Mass Observation (MOb) Acceptance Test Plan

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Mass Observation (MOb)

Acceptance Test Plan
Version 0.2

Doc. No.:

Revision History







Initial Draft

Xiaoyan Wan



Update according to latest implementation. Add test cases for mobile web application.

Xiaoyan Wan

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 6

1.1 Purpose of this document 6

1.2 Intended Audience 6

1.3 Scope 6

1.4 Definitions and acronyms 6

1.4.1 Definitions 6

1.4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations 6

1.5 References 7

2. Test-plan introduction 7

3. Test items 7

3.1 Web application 7

3.2 Mobile Android application 7

3.3 Mobile web application 7

3.4 End-to-end Scenario 7

3.5 Non-functional Scenario 7

4. Features to be tested 8

5. Features not to be tested 9

6. Approach 9

6.1 Approach to configuration and installation 9

7. Item pass/fail criteria 9

7.1 Installation and Configuration 9

7.2 Documentation problems 10

8. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements 10

9. Environmental needs 10

9.1 Hardware 10

9.2 Software 10

9.3 Other 10

10. Test procedure 10

10.1 Test case specifications 10

10.1.1 Web Application - WEBAPP 10

10.1.2 Mobile Android Application - MBAPP 16

10.1.3 Mobile Web Application - MBWEB 18

10.1.4 End-to-End Scenario - E2E 19

10.1.5 Non-functional Scenario - NFR 19

10.2 Test plan 21

11. Responsibilities 21

11.1 Developers 21

11.2 Testers 21

11.3 User representative 21

12. Risks and contingencies 21

13. Approvals 21


1.1Purpose of this document

This document describes the Mass Observation (MOb) acceptance test plan, which works as a guidance for MOb acceptance test activities. The acceptance test ensures that MOb product meets the customer requirements at an accredited level.

1.2Intended Audience

This document is intended for:

  • MOb testers

  • MOb developers

  • MOb Proponent and Customer

  • MOb project supervisor

  • DSD teachers

  • All other stakeholders who are interested in this project


This document includes the plan, items, scope, approach, environment and procedure of MOb acceptance test. Then the pass/fail criteria of the test items are defined. After that, the responsibilities of developers and user representatives are identified. At last, risks and contingencies are specified to ensure the test reliability. Other information not related to the test activities is not included in this document.

1.4Definitions and acronyms




Mass Observation (MOb)

Project Name and Team Name


International student contest on software engineering


Course Name


Mobile Operating System/Platform

1.4.2Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronym or




Mass Observation


Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia


Distributed Software Development


Student Contest on Software Engineering


Hypertext Preprocessor


Subversion, an open source version control system


Observation Event


Android Development Tools


  • MOb Project Description:

  • MOb Requirement Definition

  • MOb Design Description

  • MOb Project Plan

  • MOb Google Site:

The Mob project documents are available at DSD Homepage in the path /Projects/Mass Observation/Documents:

2.Test-plan introduction

The MOb product will be verified and validated to meet all the requirements outlined in the requirement definition document. Unit test cases will be designed separately for the mobile application and web application. Integration test cases will be designed to test the end-to-end scenarios. And performance test will also be included to verify some of the non-functional requirements.

3.Test items

Based on the MOb requirements and design description, application modules of web application, mobile Android application, mobile web application, end-to-end scenario and non-functional scenario will be tested.

3.1Web application

In web application, OE can be created, started, terminated, edited, deleted and viewed by the Initiator. Initiator will be able to manage the group of people who make observations and select people who consume the observation results. Initiator will also be able to select OE interface such as check-boxes, image capture, voice recording and written notes.

In this application, consumers who are authorized will be able to view OE results, filter by fields and optionally explore/analyze the result.

Administrator is a special actor in web application who will manage all the users as initiators, observers and consumers.

3.2Mobile Android application

In mobile Android application, observer is able to make an observation as prescribed by initiator, such as answering questions (posed by the Initiator), making notes, taking pictures, providing audio commentary. Observation data with a unique user ID will be time and location stamped. And the data will be transmitted to web server by instant transfer with cellular connection, delayed transfer when Wi-Fi is available, or transfer to desktop computer with cable connection.

3.3Mobile web application

With mobile web application, observer can make an observation without Android mobile. Any mobile devices connecting with network is able to make observation and send data. The functionality of mobile web application is almost as same as that of mobile Android application.

