Maxine s. Cohen 2679 S. Ocean Blvd, Apt 5-c boca Raton, fl 33432 561 361 4304 education

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2679 S. Ocean Blvd, Apt 5-C

Boca Raton, FL 33432

561 361 4304


Ph.D. in Advanced Technology (Systems Science), January 1991

State University of NY (SUNY) at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY.

Thesis Title: Cognitive Factors and Their Role in the Enhancement of the Knowledge Elicitation Process

M.S. in Advanced Technology (Computer Science), May 1982

State University of NY (SUNY) at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY.

Graduate Study, Summer 1981, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
B.A. Math Major / Chem, Zoology Minors, May 1970

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.


2/96 - Present Professor, 6/03 - Present

Associate Professor, 6/98 – 6/03

Assistant Professor, 2/96 - 6/98

Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences

Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
Teaching graduate (masters and doctoral) courses on Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia Systems, and Data Base Systems. Courses taught across various programs: Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Information Systems, and Computing Technology in Education. Supervising dissertation research both as advisor and as committee member. Curricular and other committee responsibilities. Courses taught in various formats including on-line distance learning mode. (During 1995 taught as an adjunct professor.)
4/94 - 2/96 Staff Programmer

User Centered Design Solutions

IBM Corporation, Boca Raton, FL 3343
Responsible for usability design, evaluation and testing of mobile, voice and pen workstation products. Technical team lead for mobile products. Coordinator for university research work. Completed 6 month Future Leaders Workshop.
12/92 - 04/94 Staff Programmer

Human Factors/Marketing

IBM Corporation, Endicott, NY 13760
Responsible for interface design and usability assessment of various client server software products as well as mainframe products. Performed usability testing and human factors reviews of software products. Created graphical user interface design course for industry. Coordinated university research work including student co-op opportunities.
9/93 - 5/94 Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science

Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science

SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902
Taught and developed Advanced Human-Computer Interface course based on multimedia, touch, virtual reality with equipment procured through NSF Instructional Laboratory Improvement Grant. Taught Human-Computer Interface course during the fall semester. Supervised six independent study students (undergraduate and graduate). Set up and administered "Laboratory in Multimedia" - involved selection, purchase and installation of hardware and software and coordination of lab activities.
9/82   12/92 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science

SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902
Taught a variety of courses (primarily undergraduate) including: Data Base Systems (graduate), Human-Computer Interface, Discrete Math, Data Structures, Intro to Programming, Advanced Programming, APL for Engineering Technology, Computer Architecture (graduate), Logic Design and Architecture, and Microcomputers and Applications. Languages taught included Pascal, PL/I, Modula-2, APL, Assembler, and SQL. Responsibilities also included new course development, committee work and student advising. Taught Database Module for IBM Corporation's Programmer Retraining program. (Did not teach during the Spring 1984 semester)
6/85   7/87 Division Director, Computer Science Information Science Division

SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902

Coordinated the CS IS division which consisted of 5 full time faculty, 20 adjunct faculty, 1 secretary and 250 students. In addition, teaching responsibilities. Responsible for budget and fiscal matters, the interviewing and hiring of adjunct faculty. Initiated a peer advising program. Coordinated the transfer of the program to the Watson School of Engineering.

1/84   6/84 Systems Engineer I

Singer Link, Binghamton, NY 13904
Programmed in FORTRAN for Visual Engineering Group. Operating system - UNIX.
8/81   8/82 Academic Programmer/Analyst, Computer Center

SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton NY 13902

Programmer (part time) in Academic Support Group. Responsible for installing software packages, interfacing with faculty, student consulting, and teaching short courses.

9/78   5/81 Assistant Professor

Broome Community College, Binghamton, NY 13902.
Taught Introduction to Data Processing, RPG II and Advanced RPG II Programming. Student advising and curricular work. (9/78 - 12/80 adjunct professor)
8/70   7/76 Programmer Analyst

Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY

Coded, debugged, and designed large scale commercial systems   accounts receivable, personnel, and inventory control. Languages used PL/I and RPG II. Worked with JCL and in house software on IBM 360/370 and System/32 machines. Supervised other programmers. (From 6/73   7/76 part time).


