1. Definition of Fair Trade
According to the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), fair trade is defined as “a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seek greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions in the South, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers –especially for developing countries.”
Source: World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). Available at: www.wfto-pacific.com
2. Meaning of Fair Trade in Tourism
Many developing countries are now heavily relied on tourism for income. Fair trade in tourism ensure that the people whose land, natural resources, labor, knowledge, and culture are used for tourism activities actually benefit from tourism.
3. The Importance of Fair Trade in Tourism
The promotion of the fair trade concept is not only limited to the trading of agricultural products but is also extended to the development of tourism and hospitality industry in developing countries.
The tourism industry is dominated by powerful multinational corporations based in developed countries. The impoverished communities whose environments, people and cultures are exploited to provide holidays for the wealthy rarely have a voice in the development of the tourism economy and, as a result, rarely benefit from it.
A Case of Fair Trade in Tourism –
Fair Trade Tourism - South Africa (FTTSA)
FTTSA provides a framework for fair and sustainable development in tourism. It has clear standards of supporting disadvantaged producers and staff along the whole supply chain, with fair trading standards and prices, and a fair trade premium for social development in South Africa. Along the lines of fair.
The FTTSA certification programme for tourism products was launched in 2002, and their accredited portfolio of accommodation and activities are increasing annually. There are a total of six objectives to be achieved under this programme, which include: