Literature 1941

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Holthuis LB. The Stomatopoda of the Snellius Expedition. Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition XII. Temminckia 6: 241-294.

Holthuis LB. Note on some Stomatopoda from the Atlantic coasts of Africa and America, with the description of a new species. Zoologische Mededeelingen 23: 31-43.

Holthuis LB, Lam HJ. First contribution to our knowledge of the flora of the Talaud Islands and Morotai. Blumea 5: 93-256.


Holthuis LB. Opmerkingen over Turbo stagnalis en enkele andere diersoorten door Baster beschreven (with an English summary). Basteria 9: 66-69.

Holthuis LB. Notes on terrestrial Isopoda collected in Dutch greenhouses. Zoologische Mededeelingen 25: 43-54.

Holthuis LB. Notes on the Dutch Armadillidiidae, with description of Armadillidium (Duplocarinatum) album Dollfus (Crustacea Isopoda). Zoologische Mededeelingen 25: 65-71.

Holthuis LB. Remarks on Nephrops norvegicus (L.) and its variety meridionalis Zariquiey. Zoologische Mededeelingen 25: 317-320.

Holthuis LB. Note on the genus Pandalina (Crustacea Decapoda), with the description of a new species from European waters. Zoologische Mededeelingen 26: 281-286.

Holthuis LB. The Stenopodidae, Nephropsidae, Scyllaridae and Palinuridae. The Decapoda Macrura of the Snellius Expedition I. Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition XIV. Temminckia 7: 1-178. (As thesis; Temminckia vol. 7 was published in 1947).

Holthuis LB. The Hippolytidae and Rhynchocinetidae collected by the Siboga and Snellius Expeditions, with remarks on other species. The Decapoda of the Siboga-Expedition. Part IX. Siboga Expedition, monograph 39a8: 1-100.

Holthuis LB. On a small collection of Isopod Crustacea from the greenhouses of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Annals and Magazine of natural History (11)13: 122-137.

Holthuis LB. Nomenclatorial notes on European macrurous Crustacea Decapoda. Zoologische Mededeelingen 27: 312-322.


Holthuis LB. Terrestrial Isopod Crustacea. In: Airy Shaw HK, ed. Additions to the wild fauna and flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: XX. Kew Bulletin 1948: 121-123.

Chace FA, Holthuis LB. Land and fresh water Decapod Crustacea from the Leeward Group and northern South America. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire and the Venezuelan Islands 12: 21-28.

Holthuis LB. Note on some Crustacea Decapoda Natantia from Surinam. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen 51: 1104-1113.


Holthuis LB. Notes on the species of Palaemonetes (Crustacea Decapoda) found in the United States of America. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen 52: 87-95.

Buitendijk AM, Holthuis LB. Note on the Zuiderzee Crab, Rithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) subspecies tridentatus (Maitland). Zoologische Mededelingen 30: 95-106.

Holthuis LB. The Isopoda and Tanaidacea of the Netherlands, including the description of a new species of Limnoria. Zoologische Mededelingen 30: 163-190.

Holthuis LB. Zonophryxus dodecapus nov. spec., a remarkable species of the family Dajidae (Crustacea Isopoda) from the Canary Islands. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen 52: 208-213.

Holthuis LB. The Caridean Crustacea of the Canary Islands. Zoologische Mededelingen 30: 227-255.

Holthuis LB. Note sur le type du Gnathophyllum tridens Nobili, 1906 (Crustacés Décapodes). Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris (2) 21 : 210-214.
Holthuis LB. The identity of Penaeus monodon Fabr. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen 52: 1051-1057.

Holthuis LB. Redescription of the shrimp Bathypalaemonella pandaloides (Rathbun), with remarks on the family Campylonotidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 99: 517-523.

Holthuis LB. On some species of Macrobrachium (Crustacea Decapoda) from West Africa. Eos, Madrid 25 (3/4): 175-185.

Holthuis LB. Decapoda Macrura, with a revision of the New Guinea Parastacidae. Zoological Results of the Dutch New Guinea Expedition 1939. No. 3. Nova Guinea (n. ser.) 5: 289-328.

