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28-5.02A General


28-5.02B Portland Cement Concrete

Concrete must be PCC.

For the combined aggregate gradation, the difference between the percentage passing the 3/8-inch sieve and the percentage passing the no. 8 sieve must be at least 16 percent of the total aggregate.

The specifications for the reduction in operating range and contract compliance for cleanness value and sand equivalent for coarse aggregate in section 90-1.02C(2), and fine aggregate in section 90-1.02C(3) do not apply to a concrete base.

The base must contain not less than 550 lb of cementitious material per cubic yard.

28-5.02C Curing Seal

The curing seal must be asphaltic emulsion Grade RS1 or SS1.


28-5.03A General

Aggregate and bulk cementitious material must be proportioned by weight using authorized automatic proportioning devices.

28-5.03B Placing, Spreading, and Shaping

You may place concrete base in 2-lane monolithic segments. A longitudinal joint is not required in the center of the base.

The finished surface must not vary more than 1/4 inch from the bottom of a 12-foot long straightedge placed parallel with the centerline.

After the base has sufficiently set, broom the concrete base surface to produce a uniform, rough surface.

After the free water leaves the surface and the surface is finished but not later than 3 hours after placement, cure the base by applying asphaltic emulsion.

Apply the curing seal at a rate from 0.15 to 0.25 gal/sq yd. The Engineer determines the exact application rate. If you damage the applied curing seal, immediately cover the damaged area with additional curing seal.

Construct transverse contraction joints at 30-foot intervals. Apply the curing seal on cleaned contraction joints.

Saw transverse contraction joints before any volunteer cracking occurs and after the concrete base is hard enough to saw without spalling, raveling, or tearing.

The base must be within 0.05 foot of the grade established be the Engineer

Where the surface of the base is lower than 0.05 foot from the grade established by the Engineer, remove and replace it with concrete base or, if authorized, fill low areas with HMA that complies with the specifications for the lowest layer of pavement. Do not fill low areas concurrently with the paving operation.

If you do not place the HMA within 24 hours of applying curing seal, apply more asphaltic emulsion at a residual binder rate from 0.03 to 0.05 gal/sq yd immediately before placing the HMA.

28-5.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

28-6–28-14 RESERVED


28-15.01 GENERAL

28-15.01A General

Section 28-15 contains specifications for performing work on existing concrete bases.

Work performed on existing bases must comply with section 15.

28-15.01B Materials

Not Used

28-15.01C Construction

Not Used

28-15.01D Payment

Not Used



28-15.03–28-15.08 RESERVED



29-1.01 GENERAL

Section 29-1 includes general specifications for constructing treated permeable bases.


Not Used


29-1.03A General

Immediately before spreading the treated permeable base, the subgrade must:

1. Comply with the specified compaction and elevation tolerance for the material involved

2. Be free from loose or extraneous material

3. Be uniformly moist

Areas of subgrade lower than the grade established by the Engineer must be filled with permeable base.

Spread the permeable base when the atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees F.

Finish the permeable base to a uniform surface within 0.05 foot of the grade established by the Engineer.

Place filter fabric on the edge and on the top of the high side, the side opposite the edge drain side, of the treated permeable base and at intermediate cross drain interceptors. Place filter fabric under section 68-1.03.

Place and compact the treated permeable base for edge drains under section 68-4.03.

29-1.03B Surfaces Out of Tolerance

Where the surface of the permeable base is higher than 0.05 foot from the grade established by the Engineer, remove the base and replace it with the specified treated permeable base. If authorized, remove high spots to comply with the specified tolerance by any method that does not produce contaminating fines or damage the base remaining in place. Grinding is not allowed.

Where the surface of the treated permeable base is lower than 0.05 foot from the grade established by the Engineer, remove the base and replace it with the specified treated permeable base. If authorized, fill low areas with pavement material as follows:

1. For HMA pavement, fill low areas with HMA that complies with the specifications for the lowest layer of HMA pavement. Do not fill low areas concurrently with the HMA paving operation.

2. For concrete pavement, fill low areas with paving concrete concurrent with the concrete pavement paving operation.

29-1.04 PAYMENT

The payment quantity for treated permeable base is the volume determined from the dimensions shown.

The payment quantity for treated permeable base does not include:

1. Quantity used for edge drains installed adjacent to the treated permeable base

2. Treated permeable base used to fill low areas of subgrade


29-2.01 GENERAL

29-2.01A Summary

Section 29-2 includes specifications for constructing asphalt treated permeable bases.

29-2.01B Definitions


29-2.01C Submittals


29-2.01D Quality Assurance

The Engineer determines the asphalt content of the asphalt mixture under California Test 382. The bitumen ratio, pounds of asphalt per 100 lb of dry aggregate, must not vary more than 0.5 lb of asphalt above or below the amount designated by the Engineer. Samples used to determine the bitumen ratio are obtained from trucks at the plant or from the mat behind the paver before rolling. If the sample is taken from the mat behind the paver, the bitumen ratio must not be less than the amount designated by the Engineer, less 0.7 lb of asphalt per 100 lb of dry aggregate.

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