National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

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        1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

        2. Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

        3. 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami FL 33149

Miami, February 24th, 2012
Captain of the M/V Jolly Oro

Dear Captain:

On behalf of the United States Department of Commerce's Atlantic Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), I would like to thank you and your Company for your help and cooperation in providing us with the opportunity to use your ships to deploy oceanographic instrumentation.
The Atlantic Oceanographic and Atmospheric Laboratory is located in Miami, Florida, and is one of twelve laboratories of NOAA. You may be familiar with one of our sister organizations, the U.S. National Weather Service. The Physical Oceanography Division of this laboratory has the mission to investigate the effect of the ocean on climate. To accomplish this we maintain an oceanographic and climate observing system to, for example, measure the upper ocean thermal structure and currents. Several data sets are obtained and developed by our laboratory's staff of scientific and technical support personnel to investigate the ocean processes and their link to climate variability and environmental changes.
In addition to the XBTs, instruments deployed to measure the temperature profile of the ocean, other instruments such as drifters and floats are sometimes also deployed to help investigate ocean currents. Many of the results obtained from our research can be viewed in real or near-real time on our laboratory's web pages at Specific information about this program can be accessed at our projects web page Of special interest to you could be the web pages where we show results obtained from high density deployments done from ships participating in the Ship Of Opportunity Program: Results obtained from observations and instrument deployments from volunteer ships are transmitted in real-time to our laboratory and then used by the National Weather Service to produce their marine and atmospheric forecast. Shipping companies such as yours then use their information as an aid for their operations.
Please feel free to contact us in case you have any question regarding our activities or results, or if you are further interested in using our ocean currents and wind products. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity you give us to do our research and enhance the current ocean observing system.
Thank you very much for your time, consideration and attention.

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