Holthuis LB. Fossil Decapod Crustacea from Miocene and younger deposits of the Netherlands. Mededelingen van de Geologische Stichting (n. ser.) 3: 57-68.

Holthuis LB. Drie soorten Isopoda nieuw voor de fauna van Nederland. Mededelingen van de Commissie inzake wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de St. Pietersberg, No. 1. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, Limburg 38: 110, 111.


Holthuis LB. De Rivierkreeft in Nederland. De Levende Natuur 53: 197-199.

Holthuis LB. Notities betreffende Limburgse Crustacea. I. Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet) II. Niphargus aquilex Schioedte. Mededelingen van de Commissie inzake wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Sint Pietersberg. No. 10. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, Limburg 39: 125-129.

Holthuis LB. The Palaemonidae collected by the Siboga and Snellius Expeditions, with remarks on other species. I. Subfamily Palaemoninae. The Decapoda of the Siboga-Expedition. Part X. Siboga Expedition, monograph 39a9: 1-268.

Holthuis LB. Decapoda (K IX) A. Natantia, Macrura Reptantia, Anomura, en Stomatopoda (K X). In: Boschma H (ed.), Fauna van Nederland 15: 1-166.

Holthuis LB. Preliminary descriptions of twelve new species of Palaemonid Prawns from American waters (Crustacea Decapoda). Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen 53: 93-99.

Holthuis LB. The Crustacea Decapoda Macrura collected by the Archbold New Guinea Expeditions. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 63. American Museum Novitates 1461: 1-17.

Dohrn PFR, Holthuis LB. Lysmata nilita, a new species of prawn (Crustacea Decapoda) from the Western Mediterranean. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 22: 339-347.

Holthuis LB. Crustacea Decapoda Macrura. Scientific Results of the Surinam Expedition 1948-1949. Part II. Zoology. No. 1. Zoologische Mededelingen 31: 25-37.

Holthuis LB. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Periclimenes Costa (Crustacés Décapodes, Natantia) des côtes Algériennes. Bulletin des Travaux publiés par la Station Expérimentale d’Aquiculture et de Pèche de Castiglione (n. ser.) 2 : 107-118.

Holthuis LB. Isopodes et Tanaidacés marins de la Belgique; remarques sur quelques espèces de la zone méridionale de la Mer du Nord. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 26(53): 1-19.

Holthuis LB. Verslag aangaande de onderzoekingen verricht door L.B. Holthuis, tijdens zijn verblijf aan het Zoologisch Station te Napels van 19 April tot 21 Mei 1950. Verslag van de Gewone Vergadering der Afdeling Natuurkunde van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 59 (7): 87-90.


Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name 'Crangon' Fabricius, 1798, for the Common Shrimp and the generic name 'Alpheus' Fabricius, 1798, for the Snapping Shrimps (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2: 69-72.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to render the generic name 'Scyllarides' Gill, 1898 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) the oldest available name for the species currently referred thereto. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2: 81, 82.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to render the generic name 'Lysiosquilla' Dana, 1852 (class Crustacea, order Stomatopoda) the oldest available name for the species currently referred thereto. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2: 83, 84.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name 'Odontodactylus' Bigelow, 1893 (class Crustacea, order Stomatopoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2 86, 87.

Buitendijk AM, Holthuis LB. Proposed validation under plenary powers of the generic names 'Ligia' Fabricius, 1798 (class Crustacea, order Isopoda) and 'Carcinus' Leach, 1814 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2: 99-101.

Holthuis LB. On the proposed validation of the names 'Crangon' and 'Alpheus' as from Fabricius, 1798, by the suppression of the names 'Crangon' Weber, 1795, and 'Alpheus' Weber, 1795 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature: Supplementary note. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2: 79, 80.

Holthuis LB. The Caridean Crustacea of tropical West Africa. Atlantide Report 2: 7-187.

