Minutes of the historic aircraft association council meeting

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WEDNESDAY 4th MAY 2010 AT 18:30 HOURS.


Rick Peacock-Edwards Chairman

Colin Dodds Deputy Chairman

Stuart Powney Secretary

Ken Peters Treasurer

John Broad VAC/LAA Representative

Martin Slater CJOA Representative

Steve Slater PR and Publicity

Dennis Neville

Peter Thorn

Mike Vaisey

Darrol Stinton

Russell Mason Minutes Secretary & Member for Insurance Matters

Item 1. Apologies

Cliff Spink President

John Farley Vice-President

Barry Tempest Regulatory Affairs and EFLEVA

Bill Taylor DH Support

Keith Sissons Air Display Assoc Member

Bill Fisher Membership Secretary

Robb Metcalfe

Wally Epton Special Projects

New Chairman – Rick Peacock Edwards as the new Chairman of the HAA opened the meeting by expressing his pleasure of being appointed in the role and had been very impressed with all the work achieved by the outgoing Chairman Wally Epton and his team. Accordingly he was suitably encouraged and looking forward to the future!

Item 2. Minutes of the Meeting 27th January 2010 and Matters Arising

Action party/parties

Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th January 2010 were approved for accuracy and confirmed as posted on the website as presented.

NPA’s – none have been issued materially affecting the HAA. John Broad did ask as to whether the HAA had directly responded to NPA 2008/17 on Flight Crew Licensing as the Comment Response Document has now been issued on the EASA website (link: http://www.easa.europa.eu/flightstandards/npa_fcl.html) which allows ‘stakeholders’ the opportunity to comment on the resulting text, however, EASA comment as follows in this document is relevant – “It should be noted that this is not a second comment period on the NPA. The Agency will take reactions of stakeholders into consideration when developing its Opinion on pilot licensing, which is expected to be published and submitted to the European Commission in the summer of 2010”.
N.B. Subsequent to the meeting it should be noted that the direction to the Membership at the time (minutes of Council meeting 8th December 2008) was for individual responses to be undertaken due to the nature of the NPA – the relevant minutes with this reference can be viewed on the website.

Overflights due to Robb Metcalfe, Barry Tempest and Wally Epton not attending this meeting, this item to remain open for the next meeting.

Robb Metcalfe, Barry Tempest and Wally Epton

Stansted Mandatory Transponder Zone – Dennis Neville advised that there was no change in the status of this item but that he would be meeting with Jonathan Smith of NATS shortly to discuss the use, pinchpoints and problems that the imposition of this TMZ has caused on regular fliers in the area. The Council considered that there was good representation from Members on other GA committees to help get our point across on this subject but the Chairman requested that this be put under a separate heading in future minutes of ‘AIRSPACE INFRINGEMENTS’.

Dennis Neville and John Broad
Secretary (Agenda item)

Affiliations to other organisations – update on the meeting between the out-going Chairman (Wally Epton) and the new Secretary of the Royal Aero Club (David Phipps) on 5th February 2010 still to be reported to Council. Chairman will pursue this matter for next meeting with Wally Epton.


HAA/VAC Ground Marshalling Team – Colin Dodds advised that not enough potential participants came forward to proceed with this plan but Steve Slater will incorporate reference to it in the next HAA Newsletter. Will re-visit in 2011.


Website layout – the meeting took place with the HAA Website Manager - Ubiquity Media - and suggested changes have been taken onboard or already implemented. This is a work in progress item that will continue to be overseen by Wally Epton and Steve Slater with reference to the Chairman and Treasurer.

Wally Epton & PR/Publicity

Financial Situation – See Agenda Item 3.

Annual Meeting and Flying Forum 2010 – see Agenda Item 4

Membership see Agenda Item 5.

