Programs: Maryland Medical Assistance Program (MA)

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Affiliated Computer Services

Pharmacy Provider

Claims Processing Manual


Maryland Pharmacy

Maryland Medical Assistance Program (MA)

Maryland AIDS Disease Assistance Program (MADAP)

Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (BCCDT)

Kidney Disease Program (KDP)

Administered By:

Affiliated Computer Services, Inc

Government Healthcare Solutions

Revised 12/28/2006



Section I


Section II

START UP........................................................................................................................2

Section III

MARYLAND TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES...................................3

KDP TELEPHONES .......................................................................................................4

Section IV

SERVICE SUPPORT.......................................................................................................5

Section V


MA, MPAP & MPDP Claim Format..............................................................................6

Maryland KDP Claim Format.........................................................................................6

Media Options ..................................................................................................................6

Networks ...........................................................................................................................6

Transaction Types.............................................................................................................7

MA, MPAP & MPDP Timely Filing Limits ...................................................................8

MA, MPAP & MPDP Date Rx Written To Date of Service Edits ................................8

KDP Timely Filing Limits ................................................................................................8

KDP Date Rx Written To Date of Service Edits ............................................................8

Required Data Elements...................................................................................................9

Identification Numbers ....................................................................................................9

Section VI


Section VII


Dispensing Limits ............................................................................................................16

Dispense Fees....................................................................................................................18

Mandatory Generic Requirements..................................................................18

Drug Coverage...................................................................................................19

Prior Authorization...........................................................................................21

Recipient Payment Information.......................................................................23

Medicare Recipients..........................................................................................24

Extemporaneously Compounded Claims........................................................25

Compounded Home Infusion (Home IV) Claims ...........................................25

Long Term Care Claims ...................................................................................26

Hospice ...............................................................................................................26

Section VIII


Dispensing Limits ..............................................................................................28

Dispense Fees.....................................................................................................29

Mandatory Generic Requirements..................................................................30

Drug Coverage...................................................................................................31

Prior Authorization...........................................................................................33

Recipient Payment Information.......................................................................34

KDP Recipient with Medical Assistance Coverage ......................................34

Compound Claims.............................................................................................34

Long Term Care Claims, Hospice, Spend-down ............................................34


Section IX

PROSPECTIVE DRUG UTILIZATION REVIEW..................................................35

Section X






Pharmacy Compound Invoice

Standard Invoice for all IV Compounds

Standard Prescription/Invoice For Antihemophilic Products

Nutritional Supplement Pre-Auth form for Tube-Fed Patients and Patients with an Inborn

Error of Metabolism

Prescriber’s Statement of Medical Necessity - Synagis®

Prescriber’s Statement of Medical Necessity - Serostim®

Physician’s Statement of Medical Necessity - Growth Hormone Therapy Initiation

Physician’s Statement of Medical Necessity - Growth Hormone Therapy Continuation


Maryland Medicaid (MA), Breast and Cervical Cancer Drug and Treatment (BCCDT), Kidney Disease (KDP) and Maryland AIDS Diagnosis Assistance Program (MADAP) programs have contracted with AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. to process all pharmacy claims using an enhanced point of sale (POS) system. This program will allow participating pharmacies real-time access to recipient eligibility, drug coverage, pricing and payment information, Prior Autorizations using our SmartPA technology , and prospective drug utilization review (ProDUR) across all network pharmacies. Pharmacy providers must be enrolled through the Medical Assistance Program and the Kidney Disease Program (KDP) and have an active status for any dates of service submitted. This manual is intended to provide pharmacy claims submission guidelines to the users of the Affiliated Computer Services’ (ACS) on-line system as well as to alert pharmacy providers to new or changed program information. Affiliated Computer Services’ on-line system is used in conjunction with the pharmacy’s existing system. While there are a variety of different operating pharmacy systems, the information contained in this manual addresses only the response messages related to the interaction with ACS’ on-line system, not the technical operation of the pharmacy-specific system.
AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. provides assistance through the Technical Call Center, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For answers to questions that are not addressed in this manual or if additional information is needed, contact AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. at:

1 - (800) 884-3238

1 - (800) 884-7387 (Nationwide Toll Free Number)
AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. looks forward to working with you to ensure the success of the Maryland Pharmacy Programs, Breast and Cervical Cancers Diagnosis and Treatment, Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program and Kidney Disease Programs.


