March 4, 2015 Regular Meeting

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March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

Page 20,769

The following items are contained in the March 4, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes:

  1. Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

  1. Student Recognition

  1. Principals’ Update

  1. Activity Calendars

  1. Fire Drill and Lockdown Drill Reports

  1. Communications

  1. Personnel Matters

  1. Instructional Support/Activities

  1. Workshops

  1. Student Matters

  1. Approval of Minutes: February 11, 2015 Regular Meeting and Executive Session.

  1. Board Secretary’s Financial Reports for January 2015

  1. Board of Education Certification as of January 31, 2015

  1. Bills and Payrolls

  1. Transfer of Funds

  1. Report of Receipts and Disbursements for January 2015

  1. Cash Report for January 2015

  1. Other Matters

  1. Executive Session

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Regular Meeting

March 4, 2015

  1. New Business

  1. Student Matters

  1. Adjournment

March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

Page 20,771

The Regular Meeting of the Margate City Board of Education was called to order at 5:35 P.M. on March 4, 2015 by President, Mr. J.B. Sless, in the William H Ross School Cafeteria, Margate, New Jersey.

Certification of Notice:
Susan Palaia, Board Secretary, announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been provided and read the following Certification Notice:
On May 20, 2014, a notice of this meeting was posted on the district website, the bulletin

board in the Board of Education Administration Office, the Eugene A. Tighe School, and the William H Ross III School and mailed to the City Clerk and advertised in the Press.

Roll Call - Members Present: Mr. Jacob Sless, President; Mr. Jim Olivo, Vice-President,

Dr. Joel Frankel, Mrs. Catherine Horn,

Mrs. Joanne Kulzer (via phone),

Mrs.Tracy Santoro (arrived 5:45pm), Mrs. Lisa Youngblood

Members Absent: None

Others Present: John DiNicola, Superintendent, Susan Palaia, Board

Secretary/School Business Administrator; Mrs. Audrey Becker, Director of Curriculum/Principal; Mr. Robert Muccilli, School Solicitor; Mr. Carl Tripician, Longport Representative, Members of the Community
Student Recognition:
Mrs. Audrey Becker and Mrs. Kathy Landgraf recognized the following:

  • Five Tighe students passed the regional qualifying exam of the National History Bee and have been invited to compete in the regional finals on April 18, in Wynnewood, PA. The finalists are Brad Jones, Mackenzie Smith, Steven Schneider, Michael Flynn, and Shane Ferry.

  • Tighe school finalist for the annual Geography Bee is Jordan Faustino.

  • Tighe School Think Day Team for 2015: Mackenzie Smith, Sofia Graziano, Gavi Jacobson, Luke Spotts, Quint Agostini, Catherine Agostini, Colin McHugh, Kai Tripician, Katie Carter, Teddy Grimley, and Megan Crawford. Alternate: Michael Flynn

Principal’s Update:
Mrs. Audrey Becker reported on current events and programs at the Tighe School.

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Regular Meeting

March 4, 2015

Activity Calendars:
John DiNicola distributed the Activity Calendars for William H. Ross, III School and E.A. Tighe Schools for the month of February 2015.
Fire Drill and Lockdown:
John DiNicola distributed the Fire Drill and Lockdown and School Reports for William H. Ross, III School and E.A. Tighe Schools for the month of February 2015 attached as Exhibit # 1, pages 20,780 – 20,781.

John DiNicola shared the following communications:

  • Share Superintendent’s letter to parents dated February 25th regarding participation in the PARCC.

  • Share the State’s position on PARCC

  • Share the letter sent to Atlantic County Superintendent Thomas McMahon regarding the change in determination regarding Margate’s having a seat on the Atlantic City Board of Education.

  • Share the letter from the Atlantic County Superintendent Thomas McMahon sent to Robert Muccilli, Esquire regarding Margate having a seat on the Atlantic City Board of Education.

Personnel Matters:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the following personnel matters:

  • Accept the letter of retirement for Mary Oakes.

  • Request to approve pupil transportation in a private vehicle for Laureen Cohen.

  • Accept the letter of retirement for Kathleen Geiger.

  • Approve reimbursement for special training related to Facilities to Matt Burton in the amount of $1,258.00.