HAA Social events 2010 – these were still being formulated for 2010 but now revolve around (i) a representation at the Sywell Vintage Aircraft Fly-in on Saturday 21st August 2010 (their airshow is the following day) in association with the BWPA – the Chairman will take up this matter with Wally Epton who has had previous discussions on the subject and (ii) a ‘Behind the Scenes’ preview of Air Atlantique Historic Flight’s new AIRBASE visitor centre upon the arrival of the collection’s Nimrod aircraft on May 11th, all of which his being progressed by Steve Slater.
The planned representation at the G-VFWE at Kemble has been scrapped as time had caught up with us plus there is now the matter of insurance issues for exhibitors at this event, a subject that it was deemed needed greater discussion before committing. In this regard the Chairman requested that the December Council Meeting incorporate an Agenda item to agree the following year’s Budget with the preceding September meeting incorporating discussion on items that were requested to be incorporated in the forthcoming budget.
Mike Vaisey also reminded Council of the open offer for a tour of Vintech’s premises as and when, and this was gratefully acknowledged and would be followed up in due course.



Secretary (Agenda items)


HAA Rules Review – see Agenda Item 6

Item 3. Finance

The Treasurer outlined the current financial position of the Association and these were considered to be in good health.
The Treasurer requested that another approved signatory be added to the Bank account (note – he was not requesting a double signatory on the account or signing of cheques, just an ‘either/or’approved signatory) and this was agreed by the Chairman, who requested this be actioned with the necessary forms etc being obtained from the Bank. The Treasurer also requested, that in view the accounts are not audited, that another pair of eyes (third party) review the annual accounts to make sure they up to scratch. The Chairman also agreed to this suggestion and asked the Treasurer to action as necessary and to report back at the next meeting.
The matter of a higher interest account in the previous minutes was not tabled and as such shall be carried forward to the next meeting and added as an Agenda Item under ‘Finance’.


Treasurer & Secretary (Agenda Item)

Item 4. Annual Meeting and Flying Forum

The Chairman considered that this was a positive and constructive day’s activity with many subjects aired and discussed with passion. It was again well attended and provided a good blue-print for future such events.


Item 5. Membership

In the absence of the Membership Secretary the Treasurer reported that membership stood at 143 including 98 fully paid up’ 15 unpaid (!) and 11 unpaid. Bill Fisher was commended for his efforts in this regard and requested to keep going!
Bill Fisher, via email, has requested that an official Certificate of Honorary membership of the HAA be produced – the Secretary agreed to produce this for comment at the next meeting.
In the absence of the Membership Secretary, the idea of a two-year membership offer with an upfront two-year payment being imposed is carried forward to the next meeting as an Agenda Item under Membership.

Membership Secretary


Membership Secretary &

Secretary (Agenda Item)

Item 6. HAA Rules and Regulations

Colin Dodds ran through the changes to the draft since last seen by the majority of Council, and advised that the document was now with our Honorary Legal advisor, Tim Scorer for review and sign-off/comment.
One of the changes related to that under the heading of ‘Insurance’. The implications of having and/or not having insurance for the HAA was discussed by Council and the Chairman requested that the matter of Insurance be made an Agenda Item for the next meeting as it will also surely be one of those items tabled in the September meeting for budgetary inclusion.
Colin Dodds also confirmed the inclusion in the Rules, solely in respect of new members, a 50% reduction in subscription costs if the member joins less than 6 months before next annual subs are due and those joining between 31st December and 1st April the following year would get this period free of charge.

Colin Dodds, & Honorary Legal Advisor
Secretary (Agenda Item)