Effective February 4, 2007, all Maryland Pharmacy Programs, BCCDT, MADAP and KDP pharmacy claims should be processed through AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. according to the specifications included in this manual. Check with your

software vendor to ensure your system is ready to process according to the payer specifications. The State of Maryland will continue to provide payment and remittance advice on a weekly basis.

Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. will include provisions for the following groups within the Maryland Medicaid Pharmacy Program:

  1. Non-waiver eligible Medical Assistance recipients;

  2. Non-waiver eligible Medical Assistance recipients in long-term care facilities;

  3. Specialty Mental Health drugs for waiver and non-waiver eligible Medical Assistance recipients;

  4. Other drugs as determined by the Department for waiver eligible medical assistance recipients;

  5. PAC Program recipients;

  6. Kidney Disease Program recipients;

  7. Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program recipients;

  8. Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Program recipients; and,

  9. Other recipients as determined by the Department


Maryland Medical Assistance: 410-767-1755

      1. DME/DMA

410-767-6028 Timely Filing Limit

Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program: 410-

Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: 410-767-6787

Kidney Disease Program: 410-767-5006

Help Desk Responsibility Phone Numbers / Email Availability

Recipient Refer recipients to their


Member Help Desk MD (410) 767-5800

(800) 492-5231

8:00am - 5:00pm M-F
Member Help Desk for Maryland Pharmacy Program ( ACS will not be providing this service)

FHS (800) 226-2142 7:00am – 7:00pm M-F,

Excluding State Holidays
Healthchoice Enrollment/HMO Enrollment

MD (800) 977-7388 7:00am – 7:00pm M-F

Enrollee Action Line

MD (800) 284-4510 7:30am – 5:30pm M-F
Technical Call Center for Providers

ACS (800) 884-3238 24/ 7/ 365 1-800-392-3918

ProDur (800) 884-7387 24/ 7/ 365

Prior Authorization Technical Call Center

ACS (800) 884-3238 24/ 7/ 365 1-800-392-3918

MCOA MD/ MCOA (410) 767-1693

(800) 492-6008

24 x 7 x 365
CAMP Office MD (410) 706-3431 M-F, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
EVS System MD (410) 333-3020 (Baltimore Area)

(410) 333-3021 (Baltimore Area)

(800) 492-2134 (Maryland toll free)

24/ 7/ 365
Note: If you have any questions regarding your current NABP/ NCPDP Provider Number, or if you need to obtain an NABP/ NCPDP, please contact the NCPDP offices directly at 480-477-1000. The NABP/ NCPDP Pharmacy Provider Number (field # 201-B1) will be required for all claim submissions.



If for any reason the on-line system is not available, providers should submit claims when the on-line capability resumes. In order to facilitate this process, the provider’s software should have the capability to submit backdated claims.


In order to resolve technical problems, providers should follow the steps outlined below:

1. Check the terminal and communications equipment to ensure that electrical power and telephone services are operational. Call the telephone number the modem is dialing and note the information heard (i.e. fast busy, steady busy, recorded message). Contact the software vendor if unable to access this information in the system.

2. If the pharmacy provider has an internal Technical Support Department, the provider should forward the problem to that department. The pharmacy’s technical support staff will coordinate with Affiliated Computer Services to resolve the problem.

3. If the pharmacy provider’s network is experiencing technical problems, the pharmacy provider should contact the network’s technical support area. The network’s technical support staff will coordinate with AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. to resolve the problem.

4. If unable to resolve the problem after following the steps outlined above, the pharmacy provider should contact the AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. Technical Call Center at:

MA, MDAP, BCCDT & KDP 1-(800) 932-3918

(Nationwide Toll Free Number)


MA, MPAP & MPDP will require use of NCPDP v.5.1; AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. will not accept any lower versions.
The batch format is NCPDP Batch 1.1. – not currently used by any Maryland programs

The paper claim format for MA, MADAP, KDP & BCCDT is Maryland’s proprietary form on the website. Not all programs accept Paper Claims – see later information for program specifics.