Motion passed by the following roll call:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Instructional Support/Activities:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the following instructional support/activities:

  • Approval to Operate a BSI/Title 1 Summer School. June 29 –July 29 (19 days, excluding Fridays).

March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

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Instructional Support/Activities: (Continued)

  • Approval to operate an ESY summer school for special education students. June 29 – July 29 (19 days, excluding Fridays).

Motion passed by the following roll call:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve Susan Palaia and Jennifer Germana to attend the NJASBO Annual Conference on June 3, 4, and 5. Costs: $300.00 plus travel. Motion passed by the following roll call:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None
Student Matters:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the following student matters:

  • Request to approve a field trip to the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge and The Noyes Museum of Art for all gifted students from Tighe on April 14th Admission fee is $5.00 ($5.00 X 8 students = $40.00)

  • Approval for the 1st grade to do a building based field trip with the Rizzo’s Reptile Discovery of New Jersey. Cost: $675.00, and Lunch $150.00 (pizza party) Total $825.00.

  • Approval to host a “Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes” at the Ross School. Date and time TBA.

Motion passed by the following roll call:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Motion by Dr. Frankel, seconded by Mr. Olivo, to affirm the final decision of the completed HIB investigations. Motion passed by the following roll call:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

  • Share February HIB investigation and summary report.

Approval of Minutes:
Upon motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, the board unanimously agreed to accept the minutes of February 11, 2015 Regular Meeting and Executive Session.

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Regular Meeting

March 4, 2015

Financial Reports:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to accept the Secretary’s Financial

Reports for the month of January 2015 as attached to these minutes and certifying that no

budgetary account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12(a). See Exhibit # 2,

pages 20,782 – 20,805. The Secretary’s Report agrees with the Report of Receipts and

Disbursements. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Board of Education Certification:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11,

the Margate City Board of Education certifies that as of January 31, 2015, after review of the

Secretary's Monthly Financial Reports (Revenue and Appropriation Sections) and upon consultation

with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge there have been no changes

in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts and no major account or fund has been over-

expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)2-3 so that sufficient funds are available to meet the

district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. Motion passed by the following

roll call vote:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Bills and Payrolls:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the payment of bills and payrolls as listed on Exhibit # 3, pages 20,806 - 20,820. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Transfer of Funds:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the following Transfer of Funds:
Ratified Budget Transfers for 2014-2015



Health Benefits

$ 22,000.00


Health Salaries



Speech Salaries



CST Salaries



Media Salaries



Gen Admin Salaries



Principal Secretary Salaries


March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

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Transfer of Funds: (Continued)


Business Office Salaried



Routine Cleaning Salaries EAT



Routine Cleaning Salaries ADM



Routine Cleaning Salaries WHR



Teacher Salaries KDG



Teacher Salaries Grades 1-5



Teacher Salaries Grades 6-8



Teacher Salaries Resource Room



Teacher Salaries Basic Skills



Required Maint. Services WHR



General Supplies Pride WHR



Health Supplies



Required Maint. Salaries ADM



Business Office Tech. Services



Transportation Repairs



Maint. Purchased Service ADM





Tuition ACSSSD



Tuition Privat Handicapped



Teacher Salary Attendance



Salaries Aides Extraordinary



CST Salaries Support Staff



Supervisor of Instruction Salary



Principal Salaries



Maintenance OT WHR



Salaries Aides Resource Room



Salaries Teachers Preschool



Required Maint. Supplies WHR



General Supply WHR



Required Maint. Salaries EAT



Business Purchased Services



Transportation Aid-in-Lieu



Required Maint. Supplies EAT



Motion passed by the following roll call vote:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

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Regular Meeting

March 4, 2015

Report of Receipts and Disbursements:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to accept the Report of Receipts

and Disbursements for the month of January 2015. See Exhibit # 4, page 20,821 –20,830.

Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Cash Report:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to accept the Cash Report for the

month of January 2015 attached as Exhibit # 5, page 20,831. Motion passed by the following

roll call vote:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None
Other Matters:
Motion by Dr. Frankel, seconded by Mr. Sless, to approve the following other matters:

  • Request to approve the hiring of Melanie Brough as a dance teacher/choreographer for the Summer Performing Arts Camp. Cost teacher/choreographer combined total $900.00.

