Moderator to preside at the said meeting. Gary Rainford

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Swan’s Island Annual Town Meeting

March 2, 2015
Town meeting opened at the Swan’s Island School Gym at 9 A.M. Jill A. Philbrook and Sue A. Treadwell were both sworn in as ballot clerks for the day. There were approximately 85 people present.
Article 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at the said meeting. Gary Rainford was nominated and sworn in as moderator, receiving all 9 votes cast.
Paul Joy lead the meeting off with a prayer. Gary then stated that he had brushed up on his Moderator’s Manual and found that there wasn’t a need to have a nomination seconded.
Article 2. To choose a Selectman for a three-year term & fix compensation for all the Selectmen for the ensuing year.

Myron “Sonny” Sprague Jr. was the only one nominated as he was running for re-election. There were 28 votes cast; 26 for Sonny and 2 scattered.
While the ballot clerks were counting the ballots, Dexter Lee, Selectman, read the list of taxpayers who had paid on their taxes since the town report was sent to the printers.
The motion was then made for the selectmen to receive $17 an hour. There were 43 votes cast; passed 33 - 10 .
Article 3. To choose one or more Assessors and fix compensation.

This article was indefinitely postpone, upon the recommendation of the selectmen, and passed with a voice vote.

Article 4. To choose one of more Overseers of the Poor and fix compensation.

This article was indefinitely postpone, upon recommendation, with a voice vote.

Article 5. To choose three members for the Municipal Advisory Council for three year terms.

Discussion: At this point Dexter wanted to apologize to the Council for omitting their report from the town report. Ezekiel “Zeke” Freelove stated that he wasn’t running again. And before the nominations started, Tom McAloon spoke up to praise the board and to say he thought it was an excellent addition to the government and the town.

Eric Staples was nominated to run for a three-year term and was re-elected with all 55 votes.

Kathleen “Kathy” Clark was nominated and was re-elected for a three-year term by voice.

Sarah Lane and Candis Joyce were nominated. There were 66 votes cast. Sarah Lane became the new MAC member for the ensuing three years with 50 votes, Candi received 14 and there were 2 scattered votes.
Article 6. To choose a Town Clerk for a three-year term and fix compensation.

Gwen May was nominated and was re-elected for another three years by voice vote.

A motion was made to pay the town clerk $4,500 yearly plus fees for the next 3 years. 35 votes cast: passed 33 - 2.

Article 7. To choose a Treasurer for a three-year term and fix compensation.

Monica Cease was nominated and was re-elected as Treasurer for another three-year term by a voice vote. Her pay was set at $8,000 yearly by a vote of 29 - 2.
Article 8. To see what sum of money the town will raise for Administration.

The selectmen recommended raising $100,000 so that motion was made and passed: 46-0.

Article 9. To choose a Director for S.A.D. No. 76 for a three-year term.

Tammy Tripler’s term was up and she was re-elected as the S.A.D. 76 Director for the following three years by a voice vote.
Article 10. To choose two Planning Board Members for three year terms.

Carol Loehr was nominated to be re-elected for another three years and won by a voice vote.

Carlton Joyce was nominated to be re-elected for another three years and won by a voice vote.
Article 11. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Planning Board. Dexter recommended raising $6,000. A motion was made and with a show of hands voted to raise $6,000 by all 35 votes cast.
Article 12. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Municipal Buildings.

Upon a recommendation by the selectmen, a motion was made to raise $60,000, transfer $5,000 from Surplus for the Lighthouse and transfer $10,000 from Surplus for a generator for the Town Office. Passed 40 - 0.

Article 13. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Insurance.

The selectmen recommended the town raise $18,000 which was put into a motion and

passed: 41 - 0.
Article 14. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Social Security, Medicare, & Unemployment Taxes.

Dexter Lee recommended the town raise $18,000 but, he said, that number was based on salaries. If the EMT’s are compensated the cost will be higher.

A motion was made and the vote was 38 - 0 to pass this article.
Article 15. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Department of Public Safety.

A recommendation was made to raise $85,000. A motion was made to raise $85,000 and passed, by a show of hands, 53 - 0.

Sonny said the town needs more firemen and Dexter reminded the crowd that each house should have their street number on it in plain view for 911 purposes.

Article 16. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Town Roads.

Discussion: It was recommended by the selectmen to raise $70,000 and transfer $59,221 from the Paving Reserve Account. So moved and passed, 44 - 0.

Article 16A. Shall the Town approve the selectmen to borrow a principal amount not to exceed $175,000 for the purpose of refinancing for a lower interest rate. (See full article wording in warrant.)

A recommendation was made to borrow $175,000 for paying off the loan for the North Road and to refinance at a lower interest rate. Passed 45 - 0.
Article 16B. Shall the Town approve the selectmen to borrow a principal amount not to exceed $431,000 to finance the reconstruction and paving of roads including, but not limited to Stanley Point Road and the Eastern portion of the Atlantic Road. (See full article wording in warrant.)

This, according to the selectmen, will be paid off in ten years. Sonny Sprague told the crowd that the original plan was to pave one section this year and next year pave the other but with the interest rates so low and oil prices down plus next year the Town Office and Clinic loans will be paid off so they will be spending less in payments than they have this year. He mentioned that a new Ambulance could be paid for by fundraising and grants, he thought.