MA, MADAP, KDP & BCCDT Media options include POS, Direct lease line to Affiliated Computer Services, Paper, and FTP. Paper is for exceptional processing only.


The following transaction codes are defined according to the standards established by the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP). Ability to use these transaction codes will depend on the pharmacy’s software. At a minimum, all providers should have the capability to submit original claims (Transaction Code B1) and reversals (Transaction Code B2). Additionally, AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES will also accept re-bill claims (Transaction Code B3). Please refer to Appendix A,B, C, and D for each program’s specific Payer Specifications.

Full Claims Adjudication (Transaction Code B1)

This transaction captures and processes the claim and returns to the pharmacy the dollar amount allowed

under the Maryland Medicaid reimbursement formula.

Claims Reversal (Transaction Code B2)

This transaction is used by the pharmacy to cancel a claim that was previously processed. To submit a

reversal, the provider has to void a claim that has received a Paid status. To reverse a claim, the provider

selects the Reversal (Void) option in the pharmacy’s computer system.

Claims Re-bill (Transaction Code B3)

This transaction is used by the pharmacy to adjust and resubmit a claim that has previously been

processed and received a Paid status. A “claims re-bill” voids the original claim and resubmits the claim

within a single transaction.


The AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. system has program-specific ‘mandatory/ required’, ‘optional / Required When’ and ‘not sent’ data elements for each transaction. The pharmacy provider’s software vendor will need the program specific Payer Specifications before setting up the plan in the pharmacy’s computer system. This will allow the provider access to the required fields. Please note the following descriptions regarding data elements:
Mandatory = required at all times by NCPDP for the transaction;

Situational = It is necessary to send these fields in noted situations. Some fields designated

as situational by NCPDP may be required for all MARYLAND Medicaid transactions.

M or S***R*** = The “R***” indicates that the field is repeating. One of the other designators, Mandatory ‘M’, ‘or Situational ‘S’ will precede it.

Maryland Medicaid, KDP, BCCDT and MADAP pharmacy claims will not be processed without all the required data elements. Required fields may or may not be used in the adjudication process. The complete Payer Specifications, including NCPDP field number references, is in Appendix A, B, C and D.


BIN # :

610084 (Coordinated ProDUR)

Processor Control #:

Maryland Medicaid DRMDPROD



Group #:
Maryland Medicaid MDMEDICAID




Provider ID #:
NCPDP / NABP Number – All Programs

Prescriber ID #:

The system will take the following steps if the DEA number submitted on the claim is not found:

  1. Deny the claim with NCPDP edit 25 (Missing/Invalid Prescriber ID) message

  2. The provider may then either:

        1. Resubmit the claim with a valid DEA number; or

        2. Call the ACS Call Center and request assistance in determining the Prescriber DEA number

        3. If no valid DEA number is found, the Call Center will provide a dummy DEA number

Cardholder ID #:

The system will ensure each recipient has his/her own identification number depending on which program they belong to (i.e. – MADAP, Breast Cancer, etc). In the case of a newborn child please follow the rules below:

The system will ensure claims for newborns will be submitted with the newborn’s ID:

  1. Claims cannot be submitted with the mother’s ID.

  2. If the mother is eligible, there is presumptive eligibility for the newborn. The pharmacist must hold the claims until such time as the newborn has an ID number.

Maryland Medicaid MD Medicaid ID Number

KDP Recipient Number & 5 leading zeros



Product Code National Drug Code (NDC)

(Definition: “Timely Filing Limits” indicates the maximum timeframe from DOS to the date the claim is entered into the processing system.)

Most providers submit their point of sale claims at the time of dispensing. However there may be legitimate reasons that require a claim to be submitted after the fact. For such instances the following limits are in place:

1. Original claims (NCPDP transaction B1) 279 days

2. Reversal and Re-bill claims (NCPDP transactions B2 and B3) 279 days
Note: Claims that exceed the prescribed timely filing limit will deny.

Requests for timely filing limit overrides should be directed to

Maryland Medical Assistance at (410) 767-6028.


This edit applies to original DOS prescriptions and not refills. The amount of time between the DATE RX WRITTEN (NCPDP field # 414-DE) and the DATE OF SERVICE (NCPDP field # 401-D1) may not exceed the following:

If DEA = 2 (CII) – 5 (CV), then 30 days.

If DEA = 0, then 120 days.


1. Original claims (NCPDP transaction B1) 183 days

2. Reversal and Re-bill claims (NCPDP transactions B2 and B3) 183 days

Note: Claims that exceed the prescribed timely filing limit will deny. Overrides are not allowed for Timely Filing Limits.


This edit applies to original DOS prescription and not refills.

The amount of time between the DATE RX WRITTEN and the DATE OF SERVICE may not be greater than 10 days.

Coordination of Benefits (COB)
On-line COB (cost avoidance) will be a part of this program.

If MA, MADP, BCCDT & KDP is the patient’s secondary carrier, claims for COB (coordination of benefits) will be accepted.

MA, MPAP & MPDP are always the payer of last resort, except for Kidney Disease Program. (KDP insists that they are always the payer of last resort)

Other coverage will be identified by the presence of other carrier information on the recipient eligibility file and/ or information communicated by the provider on the claim.

The system will deny a claim if the recipient shows other coverage on the DOS and will return error 41 (bill other processor), a carrier code identifying the other carrier, the patient’s policy number and the carrier name in the additional message text field if no other coverage information is submitted on the claim.

Note 1: BCCDT will return a carrier ID of “77777” for Medicare D and a carrier ID of “88888” for all other carriers

Note 2: MADAP will not return carrier information

The system will deny claims for recipients with more than one active other carrier and will return the first carrier code on file in the response if not all other coverage information is submitted on the claim. Once the first carrier information is entered then the second line of information, and continue until all carriers have been submitted.

If the recipient shows other coverage on the DOS, AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC will deny the claim. AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. will return a unique client-identified carrier code identifying the other carrier, the patient’s policy number and the carrier name in the additional message field. It

is possible that a recipient may have more than one active other carrier; in that case, AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. would initially return the code of the first hit; subsequent codes will be returned until fully exhausted. Providers will be required to submit this code in the OTHER PAYER ID (NCPDP field #340-7C) field as part of the override process (see the TPL Processing Grid ).

Even if no “other insurance” is indicated on the eligibility file, AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. will process the claim as a TPL claim if the pharmacist submits TPL data as indicated in the TPL

Processing Grid.

If other insurance is indicated on the eligibility file, then ACS will process as TPL regardless of what TPL codes the pharmacist submits as indicated on the TPL Processing Grid.

In all cases, AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. will use the MA, MPAP & MPDP “Allowed Amount” when calculating payment.

Note: In some cases, this may result in a ‘0’ payment.

Providers are allowed to override days supply limits and/ or Drug Requires PA conditions by entering a ‘5’ (exemption from prescription limits) in the Prior Auth Type Code field (NCPDP field # 416- DG).

Note: This override situation applies to TPL processing only.

The Maryland Medicaid ID Card indicates if the recipient has other insurance, but it does not specify the name of the other carrier. Following are values and claim dispositions based on pharmacist submitted submission of the standard NCPDP TPL codes.

The Maryland KDP ID Card does NOT indicate if the recipient has other insurance.

Following are values and claim dispositions based on pharmacist submitted submission of the standard NCPDP TPL codes.


Other Coverage Code (field # 308-C8)

Other Payer Amount Paid (field # 431-DV)

Other Coverage indicated on Maryland Pharmacy Programs Recipient Record

Other Payer Date (field # 443-E8)

Other Payer ID (field # 340-7C)

Claim Disposition


0 = Not Specified



M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

This code will not override TPL.

0 = Not Specified






0 = Not Specified


  • No

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

0 = Not Specified


  • Yes

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

1 = No other coverage identified



Valid Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code


Use when primary does not show coverage.

