Relating to Property or Equipment Damage or Loss 1. Customer Details (Please Print)
Mr/Mrs/Ms: First Name: Surname: EnergyAustralia Account No: Business Name: Postal Address: Suburb: Postcode: Phone: (AH) (BH) (Mobile) 2. Instructions Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the Investigation Request. Incorrect or incomplete Request Forms can significantly increase the time taken to investigate the matter. Requests related to supply related damage must be completed by the electricity account holder.
When completing this form please provide as much detail as possible. Your request will be investigated and you will be advised of the outcome in writing.
EnergyAustralia may require supporting documentation of the claimed damage, such as repair quotations from a qualified repairer. You will be contacted if this is the case.
This Form is not intended for matters related to billing disputes or workmanship/warranty disputes regarding electrical work carried out by EnergyFix. Enquiries relating to these areas should be put in writing and addressed to the Manager of the appropriate department.
3. Declaration All the information included in this Request is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I understand that it is an offence to make false or misleading claims. Returning the completed form confirms your agreement with this declaration.
Send your request to:
Fax No: (02) 4942 0880 or e-mail: or Post to:
Network Customer Investigations
PO Box 365
Signed: Date:
4. The Incident Note: If the address of the incident was different from your Postal Address, please provide the address of the incident below.
What is the nearest cross or corner street to the address where the incident occurred? What was the approximate date and, if possible, the approximate time of the incident?
Date: Time: (am / pm)
5. Details of Damage or Loss
Description of Damage / Loss
Amount Claimed
(If known)
Total Amount Claimed
Please attach any additional supporting information or documentation to this form.