siegmann, Th. von Waldkirch, P. Zürcher, C.R. Brundle

IBM Research Report RJ 2377 (31679), 1978
"Self Restoring of the Active Surface in LaNi5: Part II"

69 L. Schlapbach, H.C. Siegmann, C.R. Brundle

Helv. Phys. Acta 51, 35 (1978)
"Wasserstoffspeicherung: Katalytisch wirksame Oberflächenschicht in LaNi5"

70 A. Schmidt-Ott und H.C. Siegmann

Helv. Phys. Acta 51, 75 (1978)
"Der photoelektronische Effekt in Aerosolen"

71 A. Schmidt-Ott and H.C. Siegmann

Appl. Phys. Lett. 32, 710 (1978)
"Photoelectron Emission from Small Particles Suspended in Air"

72 A. Schmidt-Ott and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. 4th Int. Symposium Contamination Control, p. 69-71, Washington DC

"Photoconductivity in Aerosols: A New Effective Way for Probing Dust"

73 S.F. Alvarado, H.C. Siegmann and M. Campagna
Nederlands tijdschrift voor vacuumtechniek 16, 2-4, p. 102 (1978)
"Surface Magnetization by Spin Polarized Photoemission"
74 H.C. Siegmann, ed.
Transition Metals 1977, Conf. Ser. 39, Inst. of Physics, London 1978, p. 276-286
"Polarisation of electrons emitted from Ferromagnets"

75 L. Schlapbach, A. Seiler, H.C. Siegmann, T. von Waldkirch and P. Zürcher

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy Vol. 4, pp. 21-28 (1979)
"Self Restoring of the active surface in LaNi5"

76 L. Schlapbach, A. Seiler, F. Stucki and H.C. Siegmann

J. of the Less-Common Metals 73, 143-160 (1980)
"Surface Effects and the Formation of Metal Hydrides"

77 L. Schlapbach, F. Stucki, A. Seiler and H.C. Siegmann

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 15-18, 1271 (1980)
"Magnetism and Hydrogen Storage in LaNi5, FeTi and Mg2Ni"

78 A. Schmidt-Ott, P. Schurtenberger and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1284 (1980)
"Enormous Yield of Photoelectrons from Small Particles"

79 H.C. Siegmann

Verh. DPG (VI) 15, 529 (1980)
"Optisches Pumpen an Festkörpern und spinpolarisierte Photoemission"

80 H.C. Siegmann, D.T. Pierce and R.J. Celotta

Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 452 (1981)
"Spin dependent Absorption of Electrons in a Ferromagnetic Metal"

81 R.J. Celotta, D.T. Pierce, H.C. Siegmann, and J. Unguris

Appl. Phys. Lett. 38 (7), 577 (1981)
"An electron spin polarization detector: Spin-dependent absorption of a polarized electron beam"

82 H.C. Siegmann

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 15-18, 1070 (1980)
"Symposium on Surfaces and Magnetism: Recent Developments and Future Opportunities, A.J. Freeman, Chairman"

83 L. Schlapbach, F. Stucki, A. Seiler, and H.C. Siegmann

Surface Science 106, 157-159 (1981)
"The formation of superparamagnetic metallic Ni and Fe particles at the surface of intermetallics by surface segregation"

84 H.C. Siegmann

J. Appl. Phys. 53, 2018 (1982)
"Polarized Electrons and Surface Magnetism in Metals"

85 H. Burtscher, L. Scherrer, H.C. Siegmann, A. Schmidt-Ott and B. Federer

J. Appl. Phys. 53, 3787 (1982)
"Probing Aerosols by photoelectric charging"

86 G. Ravano, M. Erbudak, and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 80 (1982)
"Observation of Spin-Exchange Collisions of Electrons in a Metal"

87 D.T. Pierce, R.J. Celotta, J. Unguris, H.C., Siegmann

Phys. Rev. B 26, 2566 (1982)
"Spin dependent elastic scattering of electrons from a ferromagnetic glass, Ni40Fe40B20"

