Provider Enrollment (pen)

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Initial Contact

Contractor must demonstrate efforts made to Contact DFPS authorized Families.

      1. Contractor must attempt initial contact within six (6) Business Days of receiving the Service Authorization and/or schedule an appointment time with the Family.

      2. Contractor will send out the template welcome letter to the Family within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the Service Authorization. Contractor will then follow up with the family within three (3) business days with an introductory phone call to set up the Intake and Assessment Home Visit. If client can't be reached by phone, the contractor will attempt the first initial Contact via home visit within 48 hours. If the client is unavailable, the Contractor will attempt another phone call and then a second home visit will be attempted.

      3. If Contractor is unable to make contact with a family in the required time frame, the Contractor must contact the HIP Program Specialist and cc: the HIP Contract Manager via the HIP email box, detailing in the email the extenuating circumstances that caused the delay of contact with the family as required.

    1. Missed or Cancelled Appointments

      1. Missed by Contractor

Contractor Missed appointments are not billable to DFPS.

      1. Cancelled by Contractor

The Contractor is responsible for a twenty-four (24) hour prior notification to Families when a visit must be canceled. If the client cancels the appointment, the appointment can then be billed as an Unsuccessful Attempt home visit. Contractor must maintain documentation regarding notification of cancellation and Contacts in each relevant Family’s file. DFPS may conduct periodic random phone interviews with clients to ensure scheduled appointments are being conducted and ample cancellation notice is given when absolutely necessary.
    1. Records Management

      1. DFPS PEI Database or Other Data Reporting Tools

        1. HIP Contractor must key-enter all service data for all participants served through the HIP program into the DFPS PEIRS database or other data reporting tools using a secure internet connection. Data entered into the PEIRS database or other data reporting include the registration information, service data, and Outcome data (e.g. the Pre and Post Service Protective Factors Surveys and the Program Experience Survey). Contractor must ensure that computer equipment used for data entry meets minimum requirements established by DFPS for efficient connection to the PEIS database.

        2. The Contractor must ensure accurate data entry into the PEIRS database or other data reporting tools and must enter all data for a specific month into the system no later than thirty (30) calendar days following the close of the month in which a registration occurred, services were provided, or the file was closed.

        3. In order to be approved for database access, prior DFPS and criminal background check clearance must be obtained. Any person given permission to enter or view HIP Program data must strictly adhere to DFPS rules, regulations and standards for confidentiality, security and integrity of program data.

        4. The Contractor is responsible for entering all data into the PEIS database or other data reporting tools. Data entry must not be Subcontracted out or performed by any Subcontracted service Provider.

      2. Tracking Referrals

Contractor must develop and maintain a tracking system to record Families authorized for services, whether services were provided and/or if any subsequent Referrals were made for the Family to another social service Provider.

      1. Documentation

Contractor will track all services provided in accordance with the Contractor's approved Plan of Operation and using the appropriate PEI documentation forms. Contractor must ensure that all service documentation is complete, accurate, maintained in an organized fashion, and made available to DFPS staff upon request. Contractor must maintain records in a manner which protects the confidentiality of the Families being served. Service Documentation should include, but is not limited to:

        1. DFPS Registration Form; Welcome Letter and postage stamped envelope;
        1. Pre-Service Protective Factors Survey;

        2. Program Experience Survey;

        3. Post-Service Protective Survey;

        4. Release of Information Form and/or Confidentiality Agreement

        5. Case notes, including phone logs, office visit notes, etc;

        6. Initial and Ongoing assessment tools;

        7. Service Plans;

        8. Receipts for Basic Needs Support and Program Supplies

        9. Referral Logs and Outreach Logs

        10. Monthly Client Activity Logs.

      1. DFPS will provide the Registration, Pre and Post-Service Protective Factors Survey and Program Experience Survey Forms to the Contractor through the PEIRS database. If the Contractor is unable to access the PEIRS database, Contractor must contact PEI staff ASAP at to be granted temporary access to the above mentioned forms.
    1. Major Service Deliverables

DFPS purchases home assessments, family service plans and Home Visiting Program services that provide short term in-home parenting education using an Evidence Based or Promising Practice Program to meet the needs of Families at risk of Child abuse and neglect.

Major Service Deliverables include:

      1. Home-Based Assessments

        1. Applicant must conduct an initial home-based assessment of the Family to determine the following:

          1. The overall Family functioning;

          2. Parental and Family resilience;

          3. Knowledge of parenting/Child development;

          4. Social supports;

          5. The home environment; and

          6. The overall well-being and Safety of the Newborn/Child.
        2. If serious concerns about the Safety or well-being of the Newborn or any other Child residing in the home develop during the assessment, the Contractor must immediately refer the case to Child Protective Services (CPS).

        3. A formal, written assessment must be completed within two weeks of the home visit, identifying the strengths of the Family, any concerns noted, a service plan, basic needs support rendered, and any Referrals made to the Family during the assessment. The assessment should be kept in the Family file.

      2. Home Visiting Program

        1. Applicant may provide Family home-based, parent education services, by utilizing one (1) Evidence-Based or Promising Practice Home Visiting Program (see Section 7, Glossary). Applicants are who are trained in CICC Parenting Programs and/or SafeCare are encouraged to apply but Applicants trained in other Evidence-Based or Promising Practice Home Visiting Program models will also be evaluated. Please see the websites for CICC Parenting and SafeCare below:

Please Note: The Home Visiting Program used must be an Evidence-Based or Promising Practice Program that is rated for children zero to five (0-5) years old. After the assessment has been conducted, Home Visiting Program services may be provided for up the maximum dosage of home visit sessions as noted within the selected Home Visiting Program At the time of Application, at least one Program Staff member must be trained in the Home Visiting Program that will be utilized by the operation.
      1. Basic Needs Support Contractors may provide each family with basic needs support. Approved basic needs support consists of: diapers, formula, clothing, cribs, pack-n-plays, bassinets, food, car seats, toiletries, or any items used for the baby, in addition to emergency assistance for the family. Contractors may spend up to $200.00 per family on basic needs support. Up to $75.00 of basic needs support may be billed prior to the completion of the home-based assessment. The remaining funds may be billed during the course of Home Visiting Program services based on the needs of the family. Contractors are strongly encouraged to utilize other resources, such as: food banks, car seat distribution programs (such as Safe Riders,, church clothing closets, etc. to leverage resources when possible. When providing items such as cribs, pack n' plays, or car seats, Contractors are responsible for ensuring they meet safety guidelines. Use of basic needs support for emergency assistance such as help with rent or utilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The HIP Program Specialist should be contacted for clarification and approval in these cases.

      1. Program Outreach

        1. Contractors are required to facilitate and/or participate in outreach efforts with the DFPS Child Protective Services office(s) that are located in their Service Area. These efforts should be substantial, continual and assist in relationship building between the Contractor and CPS, along with promotion of the HIP Program.

        2. Outreach activities can include attending CPS Regional Resource Fairs, CPS unit meetings, CPS All-Program meetings, CPU/RTPC Regional Provider Meetings and other opportunities that will allow the Contractor to promote the HIP Program with DFPS CPS staff and other professional parties that work with CPS staff (i.e. – CASA, Guardian Ad Litems, Foster Parents, Shelter staff etc.).
      2. Additional Program Requirements

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