Basic Programming Concept ( 5.1 )
Define Program and Programming Language ( 5.1.1 )
State the definition of program ( )
A computer program is a set of instructions given to the computer to perform any task.
State the definition of programming language ( )
A programming language is a set of words, symbols and codes that enables human to communicate with computers.
Example of programming language:-
Levels and Generations Of Programming Languages (5.1.2)
Identify the generations of low-level programming languages with examples. (
Low-level programming languages
First Generation
Machine Language
Second Generation Assembly Language
First Generation:
Language that computers can execute directly.
Instructions in this language are in the form of binary digits 1s and 0s.
Examples : Machine Language
101000010011001101 – Statement for adding two numbers.
101000100011001101 – Statement for subtracting two numbers.
Second Generation (Assembly language):
Uses symbolic instructions (mnemonics) to represent the instructions in the programs.
Examples : AUTOCODER, SAP and SPS
ADD R1 R2 – Adds two numbers stored in registers R1 and R2.
SUB R1 R2 – Is the instruction to subtract two numbers stored in the registers R1 and R2.
Identify the generations of high-level programming languages with examples (
High-level programming languages
Third Generation
Forth Generation
SQL, NOMAD, FOCUS, Intellect
Fifth Generation
Prolog and Mercury
Third Generation
Uses a series of English words and mathematical symbols for writing programs to write instructions.
Example: COBOL, BASIC, C and ADA
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