Ellis, Timothy J., Cohen, Maxine S., Mitropoulos, Frank and Hafner, William (2003), Teaching technology in an online, distance education environment. Presentation for 14th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, April 1-5, Jacksonville, FL. One of twenty papers accepted for publication in conference proceedings.
Cohen, Maxine S. and Ellis, Timothy, J. (2002). Developing a criteria set for an online learning environment. Proceedings: Frontiers in Education Conference, November 6-9, Boston, MA, pp.T3E-8-T3E-13.
Cohen, Maxine S. (2002). Threaded discussion boards in online education: 101 lessons from the field. Presentation for Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT) 2002 conference, July 24-26, Arlington, VA.
Cohen, Maxine S. (2002). Review of “The ergonomics of hypertext narrative: usability testing as a tool for evaluation and redesign” by Kim Gee. ACM Computing Reviews, 43(4), pp. 138-139.
Cohen, Maxine S., Dringus, Laurie, P. and Ellis, Timothy J. (2001). Sustaining interactivity in asynchronous learning environments. 7th Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning: Emerging Standards of Excellence in Asynchronous Learning Networks. November 16-18, Orlando, FL.
Cohen, Maxine S. and Ellis, Timothy J. (2001). Teaching technology in an online distance education environment. Proceedings: Frontiers in Education Conference, October 10-13, Reno, NV, pp.T1F-1-T1F-6.

Cohen, Maxine S. (2001). Review of “Robust Annotation Positioning in Digital Documents” by A.J. Bernheim Brush, David Bargeron, Anoop Gupta, and J.J. Cadiz. ACM Computing Reviews. 42(12), p. 347.

Cohen, M.S. and Ellis, T.J. (2001). Modeling multimedia in a distance environment. Presentation for Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT) 2001 conference, July 24-26, Arlington, VA.
Ellis, T. J. and Cohen, M.S. (2001). Enhancing distance learning with multimedia: a win-win? Presentation for Twelfth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, April 17-21, Jacksonville, FL. One of twenty papers accepted for publication in conference proceedings, pp. 59-66.
Ellis, T.J. and Cohen, M.S. (2001) Integrating multimedia into a distance learning environment: Is the game worth the candle? British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), pp. 497-500.
Cohen, Maxine S. (2001). Review of The Usability Engineering Lifecycle by Deborah J. Mayhew. Behaviour and Information Technology.
Cohen, Maxine S. (2000). Review of The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin. ACM Computing Reviews, 41(5), 238-239.
Abramson, G., Ellis, T., Cohen, M., and Twomey, C. (2000). Teaching and learning in an anytime/anyplace classroom. Proceedings of SITE 2000, Eleventh International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, pp.171-172, San Diego, CA, February 9.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1999). Review of The digital university: reinventing the academy edited by Reza Hazemi, Stephen Hailes and Steve Wilbur. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(1), 77-79.
Dringus, Laurie P. and Cohen, Maxine S. (1997). The HCI Educator’s Open House: A CHI97 Special Interest Group. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 29(4), 81-84.
Cohen, Maxine S., Dringus, Laurie P., Sears, Andrew and Hornstein, Susan B. (1995). Increasing Collaboration between Industry and Academia in HCI Education. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 27(4), 29-30.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1995) Review of Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views, by Clive L. Dym. IEEE Spectrum, 32(7), 12.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1994). Review of A Guide to Usability: Human Factors in Computing, edited by Jenny Preece. IEEE Spectrum, 31(8), 12.
Payne, David G., Wenger, Michael J. and Cohen, Maxine S. (1993). Cognitive Processing and Hypermedia Comprehension: A Preliminary Synthesis. HCI International '93, August 8-13, Orlando, FL.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1992). Between the Cracks: The Challenge of Developing a Human Computer Interface Course. presented at Frontiers in Education 92, November 11-14, Nashville, TN.

Payne, David G., Cohen, Maxine S. and Pastore, Richard E. (1992). Computer-based Task Representation. Interacting with Computers, 4(3), 267-288.

