November 2, 2015-Community Council Minutes Attended by

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November 2, 2015-Community Council Minutes

Attended by:

Malauna Anderson Christi Warr

Sharon Bolos Leslie Saunders

Lacy Richards Nicole Meibos

Rob Lake Lynn Raymond

Quinton Henderson Jamie Phippen

Meeting opened with Lacy asking if everyone had received the email with the minutes Lynn moved to approve and then Christi second the motion…minutes were approved.

Time was turned over to Lynn Raymond to talk about Housebill 215. He mentioned it became law because of Senator Hammon’s experience with his own son and his ipad. The law states that community council needs to be aware of the safety procedure put in place for electronic devices

#1 how they filter

#2 Educating students on safe and appropriate ways to use the internet

Our district uses iBoss filters. There are 2 in place in case the first one fails the second one will just kick in and work. iBoss filters by words and images, it is impossible to have someone look at every bit of content for inappropriate use this way it takes key words and images and blocks it out to be safe.

There are 6 different groups that they break it into

Elementary Students Elementary Staff

Junior High Students Junior High Staff

High School Students High School Staff

They are put in these different groups because key words for elementary students filters might be ok for High school students. For example breast would not be an appropriate word and would probably pop up in an elementary student filter but a high school student may be writing a report on breast cancer and need to look that up.

Things that they automatically block are alcohol and tobacco, guns and weapons, porn/nudity, adult content, along with web proxies which are programs that try to block filters like ours.

If students have their own data plans the will not have to use our server therefor our filters will not block their phones. We do not have a program in our district that shuts down someones data on their phone forcing them to use ours

5,000-7,000 students log in to our server daily. Each student is given a username and password that they can use clear up until graduation. This also gives the students access to all sorts of programs.

Different popular social media websites are allowed or blocked in the following ways:

Site Students Teachers

Youtube redirected to safe site safemode

Facebook Blocked Blocked

Twitter Allowed Allowed

Pintrest Allowed Allowed

Linkedin Allowed Allowed

Google Image Search Safe Mode Safe Mode

Other Social Media Blocked Blocked

The job of keeping up with the filters and the times is a cat and mouse game….some people are always trying to figure out ways through the filters to get to the kids and meanwhile we are always staying up on keeping websites like that blocked. The district is confident they block 99.9% of these sites!

Students sign an appropriate use contract each year of school, this states that if they are found on inappropriate sites that they will lose all privileges of computers in the schools. First time offense they generally go over the contract with the student and parent and sign another one….most people don’t lose all access to computers without having multiple offenses or gross misuse.

If a teacher or administrator suspects misuse by a student they can call the district and they can then look up by their ID every time they have accessed at the school and precede from there.

If each school were in charge of their own filtering programs…they would need 2 iBoss filters and an engineer to run the program which would cost upwards of $100,000.00!!

Different programs help different devices at the schools

MDM Airwatch-Is for iPad/Android Tablets…they only work at the school and they force filtering

Net Support-is used for computer labs…it allows teachers to look in on any computer in the lab at any moment and also to lock them onto any site the teacher wants them to be on.

Google Management-Chrome book management, this requires when using the chromebooks that you use the district assigned ID and password. Even if logged in at home it uses the school passwords and server.

CIPA-Children Internet Protection Act

Teaches Digital Literacy which is defined as thoughtful and responsible use of technology to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create contact

The district used to use NetSafe which required about a 15 minute video that the students would watch but nothing more which is why the district has switched to CommonSense Media which will now include teaching the students safety privacy/security, relationships, cyberbullying, digital footprints, self image, internet literacy, and creative credit or copyright.

The district is excited about this new program for many reasons. They like that this program gives real life examples and experiences to the students. It doesn’t do just the bare minimum teaching the students it goes above and beyond. This program has stuff for both students and parents to learn about internet safety. It also reviews games and apps so a parent can look and see what is being said about the latest games and apps.

This program will hopefully help students learn that social media is real life. A lot of times students disconnect with what they say and do on line. They wouldn’t say the stuff they say on line in real life and times they don’t realize that what you do or say on line stays with you forever.

Our school has already trained our students through this program. It was done in Math, English, and Science classes each teacher took different aspects and learning tools and passed it on with their classes to make sure our students were informed and taking advantage of this great program.

Teachers need to understand the importance and support this program because the way they act about the program will directly affect the way the students feel about the program.

We have safe reporting procedures in place at our school…we have made sure that students are aware that if they see something going on to report it! Report it to an adult, their name does not have to be mentioned, but report it immediately to an adult. This goes for inappropriate use on a computer, or bullying or anything else. If it is questionable as far as internet use the district would be notified immediately and they would have someone look into the students activity and decide if it is appropriate or not.

Looking at a students phone is a gray area because as much as one parent might support looking at a students phone if inappropriate use is reported another will not allow you to ever touch their students phone.

When asked what greatest threat to students is administration answered pornography the district responded with bullying.

Final Report was submitted and is on the website, its shows the breakdown of how money was spent and where.

Goals of getting on track for graduation last year were met when we had 91% of 9th graders leave on track for graduation.

New band teacher has expanded the band program and some money was used for instruments to support the expansion of the band

Parent Night is Nov. 11th and looking for any help the PTSA can give in getting the word out to get people to come including asking local church groups to have their weekly activity at this event. Also going to look into the reminder text that we can send out to remind the students and their parents about the Parent Night.

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