Holthuis LB. Support for the proposal submitted by Mr. Francis Hemming that a ruling should be given that the work entitled 'The Natural History of Cornwall' by William Borlase, published in 1758, does not satisfy the requirements of Article 25 of the 'Règles'. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 119.

Holthuis LB. On the objection, from the carcinological point of view, of accepting the name 'Tylos' Meigen, 1800 (class Insecta, order Diptera) and the consequent rejection of the Name 'Tylos' (Latreille MS.) Audouin, 1826 (class Crustacea, order Isopoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 128.

Holthuis LB. Note on Caledoniella montrouzieri Souverbie, a Gastropod Mollusc living commensally on Stomatopod Crustacea. Basteria 15: 69-71.

Holthuis LB. Rivierkreeft. De Levende Natuur 54: 240.

Holthuis LB. The subfamily Euryrhynchinae and Pontoniinae. A general revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) of the Americas. I. Allan Hancock Foundation Publations, Occasional Paper 11: 1-332.

Hartog JC den, Holthuis LB. De Noord-Amerikaanse 'Blue Crab' in Nederland. De Levende Natuur 54: 121-125.

Holthuis LB. Verdere Gegevens over het Voorkomen van de Rivierkreeft in Nederland. De Levende Natuur 54: 213-218.

Holthuis LB. Enige interessante, met drijvende voorwerpen op de Nederlandse kust aangespoelde zeepissebedden en zeepokken. De Levende Natuur 55: 72-77.

Holthuis LB. On two species of Crustacea Decapoda Macrura from the N.W. Coast of South America. Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948-49. 4. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift (n. ser.) sect. 2, 47(9): 1-11.

Holthuis LB. The Crustacea Decapoda Macrura of Chile. Con resumen en español. Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948-49. 5. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift (n. ser.) sect. 2, 47(10): 1-110.

Holthuis LB. The subfamily Palaemoninae. A general revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) of the Americas. II. Allan Hancock Foundation Publations, Occasional Paper 12: 1-396.

Holthuis LB. The Palaemonidae collected by the Siboga and Snellius Expeditions, with remarks on other species. II. Subfamily Pontoniinae. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part. XI. Siboga Expedition, monograph 39a10: 1-254.

Holthuis LB. Crustacés Décapodes, Macrures. Expédition Océanographique Belge dans les Eaux Côtières Africaines de l’Atlantique Sud (1948-1949): Résultats scientifiques 3 (2): 1-88.

Holthuis LB. Rivierkreeft. De Levende Natuur 55: 100.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the generic name 'Lysippe' Kinahan, 1858 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) and to validate the generic name 'Lysippe' Malmgren, 1865 (class Polychaeta). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 148, 149.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name 'Acanthephyra' A. Milne Edwards, 1881 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 195-197.

Holthuis LB. Proposed validation under the plenary powers of the generic name 'Euryrhynchus' Miers, 1877 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 269, 270.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate 'Palaemon pinnophylax' Otto, 1821, as the type species of the genus 'Pontonia' Latreille, 1829 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 271, 272.

Holthuis LB. Proposed validation under the plenary powers of the trivial name 'hispidus' Olivier, 1811, as published in the binominal combination 'Palaemon hispidus' (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 337, 338.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name 'Sicyonia' H. Milne Edwards, 1830 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 339-341.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate a type species for the genus 'Hymenocera' Latreille, 1819 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) in harmony with current usage. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 343-345.

Holthuis LB. Support for Mr. Francis Hemming's proposal for the correction in the 'Official List of Generic Names in Zoology' of the erroneous entry in 'Opinion' 104 relating to the Name 'Penaeus' Fabricius, 1798 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 320.

Holthuis LB. On the action which it is desirable should be taken to correct the erroneous entry relating to the Name 'Astacus' Pallas, 1772 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) made in the 'Official List of generic names in Zoology' by 'Opinion' 104. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 118.

Holthuis LB. On the proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the entry of the 'Official List of generic Names in Zoology' of 'Favus' Lanchester, 1900 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 121.

