2. Fill out the declaration at the bottom of each petition 2a. If you’re the only one signing , sign the petitions and then fill out the declarations.
2b. If you’re collecting signatures from friends and family ●
DO NOT alter the petitions in anyway First
collect the signatures and then sign the declaration.
● Wear the badges (on the back of this page) on your outermost layer of clothing.
Everyone has to write their own name and address. You can’t write for them.
3. Mail the completed petitions to our lawyers Questions? Email us at recallsfschoolboard@gmail.com
→ This petition is for May and
can only be signed in May . It can be mailed in June. ←
1. You have 3 di erent petitions to sign One for each commissioner -- López, Collins, and Moliga
Use a black or blue pen ● Write your name and address exactly as in your voter registration. (OK to skip your middle initial)
Mismatches are the #1 reason signatures are thrown out. Made a mistake No worries. Cross it out and use the next line.
Confirm your name & address as registered to vote BoE Recall Petition
150 Post Street, Suite 405
San Francisco, CA 94108
DO cut out and
wear these badges on your outermost layer of clothing.
DON’T do
any of these things DON’T use the name of the people who sign the petition for any purpose other than qualifying the recalls for the ballot, or allow someone else to use the names for any other purpose. I.e., the names of the people who sign are strictly confidential do not tell anyone who signed the petition.