3.4End-to-end Scenario

In the end-to-end scenario, initiator enters a study question as an OE in web application and makes it available to mobile observers. Then observers make an observation on mobile application by answering questions, making notes, taking pictures or recording audio. After that, the observation data will be sent to web application. And web application will collect the result and make them available for consumers to analysis and view.

3.5Non-functional Scenario

For privacy/security and authentication, system will generate a key for the observer selected, and the key will be used to relay back the information when OE demands a signature. Only observation data with the key matched will be valid.

For accessibility, Android platform is used for mobile application device to ensure that data can be encrypted to make the transmission secure.

For affordability, mobile application will provide means to capture observations even if it hasn’t got access to the Internet.

For performance, the time of loading a web application, searching the database and printing the result should be at an acceptable level and system should recovery to normal state within a specified time.

4.Features to be tested

All the requirements outlined in requirement definition document will be tested as new features.








System Administration




Ability to create a user.





Ability to edit a user.





Ability to view a user.





Ability to delete a user.






Ability to create an observation event.





Ability to start an observation event.





Ability to terminate an observation event.





Ability to edit an observation event.





Ability to view an observation event.





Ability to delete an observation event.





Ability to select observers for an observation event.





Ability to select the medium for the observation data.






Ability to view observation events assigned.





Ability to accept/reject observation event.





Ability to make observations using Mobile Application Device.





Ability to send an observation data using Mobile Application Device to a web-server.






Ability to view observed data.





Ability to analyze the observed data.






Ability to register a user on website.






The identity of the observer if desired should be kept secret.





Observer authentication should be possible if desired.





Encryption techniques should be used for security for mobile applications





There should be some facility to access information via mobile device even though there is no internet access.


5.Features not to be tested

Following features shall not be tested because they are either inexecutable or uncontrollable.

  • Database. Web application will perform the integrity check and all data retrieved will not be altered so database will not be tested as a standalone feature.

  • Large number of users as high-load stress. High-load is only possible when the product is released to public because the emulated test result in lab is not convincible.

  • Network delays. It’s not possible to control the network delay as in realistic environment so it will not be covered in this acceptance test.


Acceptance test will be executed based on this acceptance test plan. And after all test cases are executed, a test report will be summarized to show the quality of our MOb product. Following test approaches will be used in test execution:

  • Unit test. Developers are responsible for unit test as white-box testing. The implementation of each module and individual component will be verified separately.

  • Integration test. After the unit test is passed above the defined quality threshold, testers will execute the integration test cases. After all the modules are integrated, it’s crucial to test the product as a black-box. End-to-end scenarios will be tested to ensure the communication functionality.

  • Regression test. After developers fix the bug in one feature, regression test will be executed by testers to ensure that the other functions are not affected.

  • Field test. Firstly, untrained end users recreate one or more existing (but narrow) mass observation events in the MOb system. A number of observers will be invited to help with evaluation. After that, post event questionnaires will be used to collect quantitative usage data as well as qualitative data and further improvement will be taken into consideration.

  • Positive and negative testing design technique. This approach will be combined with unit test and integration test. Test cases are designed in sunny day scenarios, which ensure that all functional requirements are satisfied. What’s more, rainy day test cases will also be covered to show how the system reacts with invalid operations.

6.1Approach to configuration and installation

For web application, no installation or configuration by the end user is required. The basic functionality of web applications is possible without the presence of JavaScript. Only the hardware/software environment required in Section 9 is necessary. For mobile Android application, software on the Android platform following the installation manual is required. For mobile web application, no installation is required except connecting with network.

7.Item pass/fail criteria

Details of the test cases are specified in section 10. Following the principles outlined below, a test item would be judged as pass or fail.

  • Preconditions are met

  • Inputs are carried out as specified

  • The result works as what specified in output => Pass

  • The system doesn't work or not the same as output specification => Fail

7.1Installation and Configuration

Installation and configuration of web application does not affect the testing as long as the test environment is as required in section 9. Nevertheless, the mobile Android application should be installed successfully on the mobile with Android platform and cellular connection or internet is required, or the mobile without Android platform should have cellular or internet connection, otherwise, the integration test cannot be executed.

7.2Documentation problems

Requirement definition document should be kept up-to-date, or there will be a waste of time for developers and testers with extra efforts on fake errors.

Test plan document should describe test cases clearly without ambiguity, which helps tester to execute the test cases and validate the requirements.

User manual document should be finished completely before filed test, or untrained end user will have trouble in using the MOb product correctly.

