McCord Hospital provides comprehensive integrated outpatient HIV/AIDS and TB prevention, care and treatment. The intervention has managed to keep the MTCT rates as low as less than 3%. Since 2004, 16,000 patients have been provided with care while 8000 have been put on treatment. a cohort of 4500 patient including 800 pediatrics remain in treatment. In the last year, McCord has provided MMC to about 6000 men as an intervention to prevent HIV.
Mccord has about 800 pediatrics in treatment. This includes teenagers. care will be provided to all children above one year who are not yet elligible for treatment.
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Since the inception of MMC in 2011, 3000 men were circumcised. Mccord will continue to increase volumes of men aged 14 and above for MMC. The men are counseled and tested for HIV prior to MMC and those who test positive are referred for care and treatment.
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A cohort of 4500 patients including 800 pediatrics will be transitioned to government and other facilities. McCord will limit new enrollment to treatment to only hospitalized patients. McCord will continue to see only complicated cases and adverse events.
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South Africa has a general challenge of pediatrics care and treatment. Even with NIMART training, most facilities still have a challenge of initiating children on treatment. During this period, McCord will continue to initiate and retain children on treatment. this will be coupled with mentorship and support to the nearby health facilities to enable them to initiate and retain children on treatment.
The goal of the project is to improve the care, support, and protection of OVC through increased knowledge, abilities, and wellbeing of those responsible for the care and protection of OVC at the household and community level across all of South Africa by addressing the often unmet psychosocial and skills development needs of 500 caregivers annually. The project comprises a comprehensive response to the psychosocial needs of caregivers, incorporating skills to leverage effective responses to child protection violations.
This is in line with the USG-SAG Partnership Framework stated in Goal 2: “Increase life expectancy and improve the quality of life for people living with and affected by HIV and TB”; and objective 2.3 states “Mitigate the impact if HIV and AIDS and TB on individuals and communities” which includes the activity c) Strengthen the provision of psychosocial support by SAG. The USG’s role is to strengthen the capacity of SAG and civil society to do this.
The project is focused on sustainable capacity building by developing three curricula which have been accredited by the Health and Welfare Sector Educational Training Authority. This ensures that participants get credits for the training, thus improving their qualifications and potential career growth. The project is becoming cost efficient as Provinces are now contributing to the training. To facilitate this process, the project developed a user-friendly budgeting tool for districts and provinces to estimate appropriate funding requirements.
The project is monitored by using pre- and post-test results of the trainees and overall program reviews are held semi-annually with all stakeholders.
PATH is the prime partner in a consortium called “Thogomelo” (Venda for "caring" or "taking care"). Thogomelo includes Health Development Africa (HDA) which provides leadership in developing and applying guidelines and training materials to support OVC in South Africa and liaising with SAG. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance provides capacity building and monitoring and evaluation. The project works closely with the Department of Social Development and stays aligned with national goals and objectives.
The project has developed three curricula to address the needs of community caregivers. 1) Psychosocial Skills and Child Protection Skills Development; 2) Child Protection Skills Development Program 3) Psychosocial Skills of Supervisors. The project has successfully met the target of training 500 care givers but also pursued accreditation of the curricula and materials by the Health and Welfare Sector Education Training Authority (HWSETA) to sustain training after the project is completed. These materials are being introduced in a cascading skills training program for caregivers throughout South Africa. In addition to the learner and facilitator guides, the curricula are supported by a range of materials including a child protection guidebook, a CD-ROM outlining child protection policy, a psychosocial support diary, a guide for community caregivers on psychosocial wellbeing; a consolidated report of the Rapid Assessment Phase of the project; case studies for good practice on the design of an accredited curriculum in psychosocial support for community care givers and development of training service provider capacity. Further emphasis will be placed on documenting and disseminating evidence of best practices. Thogomelo will focus on capacity building during the remainder of the project. Capacity building activities are planned for the 12 training service providers to ensure they have qualified Assessors, Facilitators and Moderators to effectively conduct the certified training. In addition the project will continue to work with the National Department of Social Development to institutionalize the training and with the provinces and districts to provide guidance on effective budgeting of activities.
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 9821
Mechanism Name: CAPRISA
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: University of Kwazulu-Natal, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, Comprehensive International Program for Research on AIDS