88 H.C. Siegmann

Europhysics News 14, No. 2 (1983)
"Spin Polarized Electrons"

89 B. Federer, H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott and H.C. Siegmann

Atmospheric Environment 17, 655 (1983)
"Photoelectric Charging and Detection of Ultrafine Particles"

90 D.T. Pierce, R.J. Celotta, J. Unguris and H.C. Siegmann

J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 35, 28-30 (1983)
"Surface magnetic properties of amorphous ferromagnets studied using electron spin polarization"

91 H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. Inst. Envir. Sci. p. 330-334 (1983)
"Analysis of Exhaust Particles by Photoelectric Charging"

92 H.C. Siegmann, H. Burtscher, and A. Schmidt-Ott

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 9, p. 1335 (1983)
"Photoelectric Detection and Study of Specific Ultrafine particles from Combustion"

93 H.C. Siegmann, F. Meier, M. Erbudak and M. Landolt

Adv. El. and El. Phys. 62, 1-99 (1984)
"Spin Polarized Electrons in Solid State Physics"

94 E. Kay and H.C. Siegmann

IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 27, 1A, 317-320 (1984)
"High Resolution Dynamic Magnetic Domain Readout"

95 H.C. Siegmann and E. Kay

Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 927-929 (1984)
"Surface versus bulk magnetization curves in amorphous GdCo cosputtered in the presence of oxygen"

96 H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott, and H.C. Siegmann

Z. Phys. B, Condensed Matter 56, 197-199 (1984)
"Photoelectron Yield of Small Silver and Gold Particles Suspended in Gas up to a Photon Energy of 10 eV"

97 H.C. Siegmann

Physica 127 B, 131-136 (1984)
"The Spin in Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Electrons"

98 H.C. Siegmann

in: Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces, Interfaces and Superlattices, F. Nizzoli, K.H. Rieder and R.F. Willis, ed., Springer (1985)
"Surface Magnetism by Spin Polarized Electrons"

99 Eric Kay, R.A. Sigsbee, G.L. Bona, M. Taborelli and H.C. Siegmann

Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 533 (1985)
"Magnetic Depth Profiling and Characterization of Fe-oxide films by Kerr rotation and spin polarized photoemission"

100 H.C. Siegmann

Universitas 40, 472, p. 1057 (1985)
"Feinste Schwebeteilchen in der Luft"

101 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, G. Schönhense and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1121 (1985)
"Completely Polarized Electrons Emitted from Polycrystalline Iron upon Pulsed Laser Irradiation"

102 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, G. Schönhense and H.C. Siegmann

J. of Mag. and Magn. Mat. 54-57, 809 (1986)
"Spin polarized photoemission with pulsed laser irradiation of iron"

103 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, M. Taborelli, H.C. Siegmann, A. Bell, R. Gambino, and E. Kay

J. of Mag. and Magn. Mat. 54-57, 1403 (1986)
"Surface Induced Magnetic Properties in TbFe and GdCo Films"

104 R. Allenspach, M. Taborelli, M. Landolt and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 953 (1986)
"Surface Precursor to Magnetic Domain Nucleation Observed by Secondary Electron Spin Polarization"

105 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, G. Schönhense, M. Aeschlimann, M. Stampanoni, G. Zampieri and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. B34, 7784 (1986)
"Spin Polarized Photoemission from Fe by pulsed laser radiation"

106 M. Aeschlimann, G.L. Bona, F. Meier, M. Stampanoni, G. Zampieri and H.C. Siegmann

Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 13, p. 824 (1986)
"Effect of ion bombardment on the Surface magnetism of Fe3O4"

107 H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott, and H. C. Siegmann

in: Aerosols: Formation and Reactivity, 2nd Int. Aerosol Conf. Berlin, Pergamon Journals Ltd., London (1986)
"A new method to monitor particulate Contamination from combustion"

108 D. Mauri, H.C. Siegmann, P.S. Bagus, and E. Kay

J. Appl. Phys. 62, 3047 (1987)
"Simple model for thin ferromagnetic films exchange coupled to an antiferro-
magnetic substrate"