Holthuis LB. Proposed addition of the generic names 'Portunus' Weber, 1795, and 'Macropipus' Prestandrea, 1833 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) to the 'Official List of generic names in Zoology'. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 122-127.

Holthuis LB, Maurin C. Note sur Lysmata uncicornis nov. spec. et sur deux autres espèces intéressantes de Crustacés Décapodes Macroures de la côte atlantique du Maroc. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen (C) 55: 197-202.

Holthuis LB. On some indo-westpacific Palaemoninae (Crustacea Decapoda Caridea). Zoologische Mededelingen 31: 201-211.

Holthuis LB. On the supposed validity of the specific names Callianassa laticauda Otto and Callianassa pontica Czerniavsky. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 24: 91-98.

Holthuis LB. Document 1/23. In: Documents relevant to the consideration of the problem of securing greater stability in zoological nomenclature. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 8: 44.

Holthuis LB. Document 4/8. In: Documents relevant to the consideration of the problem of regulating the naming of orders, classes and other taxonomic categories above family level. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 10: 11.

Holthuis LB. Document 2/9. In: Documents relating to the question whether 'Neotypes' should be recognized in the 'Règles' as a category of type specimens. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 8: 116.

Holthuis LB. Documents 3/15. In: Documents relating to the question of the reform of the provisions in the 'Règles' relating to the naming of families and lower suprageneric groups. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 8: 190, 191.

Holthuis LB. Document 5/18. In: Documents relevant to the consideration of the problem of the emendation of names. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 10: 102-108.

Holthuis LB. On the type Specimen of Vanderbiltia rosamondae Boone (Crustacea Decapoda Macrura). Zoologische Mededelingen 32: 113-118.

Holthuis LB. Bespreking van: Prof. Arturo Palombi en Mario Santarelli, Gli Animali commestibili dei mari d'Italia. Vakblad voor Biologen 33: 242.

Husson AM, Holthuis LB. On the early editions of Lacepède's 'Tableaux des Mammifères et des Oiseaux', with remarks on two hitherto overlooked species: Lori bengalensis Lacepède, 1800, and Ornithorynchus novae Hollandiae Lacepède, 1800. Zoologische Mededelingen 32: 211-219.

Holthuis LB. On the dates of publication of W. de Haan's volume on the Crustacea of P.F. von Siebold's 'Fauna Japonica'. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 3: 36-47.

Holthuis LB. Enumeration of the Decapod and Stomatopod Crustacea from Pacific coral islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 24: 1-66. (Also separate).


Holthuis LB. The names of the European species of the genus Xantho Leach, 1814 (Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura). Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadademie van Wetenschappen (C) 57: 103-107.

Hemming F, Holthuis LB. Proposed modification of the application submitted to the International Commission on zoological Nomenclature regarding the generic name 'Euryrhynchus' Miers, 1877 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 367-369.

Holthuis LB. On a collection of Decapod Crustacea from the Republic of El Salvador (Central America). Zoologische Verhandelingen 23: 1-43.

Husson AM, Holthuis LB. De naam Dreissena, een nomenclatorische puzzle. Basteria 18: 29-36.

Holthuis LB. Garnalen. S.W.G. Tabellen serie 13: 1-8.

Holthuis LB. Proposed addition to the 'Official List of Generic Names in Zoology' of the generic name 'Xantho' Leach, 1814 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 270, 271.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name 'Discias' Rathbun, 1902 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 332, 333.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the generic names 'Upogebia' Leach, 1814, and 'Processa' Leach, 1815 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 9: 334-340.

Holthuis LB. C.S. Rafinesque as a carcinologist, an annotated compilation of the information on Crustacea contained in the works of that author. Zoologische Verhandelingen 25: 1-43.

Holthuis LB. Crustacea Isopoda. In: Beaufort LF de (ed.), Veranderingen in de flora and fauna van de Zuiderzee (thans IJsselmeer) na de afsluiting in 1932. Verslag van de onderzoekingen, ingesteld door de Zuiderzee-Commissie der Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging: 205-212.