Cohen, Maxine S. (1992). Review of Human-Machine Interactive Systems, edited by Allen Klinger. International Journal of General Systems.
Pratt, J. Michael and Cohen, Maxine (1992). A Proposed Model of a Process-Oriented Scientific Database. SIGMOD Record, 21(3), 17-25.
Cohen, Maxine S., Payne, David G. and Pastore Richard E. (1991). Computerized Task Analysis. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23(4), 57-58. (Presented as a poster session at SIGCHI Conference, New Orleans, April 29-May 2 1991)
Cohen, Maxine S. (1991). Cognitive Factors and Their Role in the Enhancement of the Knowledge Elicitation Process. Ph.D. diss., SUNY Binghamton, January.
Cohen, Maxine S. and Warren, Philip (1990). Factors that Influence User Confidence in Expert Systems, Poster Session, Annual Conference on Ergonomics, April 2-6, Leeds, England.
Cohen, Maxine S. and Schirmer, Ernest (1989). Human Factors in the Success of a Commercial Software Package: Lotus l 2 3. Third International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Poster Session Proceedings (17) September 18 22, Boston, Mass.
Cohen, Maxine S. and LaGro, James (1989). Use of Microcomputer Hardware and Software to Gain Understanding of Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of the Saint Lawrence ASEE (p. 14C2-1 - 14C2-12), October 13 14, Binghamton, NY.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1989). Review of Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Ronald M. Baecker and William A. S. Buxton. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 21(1), 118-119.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1988). Peer Advising, A Cost Effective and Easy Solution to an On Going Problem. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference, Academic Chairperson: In Search of Academic Quality, 28, 97-103. February, Orlando, FL.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1987). Review of Empirical Studies of Programmers by E. Soloway and S. Iyengar. ACM Computers and Society 16 : 34.
Cohen, Maxine S. and Ziegler, William (1985). Program Development: Batch vs Interactive. Proceedings of IEEE Southern Tier Technical Conference, November, Binghamton, NY.
Cohen, Maxine S. (1985). Development of a Microcomputer Course. Proceedings of IEEE Southern Tier Technical Conference, November, Binghamton, NY.


NSF Instructional Laboratory Improvement Grant, 8/92-7/94.

"Laboratory in Multimedia", $71,752.
GTE Foundation Lectureship Program, 1992-1993 academic year.

"Computers and Ethics: A Lecture Series on Contemporary Issues and Perspectives",(joint proposal with Linda Head, Electrical Engineering), $4677.

Faculty Research Support Grant, SUNY Binghamton, Summer 1992.

"A Comparison of Speech Recognition versus Manual Controls in Navigating Two Hypertext Texts", (collaborative project with David Payne, Psychology), $6295.

Curriculum Development Grant, SUNY Binghamton, Summer 1989.

Development of human computer interface course for computer science majors, $720.

Curriculum Development Grant, SUNY Binghamton, Summer 1985.

Development of new upper division microcomputer applications oriented course, $750.

Introduction to IBM PC, IBM Corporation, Endicott, NY, 1985.

with Thomas Kowalik (SUNY Binghamton)


Instructor, JHL Computing, Sunrise, FL.

Taught introduction to UNIX, 3 day workshop to Motorola employees. - February 1999.

Subject Matter Expert, City Colleges of Chicago, Programs for the Military - Europe.

Developed Introduction to Pascal Programming course (CIS 107) including proctored tests, homeworks and laboratory assignments. - Spring 1997.

Visiting Scientist, US Army Human Engineering Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD 21005.

Consulting with the Army on use and applications of Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors in their research programs. - Summer 1992.

Consultant, IBM Corp., Owego, NY 13827.

Worked on a team developing a man machine interface for an avionics system using existing hardware and performing an analytical workload assessment of the interface. - Spring - Summer 1990.

Visiting Scientist, US Army Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Natick, MA 01760.

Worked in Human factors group designing an expert system to measure user's confidence levels. - Summer 1989.

Instructor/Consultant, United Engineers, Owego, NY 13827.

Teaching IBM employees various software products (DOS, Lotus, Macros, hard disk management, SQL). Also provided telephone technical support as help desk consultant for various software products. - May 1988 -1991.


"Hypercard 1.2 Mini Manual," (with D. Handler), SUNY Binghamton, September 1992.