  • Request to approve the hiring of Carly Egrie as a dance teacher/choreographer for the summer performing arts camp. Cost teacher/choreographer combined total of $900.00.

  • Request to approve the hiring of Amy Hughes as Assistant Director for the summer performing arts camp. Cost for two assistance directors at a combined total of $1500.00.

  • Affirm the final decision of the completed HIB investigations.

  • Approve Kurtis Woodrow a stipend of $1000.00 for Operability of District Security Systems.

  • Approval for Ross School to host a Tiny Titan Talent Showcase Date: TBA

  • Approval for Ross School on April 16th to partipate in CASA Go Blue Fundraiser.

  • Approve the contract for the Ensemble Arts Group in the Dominick A. Potena Performing Arts Center.

  • Approve a tuition contract with Longport Board of Education for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $656,112 plus a tuition adjustment for the 2013-14 school years of $181,294 for a total cost of $837,406 calculated as follows:

March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

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Other Matters: (Continued)

Grade Level

# Students

Tuition Rate

Budgeted Revenue




$ 36,296

First – Fifth




Sixth - Eighth







Plus Tuition Adjustment



  • Approve tuition contracts with Atlantic City Board of Education for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $1,777,248 for regular education students and $162,855 for special education students less a tuition adjustment for the 2013-14 school years of $240,585 for a total cost of $1,699,518:

# Students

Tuition Rate

Budgeted Revenue

Regular Students 9th – 12th



$ 1,777,248

Special Education 9th – 12th







Less Tuition Adjustment



  • Approve a resolution to award general construction, plumbing and drainage, HVAC, and electrical contracts for the alterations and renovations at the William H. Ross School attached as Exhibit # 6, page 20,832.

  • Approve a resolution to award HVAC, general construction and electrical contracts for the HVAC renovations at the Tighe Middle School attached as Exhibit # 7, page 20,833.

Motion passed by the following roll call vote:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Executive Session:
Upon motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, the board unanimously approved the following resolution at 6:35 PM:
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 10:4-13 requires adoption of a resolution of the Board to go into Executive Session;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board, pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, New

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Regular Meeting

March 4, 2015

Executive Session: (Continued)
Jersey Title 18A and the Margate City Board of Education Bylaw No. 9322 hereby enters

Executive Session to discuss matters involving:

Confidential Personnel, Student Matters, advice of counsel, pending litigation, contracts or other matters for which an executive session is permitted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this Executive Session shall be made public following formal action by the Board and/or at the conclusion of any investigation(s), due process proceeding, or litigation, so long as not prohibited by law and so long as the need for maintaining confidentiality no longer exists.

Upon motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, the board unanimously agreed to reconvene the meeting at 7:00 PM.

New Business:
Motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, to approve the following new business matters:

  • Presentation and review of the 2015-2016 tentative budget

  • Approve submission of the proposed 2015-2016 Margate City School District Budget, attached as Exhibit # 8, page 20,834 – 20,836, to the Atlantic County Executive Superintendent for his review.

  • Approve a resolution fixing the sum to be raised by Local Tax Levy for the 2015-16 School District budget attached as Exhibit # 9, page 20,837.

  • Approve a resolution to set maximum travel expenditure limits as required by Section 15, Chapter 53, P.L. 2007 attached as Exhibit # 10, page 20,838.

  • Approve a resolution to set maximum dollar limits for professional services for the 2015-2016 school year as required by N.J.A.C. 6A:23A 5.2 attached as Exhibit # 11, page 20,839.

Motion passed by the following roll call vote:

Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kulzer, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Mr. DiNicola shared the following regulation:

5120.1 (R) Dyslexia Screening Process
Student Matters:
Motion by Mr. Sless, seconded by Mr. Olivo, to approve the settlement pertaining to the student discussed in executive session subject to negotiation of a mutually acceptable settlement agreement and subject to the parents signing the agreement.

March 4, 2015

Regular Meeting

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Student Matters: (Continued)
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Dr. Frankel, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Santoro, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless

Nays: None

Abstains: Mrs. Kulzer
Upon motion by Mr. Olivo, seconded by Dr. Frankel, the board unanimously agreed to adjourn at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Susan E. Palaia

Board Secretary/School Business Administrator
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