Name: United States Physical Map Directions

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United States Physical Map
Directions: Use an atlas (book, internet, etc.) to locate, color, and label all of the following political features on your United States physical map. Be careful to do a good job because you will be quizzed on this material.

Mountains/Highlands: Locate and label all of the following mountains/highlands. Shade them a light brown.

1. Alaska Range 4. Catskill Mts 7. Sierra Nevadas

2. Appalachian Mts 5. Coastal Ranges 8. Mt. McKinley (use ▲)

3. Cascade Range 6. Rocky Mts 9. Mt. Rainier (use ▲)

Lowlands: Locate and label all of the following geographic features. Shade them a light green.
1. Atlantic Coastal Plain 3. Great Plains

2. Central Lowland 4. Gulf Coastal Plain

Major Rivers: Trace in blue and label each of the following rivers.

1. Arkansas R. 4. Mississippi R. 7. Platte R.

2. Colorado R. 5. Missouri R. 8. Red R.

3. Columbia R. 6. Ohio R. 9. Rio Grande

Major Bodies of Water: Locate and label all of the following bodies of water.
1. Atlantic Ocean 3. Gulf of Mexico

2. Bering Sea 4. Pacific Ocean

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