Non-billing party charges that appear on bill for first time. This may include charges for the current bill period and / or charges for previous bill periods that are displayed on bill for the first time.
Used on a proactive 824 to indicate new non-billing party charges
Must Use
Monetary Amount
R 1/18
Monetary amount
Segment: AMT Monetary Amount (J8=Outstanding Customer Billing Party Balance)
Position: 050
Loop: OTI
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional
Max Use: >1
Purpose: To indicate the total monetary amount
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
PA Use:
Not Used
NJ Use:
Not Used
DE Use for Delmarva:
Not Used
MD Use:
Total billing party charges due. This will either be the total charges due to the billing party for this bill; or if the customer has a payment plan, the payment plan amount due to the billing party. This will not include the balance of the non-billing party to whom this transaction is being sent.
Used only with Proactive 824 when bill is issued and only for residential accounts. For BG&E, this will include all other balances shown on bill; i.e., utility gas and electric, as well as any other non-billing party balances.
Data Element Summary
Ref. Data
Des. Element Name Attributes
Must Use
Amount Qualifier Code
ID 1/3
Code to qualify amount
Balance Due
Used on a proactive 824 to indicate the billing party balance due that was included on the consolidated bill to the customer.