8.Suspension criteria and resumption requirements

For website interface, the response time is short. Any bugs found can be fixed by developers quickly and no need to start the testing process from the beginning. However, when major bugs such as the communication between mobile and web application occur, it will block the following test cases and the testing has to be paused. The test will restart from the very beginning until the major error is solved.

9.Environmental needs



  • PC Operating System:

  • Windows XP (32-bit)

  • Windows Vista (32- or 64-bit)

  • Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit)

  • Browsers: (screen resolutions of 1024x768px or more)

  • Opera 10 or later

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later

  • Mozilla Firefox 3 or later

  • Apple Safari 4 or later

  • Google Chrome 4.0 or later

  • Mobile Platform: Android 2.0/2.1 (Eclair) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.29 or later

  • Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or 3.5 (Galileo) with ADT Plugin


  • Internet connection for PC

  • WiFi/3G/GPRS connection for mobile

10.Test procedure

10.1Test case specifications

Each case is specified with one-liner and detail description covering test type, precondition, input and output.

10.1.1Web Application - WEBAPP creates user - WEBAPP-001


Administrator add previously inexistent user to the database.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


Input definition:

  1. Administrator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Administrator selects “Create New Account” from “Administration Options”.

  3. Administrator fills in the required profile to create a new user, username, password, confirm password, first name, last name and roles.

  4. After filling in the required information, press “Save”.

Output definition:

  1. When all the required profiles are filled and the user doesn’t exist before, click “View Accounts” to check that the user is successfully added.

  2. When administrator does not fill in enough profiles, display an error message.

  3. When the new user already exists, display an error message.

  4. When administrator doesn’t click “Save” and click other pages, the filled data will be lost and the new user will not be added.


This is the basic case that starts the MOb application. edits user - WEBAPP-002


Administrator edits user’s profile.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


There is at least one existing user in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Administrator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Administrator selects “View Accounts” from “Administration Options”.

  3. Administrator selects the user to be edited from the list and update the profiles.

  4. After updating, press “Save”.

Output definition:

  1. When the required fields are filled/updated completely, click “View Accounts” to check the details of the user is successfully updated.

  2. When the necessary fields are not complete, display an error message.

  3. When administrator close the edit window, the filled data will be lost and the user will not be updated.


None views user - WEBAPP-003


Administrator views user’s profile details.

Test type:



There is at least one existing user in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Administrator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Administrator selects “View Accounts” from “Administration Options”.

  3. Administrator selects the user to be viewed from the list.

  4. After viewing, close the pop up window.

Output definition:

  1. Administrator can view the user’s profile details successfully.


None deletes user - WEBAPP-004


Administrator deletes an existing user.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


There is at least one existing user in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Administrator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Administrator selects “View Accounts” from “Administration Options”.

  3. Administrator selects the user to be deleted from the list and click the delete button

  4. Administrator confirms the action by clicking “Delete”.

Output definition:

  1. Click “View Accounts” to check the account is successfully deleted from the list.

  2. When administrator clicks “Cancel”, the user will not be deleted.

  3. When administrator closes the pop up window, the user will not be deleted.


None creates an OE - WEBAPP-005


Initiator creates an observation event and makes it available to the observers.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator clicks the “Create observation event” from “Initiator Options”.

  3. Initiator fills in the observation event details, title, description, start date, end date, click “Next Step”.

  4. Initiator selects interface components, note, image, audio, video, radio poll, checkbox poll.

  5. Initiator selects group(s).

  6. Press “Save” button.

Output definition:

  1. Click “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options” and check the OE is successfully created.

  2. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.

  3. When initiator does not fill in the key fields, display a warning message.

  4. When initiator presses “Cancel”, the entered data of the OE will be lost and no OE will be created.


None starts an OE - WEBAPP-006


Initiator starts an existing observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database, and the observer belongs to a specific group.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator creates a new OE, defines the start date and selects the group.

  3. When the start date meets, observer(s) in the group login to the mobile application.

Output definition:

  1. Observer gets a new OE notification when login to the mobile application. The OE is successfully started.

  2. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.

  3. When initiator does not fill in the key fields, display a warning message.


None terminates an OE - WEBAPP-007


Initiator terminates an existing observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database., and the observer belongs to a specific group.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator creates a new OE, defines the start date, the end date and selects the group.

  3. When the end date meets, observer(s) in the group login to the mobile application.

Output definition:

  1. Observer cannot upload any observations when the end date meets. The OE is successfully terminated.

  2. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


None edits an OE - WEBAPP-008


Initiator edits an existing observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator clicks “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options”.