"Human Factors Research at HEL and Identification of Potential Collaborative Research Directions," for US Army Research Office through Battelle, Research Triangle Park, NC, TCN 92-250, August 1992.
"Interactive SQL/DS: An Introduction," (with W. F. Mitchell, T. Wood, and M. A. Scarton), SUNY Binghamton, March 1992.
"Analytical Workload Assessment for Block II ASW and ASST Missions," (with R.E. Pastore, D. G. Payne, J.S. Anastasi and T.G. Housen), IBM-FSD, Owego, NY, 90-R13-0018, July 1990.
"Implementation of LAMPS Block II Upgrades Using Existing LAMPS Hardware," (with R. E. Pastore, D. G. Payne, J. S. Anastasi and T. G. Housen), IBM-FSD, Owego, NY, 90-R13-0017, June 1990.
"Factors that Influence User Confidence in Expert Systems," (with P. H. Warren), for US Army Research Office through Battelle, Research Triangle Park, NC, TCN 89181, August 1989.


“New Technologies in HCI”, invited speaker, Frontiers in Educational Technology, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. July 2001.

“Curriculum Resources in Multimedia”, workshop participant, ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia Conference, Orlando, FL. November 1999.
Invited Speaker, undergraduate Software Engineering class, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. November 1999.
Invited Speaker, Florida Business Technology Education Conference, Miami, FL, October 1997.
“Educator’s Open House: Exchanging Resources, Delivery Formats, Learning Strategies, and Future Concerns”, special interest group organizer, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) conference, March 1997.
“Designing the user interface for speech recognition applications”, workshop participant, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) conference, Vancouver, B.C., April 1996.
"Increasing Collaboration between Industry and Academia in HCI Education", workshop organizer, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) conference, April 1995.
Guest Lecturer, Human Computer Interaction class, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, November 1994.
"Designing the Teaching of HCI", workshop participant ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) conference, April 1994.
"Human Factors Professionals at Work," Guest Lecturer, Cognitive Psychology class, SUNY Binghamton, May 1993.
MBTI Workshop for Resident Advisors and Resident Assistants, Hillside Community, SUNY Binghamton, Spring 1992, Fall 1992.
MBTI Workshop for New Student Orientation, Watson School of Engineering, SUNY Binghamton, Fall 1991.
Speaker at "Females + Math = Exciting Careers" conference, November 1991.

"Understanding: Children Can Do It, Why Can't Computers?", Parents' Day Speaker, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY, October 1990.

Speaker to Psychology Department RLR (Research Literature Roundtable), SUNY Binghamton, February, 1990.
"Ethics: A Computer Science Perspective", presented at Thirteenth National Seminar on Successful College Teaching, Orlando, FL, March 1989.
"Integrating Supercomputing Technology into the Undergraduate Curriculum", Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program, Cornell National Super Computer Facility, Ithaca, NY, June, 1988.
"Supercomputing and Teaching" presentation at the Inaugural meeting of SUPER! (Supercomputing by University People for Education and Research) at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March, 1988.
"The Tower of Babel: Evolution in Computer Languages", Freshman Open House Speaker, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY, April 1986.
Talk to history class studying effect of computers on their lives, Broome Community College, Computers and Society, October 1980 and February, 1981.


Category Editor for ACM Computing Reviews, Information Interfaces and Presentation, 1991 - present.

Reviewer for Department of Defense Graduate Fellowships, Computer Science, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Washington, DC, February 2000 (Computer Science panel chair), February 2003.
Session Chair, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2001, 2002.
Reviewer for Department of Defense Graduate Fellowships, funded by Battelle, Research Triangle Park, NC, February 1992, February 1993, February 1998, February 1999 (Computer Science panel chair).
Reviewed papers for ACM SIGCHI Conference: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Reviewed papers for ACM SIGCSE Conference: 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Reviewed papers for IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference: 2001, 2002.
Reviewed papers for Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Conference: 1999.
Reviewer for special issue of Interacting with Computers (IwC) shared values and shared interfaces, 1997.
Reviewer for IEEE Software Special Edition, Tools and Techniques for Creating Effective User Interfaces, 1996.
Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 1996.
Member of Technical Disclosure Review Team - Eteam, IBM Glendale Programming Lab, 1993 - 1994.
Reviewed papers for IBM On Line ITL (Interdivisional Technical Liaison), April 1993.
Interviewer, mentor and team leader for Presidential Scholars program, SUNY Binghamton, 1986 - 1994.
Reviewed ACM two year college computing curricula, Spring 1992.
Reviewer for SUNY Binghamton in house grants, 1992.
Corning Community College, Corning, NY   Computer Advisory Committee member, 1985   1992.
Reviewer for Publishers