109 S. Chiang and H.C. Siegmann

IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 30, 1826 (1987)
"Measurement of Magnetization or Magnetic Susceptibility of Small Particles
and Measurement of Field Gradients of Domain Walls"

110 G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi, V. Privitera, H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott and

H.C. Siegmann
Physica Scripta 37, 290 (1987)
"Metallic Cluster Photoemission"

111 H. Burtscher, P. Cohn, L. Scherrer, H.C. Siegmann, G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi,

V. Privitera, R. Cristofolini, and V. Scribano
J. of Volcanology and Geothermal Res. 33, 349 (1987)
"Investigation of Submicron Volcanic Aerosolparticles by Photoelectron Emission"

112 H.C. Siegmann

in: "Thin film Growth Techniques for Low Dimensional Structures", ed. by
R.F.C. Farrow, S.S.P. Parkin, P.J. Dobson, J.H. Neave, and A.S. Arrot, Plenum 1987
"Magnetism at surfaces and spin polarized electron spectroscopy"

113 H.C. Siegmann, P.S. Bagus, and E. Kay

Z. Phys. B69, 485 (1988)
"Origins of Surface Induced Magnetic Structures"

114 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, H.C. Siegmann, and R.J. Gambino

Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 166 (1988)
"Unidirectional Anisotropy in Surface Magnetism of Amorphous GdC

115 G.L. Bona, F. Meier, H.C. Siegmann, and R.J. Gambino

Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 334 (1988)
"Amorphous GdCo: Effect of Surface Segregation on Reading of the Magnetization by Spin Polarized Photoemission"

116 H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott, and H.C. Siegmann

Aerosol Sci. and Technology 8, 125 (1988)
"Monitoring Particulate Emissions from Combustions"

117 D. Mauri, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann and E. Kay

Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 758 (1988)

"Observation of the Exchange Interaction at the Surface of a Ferromagnet"

118 H.C. Siegmann and P.S. Bagus
Phys. Rev. B 38, 10434 (1988)
"Magnetic Properties of the 100 Surface of Fe"

119 H.C. Siegmann

in: Springer Series in Surface Sciences 14, Solvay Conf. on Surface Science,
F.W. de Wette ed., Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1988
"Surface vs Bulk Hysteresis Loops"
120 M. Aeschlimann, G.L. Bona, F. Meier, M. Stampanoni, A. Vaterlaus,
H.C. Siegmann, Ernesto E. Marinero, H. Notarys
IEEE Trans MAG 24, 3180 (1988)
"Exchange Coupling of Contacted Ferromagnetic Films: Fe on Amorphous TbFe"

121 D. Mauri, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, and E. Kay

Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1900 (1989)
"Universal Thermal Stabilization of the Magnetization in Ultrathin Ferromagnetic

122 H.C. Siegmann, D. Mauri, D. Scholl, and E. Kay

J. de Physique, Colloque C8, 49, 9 (1988)
"Surface and Thin Film Magnetism with Spin Polarized Electrons"

123 D. Mauri, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, and E. Kay

Appl. Phhys. A49, 439 (1989)
"Magnetism in Very Thin Films of Permalloy Measured by Spin Polarized Cascade Electrons"

124 K. Kay, M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, No. 3, 199 (1990)
"Two Dimensional Ferromagnetism in Polycrystalline Fe Films"

125 M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, E. Kay

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, No. 3, 421 (1990)

"Probing Depth of the Low Energy Cascade Electrons"

126 D. Mauri, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, and E. Kay
Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2101 (1990)
Reply to Comment on "Universal Thermal Stabilisation of the Magnetization in Ultrathin Ferromagnetic Films"

127 M. Loepfe, M. Allemann, H. Burtscher and H.C. Siegmann

Bull. SPG 7, 1, p. 46 (1990)
"Molecular Beam Photoionization Spectroscopy of Combustion Products"