  3. Initiator selects one observation event from the list.

  4. Press “Edit” button.

  5. Initiator edits the details of observation event.

  6. Initiator presses “Save” button in each step.

Output definition:

  1. Click “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options” and click the updated OE name to check that the OE details are successfully updated.

  2. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.

  3. When the key fields are not complete, display a warning message.

  4. When initiator presses “Next Step” or “Exit”, the edited data of the OE will be lost and the OE will not be updated.


None deletes an OE - WEBAPP-009


Initiator deletes an existing observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator clicks “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options”.

  3. Initiator selects one observation event from the list.

  4. Press “Delete” button.

  5. Initiator presses “Delete” button on the pop up message.

Output definition:

  1. Click “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options” to check the OE is successfully deleted. And the observation list is refreshed.

  2. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.

  3. When initiator presses “Cancel” button or close the pop up window, the OE will not be deleted.


None views an OE - WEBAPP-010


Initiator views an existing observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator clicks “View own observation events” from “Initiator Options”.

  3. Initiator selects one observation event from the list and clicks the name.

Output definition:

  1. A list of the observation events owned by initiator will be displayed.

  2. When initiator clicks on the OE name, the OE details will be displayed.

  3. When initiator logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


None registers - WEBAPP-011


Guest registers on the web application.

Test type:

Positive & Negative

Input definition:

  1. Guest navigates to

  2. Press “Register” button.

  3. Guest fills in the user detail form, username, password, confirm password, first name and last name.

Output definition:

  1. Administer login and view the accounts to check the guest is successfully registered as a new user of the application.

  2. When guest doesn’t fill all the key fields, display an error message.

  3. When guest registers as an existing user, display an error message.

  4. When guest switches to another panel, all the input data will be lost and the guest will not be a registered user.



10.1.2Mobile Android Application - MBAPP views available OE - MBAPP-001


Observer views available observation events.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database.

  3. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator and available to the observer.

  4. Observer has internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Observer logins the MOb mobile application.

Output definition:

  1. A list of the observation events owned by observer will be displayed.

  2. When observer logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


This is the basic case for observers to make observation. accepts/declines OE - MBAPP-002


Observer accepts/declines an observation event.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database.

  3. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator and available to the observer.

  4. Initiator starts the observation event and an invitation is sent to observer.

  5. Observer has internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Observer logins the MOb mobile application.

  2. Observer clicks on the “new notification”.

  3. Observer views the observation event details and click “Accept” or “Decline”.

Output definition:

  1. Observer can accept/decline the observation event successfully.

  2. When observer logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


None makes observation - MBAPP-003


Observer makes observation with different interfaces.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database.

  3. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator and available to the observer.

  4. Initiator starts the observation event and an invitation is sent to observer.

  5. Observer accepts the invitation.

  6. Observer has internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Observer logins the MOb mobile application.

  2. Observer clicks the OE from the list.

  3. Observer makes observation by writing notes, taking pictures, polling in checkbox/radio, recording audio or recording video as required.

  4. Observer presses “Save” button.

Output definition:

  1. Observer can make the observation to server successfully.

  2. When observer logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


None sends observation - MBAPP-004


Observer sends observation.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database.

  3. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of consumer in database.

  4. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator and available to the observer.

  5. Initiator starts the observation event and an invitation is sent to observer.

  6. Observer accepts the invitation.

  7. Observer has internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Observer logins the MOb mobile application.

  2. Observer clicks the OE from the list.

  3. After making observation, observer presses “Send”.

  4. Observer presses “Back” button to return the main screen.

Output definition:

  1. Consumer login to the web application and view the send data to check observer sends the observation successfully.

  2. When observer press “Close”, the observation will not be sent.

  3. When observer logins with an invalid username or password, display an error message.


None offline functions - MBAPP-005


Observer makes observation without internet connection.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of observer in database.

  3. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of consumer in database.

  4. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator and available to the observer.

  5. Initiator starts the observation event and an invitation is sent to observer.

  6. Observer accepts the invitation.

  7. Observer doesn’t have internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Observer uses the MOb mobile application by clicking “Skip”.

