Mead original 12TH/13th century recipe (From Tractatus Manuscript: Folio 20r) For to make mead

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honey mead

MEAD ORIGINAL 12TH/13TH CENTURY RECIPE (From Tractatus Manuscript: Folio 20r) For to make mead. Take 1 gallon of fine honey and to that 4 gallons of water and heat that water til it be as “lengh” then dissolve the honey in the water. then set them over the fire & let them boil and ever scum it as long as any filth riseth there on. and then take it down off the fire and let it cool in another vessel till it be as cold as milk when it cometh from the cow. then take dregs of the finest ale or else barme and cast it into the water & the honey. and stir all well together but first look before thou put thy barme in that the water with the honey be put in a fair stand & then put in thy barme or else thy dregs for that is best & stir well together/ and lay straw or else cloth about the vessel & above if the weather be cold and so let it stand 3 days & nights if the weather be cold and if it be hot weather 1 day and 1 night is enough at the full But ever after 1 hour or 2 at the most try thereof and if thou wilt have it swete take it the sooner from the dregs & if thou wilt have it sharp let it stand the longer there with. Then draw it from the dregs as clear as thou may in to another vessel clean & let it stand 1 night or 2 and then draw it into another clean vessel and serve it forth.

MODERN RECIPE INGREDIENTS - 4 Parts Spring Water - 1 Part Raw Honey - Ale Dregs or Dry Ale Yeast METHOD 1. Heat the water over a high flame until simmering. Remove from the heat and stir in the honey until dissolved. Then set over high heat and boil, removing any scum that rises to the top. After several minutes of boiling remove from the heat and carefully pour mixture into a second vessel. 2. Allow honey and water mixture to cool to 98°F/37°C, then pour in the ale dregs or yeast and stir in. Cover loosely and allow to sit out of direct sunlight for 3 days. (If you want a more alcoholic mead, allow to ferment longer) If you choose to make the mead "eglyn" by adding herbs, add them at this step or during the aging. Either is acceptable. 3. After 3 days, or however long you chose, transfer mead to another vessel, trying to get as little of the yeast which as fallen to the bottom of the mead. Add water to the airlock and affix to the bottle. Then let age for 2 nights (or longer if you want an aged mead). After aging, the mead is ready to drink. (DO NOT SEAL THE BOTTLE)
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