128 A. Leonardi, H. Burtscher und H.C. Siegmann

Bull. SPG 7, 1, p.46 (1990)
"Messung kleiner Partikel aus Dieselmotoren"

129 D. Matter, H. Burtscher und H.C. Siegmann

Bull. SPG 7, 2, p. 31
"Grössenverteilung und photoelektrische Aktivität von Partikeln aus einer Gasflamme"

130 H.C. Siegmann

Vierteljahresschrift der Naturf. Ges. in Zürich, 135, 197-219 (1990)


131 H.C. Siegmann und H. Burtscher
in: Photoemission and Absorption Spectroscopy of Solids and Interfaces with Synchrotron Radiation, Società Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, Italy (1990)
"Photoemission experiments on small particles in gas suspension"

132 S.R. McDow, W. Giger, H. Burtscher, A. Schmidt-Ott and H.C. Siegmann

Atmospheric Environment 24A, 2911-2916 (1990)
"Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Combustion Aerosol Photoemission"

133 H.C. Siegmann

Reviews of Solid State Science 4, 817 (1990)
"Ferromagnetism at Surfaces and in Very Thin Films. The Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization"

134 M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, and E. Kay

Phys. Rev. B43, 3164 (1991)
"Quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnetism in polycrystalline Fe"

135 M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, and E. Kay

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"Probing Depth of the Low Energy Cascade Electrons from a Transition Metal"

136 F. Meier, A. Vaterlaus, M. Aeschlimann, M. Lutz, D. Guarisco, F. Milani, and H.C. Siegmann

J. of Magn. and Magn. Mat. 93, 523 (1991)
"Time Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy on Ferromagnetic Surfaces and Thin Films"

137 D. Scholl, M. Donath, D. Mauri, E. Kay, J. Mathon, R.B. Muniz, and

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"Exchange interactions at the surface of a Ferromagnet"
138 H.C. Siegmann

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"Combustion Aerosols: Surface Chemistry and Modes of Particle Growth"
139 M. Aeschlimann, A. Vaterlaus, M. Lutz, M. Stampanoni, F. Meier,

H.C. Siegmann, S. Klahn, and P. Hausen

Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 2189 (1991)

"High-Speed Magnetization Reversal Near the Compensation Temperature of amorphous GdTbFe"

140 E. Kay, M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (3), 199 (1990)

"Two-dimensional ferromagnetism in polycrystalline Fe films"

141 M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, E. Kay

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (3), 421 (1990)

"Probing depth of the low energy cascade electrons from a transition metal"

142 E. Kay, M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann

J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4549 (1991)

"Effects of film growth mode on magnetic exchange coupling in trilayer structures"

143 M. Donath, D. Scholl, H.C. Siegmann, E. Kay

Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 1325 (1991)

"Quasi-zweidimensionaler Ferromagnetismus in polykristallinem Fe"

144 B.A. Kwetkus, K. Sattler, and H.C. Siegmann

J. Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 25, 139, (1992)

"Gas breakdown in contact electrification"

145 H.C. Siegmann

Communications 3S92, Symposium on Surface Sci., La Plagne, Savoie/France, March 1992

"Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization in 2D- and quasi 2D-systems

146 H.C. Siegmann

in: Cluster Models for Surface and Bulk Phenomena, Gianfranco Pacchioni,

Paul S. Bagus, and Fulvio Parmigiani ed., Nato ASI Series B, Vol. 283, Plenum Press New York, 1992

"In Situ Observation of Surface Chemistry, Growth and Nucleation of Ultrafine Particles in Gas Suspension"

147 H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Bl. 48, 559 (1992)

"Spektroskopie mit polarisierten Elektronen"

148 H.C. Siegmann

J. of Physics: Condens. Matter 4, 8395-8434 (1992)

"Surface and 2D Magnetism"

149 M. Ammann, L. Scherrer, W. Müller, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Geophys. Res. Lett. 19, 1387 (1992)

"Continuous monitoring of ultrafine aerosol emissions at Mt. Etna"

