Objectives: The objective of the course is to prepare base for aspect oriented programming

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IT654 Aspect Oriented Programming L – T – P: 3 – 0 – 0 Credit: 3

Objectives: The objective of the course is to prepare base for aspect oriented programming.

Outcome: By the end of the course, students should be able to apply these technique to design and develop a system which are adaptive in nature and relevant for a system.

UNIT I Lectures: 8

Understanding AOP Concepts Limits of object-oriented programming Code scattering

Code tangling

The AOP solution: What Spring provides in terms of AOP Programmatic way Before advice, After returning advice, Around advice, After throwing advice, The old Spring XML way: AOP with IoC in Spring 2.5 AspectJ annotations Before advice, After returning advice, Around advice, After (finally) advice, After throwing advice, Schema-based configuration Before advice: After advice, After returning advice, After throwing advice, Around advice

UNIT II Lectures: 10

Spring AOP Components Aspect, Pointcut Pointcut and its components NameMatchMethodPointcut, RegexpMethodPointcut, StaticMethodMatcherPointcut, DynamicMethodMatcherPointcut, Operations on Pointcut ComposablePointcut, ControlFlowPointcut Pointcut constants, Joinpoint , Advice Before advice, After returning advice, After throwing advice, Advisor,

Spring AOP Proxies Proxy, JDK proxy, CGLIB proxy, Creating proxies programmatically ClassicProxy, AspectJProxy, ProxyFactoryBean ProxyFactoryBean and proxies, ProxyFactoryBean in action

UNIT III Lectures: 12

Advised objects, Autoproxy Autoproxy with classic Spring BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, AutoProxyCreator with metadata

Autoproxy with AspectJ, Autoproxy with annotation, Autoproxy with XML Schema, Target sources Hot swappable target sources, Pooling target sources, Prototype target sources, ThreadLocal target source

Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus of MURP & M. Tech Program – 2015-16 189

AspectJ Support AspectJ annotations Aspect, Pointcut execution, Selection on methods' names. Selection on types of argument, Selection on type of return, Selection on declared exceptions, Selection on hierarchy, Selection on annotations, Binding advice arguments JoinPoint, Binding arguments, Binding of return values, Exception binding , Annotation binding , XML Schema-based configuration Aspect

Pointcut, Recipes Dependency injection in domain objects, Advice ordering, Configuration mixin, Aspect instantiation model, AspectJ weaving in Spring Load-time weaving with Spring, Load-time weaving with AspectJ, AOP strategy considerations

UNIT IV Lectures: 12

Design with AOP Concurrency with AOP, Transparent caching with AOP, Security with AOP Securing methods with security interceptors, Securing methods with pointcuts, Securing methods with annotations

Three-tier Spring Application, Domain-Driven Design Domain-Driven Design Roles and responsibilities Entities, Aggregates, Modules, Value objects, Factories, Repositories Services, Architecture User interface, Application layer, Domain layer, Infrastructure layer , Sample application Design, Services, Factories, Repositories

Three-tier Spring Application, Tests and AOP Application layer and user interface, Test, AOP Cache, Concurrent, TimeExecutionManagedAspect , Transactions Security

Develop with AOP Tools Java Development Kit, Spring, Eclipse, Eclipse plug-ins (Linux, MacOSX, and Windows) SpringIDE, AJDT, Apache Tomcat Ubuntu Linux, MacOSX, Microsoft Windows

Common steps for Linux, MacOSX, and Windows, PostgreSQL Ubuntu Linux , MacOSX, Microsoft Windows. Common steps for Linux, Apple MacOSX, and Microsoft Windows, JDBC Driver

Reference Books: 1. Aspect oriented programming by Massimiliano Dessi, Springer

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