Holthuis LB. Mysidacea. In: Beaufort LF de (ed.), Veranderingen in de flora en fauna van de Zuiderzee (thans IJsselmeer) na de afsluiting in 1932. Verslag van de onderzoekingen, ingesteld door de Zuiderzee-Commissie der Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging: 213-219.

Holthuis LB. Crustacea Decapoda. In: Beaufort LF de (ed.), Veranderingen in de flora and fauna van de Zuiderzee (thans IJsselmeer) na de afsluiting in 1932. Verslag van de onderzoekingen, ingesteld door de Zuiderzee-Commissie der Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging: 220-232.

Holthuis LB. Observaciones sobre los Crustáceos Decápodos de la Republica de El Salvador. Comunicaciones del Instituto Tropical de Investigaciones Científicas de la Universidad de El Salvador 3: 159-166.


Holthuis LB. The recent genera of the Caridean and Stenopodidean shrimps (class Crustacea, order Decapoda, supersection Natantia) with keys for their determination. Zoologische Verhandelingen 26: 1-157.

Holthuis LB. Proposed addition to the 'Official List of Generic Names in Zoology' of the names of one hundred and two genera of Caridea (class Crustacea, order Decapoda), including proposals for the use of the plenary powers (a) to validate the emendation to 'Gnathophyllum' of the generic name 'Gnatophyllum' Latreille, 1814, and (b) to validate the family-group names 'Hippolytidae' Bate, 1888 and 'Eugonatonotidae' Chace, 1937. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 11: 204-228.

Holthuis LB. Supplementary note on the carcinological work of C.S. Rafinesque. Zoologische Mededelingen 33: 279-281.

Husson AM, Holthuis LB. The dates of publication of 'Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche Bezittingen' edited by C.J. Temminck. Zoologische Mededelingen 34: 17-24.

Holthuis LB. Note on the genus Miyadiella Kubo (Crustacea Decapoda Penaeidae) with the description of a new species. Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i København 117: 75-81.

Holthuis LB. On the proposal to prescribe for generic names in the order Decapoda (class Crustacea) having the terminations '-opsis' and '-gnathus' and for the generic name 'Nephrops' Leach, 1814, a gender in harmony with accepted usage. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 11: 301, 302.

Forest J, Holthuis LB. Application for a decision regarding the status of the generic name 'Pagurus' Fabricius, 1775 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) and application for the use of the plenary powers in regard thereto in certain circumstances. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 11: 307-321.

Holthuis LB. Acanthephyra pulchra A. Milne Edwards, 1890, a synonym of Acanthephyra eximia S.I. Smith, 1884 (Crustacea Decapoda, Natantia). Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 27: 277-282.

Holthuis LB, Gottlieb E. The occurrence of the American Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in Israel waters. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel (B) 5B: 154-156.


Holthuis LB. Three species of Crustacea Decapoda Macrura from southern Brazil, including a new species of Upogebia. Zoologische Mededelingen 34: 173-181.

Sivertsen E, Holthuis LB. Crustacea Decapoda (the Penaeidea and Stenopodidea excepted). Reports of the scientific results of the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep-sea Expedition 1910 5(12): 1-54.

Holthuis LB. De Amphipoda (Vlokreeftjes) van Limburg. Notities betreffende Limburgse Crustacea. III. Mededelingen van de Commissie inzake Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Sint Pietersberg. No. 33. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad Maastricht 45: 83-95.

Holthuis LB. Isopoda en Tanaidacea (KV). In: Boschma H (ed.), Fauna van Nederland 16: 1-280.

Holthuis LB. Proposed use of the plenary powers to render the generic name 'Panulirus' White, 1847 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) the oldest available name for the genus concerned and matters incidental thereto. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 12: 55-59.

Holthuis LB, Hemming AF. Proposed use of the plenary powers (a) to validate the generic name 'Lepidurus' Leach, 1819, and to designate a type species for, and to determine the gender of, 'Triops' Schrank, 1803 (class Crustacea, order Phyllopoda) and (b) to validate the family name 'Apodidae' Hartert, 1897 (class Aves). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 12: 67-85.

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