3. Technical managers Manager of research and development Quality control coordinator
4. Information system group Data processing manager Senior systems analyst The committee receives proposals and evaluated them. The major responsibility of the committee
is to make a decision, which often requires more information than the proposal provides, therefore,
a preliminary investigation, is often requested to gather those details. The steering – committee method brings high respectability and visibility to the review of project proposals. The committee consists of managers with the responsibility and the authority to decide which projects are in the best interest of the entire firm. Because several levels of management are included on the committee, members can have informed discussions on matters relating today today operations (treating patients,
ordering materials, or hiring staff members) and long – range plans (new facilities, new programs) that many have a bearing on the project request. The managers provide practical information and insight about operations and long – term development. Systems specialists on the committee provide technical and developmental information that is useful in reaching decisions about project management. The steering committee approach is often favored because systems projects are business investments. Management, not
systems analysts or designers, selects projects for development, decisions are made on the basis of the cost of the project, its
benefit to the organization, and the feasibility of accomplishing the development within the limits of information systems technology in the organization. This is the method used by Peter Wallington’s employer in The Good Old Days of Information systems.