Microsoft Visio 96
Customizing the Topic Layout You can also customize the style of the diagram so that it looks more elegant and professional. In the Brainstorming
tab, click Diagram Style to
open the Brainstorming Style dialog box. You can choose from a variety of brainstorming styles and also a couple of mosaic options, which includes a mix of all the styles. Select a style and click Apply to seethe result. Click OK to close the dialog box. You can also customize the layout by clicking Layout in the Brainstorming tab. Select a layout from the Select a layout section. You can also choose the type of connector in the
section. Select
a layout and click Apply to seethe result. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Microsoft Visio
97 You can send brainstorming data directly to Word and Excel and in fact, to any program that accepts XML input. Data in the Outline Window is exported to a Word or Excel document and is opened as an XML file. Any changes
can be saved to this XML file, which can then be imported back into Visio. To export data as an XML file, in the Manage
of the Brainstorming tab, click
Export Data and select either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. Note that these options are available, only if you have the 2016 versions of Word and Excel installed on your computer. For other versions of Word and Excel or for using any other compatible program, select To XML instead. For example, when
you export the data to Excel, Visio automatically opens Excel once you save the XML file. In Excel, the data is organized into topic levels. For example,
T represents the main topic, T represents the first subtopic under the main topic, T. represents further subtopics under the subtopic and soon. You can add or remove topic hierarchies here and save the XML file, which can then be reimported back into Visio.
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