1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

M/I or null


1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

1 = No other coverage identified



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

1 = No other coverage identified



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

1 = No other coverage identified



M/I or null

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Date,M/I Other Payer Date

1 = No other coverage identified



Valid Date

Invalid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, Bill Primary

1 = No other coverage identified



Date > Adjudication Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected

> 0

Yes or No

Valid Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code


(Will pay when all Carriers have been overridden)

Will pay the difference between the Maryland Pharmacy Programs Allowed Amount and the Other Payer Amount (and optionally the Patient Paid Amount).

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected


Yes or No

M/I or null

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected



M/I or null

M/I or null

Date, M/I Other Payer Date, MI Other Payer Amount

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected





Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected



Valid Date

Invalid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, Bill Primary

2 = Other coverage exists, payment collected



Denial > Adjudication Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


Yes or No

Valid Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code


Pay the Maryland Pharmacy Programs Allowed Amount.

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered



Valid Date


Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered



Valid Date


Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


Yes or No

M/I or null

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • No

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • Yes

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • Yes or No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • Yes



Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered


  • Yes or No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered



Valid Date

Invalid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, Bill Primary Payer

3 = Other coverage exists, this claim not covered



Denial > Adjudication Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • No

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • Yes

M/I or null

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • Yes or No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • Yes



Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


  • Yes or No



Deny, M/I Other Payer Date, M/I Other Payer Amount

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected



Valid Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code


Use if primary is full deductible or 100% copay.

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, Bill Primary, M/I Other Payer Date

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected



Valid Date

M/I or null

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected


Yes or No

M/I or null

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected



Valid Date

Invalid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, Bill Primary

4 = Other coverage exists, payment not collected



Date > Adjudication Date

Valid TPL Carrier Code

Deny, M/I Other Payer Date

New 5.1 codes:

5 = Managed care plan denial

Deny, Drug Not Covered

Additional Message:

OCC 5/ 6 Not Allowed for Override

6 = Other coverage denied – not a participating provider

Deny, Drug Not Covered

Additional Message:

OCC 5/ 6 Not Allowed for Override

7 = Other coverage exists – not in effect on DOS

8 = Claim is billing for copay

NOTE: Copay only Claim Submissions will only be allowed for BCCDT and MADAP recipients. The process and required fields are outlined in each individual section of this manual.

Multi-Line Compound Claim Submission

Maryland Medicaid only accepts Multi-line Compound claims. If providers submit a compound claim with a single ingredient the claim will be denied.

The system will accept up to 40 line items (individual ingredients) in each compound claim. The system will allow providers to use Submission Clarification code 8 (process compound for approved ingredients) to override denials for compound ingredients that are not covered.

Duplicate claim Processing

The system will use the following standard methodology to determine Duplicate paid claims:

Response Status: D (retransmission NCPDP Duplicate Response)

Match on: Pharmacy ID (NCPDP field # 201-B1), RX # (NCPDP field #402-D2), Patient ID (NCPDP field #302-C2), NDC (NCPDP field #407-D7), DOS (NCPDP field #401-D1) and New/Refill Code (NCPDP field #601-57)

Error 83: Duplicate RX

Match on: Pharmacy ID (NCPDP field # 201-B1), RX # (NCPDP field #402-D2), Patient ID (NCPDP field #302-C2), GSN (Not on claim; FDB) and DOS (NCPDP field #401-D1)

Error: 83: Different Pharmacy Search

Match on: RX # (NCPDP field #402-D2), Patient ID (NCPDP field #302-C2), GSN (Not on claim; FDB) and DOS (NCPDP field #401-D

Error 83: Duplicate Fill

Match on: Patient ID (NCPDP field #302-C2), GSN (Not on claim; FDB) and DOS (NCPDP field #401-D1)


Days Supply:

There is a per claim days supply maximum of 34 days. Quantity dispensed should be commensurate to the days supply.


Maintenance drugs allow 100 days supply –

BCCDT allows a 102 day supply for Maintenance Drugs.

All Schedule II Narcotics

Leuprolide 3-month kit

Insulin Syringes

Cardiac Drugs

Hypotensive agents

Vasodilating Agents

Potassium supplements




Thyroid Agents


Phenytoin and Phenytoin Sodium

Oral products in which ferrous sulfate is the only active


Chewable tablets of any ferrous salt when combined

with vitamin C, multivitamins, multivitamins and

minerals, or other minerals in the formulation

14 day supply = Helidac and Clozaril (clozapine).

