Debriefing Guide
Note to Facilitator:
When debriefing a simulation scenario keep the following guidelines in mind:
Time allotted should be approx. 1-2x the SCE time
Keep positive and focus on “opportunities for learning”
Focus is on team as a whole meeting objective (not on individual students)
Questions should be open-ended.
Additional questions should provide opportunities for expanded conversation and reflection.
Students should do most of the talking
To Care Team
How do you think the scenario went?
How did you feel throughout the scenario?
Were you satisfied with your ability to work through the scenario?
If you were able to do this again, how could you have handled the scenario differently?
To Observers:
What do you think the care team did well in this scenario?
What questions or suggestions do you have for the team?
To All Participants:
What were the primary patient concerns in this scenario?
Did you have sufficient knowledge/skills to manage this situation?
What different or additional knowledge/skills would have been helpful to manage the situation?
What focused assessments were needed and were they completed?
What communication principles/concerns were evident in this scenario? Were they what you expected?
(If applicable) Was SBAR followed when communicating with other healthcare professionals?
Describe how teamwork was used to manage this situation?
What interventions were done and were they all appropriate?
How were interventions evaluated in this situation? What interventions were implemented as a result of this evaluation?
What safe practice concepts/issues were evident in this scenario? Were they what you expected?
What professional practice issues were evident in this scenario? Were they what you expected?
What cultural aspects were evident in this scenario? Were they what you expected?
What health promotion principles were evident in this scenario? Were they what you expected?
Three to five specific discussion points identified by faculty based on what happened during the scenario (may be same as theory related questions for this scenario).
What else would you like to discuss about this scenario or patient situation?