Item 7. Reports from Council Members

HAA Engineering Group (HAAEG) – Wally Epton gave an update via email (and read out by the Secretary) of the meeting held on 23rd March 2010 between HAAEG and the CAA Airworthiness Division. The Chairman considered that this meeting would seem to have been very positive for both parties and the HAAEG to pursue the matters further and report back as and when necessary.
HAA meeting with AAIB to discuss the Piston Provost accident – this meeting was held at the Farnborough premises of AAIB on 22nd April 2010 with Martin Slater, Wally Epton, Guy Black and Roy Probert (the approved Alvis Leonides engine airworthiness surveyor for Alvis Vehicles) representing HAA. Again this meeting was reported on by Wally Epton and was positive with good dialogue between the parties and AAIB accepting the experience and expertise of HAA. As the report on the Piston Provost accident was still ‘in confidence’ the actual outcome of the meeting could not be discussed, safe to say constructive input from the HAA was taken onboard by AAIB and we believe will have an influence on the final drafting of the report to the accident involving one of our Honorary VP’s.
EFLEVA AGM – Barry Tempest attended this meeting which took place during the GA show at Friedrichshafen in Germany, however he advises little of note came out of which we weren’t already aware. Certainly the poor communication and out of date website were heavily remarked upon by the delegates in attendance and this is expected to be improved. Additionally, Barry did instigate a proposal by the Chairman of EFLEVA (following earlier canvassing) to introduce a cap on the membership costs for the smaller organisations such as HAA. This motion was carried and it was agreed the sub would be amended to €3 per member thus making payment much more manageable (the Treasurer reminded Council that we had withheld payment of our EFLEVA subs to date and had yet to be chased!). Council also agreed to make a contribution to Barry’s out of pocket expenses for attending this meeting which the Treasurer agreed to follow up with Barry.
OFCOM’s revised proposal to charge for aviation spectrum – Barry Tempest responded on behalf of HAA and we all wait with interest as to the outcome of the industry response to this thinly veiled taxation regime.
Europe Air Sports position paper on the EU Regulation and Investigation of Air Accidents – this had not seen by Council and the Secretary was asked to circulate within Council (by email) so it could be discussed if necessary at the next Council meeting, although it was considered that there was not a great deal of input HAA could have on such a subject.

Wally Epton



Item 11. Any Other Business

Notice of Proposed Mandatory Permit Directive No. 10-02 Rolls Royce Merlin Series aero-engines – this NPMPD to alleviate scoring of cam followers on Merlins has now become a Mandatory Permit Directive, Mike Vaisey advised – he also considered it to be a sound decision and in the interests of operators. Subsequent to the meeting the this NPMPD became an MPD on 6th May 2010 (ref MPD 2010-004 and can be viewed at the internet link below (Split into two lines to fit this document!):-


CAA / DAE expertise/retraining – Dennis Neville expressed his concern that with the departure of Dave Evans there was no one left within in SRG GA with first hand air display experience/knowledge, and likewise an on-going re-training / mentoring system for DAE’s and DA’s was needed but the CAA lacked the expertise to put this together. The Chairman agreed to arrange a meeting with Chris Finnigan at CAA to discuss these concerns further once a suitable plan had been put together with respect to the DAE issue. Colin Dodds agreed to canvass DA/DAE participants ideas in this regard.
The Chairman agreed to talk with Bill Taylor to discuss the relationship between DHSL and HAA and their respective representation on Council.
Steve Slater advised of the changes to the HAA column in Aeroplane Monthly magazine following their recent revamp of the magazine’s layout. He commented that the column has now become more generic and less of a free pitch for the HAA; indeed it is now entitled ‘Hangar Chat’ but with our website link still being shown at the bottom of the article. As such Steve will endeavour to pursue a column - similar to the original one we had at Aeroplane Monthly - with LOOP and Flyer magazines. To this end the Chairman requested that a meeting be arranged outside of the Council meeting to discuss the ongoing overall plans/strategy for the PR and publicity of the HAA in time for the next Council meeting.
The Chairman advised that the promulgated date for the next meeting of Council would need to be altered due to his unavailability. Therefore a revised date of 20th July 2010 18:30 hours, at West London Aero Club was agreed upon and the Chairman thanked Council for accepting this alteration and also requested if the website could be updated accordingly which Steve Slater agreed to undertake (Actioned).


Colin Dodds


PR/Publicity & Chairman



The date of the next meeting is 20th July 2010 18:30 hours, at West London Aero Club, White Waltham, Berkshire.

Please note that dates/timings of 2010 meetings have been updated on the website.
Rick Peacock-Edwards Russell Mason

Chairman Minutes Secretary

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