120 day supply = Sodium Fluoride and Leuprolide 4 month kit.

180 day supply = Oral and Systemic Contraceptives.

Requests to override Days Supply are directed to Maryland Medical Assistance at (410) 767-1693.


ACS will ensure the following rules for refills

· Non-Controlled Covered Drugs:

  1. Max 11 refills

  2. Max 360 days supply total with refills

  3. Do not allow a refill on a prescription to be filled 360 days or more from the date prescribed.

· Controlled Covered Drugs- Schedules III, IV and V:

  1. Max 5 refills

  2. Max 180 days supply total with refills

  3. Do not allow a refill on a prescription to be filled 180 days or more from the date prescribed.

  4. Do not fill original prescription greater than 30 days from the day prescribed

· Controlled Covered Drugs- Schedule II

  1. No refills allowed

  2. Max 100 days supply on the original prescription

  3. Do not fill original prescription greater than 30 days from the day prescribed

Emergency Fill – Guidelines

The system will allow emergency fills when claims contain a ‘3’ in the Level of Service field (emergency).

  1. Pharmacy Program recipients will be allowed two 72-hour emergency fills per Rx for non-PDL drugs.

  2. Nursing Home recipients will be allowed a 30 days supply of non-PDL drugs


Maryland Medicaid, MADAP, BCCDT and KDP have a mandatory generic substitution policy.

Accepted DAW codes for MD Medicaid and KDP are:





Accepted DAW codes for BCCDT and MADAP are:



If a claim for a drug is identified as a brand is submitted with a DAW = 1, the claim will deny for NCPDP error code 75, ‘PA Required, Brand Medically Necessary’.

Requests to override (PA) Brand Medically Necessary will be handled by the Affiliated Computer Services’ Technical Call Center, with the exception of drugs that should be referred to Maryland for further clinical evaluation, or to Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. for additional PA processing.


Prospective Drug Utilization Review (ProDUR) encompasses the detection, evaluation, and counseling components of pre-dispensing drug therapy screening. The ProDUR system of Affiliated Computer Services assists the pharmacist in these functions by addressing situations in which potential drug problems may exist. ProDUR performed prior to dispensing helps pharmacists ensure that their patients receive appropriate medications. This is accomplished by providing information to the dispensing pharmacist that may NOT have been previously available.

ACS will ensure that the system alerts the pharmacist regarding each specific patient at the time a prescription is being filled of any evidence documenting, but not limited to, suspected drug over utilization, prescription underutilization, duplicate therapy, drug to diagnosis contraindication, drug to drug interaction, drug-age contraindication, drug - pregnancy contraindication and excessive utilization, iatrogenic effects, adverse reactions or treatment failures.
Because Affiliated Computer Services’ ProDUR system examines claims from all participating pharmacies, drugs that interact or are affected by previously dispensed medications can be detected. AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. recognizes that the pharmacist uses his/her education and professional judgment in all aspects of dispensing. ProDUR is offered as an informational tool to aid the pharmacist in performing his/her professional duties.

Therapeutic Problems:

Maryland Medicaid, BCCDT, KDP and MADAP will deny for Therapeutic Duplication (TD), the Acute to Maintenance Anti-

Ulcer protocol (PP), and Early Refill (ER) only.

Alert messages will be returned for other ProDUR problem types.

Additional ProDur edit denials may be implemented after April 16, 2003.

Therapeutic Duplication (TD) and Plan Protocol (PP, the Acute to Maintenance Anti-Ulcer Edit)

ProDUR edits that deny may be overridden by the pharmacy provider at POS using the interactive

NCPDP DUR override codes for selected conflict types.

To request an Early Refill override, contact AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC.(Maryland Medical Assistance 800-884-3238)(KDP 800-884-7387). See Edits section.

ProDUR denial edits will apply to all media types.
Days Supply:

Days supply information is critical to the edit functions of the ProDUR system. Submitting incorrect days supply information in the days supply field can cause false ProDUR messages or claim denial for that particular claim or for drug claims that are submitted in the future.