150 A. Leonardi, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Atmospheric Environment 26A, 3287 (1992)

"Size dependent Measurement of Aerosol Photoemission from Particles in Diesel Exhaust"

151 M. Ammann, R. Hauert, H. Burtscher, and H.C.Siegmann

J. of Geophys. Res. 98, 551 (1993)

"Photoelectric Charging of Ultrafine Volcanic Aerosols: Detection of Cu(I) as a Tracer of Chlorides in Magmatic Gases"

152 H.C. Siegmann and H. Burtscher

in: "Photoemission: From the Past to the Future", C. Coluzza, R. Sanjinés, and

G. Margaritondo ed., p. 96, EPF Lausanne 1992

"Photoelectron spectroscopy from Nanoparticles"

153 M. Loepfe, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

in: Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, PAH 13, p. 551, Philippe Garrigues and Michel Lamotte ed., Gordon & Breach, Amsterdam 1993

"Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Combustion Products Using Resonant Two-Photon Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry"

154 M. Loepfe, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. of the Symp. on Atomic and Surf. Phys. SASP92, D. Bassi, M. Scotoni, and P. Tosi ed., Univ. di Trento, Italy 1992

"Real Time Monitoring of the Thermo-Desorption of Surface Adsorbed Aromatic Hydrocarbons"

155 H. Burtscher, D. Matter, and H.C. Siegmann

Atmospheric Environment 27A, 1255 (1993)

"Measurement of Size Distribution and Photoelectric Activity of Particles in a Gas Diffusion Flame"

156 B. Schleicher, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 1191 (1993)

"Photoelectric quantum yield of nanometer metal particles"

157 G. Schönhense and H.C. Siegmann

Ann. Physik 2, 465 (1993)

"Transmission of electrons through ferromagnetic material and applications to detection of electron spin polarization"

158 H. Burtscher and H.C. Siegmann

Water, Air & Soil Pollution 68, 125 (1993)

"Photoemission for in situ analysis of particulate combustion emissions"

159 M. Loepfe, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Water, Air & Soil Pollution 68, 177 (1993)

"Analysis of combustion products using time-of-flight mass spectrometry"

160 M. Loepfe, H.C.Siegmann, and K. Sattler
Suppl. to Z. Physik D26, 311 (1993)
"Delayed ionization of IR-laser excited C60"

161 F. Meier and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. of the Workshop on Photocathodes for Polarized Electron Sources for

Accelerators, SLAC, 432, 1994

"Production and detection of spin polarization"
162 H.C. Siegmann

Surface Science 307-309, 1076 (1994)

"Surface and 2D magnetism with spin polarized cascade electrons"

163 H.C. Siegmann and E. Kay

in: J.A.C. Bland and B. Heinrich (Eds.), Ultrathin Magnetic Structures I, Springer

Berlin Heidelberg, p. 123 (1994)

"Probing magnetic properties with spin polarized electrons"

164 H.C. Siegmann

J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 68, 505 (1994)

"Recent results of crossfertilization between electron spectroscopy and magnetism"

165 H. Burtscher and H.C. Siegmann

in: Clusters of Atoms and Molecules II, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 56,

H. Haberland ed., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 272 (1994)

"Aerosols, large clusters in gas suspension"

166 D. Matter, H. Burtscher, U. Kogelschatz, L. Scherrer, H.C. Siegmann

J. Aerosol Sci. 24, Suppl. 1, 365 (1993)

"Using photoemission caused by excimer UV-radiation sources to characterize soot particles"

167 D. Matter, M. Mohr, H. Burtscher, H.C. Siegmann

"J. Aerosol Sci. 25, Suppl. 1, 3 (1994)

The effect of ozone on the photoactivity and the aerodynamic diameter of

photoelectrically charged aerosols"

168 K. Siegmann, H. Hepp, K. Sattler, H. Burtscher, and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. SASP, Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics, Hintermoos, A,

March 20-26, p. 260 (1994)

"Molecules as soot precursors: fast growth of PAH in flames"

