Ndebele Speech Sounds with no equivalent in English:
B - implosive "b": bonga, bala, contrast is bhonga, bhala
C - dental click: cela, centa, iculo, ucingo
CH - aspirated dental click: chela, ichibi, chitha, chinsa
GC - voiced dental click: gcwele, gcina, gcoba, gcwala
NC - nasal dental click: ncenga, ncitsha, zincoma, nceda
NGC - aspirated nasal dental click: ngcwele,- ngcono, ngcwaba, ngcola
Q - palatal click: qotho, qonda, iqolo, iqolwane, qoqa, qoqoda, quma
QH - aspirated palatal click: isiqhotho, iqhude, iqhawe, ziqhenya
GQ - voiced palatal click: gqoka, gqibela, isigqili, zigqatsha
NQ - nasal palatal click: nqoba, inqina, nqunu, nquma (bypass)
NGQ - aspirated nasal palatal click:ingqina(hoof),ingqongqo (beads),ungqoqwane(frost)
X - lateral click: xoxa, ixoxo, uxakuxaku
XH - aspirated lateral click: xhawulana, ixhegu, umxhanxa
GX - voiced lateral click: gxamuza, gxoba (stamp), gxila (be firm)
NX - nasal lateral click: inxeba, inxele, inxusa, nxa, inxahi
NGX - aspirated nasal lateral click:ngxama(be angry), ingxoxo(conversation),ingxabano
HL - tip of the tongue placed at the back of the upper teeth: hle, hleka, hlala, hlaba, inhlabathi
DL - tip of the tongue placed further back from the upper teeth: dlala, dla, indlalifa, indlela, isidlodlo
KL - combination of non-aspirated "k" and "I": klekla, umgakla, klabalala, kloloda
The two tones (rare):
Amabele: up> breast; plural of ibele
down> crops
Imizi: up> villages, plural of umuzi
down> elephant grass
Uyahamba: up> he/she/it is going
down> you are going
1) umu/aba (or: um/abe): umuntu/abantu, umlungu/abelungu
2) u/o: ugogo/ogogo, ubabhemi/obabhemi,
3) umu/imi (or: um/imi): umuzi/imizi, umhambi/imihambi
4) ili/ama (or: i/ama): ilizwi/amazwi, iqhaga /amaqhaga
5) isi/ izi (or: is/iz): isizwe/izizwe, isando/izando
6) im/izim (or: in/izin; i/izin): imvu/izimvu, inkomo/izinkomo, imota/izimota
7) ulu/izim (or: u/izin): ulutho/izintho, ufudu/izimfudu
8) ubu (or: ub): ubude, uboya
9) uku: ukuthandana
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