  2. Observer makes observation to accepted OEs.

  3. Observer clicks “Save” to save the observation results.

  4. Observer presses “Back” button to return the main screen.

  5. Connect to internet. Observer login MOb mobile application and upload the offline observations.

Output definition:

  1. Consumer login to the web application and view the send data to check observer sends the observation successfully.



10.1.3Mobile Web Application - MBWEB views available OE - MBWEB-001

Refer to test case MBAPP-001 and replace the login to navigate to . accepts/declines OE - MBWEB-002

Refer to test case MBAPP-002 and replace the login to navigate to . makes observation - MBWEB-003

Refer to test case MBAPP-003 and replace the login to navigate to . sends observation - MBWEB-004

Refer to test case MBAPP-004 and replace the login to navigate to .

10.1.4End-to-End Scenario - E2E up an OE and run the event - E2E-001


Initiator creates a mass observation event and makes it available to a group of observers. Then observers make observation by the means required and send the observation data to web server. The observation data will be collected for further review and analysis.

Test type:



  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator in the database.

  3. Observers have internet access.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator chooses a set of people as observers by name/email, by region, or by other discernible attributes (or even by direct permission) as groups.

  3. Initiator chooses the means for observer to observe, writing notes, taking pictures, polling checkbox/radio, recording audio and recording video.

  4. Initiator creates an observation event following WEBAPP-005 & WEBAPP-006.

  5. Observers login in the mobile application or navigate to

  6. Observers get a notification of “new observation notification” and accept it.

  7. Observers make observation and send the observation result to web server.

  8. Consumers login in the website.

  9. The observation results of the observation event are displayed for consumers. Consumers can filter the result by fields.

Output definition:

  1. Initiator, observers and consumers can login the system successfully with valid username and password.

  2. The process of running the observation event is successful without error.

  3. The observation data can be reviewed and analyzed by the consumers.


This is a basic end-to-end scenario for integration test, which consists some of the test cases above. The communication between mobile and web is verified in this test case. When observers don’t have internet access, the observation data can also be sent to web server by cable connection with the PC.

10.1.5Non-functional Scenario - NFR - NFR-001


When observation requires to be “signed” by an observer, system will generate a key for the observer selected. And only observation data with the key matched will be valid. This allows the initiator to determine if the observation has come from an invited observer.

Test type:

Positive & Negative


  1. There is at least a user created by administrator acting as the role of initiator in database.

  2. There is at least an observation event created by the initiator in the database.

Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login the MOb web application.

  2. Initiator creates an observation event and makes it available to the invited observers.

  3. Invited observers make observation and send to web server.

Output definition:

  1. The observation data sent by invited observers will be accepted by web server. However, the observation data sent by uninvited observers will be rejected by the web server and not display on the website for consumers.


None Website - NFR-002


Load a web application must be less than 5 seconds.

Test type:


Input definition:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Repeat the step 1 for times and record the loading time.

Output definition:

  1. Calculate the average loading time. The website should be loaded in less than 5 seconds.


None database - NFR-003


Search the database and print the results must be less than 10 seconds.

Test type:


Input definition:

  1. Initiator navigates to and login in the web application.

  2. Initiator views the observation event and the observation list is displayed.

  3. Repeat step 2 and record the searching time.

Output definition:

  1. Calculate the average searching time. The result should be displayed in less than 10 seconds.


None Recovery - NFR-004


If the system goes down, all data from the database must be preserved.

Test type:


Input definition:

  1. Run the event as specified in E2E-001.

  2. In the step 1 process, disconnect the network cable and recovery the internet connection.

Output definition:

  1. The system recovery successfully and all the data are preserved in database.


It’s hard to trigger a system crash, and it’s simulated by plugging out the network cable in this case.

10.2Test plan

The basic test cases as administrator creating users, editing users, viewing users and guest registering should be verified before other cases. Then the other test cases will be performed in the logic order. For example, the initiator should firstly create an OE, and then the test case of making observation and sending data will be executed. The test cases without order limitation will be executed in parallel.



  • Unit test when implement their owned models

  • Fix the bug and make sure the code change does not affect other functions

  • Deliver a new testable version to tester


  • Write acceptance test plan

  • Execute test cases and record test results

  • Inform developers with the bugs as early as possible

  • Summarize the results as Test Report

11.3User representative

  • Clarify the suspicious requirements

  • Comment on the test plan and test cases

12.Risks and contingencies

We have tried to test on various browsers as much as possible, but it’s impossible to test on all the browsers. What’s more, mobile Android application is tested on Android devices, and mobile web application is tested on limited mobiles, thus we cannot predict the system behavior on the other mobile platforms (eg. iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian platform etc.). Further investigation is required to verify and improve this MOb product.







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