169 H.C. Siegmann

in: New Trends in Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Their Applications,

J.L. Moran and J.M. Sanchez ed., Plenum Press, New York p. 183 (1994)

"Magnetism at the surface and in nanoscale magnetic structures: experiments with spin polarized cascade electrons"

170 J.C. Gröbli, A. Kündig, F. Meier, H.C. Siegmann

Physica B204 (1995) 359

"Positive spin polarization of the photoelectrons emitted near photothreshold from cesiated Co(0001)"

171 H. Burtscher and H.C. Siegmann

Combust. Sci. and Tech. 101 (1994) 372

"Monitoring PAH-Emissions from Combustion Processes by Photoelectric Charging"

172 H.C. Siegmann

in: "Core level spectroscopy for Magnetic Phenomena, Theory and Experiment", Edited by Paul S. Bagus et al., Plenum Press New York 1995, Series B, Vol. 345

"Spin Polarized Electrons of Low Energy and Magnetism 1994"

173 H.C. Siegmann, E.L. Garwin, C.Y. Prescott, J. Heidmann, D. Mauri, D. Weller, R. Allenspach, W. Weber

J. of Magn. and Magn. Mat. 151 (1995) L8-L12

"Magnetism with picosecond field pulses"

174 T. Greber, T. Giessel, C. Pettenkofer, H.C. Siegmann, G. Ertl

Surface Sci. 343 (1995) L1187-L1191

"Substrate mediated autoionization of benzene on graphite"

175 C.H. Back, D. Weller, J. Heidmann, D. Mauri, E.L. Garwin, and H.C. Siegmann

Proc. AVS, 43rd National Symposium Philadelphia, Oct..1996, and

and Proc. 41st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,

Atlanta, Nov.1996

"Magnetic switching in ultra short magnetic field pulses"

176 H.C. Siegmann, in Selected Topics on Electron Physics, edited by Campbell and Kleinpoppen, Plenum Press New York 1996

"Ultrathin Magnetic Structures and Spin Filter"

177 K. Siegmann and H.C. Siegmann

Europhysics News 28 (1997) 50-57

"The formation of Carbon in Combustion and how to Quantify the Impact on Human Health"

178 J. Paul, Ch. Hüglin, H. Burtscher, K. Siegmann, and H.C. Siegmann

J. Aerosol Sci. 27, Suppl. 1, 161 (1996)

"Evidence for size dependent reformation of nanoparticles"

179 J. Paul, Ch. Hüglin, H. Burtscher, K. Siegmann, and H.C. Siegmann

J. Aerosol Sci. 27, Suppl. 1, 579 (1996)

"Photoemission detecting the melting point of small aerosol particles"

180 M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer, S. Pawlik, W. Weber, R. Burgermeister, D. Oberli, and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 5158 (1997)

"Ultrafast Spin-Dependent Electron Dynamics in fcc Co"

181 K. Siegmann and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Bl. 54, 149 (1998)

"Molekulare Vorstadien des Russes und das Gesundheitsrisiko für den Menschen"

182 H.C. Siegmann, M. Kasper, K. Sattler, and K. Siegmann

Proc. First Int. ETH-Workshop "Nanoparticle Measurement", ETh Zürich, p. 4 (1997)

"Formation of Carbon in Combustion: The Influence of Fuel Additives"

183 K. Siegmann and H.C. Siegmann

in: Current Problems in Condensed Matter, ed. Moran-Lopez, Plenum Press, New York, p. 143 (1998)

"Molecular precursor of soot and quantification of the associated health risk"

184 C.H. Back, D. Weller, J. Heidmann, D. Mauri, D. Guarisco, E.L. Garwin,

and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 3251

"Magnetization reversal in ultrashort magnetic field pulses"

185 K. Siegmann, H. Binz und H.C. Siegmann

Bull. SEV/VSE 21 (1998) 19

"Russ aus Verbrennungsprozessen"

