<<>> June 2014 National Department of Health12 Policy Statement Every maternal death should be registered, notified, reported and reviewed at facility level, District level and by the Provincial Maternal Death Review Committee Strategies: 1. Ensure that the National Maternal deaths Review committee meet quarterly to review selected reported maternal deaths, provide feedback to the provinces and produce biannually the National maternal deaths report Ensure that all the Provinces establish the Maternal Health Task Force and the Maternal Deaths Review Committee and conduct the revision of all the maternal deaths reported Ensure that all the maternal deaths are reported and reviewed and recommendations are made for actions targeted to improve preventive and curative interventions to prevent avoidable deaths. Objective Two To reduce the level of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies Policy Statement: Women/girls and men/boys should have access to modern contraceptives everyday of the week to prevent unplanned/unwanted pregnancies and its consequences in all health facilities, free of charge. Strategies: 1. Increase the demand of contraceptive use Increase access and availability to FP information and services to all population in need including adolescents Provide pre-service and in-service competency based training on Family Planning Provide pre-service and in-service training for CLMS to Central level and Provincial level Logistic Officers Contribute to the implementation of updated SRH education and awareness teaching curricula in all schools Actively involve VHVs in the information and provision of selected FP methods to the communities Increase the accessibility to FP services for persons living with disabilities Strengthen the program in long term and permanent contraceptive methods training for SRH healthcare providers.