Technical Call Center:

Affiliated Computer Services’ Technical Call Center is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

The telephone number is: 1-800-932-3918
Alert message information is available from the Call Center after the message appears. If you need assistance with any alert or denial messages, it is important to contact the Call Center about Affiliated Computer Services’ ProDUR messages at the time of dispensing. The Call Center can provide claims information on all error messages which are sent by the ProDUR system. This information includes: NDCs and drug names of the affected drugs, dates of service, whether the calling pharmacy is the dispensing pharmacy of the conflicting drug, and days supply.
The Technical Call Center is not intended to be used as a clinical consulting service and cannot replace or supplement the professional judgment of the dispensing pharmacist. AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, INC has used reasonable care to accurately compile ProDUR information. Because this information is unique, this information is intended for pharmacists to use at their own discretion in the drug therapy management of their patients.
Affiliated Computer Services’ ProDUR is an integral part of the Maryland Medical Assistance Pharmacy Program’s claims adjudication process. ProDUR includes: reviewing claims for therapeutic appropriateness before the medication is dispensed, reviewing the available medical history, focusing on those patients at the highest severity of risk for harmful outcome, and intervening and/or counseling when appropriate.

Coordinated ProDUR:

Coordinated ProDUR (CPD) provides a mechanism to link all of a recipient’s pharmacy history, regardless of payer, for purposes of performing ProDUR. This includes all:
MCO Services

Specialty Mental Health Services

Medical Assistance Program Services

Providers will submit a single transmission only.

Coordinated ProDUR editing is “message only” (i.e. no denials).
ACS will process claims for the Mental Health Carve-out drugs then send any drugs that are denied to the MCO for processing. All claims MUST be sent to the following:

BIN: 610084

Group ID’s
I will get these and insert them then resend.

Program Specific Information

I Maryland Medicaid


Fee for Service = $1.00 / 3.00

(Recipient groups are identified in pharmacy plans 100, 110, 200-299)

PAC copays = $2.50 / 7.50

(Plans # 120, 160, 300-399)

NH = NO copays;

Preg =NO copays (PA type = 4)

Family Planning medications = no copay

(Plan # 130)

MMI State Funded Foster copay = $1.00 / 3.00 (no exceptions)

(Coverage Code = 110.)

MCO/ HMO copay = $1.00 / 3.00

(Plan 200-299)

Copay exceptions ($0 copay) regardless of plan assignment:

Patient <21 years old (as determined by the eligibility file).

Patient is pregnant (as determined by submitting pharmacist entering ‘4’ in Prior Auth Type Code field.

Drug is a Family Planning drug.

LTC claims, with the exception of groups S16, S17, and S18.

Group S12 and drug is family planning.

PDL – 3 day emergency supply.

Maximum Dollar Amounts:

The system will allow a max cost per prescription of $2500.00 including compounds.

The system will deny claims that exceed the maximum dollar limit of $2500.00 with error 78 (Cost Exceeds Max) and the message text “Contact ACS at 1-800-932-3918 to request override”.

The ACS Technical Call Center may allow prior authorization requests for dollar limit overrides after validating the quantity submitted.

Note: When reviewing submitted claims over $2,500.00, ACS Technical Call Center personnel will consider the following minimal criteria:

  • Proper dispensing units are being submitted, as per the ACS System editing criteria;

  • Proper days supply being submitted as per number of units dispensed;

  • Proper FDA dosing guidelines being followed; and

  • Quantity limitations that already exist as system edits..

The reviewer will use professional judgment and the above minimal criteria to preauthorize a claim. Claims not in compliance with profession judgment and minimal criteria will be denied.
Days Supply

The system will ensure up to a 34 day supply is allowed for non-maintenance medications and a 100-day supply for maintenance medications. Exceptions:

  1. Oral contraceptives = 180 day supply

  2. 14 day supply, as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

  3. 28 day supply, as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

  4. 90 day supply as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

  5. 100 day supply, as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

  6. 120 day supply, as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

  7. 180 day supply, as identified through drug file analysis (see below)

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