186 D. Oberli, R. Burgermeister, S. Riesen, W. Weber, and H.C. Siegmann

Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 4228

"Total scattering cross section and spin motion of low energy electrons passing through a ferromagnet"

187 M. Kasper, K. Sattler, K. Siegmann, U. Matter, and H.C. Siegmann

J. Aerosol Sci. 30 (1999) 217-225

"The influence of fuel additives on the formation of carbon during combustion"

188 K. Siegmann, L. Scherrer, and H.C. Siegmann

J. of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 458 (1999) 191-200

"Physical and chemical properties of nanoscale particles and how to measure theimpact on human health"

189 H.C. Siegmann and C.H. Back

Bulletin ETH Zürich Nr. 272 (1999) 18-21

"Ultraschnelle Magnetisierungsprozesse - ultraschnelle Datenspeicher"

190 M. Kasper, A. Keller, J. Paul, K. Siegmann, H.C. Siegmann

J. of Elec. Spec. 98-99 (1999) 83-93

"Photoelectron spectroscopy without vacuum: nanoparticles in gas suspension"

191 U. Matter, H.C. Siegmann, H. Burtscher

Environ. Sci. Technol. 33 (1999) 1946-1952

"Dynamic field measurements of submicron particles from diesel engines"

192 W. Weber, D. Oberli, S. Riesen, and H.C. Siegmann

New Journal of Physics 1 (1999) 9.1-9.6

"The electron analogue to the Faraday rotation"

193 C.H. Back, R. Allenspach, W. Weber, S.S.P. Parkin, D. Weller, E.L. Garwin

H.C.Siegmann, Science 285 (1999) 864-867

"Minimum Field Strength in Precessional Magnetization Reversal"

194 K. Siegmann and H.C. Siegmann

Revista Mexicana de Fisica 45 (1999) 182-188

"Nanostructures in Gas Suspension"

195 C.H. Back, H.C. Siegmann

J. of Magn. and Magn. Mat. 200 (1999) 774-785

"Ultrashort Magnetic Field Pulses and the Elementary Process of Magnetization Reversal"

196 G. Skillas, Ch. Hüglin, H.C. Siegmann

Indoor Built Environ. (1999) 8:246-254

"Determination of Air Exchange Rates of Rooms and Deposition Factors for Fine Particles by Means of Photoelectric Aerosol Sensors"

197 W. Weber, D. Oberli, S. Riesen, and H.C. Siegmann

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (1999) 2907-2909

"The Ferromagnetic Spin Filter"

198 U. Matter, H.C. Siegmann, M. Kasper, and H. Burtscher

J. Aerosol Sci. 30 Suppl. 1, 471 (1999)

"Distinction of volatile and nonvolatile particles in exhaust of diesel engines with particulate traps"

199 J.B. Kortright, D.D. Awschalom, J. Stöhr, S.D. Bader, Y.U. Idzerda,

S.S.P. Parkin, I.K. Schuller, and H.C. Siegmann

"Research frontiers in magnetic materials at soft X-ray synchrotron radiation facilities"

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 207, 7 (1999)

200 Q. Zhiqiang, K. Siegmann, A. Keller, U. Matter, L. Scherrer, H.C. Siegmann

Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 443-451

"Nanoparticle air pollution in major cities and its origin "

201 K.Siegmann and H.C. Siegmann, SAE Technical Paper Series 2001-01-1995


“Fast and reliable in-situ evaluation of particles and their surfaces with special reference to Diesel exhaust”

202 H. Burtscher, L. Scherrer, and H.C. Siegmann,

J.Aerosol Sci. 31, (2000) S 965-966

“Dynamic Measurement of Particle Size Distribution by an Electrical Diffusion


203 A. Keller, M. Fierz, K. Siegmann, H.C. Siegmann, A.Filipov

J.Vacuum Sci.Technol. A 19(1) (2001) 1 –8

“Surface Science with nanoparticles in a carrier gas”

204 H.C.Siegmann, Europhysics News 31, (2000) 24 – 25

“Magnetism on the picosecond time scale with electron accelerators”