2002 – Addison-Wesley Professional, Multimedia Databases

2002 – Pearson Education, User Interface Design, A Software Engineering Perspective

2001 – SAMS Publishers, Designing from Both Sides of the Screen, Technical Editor

2001 – Pearson Education, Multimedia Database proposal

2001 – Pearson Education, Managing Multimedia, Volume 2, 3rd edition

2000 – SAMS Publishers, Cybershame: Vengeance via the Internet

2000 - Pearson Education, Usable User Centred Design,

2000 – Pearson Education, Managing Multimedia, 3rd edition

1999 - Wiley, Multimedia Tools proposal

1999 - Wiley, Digital Multimedia

1998 - Scott Jones, Multimedia web development book

1997 - Addison-Wesley, Interactive System Design, 2nd edition

1996 - Addison-Wesley, Interactive System Design

1992 - Wadsworth Publishing, VAX Lab Manual to accompany Pascal's Triangle

1992 - John Wiley & Sons, Design of Programs: Turbo Pascal Text.

1990 - State University of New York Press, DBase from the Dot Prompt

1989 - West Publishers, An Introduction to Data Base Systems

Reviewer for International Journal of Robotics - 1988.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

1979   present, member of special interest group on Computer Human Interaction, Computer Science Education, active with local chapter in Binghamton, NY.

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)

1989 - present, member of Computer Systems Technical Group, Educator's Group.

Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

1984   present

member of Computer Society 1982 - present.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon (National Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines)

Faculty advisor, Nova Southeastern University, June 2002 – present.

Faculty advisor and charter member, SUNY Binghamton, 1992 - 1994.
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

1989   1994.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

1987   1988.


Nova Southeastern University

Serve on various school-wide committees such as: Faculty Review, Faculty Search, Curricular, and Admissions. Faculty oversight responsibilities for various courses and topic areas including: Human Computer Interaction, Database for Computing Technology in Education, and The Internet. Faculty mentor/consultant for other schools at NSU transitioning into the online environment including College of Allied Health, School of Optometry, and Farquhar Center. SCIS School-wide representative to Institutional Review Board (1996-2000). Faculty Advisor for UPE Honor Society. Participated in Open House Information Sessions and Master’s Orientations. Participated in preparation work for SACS visit. Accompanied marketing department to various recruiting conferences.

SUNY Binghamton

Curricular advising responsibilities for 30 to 40 undergraduate students. Served as Ph.D. committee member. Served as faculty advisor for several Masters projects and numerous independent studies, including submissions of student work to conferences and contests. Served on a myriad of committees including Computer Advisory, Lab Planning, Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs, Child Care Advisory, Department Chair Screening Committee, Publications Committee, and Adjunct Faculty Task Force. Faculty representative for summer orientations, open houses, new student orientations, parents' day, and recruitment visit to high school.


University of Vermont Alumni representative, College Fairs in Southeast Florida, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.

Coordinated 1992 "Daughters at Work" day for IBM Glendale Programming Lab, including creation of "Human Factors Design Workbook".
Representative at Career Fair, Maine Endwell High School, November 1992, November 1993.
Taught many classes on computing for local youth, ran workshop on computing for PTA and assisted Girl Scout Troop with earning computer badge, spoke to several groups on societal impact of computers and ethics. Taught non credit continuing education classes on various aspects of computing. Consulted with Boy Scouts on creation of database.


Who's Who in U.S. Executives in 1989.

Who's Who of American Women, 16th edition, 1988 89.

Chemical Rubber Award, 1966.


U.S. Citizen, Married, 2 adult children

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