Rosewood Hotel 1. What are the pros and cons of a corporate branding strategy What type of brand portfolio is Rosewood using at the time of the case What type of brand portfolio would best serve the
company moving forward Why 2. Will the move to corporate branding maximize customer lifetime value as intended Using the Excel sheet provided (derived from Exhibit 8
in the case, calculate total NPV of CLV (or CLTV, as the case calls it) with and without Rosewood branding for the six years of data provided.
Based on these data, should they make the investment
incorporate branding 3. If you input the data from the case (16.67% and 21.67% retention rates 8% discount rate) into the standard CLV formula we use in class (see below, why are the numbers so different from the spreadsheet Which is more accurate What adjustments could be made to the formula to make it more useful/appropriate
for this situation ACrirmCLV-