205 H.C. Siegmann, in “Physics of Low Dimensional Systems”, J.L.Morán-Lopez ed., Plenum New York 2001,p.1-14

“Spin polarized electrons and magnetism 2000”

206 W. Weber, S. Riesen H.C. Siegmann, Science 291, (2001) 1015 – 1018

“ Magnetization precession by hot spin injection”

207 A. Keller and H.C. Siegmann, J. of Exposure Analysis and Environmental

Epidemiology 11, 441-448, (2001)

“The role of condensation and coagulation in aerosol monitoring”

208 W. Weber, S.Riesen, H.C. Siegmann in “Band Ferromagnetism: Ground State and

Finite Temperature Phenomena”, K.Baberschke, M. Donath, and W.Nolting eds, Springer Berlin 2001, p.320- 340

”Transmission of Electron Beams Through Thin Magnetic Films”

209 Ryoji Sakai, H.C. Siegmann, Hajime Sato, and A.Scott Voorhees, Environmental Research Section A 89, 66-71, (2002)

”Particulate Matter and Particle-Attached Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Indoor and Outdoor Air of Tokyo Measured with Personal Monitors”

210 W.Weber, S.Riesen, C.H. Back, A. Skorikov, V.Anisimov, and H.C. Siegmann, Phys.Rev. B 66, 100405 (R), (2002)

”Spin Motion of Electrons During Reflection from a Ferromagnetic Surface”

211 Philip Siegmann, Konstantin Siegmann, H.C. Siegmann, Revista Española de Fisica 16, 24-28 (2002)

” Polución de nanoparticulas en el aire en las principales vias de Madrid”

212 K.Siegmann, K.Sattler, H.C.Siegmann, J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 126, 191-202 (2002)

”Clustering at High Temperatures: Carbon Formation in Combustion”

213 W.Weber, Stefan Riesen, and H.C. Siegmann, in Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures II, B.Hillebrands and K. Ounadjela eds,

Topics Appl. Phys. 87, 185-212, Springer Berlin 2003

“The Dynamic Response of the Magnetization to Hot Spins”

214 I. Tudosa. C. Stamm, A. B. Kashuba, F. King, H. C. Siegmann, J. Stöhr, G. Ju,

B. Lu, & D. Weller, Nature 428, 831 (2004)

“The ultimate speed of magnetic switching in granular recording media“
215 Erik Velasco, Philip Siegmann, Hans C Siegmann, Atmospheric Environment 38, 4957 – 4968 (2004) “Exploratory study of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different environments in Mexico City”
216 K. Siegmann, H.C. Siegmann, and M. Kasper,

Health vol. 1, p.23 – 30 (2005)

”Quantifying Particulate Air Pollution with Respect to Human Health“
217 C. Stamm, I. Tudosa, H.C. Siegmann, J. St:öhr, A. Yu. Dobin, G. Woltersdorf, B. Heinrich, A. Vaterlaus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197603 (2005)

”Dissipation of Spin Angular Momentum in Magnetic Switching“

218 Wayne R. Ott, H. C. Siegmann, Atmospheric Environment 40, 821 – 843, (2006)

“ Using multiple continuous fine particle monitors to characterize tobacco, incense, candle, cooking, wood burning, and vehicular sources in indoor, outdoor, and in-transit settings”

219 Qian Zhiqiang, Uli Matter, H.C. Siegmann, Fang Jinghua, and Karen Polenske in ‘The Technology- Energy- Environment-Health (TEEH) Chain in China’, Karen R. Polenske ed., Springer 2006, p.109 - 131

“Human Exposure to Ultrafine Particulates in the Cokemaking Industry in Shanxi Province”

220 Y. Acremann, J. P. Strachan, V. Chembrolu, S.D. Andrews, T. Tyliszczak, J. A. Katine, M. J. Carey, B. M. Clemens, H. C. Siegmann, and J. Stöhr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006)

“Time Resolved Imaging of Spin Transfer Switching: Beyond the Macro-Spin

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