Tom McAloon asked if the selectmen had a Capital Improvement Plan and stated that he thought all departments should have one to which Sonny answered that they should get on it this year. Tom said that there has to be a plan and it has to be acted upon or we will be back here with another bond issue soon.

Dexter Lee said that could be a MAC job.

A motion was made to allow the selectmen to borrow a principal not to exceed $431,000. Passed 51 - 1.
Article 17. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Snow Removal.

It was recommended to raise $55,000. Dexter reported that the contract was the same but sand and salt was up. So moved and passed by voice.

Article 18. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Law Enforcement.

The recommendation, by the selectmen, was to raise $81,000, transfer $3,000 from Watercraft Excise, transfer $15,000 from Motor Vehicle Excise, and transfer $35,000 from Surplus for a new Police Car. A motion was made and passed, 48 - 16.

Article 19. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Solid Waste Disposal.

The selectmen recommended the town raise $65.000 and transfer $25,725 from Surplus.

Discussion: Dexter said the account ran over last year due to having to buy two new dumpsters. A motion was made upon the recommendation and passed by a show of hands, 45 - 0.
Article 20. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Nursery School.

The recommended amount was to raise $18,000 which was put into a motion and passed, 43 - 0.

Article 21. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Health Services.

After the recommended amount was suggested, a motion was made to raise $29,000 for healthcare. Passed 42 - 0.

Article 22. To hear a report on Eldercare Outreach of Swan’s Island.

Donna Wiegle, head of Eldercare Outreach, reported that they are now a 501c3 and considered a non-profit. She stated that there is a five-person board with possibly two more coming on. They have raised, quietly, $25,000 and some of that is used for giving those who can’t afford but need a Life-Line. She introduced Island Institute Fellow, Maddy Gaites who would be assessing, over the next three months, those over 62 years old. Her services are paid for by the ElderCare Outreach Program and Island Institute, $2,000 of which is paid for by the Eldercare Outreach Program.

Article 23. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for General Assistance.

The recommendation was to raise $20,000 but ended up with $18,000 raised for G.A.

Passed 29 - 9.
Article 24. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Senior Luncheons.

Upon a recommendation to transfer $750 from Surplus, a motion was made and passed: 33 - 0.

Article 25. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Cemeteries.

The motion was made upon a recommendation, to transfer $9,000 from Surplus. Passed by voice.

Article 26. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Swan’s Island Library and Museum. The Library Board asked for $12,000 which was made into a motion to raise $12,000 and passed: 38 - 0.
Article 27. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Swan’s Island Shellfish Conservation Program.

The recommended amount for the shellfish committee was $7,000 which was made into a motion to raise $7,000 and passed by voice with one opposed.

Article 28. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Recreation.

The town voted to raise $6,000 upon a recommendation of the board. Passed 21 - 0.

Article 29. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Mill Pond Park.

The selectmen recommended the town raise $1,000 which was made into a motion and passed: 24 - 0.

Article 30. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for Town Floats.

Upon the selectmen’s recommendation, a motion was made to raise $1,000 and transfer $6,482.90 from Motor Vehicle Excise Tax. Passed 24 - 0.

Article 31. To see what action the Town wants to take regarding the I.O.O.F. Hall.

The selectmen recommended to transfer $7,000 from Surplus which passed: 26 - 0.

Discussion: Tom McAloon wondered what the money was used for to which Sonny Sprague told him that it paid the insurance, which was over $5,000, plus some on the lights and mortgage.
Article 32. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the Island Fellowship Program.

A motion was made, upon recommendation, to transfer $8,000 from Surplus which passed 32 - 0.

The Island Fellow will be selected to help the Emergency responders become current with HEPA and write policies and grants.
Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to collect interest on all taxes not paid on or before a certain date and the rate of interest to be collected.

It was recommended to set the date for taxes to come due on September 15 at a rate of 7%. A motion was made and passed: 31 - 0.

Article 34. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to sell and dispose of any real estate acquired by the Town for non-payment of taxes thereon, on such terms as they may deem advisable and execute quit-claim deeds for such property.

A motion was made to act upon the article and passed: 30 - 0.

Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to sell and assign unmatured tax mortgage liens for not less than the amount unpaid, interest and costs.

A motion so moved and carried: 22 - 1.

Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to increase the property tax limit of $ ______ established for Swan’s Island by State law in the event that the municipal budget approved under the preceding articles will result in a tax commitment that is greater than the property levy limit. {Written ballot required}. This was made into a motion and carried: 33 - 4.

Discussion: Dexter explained this article and why it was on the warrant. He told the crowd that they had raised $661,000 today and the increase would be about 2.8% but may have to figure in a State Revenue Sharing figure later which would change that percentage.

Chief Paul Gamble wanted to remind everyone to call 911 if they have an emergency instead of calling one of the EMT’s. He stated that the response would be better. Also, to please read the Addressing Ordinance posted in the back of the Town Report and put your house number so it is visible from the road.

He said that there is no anonymous hot line any longer. It was costing the town and was never used so was discontinued.

Adjourned at 1:38 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Gwen J. May, Town Clerk

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